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CWO Geoff 17th Jun 2014 04:41

Let us into the secret - what does the handbook say?
Secret??? Since when have AIPs been SECRET? I think that everything applicable is clearly stated in that PUBLIC (not SECRET) publication issued by Air Services Australia - surely you as a licenced pilot are aware of this??? You can even find a copy of the current edition on-line at Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) | Airservices

ForkTailedDrKiller 17th Jun 2014 07:23

Imagine you are a low time private pilot? I think you would fly inland into the mountains rather than make a slight mistake in reading all that stuff.
So Dick, how about you take up the cause and try to have that airspace made more user friendly? :E

Dr :8

Arm out the window 17th Jun 2014 08:54

I reckon it would be far better to just reach the airspace boundary, half-roll and pull through into the ground than have to interpret those NOTAMs.

It's a bloody conspiracy I tell you, forcing pilots to have to read, let alone understand them.

And while we're at it, there should be a mod for all GPS units so that when I hit Direct/Direct, a signal goes out to ATC getting a clearance for me on the required track rather than have to faff around with radios, transponders and such like.

Creampuff 17th Jun 2014 09:58

[T]here should be a mod for all GPS units so that when I hit Direct/Direct, a signal goes out to ATC getting a clearance for me on the required track rather than have to faff around with radios, transponders and such like.
Now that's a great idea! :D

gerry111 17th Jun 2014 12:52

Re: The WLM NOTAMs, Dick Smith wrote: "Incredibly complicated." :ugh:

Dick Smith 18th Jun 2014 08:24

Can someone in the know explain why this NOTAM was put out?

This is a dead serious question.

Best answer gets a carton of OzEmite!

Arm out the window 18th Jun 2014 08:47

Second best gets two cartons! (Sorry Dick, just joking!):)

CaptainMidnight 18th Jun 2014 09:41

Call the CDF or Margaret Staib and ask.

Comparing the NOTAMs to ERSA all I can see at a quick glance is that "during WLM ATS hours" or similar has been replaced with the specific Restricted Area numbers applicable to the specific track specified.

peterc005 18th Jun 2014 09:55

@Dick Smith - I buy your tomato sauce, peanut butter and honey by the armful, but your Ozemite looks and tastes like axle grease.

BTW, the packaging for your honey is very practical and works well.

Dick Smith 18th Jun 2014 09:58

Captain. Thanks. I will say again -Incredible complicated - but it does look like a slight move forward .

Are all of these restricted areas normally released on weekends? Can they become active at a moments notice?

Still looks to me that 80% of private pilots will take a look at the requirements and decide they are so complicated and so easy to make an error that it's better to go inland and try and keep out of all the restricted areas.

Pete. That's a compliment about Ozemite. -thanks - the yanks reckon Vegemite tastes like axle grease so maybe there is a market in the USA!

LeadSled 19th Jun 2014 07:48

Second best gets two cartons! (Sorry Dick, just joking!)
Can't say I am an aficionado of axle grease, but Ozemite is OK, the tomato sauce is all my wife now buys, some of the really hot sauces and chutneys from the Terry Hill shop are as good as you can get, and better than anything from Coles or Woolies.
Tootle pip!!

CaptainMidnight 19th Jun 2014 08:01

Incredible complicated
Many years ago there were briefing offices at GA aerodromes where one could drop in or telephone and ask such things as "I want to fly from A to B - what's the best way to plan through Willie airspace and what level?" and you'd be given the good advice or they'd find out. And ask a myriad of other questions and seek advice, talk to the met guy even. Or people were sufficiently trained and skilled to figure it out themselves.

Then as a cost cutting measure someone closed all the briefing offices down, and those in the consolidated briefing offices didn't have local knowledge and over time became deskilled and pilots were encouraged to self help rather than wait for lengthy period in telephone queues.

Consequently pilots were left to either try to figure things out themselves or perhaps ask an instructor, who in time also themselves became deskilled and less knowledgeable.

And that's pretty much where we are today.

Creampuff 19th Jun 2014 08:16

... with a lower accident and incident rate.

