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konfused 3rd Dec 2009 16:52

Coventry Airport
Anybody know whats happening at Coventry? there are lots of rumours that the company that run the field is about to go bust.

ShyTorque 3rd Dec 2009 17:36

Mmm.. I've heard those rumours too, but no hard facts.

sedburgh 3rd Dec 2009 22:56

There are plenty of news reports, here are a couple:
BBC News - Airport facing wind-up petition

Coventry Telegraph - News - Coventry News - Coventry Airport: Solution must be found, say business leaders

NJTCF 4th Dec 2009 09:21

Opening times over Xmas/New year.
Also have a look at Coventry Airports webbsite.

Basically closed for 8 days over christmas and new year.

Close 7pm 24th Dec - Re open 9am 2nd Jan.

With just 2 x 12hrs opening slots 1300-0100 on the 29th-30th Dec.

Chequeredflag 8th Dec 2009 10:42

Supposed to have flown from there today. Had a call this am to say airport closed for at the least the rest of today. Operators winding up petition to be heard tomorrow. Concrete information hard to come by, some saying announcement later today, others that it's closed until further notice. Bummer!

GASH ! 8th Dec 2009 10:52

The airport closed at 10am this morning. Operators were given only 5 minutes warning of the closure. Although the airport is NOTAM'd as being closed until 1200, none of us are expecting it to reopen today. When it does reopen, it will probably only be for remaining operators to remove aircraft elsewhere.

coldair 8th Dec 2009 12:23

A very tragic turn of events.

Coventry is a fantastic airport with friendly ATC, an excellent flying club and other first rate schools and operators.

I sincerely hope that general aviation will still be able to use the site.
I remember my first solo from there as if were yesterday.

Let's hope that someone will keep it open rather than dig up the runway for an industrial estate.

Chequeredflag 8th Dec 2009 12:42

I'm not an expert, but I believe there are some old covenents which state that it can ONLY be used as an airport. Sky News reckons it has shut, with 70 jobs going. There's some hope however, that this is just a bit of posturing before tomorrows winding up petition. If/when West Midlands Airport Authority go into liquidition, the lease will evidently automatically return to Coventry City Council which will hopefully keep it ticking over until a new lessee can be found.

DB6 8th Dec 2009 13:11

I might be a bit behind the times here, but is Air Atlantique/Classic Flight still based there? Great airfield when I was last there, albeit more than a few years ago.

maxred 8th Dec 2009 13:15

The situation must be finacially severe for HMRC to present wind up notice. Liquidator appointed to sell off assets and realise as much 'hard cash' as possible. Not sure it would be quite as simple as the Council picking up the tab. They may however undertake to underwrite any debt, with the eventual outcome a buyer, but in these circumstances the sharks are patrolling the shoreline, with vultures overhead. Pick up a bargain as they say:bored:

goatface 8th Dec 2009 14:33

There has been very little support for the Airport by the local authority and council, it's my personal opinion that their determined objection to the new terminal at Coventry was the final nail in the coffin.

Regardess of covenants, scripts written on parchments or whatever it may say in the Midlands Bill of Rights, I can't see Coventry reopening as a going concern.
It requires someone with £millions to clear the debts alone, but, as an airport that consistently proves it will never have enough commercial traffic to cover anything like the running costs due to continued opposition from local authorities, no one in their right mind is going to take it on.

I dare say that the local authorities who own the lease and the site will ensure that everyone who has any interest in the place will be "persuaded" to go elsewhere and that by this time next year it will be a business park.

fisbangwollop 8th Dec 2009 15:47

Was speaking to an Air Atlantic caravan today operating up north. He was told by company to return to Birmingham due to the closure of the airfield. I understand negotiations are ongoing to get the airfield open for an hour so as to enable AAG to get their aircraft out!! ....:confused:

S78 9th Dec 2009 01:26

CVT should re-open later today as an unlicensed airfield. Not sure how long that status will remain for.


Dawdler 9th Dec 2009 07:20

The airport closed at 10am this morning. Operators were given only 5 minutes warning of the closure. Although the airport is NOTAM'd as being closed until 1200, none of us are expecting it to reopen today. When it does reopen, it will probably only be for remaining operators to remove aircraft elsewhere.
I wonder how this will affect the Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, as it has it's base at Baginton. aka Coventry Airport?

hunterxf382 9th Dec 2009 07:24

It was on the news yesterday that the Air Ambo is still able to operate under special dispensation from CAA - which is what you would expect for an Emergency Service

coldair 9th Dec 2009 07:37

Just heard that CVT ATC is operating but for departures only.

