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MercenaryAli 23rd Aug 2006 07:26

What i find uncomfortable about this situation
I would find my self in deep deep shxt if I tried to board a Saudia aircraft dressed in shorts and flip flops reciting the 23rd Psalm clutching the building plans for a nice big Christian Church in one hand and a large leather bound Bible (King James Version) in the other!

I think you get my point !

El Grifo 23rd Aug 2006 08:00

From my experince on entering muslim countries, you would have had the bible and the cross confiscated at point of arrival, along with any other religous artefacts you might be carrying.

Reality sometimes takes on some unpleasant characteristics.

CAT1 23rd Aug 2006 09:03

If anyone should have been offloaded from this flight it's the bigoted racists who complained about the two passengers. The captain giving in to mob rule does not bode well for the airline industry. And since they were Asian, I doubt very much they were talking Arabic. Probably Urdu.And mercenaryali, I never saw any reports that they were reciting the Koran, carrying any, or waving around plans for a mosque. I hope I never have you on my aircraft.

flybywire 23rd Aug 2006 09:30

Originally Posted by MercenaryAli
I am getting on to an express train - MAN - LON. I noticed an asian looking gentleman with beard, accompanied by what appeared to be a female however the ONLY part of her that could be seen were two eyes peeping out of a tiny slit in her otherwise totally black mantle from head to toe and to the end of her hands. The male was carrying a HUGE backpack and believe it or not I noticed some electrical wires popping out of one of the compartments.
Now, call me PARANOID if you like BUT I was not comfortable to travel in that train with those persons!

Did you get off the train then? Or did you ask them to get off?
I remember once, when I was still working for an airline known for the pink uniform, I started feeling uneasy on the 4am Victoria-threebridges train. There were some British drunk men who had just been partying and didn't look too reassuring I have to say. So what did I do? Did I report them, ask them to get off? No, they had done nothing to me at that point, so I just
walked off the train and caught the GX that was leaving a bit later. I perceived a threat that might or might have not been real, and in doubt I myself got off. Didn't force anybody else to go.

I also remember once flying AF from Amman to Paris, right in the middle of the 2nd Intifada, I was sitting on a window seat and was probably the only European passenger(although I can disguise myself very well). All the others were Arabian looking people, most of them politicians travelling to Paris for a diplomatic trip. All of them except the man that was sat next to me. He was the only Jew on board. Every half an hour or so he would start praying, swinging backwards and forwards, saying something that was impossible for me to understand.

I then started chatting to this man and he told me was flying to see his daughter in Paris but he was extrmely scared of flying, and praying was the only thing that would make him feel better.
Imagine though if all the Arabs on board had decided to make a big deal out of it!!!

Tolerance, people.......


PS: even if some people might think otherwise, Islamic integralists have usually their own respect for their women and kids, they tend to protect them and would not blow themselves up while with their families. Of course mad people exist everywhere but they usually keep them out of the business and do this alone or in groups of men.
Is it possible that it was his iPod cable sticking out of his bag? ;) :E

MercenaryAli 23rd Aug 2006 10:22


If anyone should have been offloaded from this flight it's the bigoted racists who complained about the two passengers.

Were the 9/11 murderers not just a little bigotted ?

Islamic integralists have usually their own respect for their women and kids, they tend to protect them and would not blow themselves up while with their families

But no respect AT ALL for other peoples women and kids evidently!

doubledolphins 23rd Aug 2006 11:27

The two pax claimed they were on a day trip to plan for a holiday. What an odd thing to do?

MercenaryAli 23rd Aug 2006 11:28

Or were they?
Perhaps on a recce?

hpcock 23rd Aug 2006 11:39

Hey Merc Ali

Terrorism comes in all shapes,sizes,colours & creeds. I'm affraid to say that your previous posts are completely enriched with hatred, racism & a complete hatfull of ignorance.

What if it had been a couple of white guys - I don't think the media coverage would have been so frenzied.

You need to get out of the USA once in a while and learn about the real world, not the **** that you guys get spoon fed, by your joke of a country.

Yours disgustidly


PS. I'm an Asian airline pilot, & I would love to have you on my a/c anytime - see the world of **** i'd put you in.

Skytrucker87 23rd Aug 2006 12:44

Seems predictable that holiday charters would contain a fair mixture of bermuda-shorted, shaven headed tattooed overweight sun readers. Why was anyone surprised at their reaction?

(covers ears and scarpers.......):}

hpcock 23rd Aug 2006 13:32

Hey SkyTrucker

I think you are the bravest man or woman on this thread. I think you've probably summed up what most people in the UK think, but are too afraid say without reprocussion from the shell suit & soverign ring chav community.

