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evilroy 3rd Jun 2014 02:52


You should go and read the transcripts, especially the pages I have mentioned in the previous post. You'll see that the military controllers did everything possible to assist MDX with a swift passage through the WLM airspace.

Your attitude right now suggests you don't have all the facts and are therefore basing your beliefs on false assumptions or incorrect data.

RatsoreA 3rd Jun 2014 02:53

I love your total ego and confidence that you would never make a similar error and therefore not need more modern and safer procedures.
I don't even know where to begin with that... I have said to you on numerous occasions, that I support the campaign to make it easier to go over Newcastle.

And in fact, when I was just a little pilot, I did make such an error, and only for good luck, rather than good management did I not end up in exactly the place as MDX, AND if there was good management, it was all on behalf of the ATC on duty that day that saw me land safely in Singleton.

I don't know how you drew that statement out of what I said, but moving on to point 2 -

The CURRENT restriction about planing overhead Williamtown has absolutely no bearing on finding the crash site of MDX. That has been the only thing that the team of people I am working with are interested in. Finding it. The fact that you have hijacked this cause to further your own agenda has angered a considerable amount of people. We were not interested in the politics of why or how, only where the aircraft sits now. You have moved the focus of finding it, to suit your own agenda. We contacted you several times in the last two years asking for any assistance you might have, to be met with either no replies, or "no, not interested".

You have failed to consistently adhere to the facts of the case, overlooking the ones that contradict your viewpoint, and exaggerating those ones that you think you can manipulate to suit your agenda.

Your tirade against the RAAF has not helped us in any way, and in fact, you have probably made it about a million times harder to secure any sort of help in finding the crash site from them, as they would probably, quite understandably, want to distance themselves from this matter.

Evilroy, I have personally emailed Dick a full and complete copy of what is available in the national archives, and an index to go with it that we have created to make referencing certain aspects easier. He is also shown in Sunday Night as actually leafing through that very material.

Onedown 3rd Jun 2014 03:33

Your tirade against the RAAF has not helped us in any way, and in fact, you have probably made it about a million times harder to secure any sort of help in finding the crash site from them, as they would probably, quite understandably, want to distance themselves from this matter.
I would like to think that our RAAF are a little more professional than to take a subjective precious position on attempts to locate MDX. After all this has almost become 'in the National interest'. To think the location has eluded us for so long. It will be more than interesting to find the final resting place and I sincerely hope we do soon.

RatsoreA 3rd Jun 2014 03:45

And Rat. Why do you reckon BASI made no recommendation about using the radar more effectively to prevent a repeat of that type of accident?

Could it be fixed views re the existing regs like you have?
Because whilst better radar coverage may have helped, the primary cause of this accident was a pilot flying into IMC without primary attitude instruments due to a vacuum pump failure. Yes, many factors lined up in the "swiss cheese" model, and just breaking one of them might have prevented it, but ultimatly, the responsibility rested with the PIC. You can't legislate against errors of judgement, no matter how hard the government tries to.

puff 3rd Jun 2014 03:54

I've gotta say years ago I felt very uncomfortable when flying a C182RG from PMQ to AF at night. We had planned coastal on a nice clear night at 10k so to at least give us options of both airports and beaches if the fan stopped. After passing CH we were advised that the RAAF had activated Evans Head and our track was not available, and we were re-routed well west over all the tiger country to get back to AF, we ended up negotiating the best we could to avoid the airspace and not the CH-CAS-AF track we were told to fly, CAS-AF track in day light scared the bejesus out of me let alone at night. Yes I could have pulled up stumps and landed at CH but considering I had made a plan based on the info that EVX wasn't active, it certainly was an uncomfortable situation to be thrown, in a twin, no probs but in a single it's a diff story.

Agreed that the pilot made a lot of poor decisions, but I do agree the RAAF does seem very inflexible at times...too many things are continued to be done in aviation because 'thats the way we've always done them'

Dick Smith 3rd Jun 2014 03:59

No. Not better radar coverage. Just a commonsense recommendation to use the existing radar effectively.

You can only do that properly if you have a system where pilots are already on the best radar frequency.

How could the BASI investigator not make such a recommendation when it was obvious that such a system would most likely have the pilot informed within minutes of him heading of in the wrong direction.?

No. Concrete minded investigators who did not have the ability to think laterally and ask and copy the best systems from around the world .

Bit like some if the posters on this site.

And Rats. I have not hijacked this site for any personal advantage. I want the system improved so there is less likely hood of such an accident repeating.

What is wrong with that? I have had a history of making change that is initially resisted. For example giving the responsibility of radar covered airspace to those that are actually qualified to use radar and have a screen in front of them.. Look back on this site and you will find I was simarly abused for such a heresy.

