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StrutlessDrKiller 13th Apr 2008 03:27

they trialled a IO550 ...... Cessna test pilots didn't like the skittish nature of its performance characteristics
They sure as hell got that right!

Dr :8

Stationair8 13th Apr 2008 03:38

So FTDK, so are you selling the V35B and moving over to the dark side?

StrutlessDrKiller 13th Apr 2008 04:02

So FTDK, so are you selling the V35B and moving over to the dark side?
No, the FTDK has become a Hangar Queen - awaiting a 100 hrly.

I am doing the owner of a newly imported IO550 powered C210N a favour by running it in for him. It is something of a challenge cause the run-in specs call for 70-75% power for the first 10 hrs. Those sort of power settings put "The Beast" way up into the yellow arc and make this risk averse pilot a little nervous. My answer to this problem is to lap it up the coast at 1000' over water in the morning when the air is cool and calm and being halfway up the yellow arc is (hopefully) a minimal risk!

This is one seriously quick aeroplane - but I suspect the margin for error is small!

It will be an interesting challenge for a long-time C172 pilot!

Dr :8

PS: I'm a pretty solid Bonanza convert!

Capt Wally 13th Apr 2008 04:10

hey what's with the name change Dr:8? Just 'cause yr going to fly a 'commodore' 'cheapy' (like BMW's, like ar**holes everybody's got one!) doesn't mean you have to enjoy it !:E & to fly a SE at such low level & over water with lousy turb pent speed is askin' for it mate !:E
Remember Dr when you have to act super fast with a prob by way of using only memory in the C210 the wing stays on top Dr, not blw where yr used to it being for the last few 1000 hrs !:E


StrutlessDrKiller 13th Apr 2008 04:49

to fly a SE at such low level & over water with lousy turb pent speed is askin' for it mate !:E
Heh Wal! Got the beach just out the window, mate - and me lifejacket in a little pouch on me waist. Anything happens (short of the wing parting company a la Cloncurry circa 1980) - she's a beach ornament!

Dr :8

Stationair8 13th Apr 2008 04:58

Yeah FTDK, blokes flies somebody else plane likes then thinks he will sell his own plane, then its a new car, boat, wife etc!

StrutlessDrKiller 21st Apr 2008 06:52

Someone in here asked me for my thoughts on the IO550 powered C210 vs the FTDK (V35B) - sorry, can't find the post!

OK, the jury is IN!

I knotched up 20 hrs in the IO550 C210 today, including two flights of 3+ hrs at 9 or 10,000'.

I have a couple of hundred hours in C210s, about 400 in the FTDK and maybe another 20 in the A36 and various other Bonanzas.

Flown at the same power settings/alt/etc, the performance of the two aircraft is virtually identical! There would not be a bee's dick in it!

The V35B has Gamis but doesn't have an all cylinder engine monitor (ACEM) (at the moment) - the C210 has the ACEM but has TCM "matched" injectors not Gamis. Neither the V35B nor the C210 were happy running LOP - so were both flown 50oC ROP.

The "jury" have flown in both the V35B and the IO550-C210 - all voted for the Bonanza as the more comfortable aircraft to travel in! The C210 was considered a "rough" ride. I found that interesting given the V-tails' tail wagging tendencies.

And I can tell you that it is a great deal easier to manage the speed of the Bonanza on descent than it is with the C210. The 210's tendency to at the top of the green arc or well up into the yellow arc makes me nervous. I got held up on descent into YBTL this afternoon and ended up over the fence at 140kts with the gear down and 10o flap - turned off at the second taxy way rather than my usual 1st taxyway! Dropping the gear does not slow it down like the Bonanza!

Give me a Bonanza every time!

Dr :8

Capt Wally 21st Apr 2008 07:43

Hey Dr:8 we would have all been surprised if you had said otherwise (prefer C210):) I will admit the Bo's do feel more 'solid' in flight but I too reckon that the C210 can be slippery, something that a lot of pilots want!
In a controlled crash I reckon the Beach would be stronger & in some ways more survivable.
Now what's next to fly for the Dr:8? Sundowner? :p


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