It's a fast moving situation at the moment, fingers crossed and best wishes to all you great guys at Coventry.

You have given me superb service in the past, hope you still can in the future.

Bobs-Your-Uncle 9th Dec 2009 08:27

NOTAM showing operating as un-licensed aerodrome until 2359hrs on 14th Dec (Monday night).

athonite 9th Dec 2009 08:30

Does anyone have any information if the various flight training organisations will relocate or cease trading. I'm thinking here about Atlantic Flight Training, Coventry Aeroplane Club, AWA Flying Group?

Dawdler 9th Dec 2009 08:36

Almat relocated some aircraft to Wellesbourne when it all blew up, but I think they harbour hopes of returning to Coventry asap.

wsmempson 9th Dec 2009 08:49

I rang Coventry ATC this am and was told that they were open for today only for VFR departures, in order to allow based aircraft to leave the field.

I sincerely hope this gets resolved, but I suspect that unless something very dramatic happens, it's all over for Coventry Airport as it was with ATC, radar etc. Perhaps it'll survive as a GA field, but I wouldn't put money on it. I wish them all well, as I've always had a superb service from Coventry.:(

BoeingMEL 9th Dec 2009 12:08

So sad..Let's hope someone will step in...
Did my fixed-wing and helicopter PPLs at Cov starting in '69. Then first commercial job in '80 (AirCom) and IR renewals later too. Many happy memories of a relaxed atmosphere, top-drawer ATC and much more. Oh yes, my only genuine engine failure (downwind 23L) in '88. Genuinely hoping that someone steps in to save Cov for the present and future generations of flyers. Good Luck! bm:ok:

Prangster 9th Dec 2009 14:32

How Many More Will Go Bust?
Given the appalling economic situation I'm wondering who will be next. Given the exodus of big boys from East Midlands and BMI's ropy outlook could they be next? It'll be a bugger trying to fit whats' left into Netherthorpe. (Only joking) I hope

Sir George Cayley 9th Dec 2009 19:12

Winter is always a bleak time for flying training, the schools that provide this and the aerodromes whose business is built on it. (Natch)

2010 might see a huge change in allowing PPL A flight training from non-licensed fields like microlights. That may save a few from bankruptcy. However the delayed increase in CAA charges next year will affect full service airfields and have a negative impact on GA.

Add to this the OFCOM charges, EASA charges, higher taxation and global warming and to me the future looks dismal. Sorry.

Sir George Cayley

tarnish26 9th Dec 2009 19:19

OK folks were all doomed.....going to moth ball the Gulfstream tonight....no call for it anymore.......got an offer of flying a sledge for the next 2 weeks so beggars cant be choosers!!.......Last time I stopped at Baggington I was waiting for a Silver City DC3 to EGJB......afraid its a sign of he times .....were all doomed Capt Manwering!!!:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Fried_Chicken 25th Dec 2009 22:06

There are rumours of a buyer but nothing solid yet :(

Coventry is still available as an unlicensed airfield. Most of the larger stuff (Atlantic freighters, RVL Cessna Twins etc) are operating out of Birmingham with much of the lighter stuff out of Wellesbourne. A couple of the aircraft were due to move out to a couple of the local strips (Wolvey, Stoke Golding, Baxterley etc) but with the recent weather, they may have stayed at Coventry or gone to somewhere else which has a hard runway.

Hopefully all will be resolved soon, even if it does mean a reduction in services (ie the ILS) to save money


Phil Space 26th Dec 2009 00:21

I wonder if Kemble are looking at Coventry.

It would seem to offer a lot more than Llanbedr.

Sir George Cayley 27th Dec 2009 12:25

Except the scenery:ok:

Sir George Cayley

Genghis the Engineer 27th Dec 2009 12:54

Originally Posted by Phil Space (Post 5402721)
I wonder if Kemble are looking at Coventry.

It would seem to offer a lot more than Llanbedr.

As I understand it, the only company that's gone bust has been the managing company - Coventry airport itself is owned by the local council.

That certainly creates an opportunity for a company with airport managing capabilities, but not to buy the airport. (I think).