As an Asian having lived in the UK since birth, I have been the subject of racist taunts since I was a child, & its the kind of people that you describe, who are usually the most narrow minded, that I have found to be the most problematic in these situtions.

On has to look at the make up of social sects & decipher that your average world traveller, who is educated in other peoples culture & lifestyles would not be regularly travelling to Malaga with Monarch. These are people who travel once maybe twice a year, & are generally percieved to be at the lower end of the interlectual spectrum.

Sorry for ranting on so much

Many thanks


PanPanYourself 23rd Aug 2006 14:16

Uh, hpcock, which "interlectual spectrum" might you be in? I was just wondering 'cause you can't even spell intellectual correctly despite being supposedly born and raised in Britain.

Skytrucker87 23rd Aug 2006 14:20

Funny how some people just have to resort to personal attacks! Vaugely reminiscent of the attitude of the people who carry out the DIY passenger profiling. Can't spell, therefore opinions of little value.

Perhaps I should go through all of your postings and check for spelling mistakes.

Should we not just stay on the subject of the thread?

PanPanYourself 23rd Aug 2006 14:23

Hey, skytrucksuck, perhaps you should chill out. I was just pointing out the irony in the fact that he made a spelling mistake while judging peoples intelligence. It was not a personal attack. I'm sure you'll find plenty of spelling mistakes in my posts... perhaps evin this one!

Also, if you look back through this thread you'll see that I was probably the one who expressed the most disgust about this event. So I don't endorse DIY PP ing.

Skytrucker87 23rd Aug 2006 14:27

:eek: :}

Way to go (Toilet)Pan :E

flash8 23rd Aug 2006 14:44

Originally Posted by PanPanYourself
Uh, hpcock, which "interlectual spectrum" might you be in? I was just wondering 'cause you can't even spell intellectual correctly despite being supposedly born and raised in Britain.

Why "supposedly" ? Sorry it sounds racist to me mate.

Those two chaps, two young asian lads, were basically victims of the hysteria whipped up by the press and devoured by the chavs. I genuinely feel sorry for them, and the many thousands of other decent muslims in the UK, who due to the current situation many are even scared to walk the streets.

I'm British, but dark, could pass as Italian, Greek and even vaguely Asian. Never had any racism (ever) but then why would I?

That was until yesterday in the street (in the UK) when, a young guy walking passed me said aloud "Scum like you should go home". At first, I wondered who the heck he was talking about. Turned out the only person within 50m was me. Hmmm.

Seriously, thank god I don't live in the UK, because I genuinely feel that unease that is rising, and who knows where its going to end.

Globaliser 23rd Aug 2006 14:55

Originally Posted by MercenaryAli
Now, call me PARANOID if you like BUT I was not comfortable to travel in that train with those persons!

You're paranoid.

Just because you're comfortable shouldn't mean that other people are banned from public transport just because of the way they look, which is ultimately what you're suggesting.

Skytrucker87 23rd Aug 2006 14:55

Flash, it is unsafe to assume that the two were not terrorists, but it is certainly just as unsafe to assume that they are just because of their apparent race.

Vigilance is the keyword here. Report any concerns to the proper authorities and live with their decisions. Sometimes they will get it tragically wrong but most often they will get it right.

FFFlyer 23rd Aug 2006 14:58

hpcock, I think you made enough racist stereotypical references in your comments. Let me know which airline you fly with and I'll avoid it.

People are frightened at the moment and who can blame them. If I felt unsafe I would not get on the plane, call me what you like, and I would get another flight for myself and family at my own expense.

I can't comment on what happened on the Monarch flight, I wasn't there. Interesting to note it was full of shaven headed potbellied neo Nazis though.

It might help if there was outright and vocal condemnation of terrorism from the Muslim community rather than opinion polls which say 30% of the community support it.

lexxity 23rd Aug 2006 14:59

Amanda Dunleavy from Bolton, who was on the flight, said the pair aroused suspicion because of the way they acted when they were queuing.

She said: "They queued up for a good 40 or 50 minutes and then wandered off. They kept coming back, standing very, very close to people, intimidating them.

"The minute they got on [the plane] they started going under the seats and messing.

"When people began to take notice - and one young girl was really upset, crying - they just sat there laughing."

If and, I stress IF, the above is true then you can sort of understand why people were getting a bit nervous. At the moment people are suspicious of "asian" looking men and drawing attention to yourself is just a bit daft. But it remains to be seen whether there really is any truth in the above statement.

PanPanYourself 23rd Aug 2006 15:02

flash8, this being an anonymous forum, everything said on this forum is supposedly true or may possibly be false. Thats why I said "supposedly" he was raised in Britain. I really don't know how me saying supposedly gives you the right to call me a racist. FACT: I am half Turkish half Belgian... Why would I be racist against Asians??

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