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-   -   L29 Overrun at North Shore NZ (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/360352-l29-overrun-north-shore-nz.html)

Peter Fanelli 7th Feb 2009 00:40

Wow! This is still in the Airline and RPT forum.

That "moderators" thread elsewhere must really have the mods distracted.


remoak 7th Feb 2009 02:44

Framer, I think when he says "instructors at Nellis" he means the guy that taught him how to flip burgers at the local McDonalds in Vegas. Nobody that ignorant and incoherent would have got onto the base!

Stifmeister 7th Feb 2009 02:57

Had I known it was an english class I would have taken the time to correctly format my paragraphs.

I guess I have no hope in passing the NZ english test to upgrade my PPL?

And it was actually Burger King.

c100driver 7th Feb 2009 03:01

There is more to this than meets the eye!

The L29 has a total loss air system for the brakes. Prior to flight you have to pump enough air into the brake system from a dive bottle or similar source. The aircraft cannot recharge the air system any other way as it is not fitted with an air pump.

Rumour has it that an expert in jet operations from CAA advised the pilot how to get data to check if the machine could be flown from Dary Flat.

remoak 7th Feb 2009 10:04

The L29 has a total loss air system for the brakes
True, but it also has an emergency system, and pressure gauges for both systems. So no real excuse for running out of air.

Rumour has it that an expert in jet operations from CAA advised the pilot how to get data to check if the machine could be flown from Dary Flat
Unnecessary. All the data you need is in the Flight Manual, which (should be) on the aircraft. All you need is the runway data.

FWIW, basic takeoff distance (sea level, etc) is 600m.

mellotron 8th Feb 2009 03:43

"You guys are all dangeous and foolish, And that makes you ... Dangerous!"


OK I know what you mean, but there are some good comments and data based on experience, which as student pilot (from your profile) you should take note of.

check out the discussion on: Wings Over Cambridge - Incident at North Shore airfield

craka 8th Feb 2009 23:17

The following link YouTube - L 29 Back Seat Video should perhaps be shown to the CAA investigation team. Interesting that he should be a.)low flying (he didn't look like his intention was to land at NS) b.) exceeding 250 knots below 10,000 AMSL

No wonder this guy came to grief.

accident waiting to happen.

Eye witness stated that the aircraft was practising high speed runs and the brakes were operating as the a/c went screaming past him as is a teastement to the rubber sqealing/smoke and black marks on the runway

Stifmeister 9th Feb 2009 04:24

haahahaha just watched the L29 video taking off from ardmore, was taking off on the centre line not covered on the flying the small jets 101 handbook?
Also just watched his L29 whangrei landing...
YouTube - L 29 Delfin Whangarei 29 Nov 2008
landing on the centre line was definately not in that book either.
Remind me not to get that book for my cpl subjects!

mellotron 9th Feb 2009 06:30

dear Mr Zissou

good clip

I understand the references

I drove past the "accident" site today.

Considering that the L29 entered a public road and continued along it for another 90 metres or so gives little comfort. If there had been passing traffic, or somebody walking their dog or riding a horse in this relatively peaceful rural environment, I am sure that their sense of humour would have been tested.

Runaway Gun 9th Feb 2009 08:29

Exceeding 250kts? I only saw him doing 400 km/hr.

craka 10th Feb 2009 09:36

perhaps it was 400 kmph... I am not sure how fast one of these things goes.

Interesting that both of the links have now been removed by the user.

Feeling a little guilty huh?

Stifmeister 11th Feb 2009 07:38

Oh thats just great then, which means hes watching this thread.
Maybe after everyone in NZ and said their piece he may have just realised that he might need to take him self aside and give himself a talking to.:uhoh:

Oh hey and mods...........
why have you removed some of the posts in this thread.:=
Give a man a badge syndrome huh.

Let the thread take it course would ya!:mad:

Steve Zissou 11th Feb 2009 07:46

And ... go

bin b'archin 11th Feb 2009 20:33

Inexperienced PPL in a jet haha what a grand idea! And there's no way the authorities are going to let this monkey import a Mig; He could hold the NZ airforce to ransom with it... if he could only land and takeoff properly.

tinpis 11th Feb 2009 23:43

Cause of aviation private pilot warbird accident?

mattathm 15th Feb 2009 07:59

IM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:ok:

ZK-NSN 15th Feb 2009 08:54

So when is this dude going to be doing his next "high speed taxi practice" any NE locals got any info.
Imagine the crater he could make with a Mig 21.

Corkey McFuz 28th Feb 2009 10:43

Jet crash during taxi check

North Shore Times | Thursday, 26 February 2009
The jet pilot involved in an accident at North Shore Airfield had earlier been asked to supply performance information before taking off from the airfield.

Abbas Shahroodi says he wasn’t trying to take off when his L29 Deflin military jet training plane crashed into a fence at the field earlier this month.
Mr Shahroodi says he was doing a high-speed taxi manoeuvre to gather information when his brakes failed.
North Shore Aero Club president Ian Couper says the Civil Aviation Authority became aware through the media about the plane’s presence at the airfield before Christmas.
Mr Couper says the authority requested information to ensure the aircraft could safely take off from the field.
He is satisfied Mr Shahroodi wasn’t trying to take off.
Mr Couper says the jet was the first of its type to land at the airfield but it landed safely with plenty of room to spare on the runway.
The cause of the accident in February has been the subject of extensive online speculation.
But Mr Shahroodi says it was a minor incident that has been blown out of proportion because of the type of aircraft involved.
He says most of the people speculating haven’t flown a jet and don’t know what they’re talking about.
The Civil Aviation Authority is investigating the cause of the accident.

So looks like the feds were on to him about getting it out of there before hand, fair enough too !

Shredder6 28th Feb 2009 20:45

He says most of the people speculating haven’t flown a jet and don’t know what they’re talking about.
You still have to calculate performance even if you're flying a C172 in and out of a tight strip. Not sure that many of us would do a high speed taxi run to

gather information
in lieu of P Charts; I certainly wouldn't do this in my 737.

An idiot.

Steve Zissou 1st Mar 2009 03:29

"My brakes failed officer". Yeah Right.:bored:

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