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Mayhem@Leicester Aero Club AGM

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Mayhem@Leicester Aero Club AGM

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Old 12th Apr 2001, 05:53
  #1 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Question Mayhem@Leicester Aero Club AGM

Some of these flying clubs make you embarrassed to be part of the GA scene! At last nights meeting, this guy who had flown a shedload of hours while getting his CPL, made a complaint to the committee about the chief instructor who had almost been in a fistfight with the chap over a disagreement in December.

The chairman didn't give a damn! He told the bloke that if he didn't like it - to take his flying elsewhere! From what I hear - the chief instructor likes to get people to actually fight with him - and then get the police! Nice man!

I've heard loads of srories like this and always taken them with a pinch of salt - but, having seen this guy getting shafted in front of all the members, after spending probably 15-20k on their planes - I feel sorry for him. Really sickening to see useless/arrogant management doing this sort of stuff to their own folk.

But, don't worry mate - there's more people on your side than you think. You really gave them some stick. I wouldn't have dared, personally

I think, maybe, that GA needs some fresh blood and new faces - especially after hearing an old bloke shout, "You should do as you're told, sonny!"

Is there any hope for the future of light aviation and what happened to friendly clubs?

This was my first flying AGM and was wondering if they are all much the same. Was anyone else there?


Old 12th Apr 2001, 12:48
  #2 (permalink)  
Aussie Andy
Posts: n/a

Drive down to Wycombe Air Park!

British Airways Flying Club, located there, held their AGM a couple of weeks ago - it was also the first time I had attended such a meeting - and it was a fun, friendly affair! I got to meet lots of other members, and make some new friends...

Point is: I don't think that the experience you've had at Leicester is the norm - more the exception I hope.


"Andy sang, Andy watched, Andy waited 'til his billy boiled..." (It was written for me!)

[edited for typos...]

[This message has been edited by Aussie Andy (edited 12 April 2001).]
Old 12th Apr 2001, 21:26
  #3 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hi there WC!
mmm... I was there too and was not impressed at the way complaints were dealt with. The whole thing reminded me of a load of dodgy MPs who refuse to answer questions, especially when one chap was asking about the driveway! Maybe Keith Vaz should become a member of our beloved club..?
What I find unbelievable is their attitude to anybody who dares to question their authority. I listened to all the complaints with interest. It wasn't my first AGM, but it was the first time they'd shown their true colours.
Well it's nice to know that there are probably several members out there who didn't like the sound of "do as you're told". The council of Gods suggested to our vocal member that he take his business elsewhere. When he said he already had one of the others shouted "good". How many other organisations would wave goodbye to 15k so easily..?
The mind boggles... Happy flying mate!

[This message has been edited by kilocharlie (edited 12 April 2001).]
Old 12th Apr 2001, 21:41
  #4 (permalink)  
Sleeve Wing
Posts: n/a

Fascinating to hear your account of your FIRST Leicestershire Aero Club AGM.
Perhaps you should remember that LAC is a Members' Club and therefore is run, for your benefit by Committee - an elected Committee.
The CFI is thus responsible to that Committee for the safe and correct day-to-day running of the Flying side of the Club.
This means :
1) that the Committee can remove this gentleman if he is not carrying out his duties in accordance with his contract.
2) If the Committee is not doing the job it was elected to do, then create support for an Extraordinary General Meeting,vote them off and get a Committee who will.
Of all the good flying Clubs in the country,
don't allow this one to go down the tubes.

Rgds, Sleeve.

Old 13th Apr 2001, 16:23
  #5 (permalink)  
Polar II
Posts: n/a

It sounds as though you may have a situation at Leicester which is similar to the one which USED to prevail at Sherburn. The latest AGM was the latest episode in a long-running conflict which had seriously split club membership and reduced morale of both members and staff to a low ebb. The "old guard" of the committee which, many members felt, had for several years run the members' club as though it was their THEIR private club attempted to railroad the proceedings; excluding members' motions under the most spurious of excuses because those motions were in effect a vote of no confidence in the Chairman and Vice- Chairman. Nevertheless, they were in a sense hoisted with their own petard.The massive majority of members(of the biggest turnout to an AGM that most, apparently, had ever seen)were so disgusted that the voting to elect new/re-elect old committee members saw the Chair and Vice-Chair resoundingly defeated. Maybe you should try it next year.It CAN work..it has for Sherburn - which now promises to be far happier place.
Old 13th Apr 2001, 22:34
  #6 (permalink)  
Tiger_ Moth
Posts: n/a

