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-   -   Old aviation stuff wanted for charity. (https://www.pprune.org/private-flying/103205-old-aviation-stuff-wanted-charity.html)

Whirlybird 22nd Sep 2003 16:36

Old aviation stuff wanted for charity.
I've just signed up to do a 5-day camel trek across the Gobi Desert next year. To do this I need to raise £2500 for the Blue Cross, who rescue abandoned and illtreated animals, and also provide free veterinary treatment for pet owners on low incomes. I've paid a £300 registration fee, and donated £500 of my own money; that should cover costs, so all donations after that will go to straight to the charity.

That's where I hope you lot come in. I have a source for selling old and out-of-date aviation stuff - charts, flight guides, books...anything at all really. It's primarily collectors and sim enthusiasts, and they'll buy virtually anything. You don't really need last year's Pooley's, do you? So rather than throw the stuff away, or leave it cluttering up the house, can you please send it to me? If so, send me a PM and I'll give you my address - I'd rather not post that here.

Of course, straightforward donations are equally acceptable - if not more so!

BRL, I hope this isn't breaking any rules, and...any chance of making it a sticky for a bit?

Comments as to my sanity or otherwise concerning the camel trek are not required. :D

handyandyuk 23rd Sep 2003 03:07

Whirly, could I interest your hunt in a Mk27H Aircrew Life Preserver perchance? Deactivated but not mutilated, may well interest a collector. Your PM doesn't want to work for me, so please try mine if you're interested. :D


OK Whirly.... on way. :ok:

Whirlybird 23rd Sep 2003 03:42


I got your pm, and have replied, saying yes please!

Whirlybird 24th Sep 2003 16:35

Hmmm... well so far I only have offers of Andy's life preserver, and possibly an old ejection seat!!!!! That's great, and much appreciated, but what about the more mundane stuff? Come on, what do you usually do with your out-of-date charts? You can't ALL be papering the loo walls with them! Couldn't you just...please...put them in an envelope...and...only when it's convenient, mind...send them to me. Pleeasssse!!!!!!!!

Vfrpilotpb 24th Sep 2003 17:13

Ive got a couple of old things, satrting with ME, and ending with a couple of old charts and a pooleys, if you PM your abode I will send to you.


Circuit Basher 24th Sep 2003 18:01

Whirly - will have a scratch around and see what I can find. ISTR there's a 1997 copy of Pooley's somewhere in my flight case [I take it that used sick bags are not required?? ;)]. There was a Vintage Aircraft Engineer for sale on EBay a few weeks ago, but it got removed!! :D

5 days camel trekking, eh - not nearly as special as flying heliocopeters in Russia!! :)

Whirlybird 24th Sep 2003 19:26

Circuit Basher and vfrpilotpb,

Many thanks, and check your pms.

I have a new fundraising idea!!!!!!!!

TREK THE GOBI WITH ME! For a minimum £5 donation, I will write your name on a Tshirt, and I will wear this Tshirt while on the trek. Hopefully I will get some photos of me wearing it, and some clever person can post them on here for me. The (tenuous) aviation connection is that I'm copying Polly Vacher, who got signatures on her aircraft for donations (more than £5 ones; this is a bargain!) for her "Wings around the world" record breaking flight.

The easiest way to do this is to donate to my PayPal account, using [email protected]. But if you want to send cheques, I'll let you have my address.

Whirlybird 30th Sep 2003 16:09

Wow, all parcels arrived together; it was like Christmas today! Thanks folks, and thanks to those who sent donations. But more would be most welcome!

Tall_guy_in_a_152 2nd Oct 2003 04:40

I have some odds and ends gathering dust (96 Pooleys, charts etc) but am concerned that the postage will cost more than you can sell it for.

A plan is hatching (painfully slowly) in my mind that maybe the London bash on the 18th might provide an opportunity to gather up a collection of aviation odds and ends. If we can work out some means of getting the goods to Wales without troubling the Royal Mail then you (ie the Blue Cross) will be quids in. Pprune relay perhaps?

Any thoughts people? :confused:


p.s. yes I know I'm being incredibly tight, but I'm an engineer. I can't help it. :O

BRL 2nd Oct 2003 05:52

I may be heading up that way in November. I was due to pick up some music equipment but that will not be ready for another couple of weeks. I was going to pick it all up this weekend but as I say it has been called off for a while. I could kill two birds with one stone and drop them off whilst I am up that way as I have to go to Liverpool/Wirral.

Whirlybird 4th Oct 2003 17:47

Many thanks guys. I do see the problem. I should be at the Cosford picnic at the end of October if that's any help, and hopefully at the Gatbash in December. So hopefully we can sort something out.

Meanwhile...over £200 made on Ebay in two weeks for the Blue Cross!!! And I haven't even put any of the stuff PPRUNers have sent me on there yet.

Circuit Basher 8th Oct 2003 16:19

Sorry for the delay, Whirly, but yesterday I finally got around to posting an old (spiral bound 96 vintage) Pooleys and an Aerad Flight Info Supp in case it's of any value to someone.