RatsoreA 3rd Jun 2014 04:11

How is you going on endlessly about current Williamtown restrictions bringing us any closer to finding MDX?

I didn't say you hijacked this site, I said you hijacked this investigation to push your own agenda (Again, which I agree that it could be easier and could be changed).

If you really genuinely want to help find MDX and bring it to an end, pull on a pack and a pair of boots and walk a line through the scrub with the rest of us! Get the Augusta out and fast rope some teams of BWRS through the canopy so they can search a larger area in less time without having to spend half a day walking to get to the search area! I work 40 hours a week, and do this in my weekends/spare time/holidays. I take my own time off work to do these things. I have donated many hours, at cost to myself, of my own aircraft so that we may be able to have a better chance at finding the crash site.

The whole point of channel 7 doing that segment was about finding it, and you have done nothing but hijack it and use the oppoutunity go on about the Williamtown airspace, using incorrect and incomplete information to make untrue statements and accuse the RAAF of manslaughter.

Hempy 3rd Jun 2014 04:12

Yeah that worked well. Now instead of simply giving FS a radar feed, we have ATC's doing Flight Service on better equipment and twice the pay. Cheers!

Dick Smith 3rd Jun 2014 04:57

Isn't that good to pay decent wages and share the wealth a bit as we do in Australia ? I made sure any FSO had the opportunity to train as an ATC if they had the abilities and wanted to.

Rats. Great what you are doing. However surely you agree that it's better that we reduce the chance of such an accident happening again ?

I was going to take some advice re the search from Don Readford. But now you say that's not accurate. So where should I be looking and with what group?

Howabout 3rd Jun 2014 05:11

It's all unraveling, Dick, and at a spectacular rate of kts.

I suppose you've still got the 'streakers defence' - 'seemed like a good idea at the time.'

This was a screw-up on the part of the PIC. No ifs, no buts. However, no joy taken there. It was a sad, sad tragedy.

Once again, in my opinion, you've used speculation, unsubstantiated innuendo, and press manipulation to drive your personal agenda. Judging by the majority of responses, I think that you've alienated the moderates in the aviation community that were willing to listen to you in times past.

Personally, I think you've lost some of your credibility in a crusade that I can only interpret as vindictive and opportunistic.

Sad, Dick, because I have incredibly good memories of an aviation pioneer that had cred. Your circumnavigation still brings thrills and chills - years afterwards.

That said: Part 2 will, no doubt, add to my disillusionment and disappointment. Sad that you need to resort to cheap shots to push an unsustainable position in order to put the boot in.

RatsoreA 3rd Jun 2014 05:17

Rats. Great what you are doing. However surely you agree that it's better that we reduce the chance of such an accident happening again ?
Yes, prevention of any accident is excellent. But using the search for MDX as a way of pushing your agenda isn't. As I have said, the current investigation is focused on nothing else but finding it. Everything else of little to no consquence in that matter. The fact that he wouldn't wait for the clearance to go through Williamtown matters not one tiny bit in determining the final location. People are now focused on that fact, rather than that it hasn't been found, and that is all I am interested in.

I sent you several links yesterday, including all the material publicly available to help you determine what is accurate and what is not. I have no doubt you are very busy, and there is A LOT of material to read, and not just read, but comprehend. By all means, read what Readford wrote as well. But until you are armed with all the facts, public comment can be harmful. You of all people should be aware of that! And make sure you watch part 2 next week. Hopefully, they will actually say a bit about the official search being conducted by the NSW Police.

Dick Smith 3rd Jun 2014 05:48

Howabout – no, I don’t believe it’s unravelling – in fact, quite the opposite. I can see a move towards removing that ridiculous restriction in relation to flight planning over Williamtown.

I thought you might like to see my Media Release:

Dick Smith Comments
Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Geoff Brown’s Media Release Dated Monday 2 June 2014


The Air Marshal is clearly ill informed. This is a damning reflection on the advice Air Marshal Brown receives. Let me quote from Air Marshal Brown’s Media Release:

“The likelihood of holding is increased for aircraft that do not submit a flight plan because the aircraft's data needs to be manually entered into the Air Traffic Control system”.
By this, Air Marshal Brown clearly means that pilots should submit a flight plan if they want to fly the safer, more direct route over Williamtown so that delays are reduced and safety is improved.

By flying over Williamtown, Pilots are not forced – as was VH-MDX on that terrible night – to fly to the west of Williamtown into the mountainous area of the Barrington Tops where high winds can turn a plane upside-down.

However, Air Marshal Brown clearly doesn’t know that military enforced regulations mean it is not possible for a civilian pilot to file such a flight plan. That is why I stated on the Channel 7 Sunday Night program,

“The restrictions are still there. You can’t file a flight plan across the top of Williamtown”.