I`ve only been to two airfields and at both of them the people were nice and friendly, and one of them was Wycombe Air Park so i agree with what the other guy said, whose name i forget (Aussie Steve????)
Old 14th Apr 2001, 00:34
  #7 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well said PolarII,,,,,, it took no longer than 10 months to get the 'situation' sorted out at Sherburn, the vast majority of Sherburn Members at the AGM have since been refered to as 'Rent A Mob' by the 'Old Guard',,,,,however 'Rent A Mob' were the VAST majority who refused to 'Shut Up' when the Chairman said so because we would NOT listen to his Bull **** either directly or by his 'subordinates'.

Net result?,,,a landslide vote via democracy to vote off the Chairman etc, 'Rent A Mob' were in fact the vast majority of members at the AGM.

Rent a Mob?,,,,no, just modern people who are no longer bullied by either employers or those 'in power' like it used to be.

LAC be aware,,,,,,Sherburn is the LARGEST members flying club in the UK with 700 members, shut up?,,,,nah,,, vote em out!.
Old 14th Apr 2001, 00:53
  #8 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

This is exactly the type of scenario that puts me off Flying Clubs.

I just enjoy flying. End of story, "period".

Dropped into Leicester today, the atmosphere seemed to be "after the Lord Mayor's Show" but I could have been imagining it.

Also... they have put the fee up to ten quid, not worth it. Has far exceeded inflation.

And finally, why do they insist on using their tiny crosswind runways opposed to the 900 metres plus main drag strip when there's only a fart of a crosswind?

Old 14th Apr 2001, 01:15
  #9 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Ooooh Tiger Moth you are a little so and so,,,,, one minute you are liking Wycombe because it is SO nice and friendly, you also quote that you have visited only two airfields (perhaps the other was in the North or Midlands) where we are 'friendly' but not really nice (unless you are a lady?).

In the next thread you wish to know how long before you go solo,,,,,.

And in the next thread you want to blast a few aeros firing paint bombs at all and sundry,,, (before you have gone solo?).

Just what planet are you on?, (you are excused if you are on the committee of either Sherburn or Leicester as your behaviour pattern would seem to fit the role).

Until you are voted off, of course!.

Old 14th Apr 2001, 13:05
  #10 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Well said barbox!

You can usually see a pattern with these guys. You look at a new post and then find it's along the lines of "how do I make radio calls", "is Heathrow a controlled airport", "what makes a jet engine work", "how does carb heat remove ice" etc etc etc.

You then find they have posted similar questions on all the forums and their number of postings is climbing fast.

I wonder what Pprune stands for?!!

Unfortunately, Pprune is becoming increasingly populated by people who will never fly professionally and like the sight of their own name. They also, and I hypothesise here, like getting lots of e-mails auto-generated by the Pprune software. Sad isn't it! Particularly because they waste our time!!

Good, got that off my chest.

Where was I? Ah, yes. Vote them off! And good luck!
Old 17th Apr 2001, 20:20
  #11 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I used to fly commercial ops out of a private club owned field, thanks to my farsighted boss of old. Once he made a success out of what had been a disaster at the club, the committee had us in their sights. A senior committee member and instructor always made a point that my method of joining the circuit was totally unsafe and therefore I was a.....cowboy. Oh my gosh. I pointed out to him the particular rules of the air which allowed me many choices on how to join the circuit and how I was obeying those rules. But he (and they) could not be convinced. Time came for him to upgrade his instructors certificate which is a lengthy process and the examination takes place over 2 days and all credit to him for attempting it. He failed. The reason? He was asked to brief the examiner on oh joy!!!! circuit rejoins which he did very well to his own standards but not to the examiners, as he only covered the "right way to join a circuit" and not the rest of them, and so it was pointed out to him in the debrief that as a senior instructor he would be training to commercial standards and he fell short of those standards. I wouldn't wish anyone to fail and I was sad for him but it was funny how that particular line of attack suddenly ceased. The moral of the story? I think aeroclub committees are terrible things (mind you, anyone here a member of a yacht club? ) who sometimes can't see the wood for the trees,and we all know money dont grow on trees mate! The end.
Old 18th Apr 2001, 07:54
  #12 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Didn't think there would be this much talk about my post!