Whirlybird 8th Oct 2003 16:59

Many thanks CB. Someone will want it; the other aviation items prooners so kindly sent me are doing well on Ebay...anyone want me to post links?

So far I've raised over £300 in three weeks, from donations and Ebay sales. So it really works! But I need another £1700, so please keep sending the stuff to me.

VP8 9th Oct 2003 23:48

Got a full world set of Jeppersens in leather binders!!!!

Last updated approx 18months ago so no use for planning purposes if interested!!

Veeps :ok:

Whirlybird 10th Oct 2003 00:51

Yes please!!!! Check your pms.

BRL 10th Oct 2003 02:53

Whirly, it would help if you put up a link to your stuff on here. :)

Whirlybird 10th Oct 2003 16:19

Links to Whirly's aviation related stuff on Ebay
OK BRL, your wish is my command ;)

Quarter mil Borders chart

Quarter mil Central England/Wales chart

1999 Pooleys

RAF Life Preserver

I'll add more to this post as I put them on Ebay - should be more tonight if I get time, and probably some high vis waistcoats at the weekend if my cheap source has any left. All going to charity, folks. And thanks again for the donations. :ok:

Whirlybird 14th Oct 2003 21:09

The out-of-date Pooleys sold for £9.50, and the old charts for £5.60 each, with a request for the southern quarter mil if I had it - anyone got one? And the RAF Life Preserver just sold for £21.50. So thanks a lot folks...and please keep 'em coming. Sorry I haven't had time to keep the links up to date, but all my aviation-related stuff is in the aviation section of Ebay - surprise surprise! :) I have a cheap source of nasty high vis yellow waistcoats, so those are there too if anyone wants one. :( :eek:

So far I've raised nearly £500 since Sept 19th, from donations, Ebay sales, and similar, so many thanks.

Another £1500 approx still needed....

Tall_guy_in_a_152 15th Oct 2003 16:39

I'm fairly sure I've got a 1996 Southern quarter mil chart you could have. Will check tonight.


Whirlybird 16th Oct 2003 01:26

Thanks TG. :ok: Let me know if you've got it, and I'll pm you my address.

Tall_guy_in_a_152 16th Oct 2003 21:24

.... it turned out to be a 1993 chart (I must have bought it pre-PPL) but I don't suppose that makes any difference. All the built-up areas are just a bit bigger than they used to be! :)


Whirlybird 17th Oct 2003 16:45


Many thanks.:ok: Check your pms.

Whirlybird 26th Oct 2003 23:22

Over £600 now since 19th September, not all from aviation item sales, but a lot is. So thanks to all who sent stuff, and please keep it coming. :ok:

Whirlybird 9th Dec 2003 16:26

Halfway there!!!!!!
An update...

I've now made just over £1250, so I'm halfway there! This isn't all from aviation related sales, but much of it is, so many thanks to those who contributed stuff. To give you an idea, a headset with a wonky connection made £26.50, Ray-Bans sold for £38, most old charts make about £5-10, old flight bag sold for £16, Experimental Test Pilot's diary made £13.

I still need another £1200, so please keep sending me stuff! For instance, if you update your flight guide this coming year, can I have the old one please? And all unwanted Christmas presents, aviation related or otherwise, can be used. Either send things to me, or bring them to the Gatbash, or I may be at the London bash this weekend.

Thanks again; hope I'm not boring you all, but I thought people who donated stuff would want to know what happened to it.

Circuit Basher 9th Dec 2003 17:54

Well done, Whirly! I'll keep my eye out for anything more of relevance!

On a reverse note, I'm also bidding for a log book that you're selling - just going to EBay to see how much it's worth now!

Keef 9th Dec 2003 18:07

Hi Whirly - I'll put together a carrier bag of stuff I keep meaning to get rid of (old charts, flying books, POHs, that sort of thing) and bring it to the London bash on Saturday.

Whirlybird 9th Dec 2003 18:32

Thanks Keef, that's brilliant. :ok:

If I don't manage to get there, maybe someone who's going to the Gatbash would be willing to take it and bring it there for me. Any volunteers?

Whirlybird 25th Dec 2003 21:49

Latest update.
I have now raised almost £1800!!!!!! Only around £700 to go. :ok:

Many many many thanks to everyone who's donated items for me to sell on Ebay. I'm amazed at how well they do - I put on FFF's out-of-date chart yesterday evening, and it's already got one bid. Incidentally, I do emphasise that out-of-date stuff shouldn't be relied on, and that the charts aren't legal for nav...but they still sell. Thanks also to the PPRuNers who've bought stuff from me. If you want anything, keep looking; there'll be a bunch more when I eventually get hold of Keef's carrier bag full of donations - thereby hangs a tale...

Anyway, I could now do with more stuff. I can actually open the door to my study. Can't have that! So...

