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Ginge_One 8th Jun 2005 10:52

Minty, I agree with every word..

Stik, honestly, there is no need to apologise to anyone. Your performance was spot on and there were plenty of people on the ground that were well impressed!! As minty said, several of our neighbours have nothing better to do than wake up in a morning and think "What can I complain about today!"

MyData 8th Jun 2005 12:17

I find it unbelievable that people complained. Quite staggering for a one off short flight - just who are these people? They'll be complaining next that the noise from the M1 is too much and demanding it be closed.

With Sheffield being one of my local spots I was hoping to pop down the next time you were in town.

Instead you might have to fly to Crosland Moor and I'll be able to watch the 'display' from my back garden ;-)

topcat450 8th Jun 2005 13:11

Would a few letters of support go anyway towards countering the complaints? or would it fall on deaf ears?

Minty - I think you've got it spot on there.

helicopter-redeye 8th Jun 2005 14:09

after recieving a few stern words from the management this morning, I'm afraid they'll be no more fun in the overhead at Sheffield

We'll now there's a thing.

Interestingly, from right underneath, it was less noisy that the constant drone of the nearby M1/ M18; heavy mining lorries from t'big 'ole opposite and that blasted red helicopter going overhead.

(NB 'flooded' the switchboard would be the man down the road with a portable autodialer - he does double glazing as well).

Keep Sheffield Flying


NB more, next time do it over HQ Redeye to the west. No complaints from there

Fast Erect 8th Jun 2005 17:47


I suspect I know who you are, and I apologise for the slur on your good self.
Me thinks you know to whom I refer though.:ok:

Ginge_One 8th Jun 2005 17:59

No Problem FE,

I know exactly what you mean mate :ok:

stiknruda 9th Jun 2005 21:08

I'll be at EGSY tomorrow, wx permitting. eta 10L dep 13L

no aeros, no noise, no smoke!


helicopter-redeye 10th Jun 2005 06:25

Cloud base overcast at 1400 - 1600ft. Would'nt be so much space to smoke anyway ....


McFunkletrumpet 24th Jun 2005 10:04

Sheffield City Airport doomed
From Popular Flying November 1989.
"The city of Sheffield in South Yorkshire is set to get its own airport by 1993,following the decision to allow construction at Tinsley Park once the open cast mining of coal is completed at the site. The city council have agreed that the coal can continue to be mined up until February 1993, after which the appropriate work will be carried out on the open cast site to stabilise the land form needed for the opening of the airport four months later.
Sheffield is the largest English city without its own airport and such a development is sure to help regenerate the local economy and bring much needed jobs to a long term unemployment blackspot. Nice to see a new airport being built for a change, instead of the sorry saga of airfield closures"

So There!!! It must be true....it was in Popular Flying.

helicopter-redeye 24th Jun 2005 10:42

... all because Mr Scargill used to enjoy a round of golf on Tinsley Park golf course.

If had played on Beauchief we would have had an airport in the West of the City instead...

FullyFlapped 24th Jun 2005 15:13

I was at Sheffield yesterday : the apron was absolutely jam-packed with both FW and egg-beaters. Not enough room to swing a Peel development manager around by his wotsits ....

it's a bloody shame if it does go ....

FF :ok:

helicopter-redeye 24th Jun 2005 16:43

Its quite full at present becaise of the three extra H circles at the end. This has taken out about 6 FW parks.

A lot of people FW and RW are parking outside because of the hangerage cost. If more aircraft and rotary were put away (there is space) the congestion goes down.

As you observe, shame when it goes. Aviation has had a kick start locally (there never used to be anything flying over), now there is lots.


Noah Zark. 24th Jun 2005 19:04

The thought keeps occuring of all of the companies that were conned into setting up at the "new, prestigeous development" right alongside Europe' s latest airport, one hour away from two of the busiest travel hubs in Europe (Heathrow & Amsterdam) Yada yada yada.........
Suddenly, no airport! Whaaaaaaat?
When is the penny going to drop? (Thinks, eyup lad, I think we've had one stuffed up us 'ere. Best say nowt, don't want to look an even bigger pillock!)
To the Captains of Industry in my city who might just be reading this I say "Wake your bloody ideas up. When its gone its gone. There will never be another !
You are about to have the biggest egg-under-the -hat routine done on you ever to be witnessed. And you will hear the laughter forever!" :sad:

stiknruda 24th Jun 2005 21:45

I have a nagging suspicion that I shall be there again on Wed 29th, in my two seat bipe!

Sheffield (door to door) is 3.5hrs in a car from mine but less than an hour by air plus 20 mins by cab for door to door! I love Sheffield City airport.

If all UK towns/cities were as easily accesible as Shef'l'd, I'd probably bite the bullet and buy a V35B Bonanza, do my IR and stop harking on about aerobatics, etc!


helicopter-redeye 25th Jun 2005 16:20

The thing that would make the place really good would be out of hours use by based and/ pre auth'ed aircraft (like Gamston 0600hrs to 2100hrs) or HIAL sites.

The it would be possible to get places for work not just pleasure.


Noah Zark. 25th Jun 2005 21:39

The trouble with that one is that it might start to make the place look viable, and we can't have that, can we?
As in your previous, the hangarage costs, same as the landing fees, are all being jacked up to make it unaffordable for a lot of people to hangar their a/c, so no revenue from the nice new hangars they've put up, and then you've got the end game-"See, told you it was a waste of time. We've given it a fair go."
Whilst out of the side of someone's mouth-"Now, get it shut!"