Tug made a good point about money not growing on trees. With the way that GA is losing whatever support it once had and taking a battering from NIMBY's and local councils, you would think that a club would appreciate an enthusiastic spender. It seems not to be the case at LAC.

I've just got some more details of what went on with the bloke I was talking about - apparently, there was some light snow on the field and the club had put up a sign saying "No PPL Flying." So the chappy in question, who's got a CPL, was a bit surprised to be refused a plane. There's more - he had already been doing some aeros that day and had taken one of the club instructors with him. Aeroplane owners were also flying that day - no wonder there was a row about it! Perhaps a two tier system exists there :-

1. Airoplane Owners
2. Members without planes (viewed as unworthy and poor)

At the AGM, the chairman said that the CFI had been protecting the club's assets and that anyone not liking it should take their flying elsewhere.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, doesn't a club protect it's assets and pilots by teaching good piloting techniques? And - does soft field technique get taught in the PPL course?

I wish I did enough flying to dent their income by flying elsewhere!!

Happy flying (if your club will let you get airborne)!

Old 18th Apr 2001, 08:17
  #13 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Sleevewing - not quite sure what to make of your post! Are you one of the management?

I think we all know how the system is SUPPOSED to work!

These people seemed hellbent on refusing to answer questions and ridiculing people who had genuine concerns. It's obvious that they have their own agenda and couldn't care less about the members. Only two out of the six spoke and one didn't turn up for the second year running.

I'm inexperienced with these meetings, but from what I saw and heard, the supposed democratically elected management and chairman basically re-elected themselves! No voting took place.

Old 18th Apr 2001, 08:59
  #14 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Didn't think there would be this much talk about my post!

Tug made a good point about money not growing on trees. With the way that GA is losing whatever support it once had and taking a battering from NIMBY's and local councils, you would think that a club would appreciate an enthusiastic spender. It seems not to be the case at LAC.

I've just got some more details of what went on with the bloke I was talking about - apparently, there was some light snow on the field and the club had put up a sign saying "No PPL Flying." So the chappy in question, who's got a CPL, was a bit surprised to be refused a plane. There's more - he had already been doing some aeros that day and had taken one of the club instructors with him. Aeroplane owners were also flying that day - no wonder there was a row about it! Perhaps a two tier system exists there :-

1. Airoplane Owners
2. Members without planes (viewed as unworthy and poor)

At the AGM, the chairman said that the CFI had been protecting the club's assets and that anyone who complains should take their flying elsewhere.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, doesn't a club protect it's assets and pilots by teaching good piloting techniques? And - does soft field technique get taught in the PPL course?

I wish I did enough flying to dent their income by flying elsewhere!!

Happy flying (if your club will let you get airborne)!

Old 18th Apr 2001, 09:08
  #15 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Sorry for the duplication there - browser trouble!
Old 18th Apr 2001, 23:26
  #16 (permalink)  
Sleeve Wing
Posts: n/a

Walking Cheque book.
Fear not, old son ! Definitely not one of the Management - just a past Member of yonks ago who only has the good of the Club at heart.
Yes, a similar thing occurred at Leicester many years ago. The "Management" were very similar in their attitude, ruffled a number of feathers and then incurred the further displeasure of the Membership, even to the point of saying they had the right to sell the Club !!

Those stalwarts who saw through all the bluster collected sufficient support to form a quorum and rapidly called an Extraordinary General Meeting ( which can be called at any time.) and promptly voted the Committee out of office.
The only Addendum to this is that you must be prepared for a period of uncertainty whilst forming another Committee ( elected of course.) and also check with the Company's Solicitors on the correct course of action under the present Articles.

It won't be easy.

Good Luck. Sleeve.
Old 19th Apr 2001, 13:16
  #17 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I don't know much about the board at Leicester and how good/bad it is but I think you should be careful about what you say. Especially when you basically name someone (job title, place of work) and then slag them off. I'm talking, of course, about what you said about the CFI at Leicester.