If you have any unwanted Christmas gifts, please pass them on, in aid of a good cause. If you're getting a new copy of Pooleys or the AFE Guide, please can I have the old one. If you're having a clearout over the holiday, remember that I can sell practically everything...I do wonder if it's my descriptions that do it, but who knows. Just PM me for an address to send things. Or, if you fancy buying anything, have a look at what I'm selling - you'll recognise me on Ebay; I'm not Whirlybird (couldn't get it), but I'm still Whirly. ;)

Merry Christmas to all, and hopefully the next update will be when I reach the total of £2500!!!

Deano777 26th Dec 2003 18:08


I have last years (2002) Pooleys hanging around somewhere, you are most welcome to it, when is the new one out for 2004? as if its out now I will buy that and you can have 2003 thrown in too

best regards


Whirlybird 26th Dec 2003 18:20

Many thanks Deano. I think the new one is out now, but I'm not certain. Check your PMs for my address.

Anyone else?

Keef 26th Dec 2003 19:53

Ah - so the bagfull is still in transit?

Going to try to tidy up my study this week so might generate some more stuff. I'll let you know.

Whirlybird 27th Dec 2003 00:13

Yes Keef. FFF forgot to take it to the Gatbash. :{ However, I have to be in London for a day in mid-January, so hopefully I'll pick it up then.

Deano777 28th Dec 2003 01:49

Got your address Whirly, I will post it asap :)

BRL, any chance of making this a sticky for whirly until she reaches the £2500?



<<Did it for ya, BRL. KG>>

niknak 28th Dec 2003 02:13

:( At the ineviatble risk of taking a kicking, why do animals always attract greater publicity than human beings?

I work 1 - 3 nights a week for the S********s, no publicity,no fees, no expenses, and often no gratitude, (but I don't do it for any of those reasons).

I just wonder if I'd have had the same very generous reponses if I had asked for help to put a homeless teenage drug addict into rehab', or a recently redundant serviceman who had seen service in the Gulf War and Yugoslavia who is now homeless because he he can't afford the rent.

I am not asking for pity, just for a sense of perspective.

Whirlybird 28th Dec 2003 03:18


Actually, it's wellknown that fundraising for animal charities is extremely difficult. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't be, or that those causes you mention are any more or less important. I'm just stating what I've heard, and also what I've found since starting this...it's been extremely hard work.

In fact, the Blue Cross helps people too, by providing free veterinary care for owners who can't afford it. These are often elderly people who have only one friend left in their lives- a furry one.

Anyway, I'm not trying to tell people what they should or shouldn't support. But if they have stuff they don't need, I can sell it for a good cause. Not necessarily the best cause in the world in everyone's opinion, but a good one. And I'm no saint; I'm doing it largely because I want to ride a camel across the desert in Mongolia.

BRL, thanks for making this a sticky; much appreciated. :ok:

Deano777 28th Dec 2003 04:21

Thanks Keygrip.

Niknak like Whirly said, it may not be the most important charity in the world but every one is important in their own right, it depends on where the heart lies doesnt it? some things strike a chord with people more so than others hence thats why we support what we do the way we do, I give to Barnardos every month as I feel child abuse/under privaliged children is what is close to me, it is a shame we cant all start supporting what is the most important cause in the world but who are we to asscertain what this is? if you had posted that you wanted to raise £2500 for teenage drug addicts etc I would still support it ;)



Rupert S 28th Dec 2003 23:08

Whirly, I've got an old Bottlang flight guide laying around somewhere - are you still accepting stuff?

Whirlybird 29th Dec 2003 01:11

Most definitely Rupert. :ok: In fact, I just put the last of my stuff on Ebay - nothing left now to sell. :{ Check your pms for my address, and many thanks.

Whirlybird 11th Jan 2004 01:54

My fundraising has just reached £2000, so only £500 to go. I can't believe how well this is going.

Thanks again to all who donated stuff. For interest, here is a list of what some of the things donated by PPRuNers raised. Amounts are approximate, as I include p & p payments in my accounts, then take off the actual cost of postage when I send the stuff, if you follow me. I haven't put who donated each item, but you know who you are.

RAF Life Preserver £23
R22 Handbook £18
Experimental Test Pilot's Diary £13
California Flight Guide £9
Various Charts £5-10
Flight Case £20
Raybans £40
Test Pilot Autobiography £10
Headset (with wonky connection) £26
Helicopter video £4
2 aircraft check lists £3.50 each
Air France Concorde pin £16
Jeppersen Flight Guide £24

I'm finally picking up Keef's bag of goodies next week (if FFF doesn't forget!), and any more stuff anyone has will be gratefully received. Doesn't have to be aviation orientated - unwanted Christmas gifts will do fine. ;)

Thanks again to everyone who helped.

Divergent Phugoid! 11th Jan 2004 14:21

I cant believe this thread.... Please donate old flying gear so I can go on a jolly on a camel for five days... oh and raise some money for charity too!

Why not Auction the Camel trek on here Or Ebay and then donate the proceeds to your charity aswell... Now that would raise some money for the Blue Cross wouldnt it??

I have old kit to donate but I'm not going to fund your holliday!

Let me know when and where the auction will take place...

:mad: :mad:

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