Minty Fresh 14th Jul 2005 11:36


"Independant Report" generally paid for by said Airport

"Heres the brief - this is the conclusion - pad the middle for us"


MichaelJP59 14th Jul 2005 12:09

"If the airport shuts before 2007, the city could benefit by up to £500,000..."

up to, i.e. £1

What blatant spin-doctoring, as others have said, they clearly decided what decision they wanted before they commissioned the report.

helicopter-redeye 14th Jul 2005 12:17

if an early release were approved, up to £500,000 could be transferred to an early release fund to improve links to the Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport or spent on marketing Sheffield overseas as a tourist destination.
It's funny enough seeing "Doncaster" on a airport departure board, but ....

Wonder if it's the airport only or if the heliport bit will stay (Sheffield International Heliport).

Incidently - links to DSRHA. It's quicker to drive to East Midlands Airport than to Finningley. That's because there is a big motorway going that way. And, are Sheffield going to give money to Doncaster? Nope, thought not.

Also, Manchester and East Mids have real business flights, not just holiday charters.

Wonder how much of the £500,000 will be availble to the aviation businesses at EGSY who will then have to "start again" somewhere else.

No? Thought not ... Lets spend the bung on 'marketing Sheffield as an overseas tourist destination'. You too can sing at the club used in the Full Monty ...

Anybody remember the World Student Games ?

Same gullable guys and gals. Same result.

Noah Zark. 14th Jul 2005 16:35

It would be much more attractive and certainly more feasible if the prospective "overseas tourists " for Sheffield had an airport within the city limits to fly in to, as we used to have!

MichaelJP59 14th Jul 2005 16:56

The idea of Sheffield as a destination for overseas tourists is laughable.

What's more, it doesn't need it, Sheffield gets more than enough visitors with its vast seasonal student population.

What Sheffield needs is more quality businesses like Leeds and Manchester have. A convenient airport has to be a factor in that - 63 minutes surface transport to MAN it says in the report. Yeah, right, at 3.00am in the morning maybe!

helicopter-redeye 15th Jul 2005 07:48

From personal, bitter, weekly experience I can state absolutely that Sheffield (West at that) to Manchester Airport (car park nearest to T3) is 77 mins best case starting at 04:25Hrs in the morning, driven 'at a fast pace' over the goats track.

63 mins? Not within the speed limit.

No doubt the same 'consultants' if working on a railways project would also say Sheffield has good links to London by rail ....

Ginge_One 19th Jul 2005 08:24

Taken from Sheffield City Councils website:


"Early Release for Sheffield City Airport

Following an independent report earlier this year which showed that Sheffield City Airport was not commercially viable to continue to operate, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet have agreed to early release from the 10 year lease, subject to successful negotiations with the Airport's operator. It will now go to Council for a final decision on 27th July.

An Early Release Fund could now be used either to improve bus links to Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport or to be spent on marketing Sheffield abroad as a tourism destination. "

Looks like Mr Peel's master plan is coming together nicely!!!:mad: :mad:

MichaelJP59 19th Jul 2005 08:41

"...was not commercially viable..."

From the report it seems that similar small airports in different parts of the country are allowed to count the commercial success of the associated business parks to offset the airport costs.

Why is that not done in the Sheffield airport analysis?

As for improved bus links to DSA, it just shows how far we've sunk - from an international airport with an excellent service to AMS to a new bus to Finningley:mad:

Minty Fresh 19th Jul 2005 11:02

Because that wouldn't have been the result they were after!!!

They're seperate companies now. Although the Business Park owns half of the Airport along with Peel they are in fact seperate entities.

They provide the cashflow etc to the Airport but the companies are nicely split up - just in case the Airport didn't work !!!

helicopter-redeye 28th Sep 2005 07:54

Limiting airport growth 'would cost 25,000 jobs'
It seems our old friends York Aviation, writers of the report on EGSY, have popped up in the news again.

From yesterday's Times ...

The report from York Aviation consultants show airports act as catalysts to local economies and are particularly encouraging to the knowledge based industries that are considered essential to Britain's success as an ecomony.
Other extracts from the report demonstrated the number of jobs supported by airports in the UK and how a further 672,000 jobs could be supported by 2015.

So, one airport has no future but as for the rest ...

Hey! Where's my watch gone ;)

NB the scary thing is that York Aviation Consultants are rumoured to be 'advising' Oban Council about the future of Oban Airport ..:hmm:

wombat13 29th Sep 2005 09:42

such a shame
I visited this field a few weeks back with my brother. We were both taken aback by the friendliness and professionalism of the place.

From the tower, to the lady on reception whom we paid for fuel (no landing fees on 50l uptake), to the fire crew who when grabbing a bite at the rather nice cafe received a call of smoke on the perimeter and were past me and my bro' faster than a hare at a coursing event - professional to a man / woman.

Point of this message? I can understand us in GA being upset at the loss of such a high quality field, but to the staff who IMHO offer well above average service, I take my hat off to you for staying above it.

Thanks for making my visit so enjoyable.

The Wombat

Piltdown Man 29th Sep 2005 12:54

I'd suggest that the place will be closed. Nice brownfield site, lots of houses (probably "affordable" as well), nice little bung for the right person person on the council to be a "consultant" or to get a directorship on the developers board! Aviation was doomed from the start. It was big enough (although bigger is better), it had the passengers, but it was difficult to justify taking an airliner there without a respectable radar service and controlled airspace - too many bug-smashers. But too few of them to make it pay!

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