Now I've known him for many years, and in summary, I'd say he's a really nice guy. He is always keen to help anyone, despite being very busy, and I have always found him very fair. I would suggest that most people who know him would agree. I for one owe him a lot.

You base your opinions of him on rumour and the one incident you mention (for which I'm sure you do not have all the facts). Perhaps next time you're at the club you should talk to him about this so you can base your opinion after hearing both sides. What you say is very close to slander which is easy to do when you can't be identified. I, being a friend of his, find your comments quite offensive.

Like I said before I know little about the board at the club, but it doesn't seem too bad to me, but if you have a valid complaint then fine. I just think you shouldn't be so personal about it. Especially in a forum such as this.

Leicester Aero Club has a lot of good people and your comments only put a question mark over this.

Old 19th Apr 2001, 14:47
  #18 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Apologies to you if my post offends you (and to the CFI, if my comments are incorrect) - offence definitely not intended.

It was pretty obvious to me that debate or discussion was not on the agenda at LAC, having attended an AGM. Did you go, by the way? If so, you would have seen the "good people"!

You are correct, though, about the CFI and rumours. But - no smoke without fire, right? Instead of being offended by rumour about your friend, maybe you should ask him what happened. Would be nice if you could come back to this forum and enlighten us.

Slander is a bit strong a word to use and I certainly didn't make any comments to cause offence. I will ask him next time I'm there.

I had no big issue with LAC until I saw how it treated some people at the AGM - disgusting, if you ask me!

1.What do you think about clubs who suggest you take your flying elsewhere, if you question them?

2.What do you think of the decision to cancel the aerobatic competition?

3.How do you feel about having your car knackered by illegal sized speed humps (thankfully now gone) and huge potholes in the entrance road, which the committee seem not to want to discuss. They were so vague about this. (chairman drives 4x4 - no problem for him)

4.How do you feel about the reciprocal landing fee arangements being cancelled? Only Notts is left.

5.Do you think that the field will still be attractive to visitors, now that the landing fees have been increased by a rate well in excess of inflation?

6.How would you feel about spending good money for an IMC rating - only to find that none of the aeroplanes comply with FM Immunity? ie, There would be no planes at LAC in which you could fly legally in IMC! Also, if you had done any training in actual IMC - that would have been illegal as well!

If anyone, who is from LAC, was afraid to ask questions at the meeting (like me!) due to the incredibly tense atmosphere, why not ask them here!!

Happy flying and regards to all.

Old 19th Apr 2001, 15:38
  #19 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Walking Cheque Book,

Sorry I got your name wrong before.

I won't disagree with what you've said about the club in general. Either because I don't know or I agree with you (the road causes me problems as well!). My only gripe was over what you said about the CFI without all the information. I'm sorry I used the word slander but it really affected me. I've mellowed somewhat now though.

I do know what happened in this case but I don't really want to go into detail because I don't believe this should be the real issue. What I will say is that it was a minor disagrement which seems to have gone on for many months. As far as I'm aware though the CFI never felt this was a fist fight, the information I suggest coming from gossip.

What seems to have happened here is that you (and many others I'm sure) are disatisfied with how the club is being run in general and your rant about this mentioned the CFI and this single incident which annoyed me. I suppose the two issues are really seperate. Maybe there should be one forum for the incident (in which I can disagree with you) and one for the general running of the club.

Oh, and no, I wasn't at the meeting.

Old 19th Apr 2001, 17:35
  #20 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

LAC has attracted so much attention! Leicester_Pilot has made a valid point here. Some of the feelings being discussed on here are moving beyond the snow incident to something a bit more fundamental. If there are a number of people out there who are not happy with the management then we should think about doing something. Walking_Chequebook's friend who was denied an aircraft seems to just be the tip of the iceberg (forgive the pun...) The issue of IMC ratings and non-FM immune aircraft is something I feel very strongly about but didn't get round to asking about it at the AGM. The commotion caused by WC's buddy kind of distracted me, there wasn't that much excitement last year!!
Anyway, happy flying everyone. I'll be checking back here to see how the revolution is coming along... :-)

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