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Lister Noble 13th May 2008 17:57

Not all of them,I know some very experienced commercial and private pilots ,and the last thing they talk about in a flash way is flying.
But there again there are some first class pr**ts about.

Pilotdom 13th May 2008 18:26

I fly because I love it! I love the challenge and the rewards I get from it. Ive also met some of the nicest people through flying and have had experiences that others may not. Im going to Tempelhof next weekend with the Flyer froum and a Pilot I happend to meet at the Aeroclub 3 years ago, and since then we have become good friends. He has always taken me flying when he could and the experience ive gained is invaluable.

My aim is to get a nice touring aircraft that can take me and my better half to cannes, we can enjoy a few days there and maybe return home via LFAT or Jersey etc stopping where we like. I also want to do Oshkosh and fly in America.

Other friends revel in there fancy cars and big houses, I have a small house, but have the passion and thrill of flying! That will never be beaten!

PlasticPilot 13th May 2008 19:49

It's such a damned good question that I developed a section just for that on my blog, with three possible answers for the moment:

Pleasure Sharing - Going There - Good Flying is Rewarding

Feel free to add more !

VeriLocation 13th May 2008 20:49

A few years ago visiting clients in Dublin consisted on driving to Birmingham, M6 / M42 bumper to bumper, paying throughthe nose for parking, queues to check-in, queues to have my shoes x-ray'd, queues to get on board, cramped seats next to sweaty joe public, holding over Dublin , then visit client and do it all over again in reverse. Time from home for travel - about 7 to 8 hours and cost of about £2-300 for myself and a sales guy.
Now in my DA40 ( hang in there Thierlet ) - one and half hours direct to Dublin Weston - when I want and then leave - when I want with stunning views of Wales from FL08. 30 litres of Jet A1 at 63p/l = £20 each way plus Euros 20 landing fee......and then at the weekend the wife & I go to the coast / visit family. What other business tool gives you so much time saving and sheer enjoyment? The only caveat I have is that you need to own your own aircraft to get full access, use it regularly to see the unit fixed costs come down and make it a modern one with a G1000 or similar + autopilot = v easy and safe travel. Dublin tomorrow - fingers crossed the weather holds otherwise it's foot in mouth time...

effortless 13th May 2008 22:02

The comfort dear boy, the comfort. Oh and the sense of security that only string and canvass can give you. More dope vicar?

IanSeager 13th May 2008 22:31

IO, I sort of agree with you but sometimes feel that you make it sound more difficult than it really needs to be

Originally Posted by IO540
To get real European transport utility you more or less need an IR and a very capable plane, and very very few pilots, perhaps 1% of the PPL population, ever reach that stage. Even that you will never (short of a jet) reach the reliability of an airline. And obviously it works only between proper airports.

Depends what you mean by 'real' utility - You are right if you are talking about a very high despatch rate, but plan for flexibility (set your plans in custard rather than concrete) and it all becomes easier, less stressful and there's no desperate need for an IR or a funky aeroplane (although both are good to have,

For me, each year I get lots of UK away-day trips, a number of foreign get-aways each year, and one or two really nice flying holidays to warm places. But the last one is possible only because I can fly ~ 900nm in one go (5-6hrs).
There's really no need top have an aeroplane that will do 900nm in order to have a nice flying holiday somewhere warm. 5 - 6 hrs is way too long for a single leg anyway. It's a holiday, relax and enjoy the places and people you meet on the way.


IO540 14th May 2008 05:55

Ian, I don't disagree, but I did say it works when you can travel to your schedule, which is more or less what you are saying.

In practice, having 1100nm zero-fuel range means you can do trips up to 700-800nm, which gets you over the Alps or into Spain (I am assuming people do the normal thing and fly somewhere warmer :) ) which would otherwise mean a stop in say France or Switzerland etc and hanging around there until the weather improves or whatever.

Some people like stopping in lots of places on the way, which is attractive to those who have plenty of time to play with, but you need even more time that way because every stop introduces a change of weather risk. And doing stops purely for fuel is a huge waste of time and one can get stuck somewhere for hours and then maybe needs to find a hotel.

Whirlybird 14th May 2008 07:16

For me, flying added something to my life...then flying touring added another whole dimension.

I consider it a way of life in itself for a short period. You can be a flying wandering minstrel, going where whim and weather takes you. Don't know where to go? Well, weather looks good in North-East France, never been there, let's try it - file flight plan and go. Weather not good enough? Divert somewhere you've never heard of, stay for a bit, check out the local flying club or scenery, stay the night if necessary. Sometimes you discover a hidden gem, a fantastic place that no-one else seems to know about, and you feel like a real explorer. Sometimes it's boring, but so what, there's always tomorrow...and more new places and experiences.