I then went on to say,

"You can do something with this show if we can get these rules changed, as they will save lives in the future”.
Now, remember on the night of the VH-MDX crash, the pilot was forced by the regulations to file his flight plan to the west of the Williamtown military airspace towards the treacherous country near Barrington Tops.

The regulations of those days remain the same today. It was prohibited then, as it is now, to file a flight plan over Williamtown.

Air Marshal Brown just happens to omit this very important point from his Media Release - so I will say it again – a civilian pilot cannot file a flight plan over Williamtown! That means that the likelihood of holding will always be increased because the Williamtown Controller has no prior knowledge of the aircraft that is about to call for clearance. This is ridiculous in these modern days of technology!

In yet another major error, Air Marshal Brown states that,

“Williamtown Air Traffic Control immediately offered a clearance for VH-MDX at an amended altitude (of 7,000 feet or 9,000 feet) …. This was done without delay and more than 30 minutes before VH-MDX reported entering bad weather”.

In fact, this offer was made by the military Controller to the Sydney Flight Service Operator but it was never passed on to the Pilot! If the Pilot did not know of the offer, how could he possibly accept it?

Once the military remove the restrictions on Australian civilian pilots, there will be a clear message that they are allowed to fly the safest route possible, i.e. over the low terrain coastal area at Williamtown rather than being forced to the west into the Barrington Tops mountains as MDX was thirty years ago and as pilots are today.

I ask Air Marshal Brown to remove this restriction before more lives are lost.

Jabawocky 3rd Jun 2014 06:20

OK....what about the new RA2 at YBOK Dick. Get him to unwind that one too while you are at it would ya. :ok:

flying-spike 3rd Jun 2014 08:01

Preferred route
Surely you can still add a preferred route to a plan can't you? That way ATC at Williamtown or whoever on the PFR would get the info.
That aside perhaps Dick could join ASASI and even attend the conference in Adelaide in October so he could set all us "concrete minded" investigators straight. Perhaps you have a theory on MH370 you could share with us?

amos2 3rd Jun 2014 08:02

Surely you know that Dick lost the plot years ago!
Nobody with any Av experience ( SPL to ATPL) takes any notice of Dick!

evilroy 3rd Jun 2014 08:20

0850:31 MDX contacts FIS5; FIS5 asks if they would like clearance through WLM if available. MDX says yes. FIS asks for an estimate overhead WLM. MDX says to stand by.

0851:27 MDX advises FIS of an ETA for overhead WLM at time 20.

0851:47 FIS asks WLM for clearance for MDX.

0852:22 WLM agrees to a clearance. Says 9000 or 7000 due AZC, which estimates WLM at 17.

0853:00 Sydney Sector 1 denies clearance for MDX.

0853:42 FIS ask Sydney Approach if clearance coastal is available; they tell FIS they will check weather and advise.

0854:20 MDX advised that Sydney has denied clearance via WLM, and that a coastal clearance may be available. MDX advises they would prefer coastal route. FIS says they will seek clearance and MDX to remain OCTA. MDX says they are approaching controlled airspace “pretty quick”.

0856:00 MDX advises that rather than wait for clearance, they now wish to track via CRAVEN.

0856:39 Sydney Approach advises that clearance coastal should be available but they need to still check on weather and that route will most likely be inland via WLM and MQD. FIS says that WLM has already cleared MDX through their airspace.

0857:18 MDX advise that clearance coastal not yet available and they may have to remain OCTA to get clearance.

0857:54 MDX says they’ll go via CRAVEN.
Note that at no time did the RAAF controller delay clearance and all delays came from Sydney. To imply that the military airspace contributed in any way to the accident is being highly disingenuous.

Dick, you are a skeptic; why aren't you applying those critical thinking skills to this matter? Why don't you just admit that although your call for airspace reform may be valid, your implications regarding the RAAF are completely unfounded?

Mafian 3rd Jun 2014 08:30

Careful there evilroy, you can't go around using facts like that. They ruin a good story.........

Dick Smith 3rd Jun 2014 09:47

Why would a NVMC flight require a clearance from Sydney to fly south of Willy?

I know this was before I introduced a number of airspace changes in 1991 but surely controlled airspace north of Sydney was not that huge.

The military were clearly involved in this problem because then - as today pilots were/are prohibited from planning over Willy. I have never blamed the military ATCs - just out of date rules they are forced to use. And why the almost constant delays for VFR aircraft through Willy these days? Do you blame AsAfor these?

Should be class D airspace! But never ever change anything! Concrete must remain set in the RAAF.!

VH-XXX 3rd Jun 2014 09:57

What do I need to do to prove this Dick, submit a plan from Merimbula to Coffs during the day perhaps?

evilroy 3rd Jun 2014 10:17


You say you can't plan via WLM. Could I get a reference for that rule?

Thank you.

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