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coke drinker 7th Jun 2009 16:36

McGrath...I really think you are kidding yourself. Despite what Kevin 07 says, there isn't going to be a boom anytime soon and (I'm happy to be proven wrong) it'd have to be 99% unlikely they'd run a course this year OR next.

The other thing you have to consider is this. When you come out of a cadet programme you will have (probably) 300 hours. When you go looking for your industry placement, what're you going to say to people? Hi, I'm a Qantas Cadet and I want to work for you for two years so I can work for the red rat? That would be the truth and that will go down like a lead balloon...especially if you're going for anything bigger than a chieftain.

(P.S. Don't assume people not gushing with joy for the cadet programme didn't make it. There is a good chance that they weren't interested at all, couldn't afford it (it is very much a rich person's game) or perhaps they may have even done the course and been unhappy. Don't ever assume or you will make an ass of yourself).

mcgrath50 8th Jun 2009 04:56

Fair call coke, I concur that Krudd is pulling figures out of his arse, but if you take the three year course, plus two years industry placement (if you read the fine print 'The length of time in industry may vary due to bonding arrangements or contractual requirements. Qantas' requirement is for a minimum of 2 years employment, from the date of checking to line, in industry.' so it seems likely it would be more than 2 years) you would be looking at 5 years minimum before knocking on QANTAS' door.

In 5 years time (2015), QANTAS will need pilots there will be retirements, people moving to greener pastures even if the recovery isn't in full swing by then.

The cadetship is no better than the other ways of getting in the industry and tbh as long as I am learning and having fun I am happy to stay in industry as long as the employer and QF would keep me there.

Anyway as I said, I have some hope, not much mind you, and I can tell you my other options have become a lot more serious in the last 12 months! :ouch:

PPRuNeUser0163 8th Jun 2009 12:20


you and me have spoken before about qantas cadetship and its supposed allure.

It's gone buddy- move on! Alot of people have. The hard facts are the CP of Qantas hates cadets, current guys down in Melbourne have course extended to September coz qf doesnt have a ******* idea what to do with them and they are being left out to hang like a towel on your clothes line.

I hate to sound so negative and cynical but this is the truth- the QF cadetship as we knew it is no more. It will likely come back but for sure with changes that make it nowhere near as attractive as past applicants wouldve been privy to.

I myself moved on from it- realized qf wasnt the be all and end all, Swinburnes a great uni, Oxford is a great place and this is where I wanna be flying- who cares if im a QC or just a Degree student--> coz at the moment theyre of equal standing.

Gligg 8th Jun 2009 16:24

As someone who came through the ranks at a time when a QF cadetship wasn't even an option, I can safely say that it isn't the be all and end all - in fact there are plenty of options out there for those with a sense of adventure. Get out there (yes, even outside Australia) fly some interesting and unusual aircraft types, go to some strips without ILS or 2000m of tarmac, get laid, spend some time away from home and out of your comfort zone, mountain flying, bush flying, tailwheel, skis, floats. Enjoy the journey, have fun, Qantas will still be there...plus you'll have some stories/experiences to share on those long sectors.
Nothing more depressing than a 21 yo already worrying about pension plans and seniority ;)

KTM525 9th Jun 2009 04:14

Heard recently no new intakes until at least 2011 (Cadet or D/E). I wouldn' be relying too much on the cadetship at the moment. With the current situation i would be out getting my hours and qualificataions going because there will be a lot of competition when the wheel starts turning again. By all means do a University course, but i would be careful on waiting for Qantas to come to the party in the near future, especially with cadetships.
Moral of the story, get everything ready for when the recruiting window opens, cos if history tells us anything it often isn't open for long. Might be hard work in the short term, but worth it in the long run.

pylet 9th Jun 2009 05:36

Gligg - Spot on!

KTM525 - not sure who told you about 2011, but based on the current flying program and expansion plans put on hold, it sounds about right!

It makes no sense in solely relying on the QF cadet program considering it now takes 5 years, including a 2 year industry placement that must be sourced by the cadet, additional selection process prior to mainline start and no longer a seniority advanatge.

Read Gliggs post above, and you'll be in the best position for DJ, JQ, QF, CX etc when the employment gates open once again.

mcgrath50 9th Jun 2009 11:22

No need to panic, if the cadetship runs and I get I will seriously consider it. If it doesn't or I don't get it I will be out bush seeing you guys in no time! It would be great to be able to live multiple lives and try all the career paths open to you. :ok:

m.r.a.z.23 9th Jun 2009 12:47

depends whether you classify it as the amount of people per course or the amount taken in per year.

the associate degree took the most in one course at 32 last yr initially, plus another 6 in a mid-year intake. the commercial course takes about 10 per course and there were 3 or 4 courses last year so that makes them pretty equal in terms of intake numbers.

the other two 3 yr degrees took minimal numbers at i think 4 for swinburne and 1 or 2 for griffith.

and out of about 500 applicants for the '08 program, they only let about 50/60 in for that year, so around 10-15% were successful, which is pretty competitive i think.

CazbahKid 19th Jun 2009 05:11

Associate Degree and Commercial Programs are cancelled for 2010 boys and girls.

I was planning on applying for Associate Degree down at Swinburne, but looks like I'll be off to BK now. Hell, it's cheaper!

CazbahKid 19th Jun 2009 06:40

It's all here mate...

About Qantas - Qantas Careers - Pilots

Mstr Caution 29th Jun 2009 02:50

WannabeQF - Yes they did, early 2009.

Mcambo 29th Jun 2009 05:32

The 2009 Swinburne Associate Degree did not go ahead. Instead QF placed about 5 cadets into hte Bachelor (Aviation) course instead.

rodrigues 1st Jul 2009 01:40

The current status is that none of the QF Cadets or would-be SO's will get a look in until at least 2011 (as previously mentioned). Of course this may or may not change between now and then. Hope this is useful.

mcgrath50 2nd Jul 2009 11:17

I'll bite, who is thinking about it?

I will throw my hat into the ring, see what happens.

CazbahKid 2nd Jul 2009 11:37

Well, I was going to apply for the Associate Degree, but, laterssss...

No intention whatsoever for the Bachelor Degree - takes twice as long (all that time sitting around at uni) and costs 13 stacks of high society (I think?). Considering that you have to find your own employment AND take DE testing after you've finished the course, I can't see any benefit anymore.

Good luck with it nonetheless :ok:

CazbahKid 11th Aug 2009 07:20

Apps opened today... Anyone going to apply?

Dragun 11th Aug 2009 07:58

So you can do testing, pay $100K+, go find a job like you would in GA anyway and then go back and do more testing like you would with direct entry.

Pray tell, what's the point?

Chadzat 11th Aug 2009 09:36

I think that IS the point Qantas are trying to get across!

tmpffisch 11th Aug 2009 10:26

:ok: Spot on Dragun

CazbahKid 11th Aug 2009 12:47

I concur with all above.

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