Modern life is a bit too predictable for me, and even holidays can become that way. But flying holidays, with a basic PPL and an equally basic aeroplane...anything can happen! It's exciting and different...and I miss it now that I've now sold my C150 share, I'm short of both time and money, and my regular partner-in-crime can't manage to go even if I could overcome all of the other obstacles (and I could, somehow).

But I have my memories... And despite the fact that more conventional means of transport have taken me to 6 continents (going to the 7th in October) and nearly 70 countries, my two days stranded in Biberach rank very high in those memories. Where's Biberach, you ask. Well, that's what I mean. ;)

IanSeager 14th May 2008 08:35

Some people like stopping in lots of places on the way, which is attractive to those who have plenty of time to play with, but you need even more time that way because every stop introduces a change of weather risk. And doing stops purely for fuel is a huge waste of time and one can get stuck somewhere for hours and then maybe needs to find a hotel.
Yup, but sometimes both the journey and the destination are the reward! I guess what I am really saying is that being VFR and having a basic aircraft doesn't mean that you can't make long and interesting trips, it just means that you have to be flexible.


stocker 14th May 2008 09:08

Wouldn`t it be great if hotels could afford us the same flexibility that the weather forces on us.
Ive lost count on the amount of times I have had to cancel hotels at the last minute. Thankfully my flying partners at the time have always been very understanding, but isn`t that part of the challenge?

I think flying holidays have to be done with a certain degree of "what if" and anything going to plan is a bonus.
I love it when you have to think on your feet, thank god for the internet on my mobile!!!!!!

Rod1 14th May 2008 09:30

I have an endurance of 5 hours and a range of about 700nm. In practice I enjoy flying up to three hours for one leg, which is about 400nm. With my Wife onboard I limit things to 2.25h or about 300nm.

I love touring the more remote parts of the UK, as well as Ireland and France, but I go on a whim and often decide where I will spend the night at the lunch stop. To me this is part of the romance of flying, and the Scottish islands are the perfect place to enjoy a light aircraft and a VFR approach with almost no hassle as you flit from strip to strip. I fly for fun but because I like touring in the more remote arrears I need speed and reasonable STOL.

I have tried trips in IFR in the past, but you are then flying to arrive, not flying for fun. I spent last weekend touring around Scotland (I am midlands based) and did 5 hours flying over 2 days and had a really good time, met some very interesting people doing exactly the same and will be back up there in a few weeks for more.


S-Works 14th May 2008 09:32

Bless him, don't be too hard on IO, he worked very hard for that IR and likes to let us know he is in the 1%. There is no doubt that an IR increases the utility of GA, thats the reason there are so many biz jets and high end pistons kicking around.

An IR in a spam can does increase the utility without a doubt but without pressurization and proper de-ice then it only adds a fairly small advantage to the spam can flyer, still not an advantage to be sniffed at.

Flying long legs in a standard spamcan is a bit off self punishment! The whole point of GA touring is the ability to stop and take in the local life. Flying for several hours in a Cessna or a TB20 and peeing in a bottle is not my idea of fun. I have the aircraft and the IR but still like to keep my legs down to 3 hours as an average despite being 5 hours plus capable. I flew from Sweden yesterday and could easily have flown the trip home direct at 900nm in just over 4hrs but still preferred to stop half way in Copenhagen to visit a new airfield and have a pee break.

Flying your own aircraft is about having fun, some of us choose to explore long distances other choose to throw their lunch around their stomach and never stray a few miles from home, others dangle under a tent with a lawn mower on the back.

Each to their own, but it all adds up to the incredible diversity of GA and it's the diversity that is available that is why I fly.

fireflybob 14th May 2008 10:01

But I do your quoted journey in reverse quite often and can be airborne 30 minutes after leaving the house. Sitting at 3000ft feeling relaxed, watching the traffic queues on the M40 or A34 knowing I'm not getting stressed sat in the traffic, means more to me than money can buy.
Spot on, Chilli Monster - I find long car journeys (or even short ones) quite stressful and tireing. A couple of years ago I had a job interview at BOH and decided to fly from Nottingham (thats EGBN not EGNX). The Warrior was already booked so I took the Tomahawk - even in the slightly slower PA38 the airborne time was a little over one and a quarter hours. I arrived feeling fresh having enjoyed the views on the way down. The interview done I had a spot of lunch and returned in the afternoon. The return journey by road would have left me wrung out and would have taken much longer and might even have involved a night stop - adding to the expense.

