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-   -   Taking passengers flying as a Christmas present (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/303265-taking-passengers-flying-christmas-present.html)

Mikehotel152 5th Dec 2007 15:44

Surely having a Facebook account is a serious offence in itself?! :eek:

Mind you my Facebook account gets plenty of use...

llanfairpg 5th Dec 2007 16:01

Squawk the comment that you made was that a pilot should already know about cost sharing as he has completed an aviation law exam to hold a PPL.

In my opinion that type of attitude is not only very condescending, smug and arrogant but totally unnecessary and does nothing towards fostering a helpful informative forum where pilots can seek advice.

You also stated that you were not sure if a pilot could fly in command from the right hand seat. In that assumption, which is widely held you are incorrect, and I have had this discussion with many self appointed experts over the last 30 years.

You also made comments about what the pilot would do if he got caught out in bad weather. I am making the assumption that sensible pilots who arrive at the aerodrome with the right attitude do not choose to fly in marginal weather. Weather does not suddenly arrive and envelope you when you on take off, apart from in fairy stories.

A PPL should be flying passengers as a Christmas present in VMC, if VMC doesn’t exist and is not forecast to exist don’t go flying and then you wont get caught out, its not rocket science.

In my experience of flying of nearly 20,000 hours from instructing from Jersey --Sumburgh and operating commercially from Greenland to Algeria the only few times I have got caught out is when I have broken the rules and most of those occasions were as a low hour instructor in Scotland.

I have nothing to deal with (your comment) and its people like yourself who make me very glad I am no longer involved with PPL training

J.A.F.O. 5th Dec 2007 16:05


Not sure you've quite got it, yet.

Saab, I'll take into consideration that passengers can only pay towards the cost of flying, eg, 2/3 in total, that is fine, as I'm happy to pay 1/3 of what I normally pay.
If you have 1 pax you must pay at least half, 2 pax means a third and 3 pax a quarter.

Just wanted to make sure it was clear.

I don't even know what a facebook is.

englishal 5th Dec 2007 16:26

So what I would do is....

Take them flying and have a good time...Pay for everything myself..

Assuming we make it back in one piece........if my mate happens to want to bung me a few hundred quid as a belated Christmas present, nothing to do with flying, then so be it ;)

J.A.F.O. 5th Dec 2007 16:32

I take people flying for nothing but accept donations in the form of beer.

Squawk7143 5th Dec 2007 16:33


I think everyone has had enough of this don't you ?

But for the record, I think you need to read the post again

"You also stated that you were not sure if a pilot could fly in command from the right hand seat. In that assumption, which is widely held you are incorrect, and I have had this discussion with many self appointed experts over the last 30 years."

No I did not, I said I did not know and would not comment

"You also made comments about what the pilot would do if he got caught out in bad weather. I am making the assumption that sensible pilots who arrive at the aerodrome with the right attitude do not choose to fly in marginal weather. Weather does not suddenly arrive and envelope you when you on take off, apart from in fairy stories."

No I did not, I asked how an inexperienced PPL would cope from the RHS if he needed instruments in say cloud.

IHMO most inexperienced PPLs would struggle from the LHS with passengers on board. Imagine the problem looking across from the right seat.

As for the rest, I have to say I share your view, I too am glad that you are no longer in the PPL world.

Now unless you feel compelled to have the last word ( and I am sure you will ) let this be an end to our discussion.:bored:

rsuggitt 5th Dec 2007 16:49

"With the giving period coming up, a couple of my friends have asked me if I would do a flight for their parents as a gift."

Hi Luigi,

It's fun to fly with passengers, but just to share some experiences.... many people have said that they'd like to come flying with me.....
But it's sometimes difficult to co-ordinate dates/times/planes....
Some people will drop everything if I say 'I've got a plane on such and such a date, do you want to come'
Others will tell me that they have to go shopping or were going to meet friends.
Sometimes I've asked people to tell me when they are free so that Ican try to book a plane on that date, but often I dont get a definite reply.

The first lot are usually real fun to take flying, they usually really enjoy it.

The others often mean it when they first say it, but I think they then get cold feet when they realise that it can really happen.

May I suggest ... if people dont make an effort to make time to come flying with you, dont keep calling them, it's a waste of time.


llanfairpg 5th Dec 2007 17:01

Squawk --Amen

I think yes you might have had enough of it, no one else is interested in what you have to say.

If you feel pilots should already know the answer to the questions they are posing on this forum I suggest you stick to watching CBBC because that attitude is not whats needed on a forum.

Make a contribution other than a criticism of the original post and you will not attract criticism of your ego..

Note to moderator

I think people who criticise people for making a post rather than just helping them with it should be removed from this forum

Mikehotel152 5th Dec 2007 19:56

I agreed with llanfairpg! :D

llanfairpg 5th Dec 2007 21:38

Luigi --You said

I promise to make it an enjoyable experience and promote GA as a safe and fun hobby.

Anything else I may need to add?

I would just like to add that I think that is a lovely attitude

Human Factor 5th Dec 2007 21:40

I take people flying for nothing but accept donations in the form of beer.
I like to think of it more as a free gift. :ok:

radicalrabit 5th Dec 2007 21:51

only 4 people?
Does this mean I can only take 4 or that only four can contribute to the costs ? Just a matter of interest .. anyone? I am sure there is a verbatim quote out there somewhere...

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