Sir George Cayley 27th Dec 2009 20:17

Don't forget that the company that just got wound up by HMCR convinced the landowner that they were capable (or should that culpable) of running COV. So will will the local authority be any better able to pick another winner?

Well maybe.

Sir George Cayley

niknak 27th Dec 2009 23:19

This would be the Council which deliberately contributed to the demise of the airport by being deliberately obstructive in all planning applications eh?:*

There is not the remotest chance of them stepping in with any cash to revitalise as an airport when they could develop it as a business park with guaranteed Government help, guaranteed tax breaks for the new customers and a significant employment boost for the area.

Unless a miracle occurs or an idiot with money to burn turns up, Coventry is done and dusted as an airport.

Daysleeper 28th Dec 2009 06:51

This would be the Council which deliberately contributed to the demise of the airport by being deliberately obstructive in all planning applications eh?
Er no.... the airport is owned by Coventry city council however for planning purposes it is in Warwickshire. I'd have thought a good idea would be to get the county boundary moved to let the airport sit within the area of the council which owns it!

As for business park land, there is an entire defunct Peugeot car plant next door so plenty of room for that AND an airport.

The problem really was that Warwickshire saw no advantage to having the airport, they were completely blind the the jobs that the airport created and sustained. THe fact that most of the better paid airport employees lived south of the airport in Warwickshire bought large houses and paid lots of council tax seemed to escape them. Attracting an operator like T fly to a permanent base would have massively increased the number of those jobs.

Anyhow sufficient thread drift back to what is happening with the flying clubs?

Genghis the Engineer 28th Dec 2009 14:18

That's not atypical of councils.

I've had occasional skirmishes with Hillingdon town council - they have the pleasure of Heathrow Airport and Brunel University on their patch. As an organisation they seem to spend much of their time at war with these two - who are not only by far the largest employers of their constituents, but also so far as I can see very responsible employers and organisations who each bring millions into the patch.

And just ask anybody involved with North Weald...

It seems to be in the nature of councils that they are mostly comprised of people who are essentially negative about things, and struggle to be positive about anything in particular.


Sir George Cayley 28th Dec 2009 16:23

And, sweeping generalisation coming, made up predominantly of middle-aged white professional types. :ugh: Oh! how I'd like to get on our local council and shake 'em up a bit:E

Except I'm white, middle-aged and professional :uhoh:

Sad to think that, were there young black airminded citizens willing to stand for civic duties, our cause (aerial fun) might be better served. As it seems that General Aviation doesn't get a decent proportion of black people wanting to join, we may be the authors of our own predicament?

So from ignorant planners to ethnic diversity in one post:ok:

Sir George Cayley

Art E. Fischler-Reisen 28th Dec 2009 16:39

Suffolk Council did a really good job with Ipswich Airport, especially by approving a major housing development right onto the boundary of the most commonly used runway.... now the county has no airport.

cvt person 28th Dec 2009 17:23

For the sake of acuracy the council that was obstructive over planning permision was neither Coventry City Council nor Warwickshire it was Warwick District Council, the county council supported development.

'Chuffer' Dandridge 28th Dec 2009 20:39

Suffolk Council did a really good job with Ipswich Airport,
And also with Crowfield.. 'Permanent' planning permission granted, then taken away....:rolleyes:

One only has to look at the UK planning system to realise that we are always going to be fighting a losing battle with airfields..:(

Flyingvisitor 28th Dec 2009 23:18

Let's get our facts right please with regard to Ipswich and Crowfield. Planning matters are the remit of the borough/district council, not the county council (unless it's unitary authority). Ipswich was closed by Ipswich Borough Council. The Crowfield planning fiasco was the work of Mid-Suffolk District Council. Suffolk County Council had nothing to do with this.

G-CPTN 30th Dec 2009 10:50

BBC News - Talks to reopen Coventry Airport

hunterxf382 30th Dec 2009 11:50

Originally Posted by Phil Space http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...s/viewpost.gif
I wonder if Kemble are looking at Coventry.

It would seem to offer a lot more than Llanbedr.

Now that would be really nice from a personal perspective, as I have interests in both locations.... :ok:

The same thought had crossed my mind almost as soon as the news spread about Coventry.

BRL 30th Dec 2009 17:19

I have just deleted a post aimed at the manager there. Please guys, no more blatant **** stirring posts ok. I have banned someone recently for the same thing and just deleted a post here.

As the old saying goes, play the ball not the player. (and I hate using that phrase)

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