Even on the longer journeys I would take going by air in a light a/c every time over fighting it out with the traffic. Also it's much safer!

clearfinalsno1 14th May 2008 10:51


You must have a nice strip somewhere - care to tell us where it is?

usedtofly 14th May 2008 11:32

A couple of years ago I had a job interview at BOH and decided to fly from Nottingham (thats EGBN not EGNX).
I agree that flying is more fun and less stress, but I still think that many of you are missing the point. If you HAVE to be somewhere ON TIME then the unfortunate fact is that private flight is not reliable enough. As for time, well, if you count the time to drive to the airfield, plan and check the a/c, fly, get taxi to final destination then flying will nearly ALWAYS TAKE LONGER!

I agree with IO540, if you fly then fly to YOUR schedule, this of course means when ever and how ever you like......as long as no one is expecting you on time!

Regarding driving stress I would say set out a little earlier, put the radio on, sit back and relax..........you will probably always get there quicker!

As I said, I think many are missing the point and trying too hard to seek justification. Fly because it's FUN and we ENJOY it........end of! :E

Happy landings :}

UTF :)

S-Works 14th May 2008 12:01

I agree that flying is more fun and less stress, but I still think that many of you are missing the point. If you HAVE to be somewhere ON TIME then the unfortunate fact is that private flight is not reliable enough. As for time, well, if you count the time to drive to the airfield, plan and check the a/c, fly, get taxi to final destination then flying will nearly ALWAYS TAKE LONGER!
No I think you are confusing the concept of private flight and private flight in the clapped out club rental and the lower end syndicate stuff.

If you go further up the chain, still private flight you can a much more reliable launch rate. I fly my 172 for the flights where a virtually guaranteed launch is not required and I am happy be to be stuck somewhere for a few days even with an IR. I have to be somewhere I take the Malibu, short of fog I am guaranteed a launch. At 220KTAS the journey is short. An example home (runway is 300yrds from my door) I can fly from home to Paris in 50mins and a cab ride of 20mins delivers me to the door in under 90mins. If I fly to Edinburgh for a meeting the times are the same. Brussels, Amsterdam all likewise.

GA has great utility and you need to look at the bigger GA picture not just the low end spam cans that can be limited.

usedtofly 14th May 2008 12:16


If you go further up the chain, still private flight you can a much more reliable launch rate. I fly my 172 for the flights where a virtually guaranteed launch is not required and I am happy be to be stuck somewhere for a few days even with an IR. I have to be somewhere I take the Malibu, short of fog I am guaranteed a launch. At 220KTAS the journey is short. An example home (runway is 300yrds from my door) I can fly from home to Paris in 50mins and a cab ride of 20mins delivers me to the door in under 90mins. If I fly to Edinburgh for a meeting the times are the same. Brussels, Amsterdam all likewise.
Agreed, but you are a rarity amongst ppl holders. For most people the reality is quite different.

UTF (smiling but a little jealous) :ooh:

S-Works 14th May 2008 13:03

UTF, I don't think I am that much of a rarity. I am just one of the more vocal!!

The very term General Aviation means that the scene is much wider than is seen by many on these forums. Take a look around the biz jets forum etc. to get a feel for just how much utility GA actually provides.

I think that the mindset (no dig intended at you) that GA does not provide any real utility is the reason why in Europe it is seen as rich man and eccentrics playing with toys whereas in the USA GA is seen as a genuine utility and as a result of this all of GA benefits from the support of government and the representative bodies.

I have always been off the mindset that GA is not only a great pastime but also a great utility and as such have always tried to use it this way. Over the years I have graduated to bigger toys and this has increased even further the utility value of GA to me. The reason that I have so many hours is that where possible I always self fly, as a result I do a few thousand miles a year by car and several hundred hours by air. Meetings that used to mean a two day trip are now single day sociable hours. If I go to a meeting in Paris for 10am local I leave home at 7:30 and will be back mid afternoon. By commercial transport this was a 2 day event.

True utility value.

PompeyPaul 14th May 2008 13:12

I think that the mindset (no dig intended at you) that GA does not provide any real utility is the reason why in Europe it is seen as rich man and eccentrics playing with toys whereas in the USA GA is seen as a genuine utility and as a result of this all of GA benefits from the support of government and the representative bodies.
In the US\Canada I've yet to have any flying cancelled to wx. In the UK I must be roughly running at around 30%->40% of flying trips cancelled by wx. I suspect that's probably more likely to explain the view of GA as utility in NA rather than here in Europe.

Pilotdom 14th May 2008 13:47

As I said, I think many are missing the point and trying too hard to seek justification. Fly because it's FUN and we ENJOY it........end of! :E
How someone wants to justify flying is up to them. The original question asked why people fly, not what others think the justification should be. Some will fly for fun, some will fly for utility and some for both reasons. How can you say someone is missing the point if they are happy with there reasons for doing it?

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