OZBUSDRIVER 19th Jun 2014 08:23

Creamie...you have to ask yourself...because of or despite of:E

Creampuff 20th Jun 2014 01:40

Creamie...you have to ask yourself...because of or despite of ...
It’s the perennial question for regulators: How to measure the extent, if any, of any causal link between changes to ‘the system’ on the one hand and changes in outcomes on the other.

CASA alluded to the question in its submission to the ASSR Panel:

6.21 As all regulators, and those who closely study the processes of regulation, know only too well, it can be difficult to accurately and reliably measure the effectiveness of enforcement action. …
That’s bureaucratese for “practically impossible”.

What we do know for sure is that nearly everybody uses the ‘fear factor’ to justify whatever position they have about the regulation of aviation in Australia. There’s a reason for that.

Although the level of risk of an event is an objective fact, the perception of the level of risk is influenced by a number of factors, including dread of the potential outcomes. This is called “cognitive bias”.

Punters dread the potential for dying in an air crash, even though there are lots and lots of other ways to die that, as an objective fact, are far more likely and far more unpleasant than in an air crash. Punters imagine how horrible the inevitable ‘death plunge’ from 30,000’ would be in contrast to the pleasant death one has in a car wrapped around a tree next to the highway. Thus punters will press for and support anything that is perceived to reduce the risk of air accidents.

If we don’t get rid of those CVD pilots, there’s an increased risk to air safety.

If we don’t stop private pilots taking photos in aircraft and selling them for money, there’d be an increased risk to air safety.

If we don’t get rid of those VFR pilots off the IFR routes, there’s an increased risk to air safety.

If we don’t get rid of E airspace, there’s an increased risk to air safety.

If CASA stopped approving the appointment of Chief Pilots, there’d be an increased risk to air safety.

You’re all gonna die in a death plunge from 30,000’ unless …. You leave CASA to make a million rules and micro-manage every aspect of aviation, and give Airservices control over every cubic centimetre of airspace.

yr right 20th Jun 2014 02:08

What's worse than casa at this present stage is the auditors for the oil gas and mining. They make casa look like Sunday school. They impose unrealistic conditions on aviation that has to be seen to be believed. One I had was I was not to use my tools for any other purpose that aircraft work. When I ask him can I have another 80k he ask what for. I said so I can have a tool box at home to use. He looked at me puzzled and ask why 80k and I said that's a minimum of what is in my tool box. Needless to say he didn't give me 80k so I use my tools as I see fit.

Creampuff 20th Jun 2014 03:39

But the difference is that a person buying a service can demand anything they like from the service provider. The person can demand that you wear a pink tutu while you’re doing maintenance and buy new tools every 6 months. The market, not the law, determines whether you choose to wear a tutu and buy new tools every 6 months, and whether the person goes elsewhere if you choose not to accept at a price the person is prepared to pay. (It seems that’s exactly what happened in the example you gave.)

But if law says you must wear a pink tutu and replace your tools every 6 months, there’s no choice.

ASGA 19th Jul 2014 04:41

The Secrets of Australia's own Devils Triangle
Since the 2nd World War Barrington Tops has claimed an astounding 21 lives through aviation accidents.

At an altitude of 1500m, Aeroplane Hill breaches the clouds, sitting tall, silent and deadly in what has become known as Australia's own Devils Triangle.

This prehistoric and almost impenetrable jungle is reluctant to give up its secrets, none more-so than the mystery of the disappearance of VH-MDX.

On August 9 it will be 33 years since the aircrafts doomed final journey. Despite numerous searches over the years, VH-MDX and the 5 men on board remain lost in our own backyard, their families left without answers.

Regardless of difficulty or cost - Is it time to bring VH-MDX home?

Tell us what you think - please go to our website and leave your comments.

- What do you think?

Creampuff 19th Jul 2014 09:08

Don't you mean: "Bermuda Triangle"? :confused:

Prince Niccolo M 19th Jul 2014 09:55

maybe not...

Maybe not:

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean...
good old Wikipedia...

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