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-   -   Best Air Traffic controller is...... (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/285058-best-air-traffic-controller.html)

blueloo 27th Jul 2007 12:35

Dunno who it was on Perth Approach the other evening when the weather was super sh!t and aircraft stacked, banking up and holding all over the place, by the cool calmness, steady cadence and quiet tenor of his voice every one got home and even the pilots were picking up on his coolth. :D:D:D:D:) I even had to turn up the volume.:ok:
I can just hear the min fuel QF idiots looking at their offsider going what do we do now?

Luckily not to many min fuel idiots about, but "not to many" is still to many!

dogebros 29th Jul 2007 00:07

Australian airspace and atc are a disgrace as well as the approach aids (ie. Australia do not have any ils better than Cat 1, we are so backward it is not funny!). We still think we are world leaders but in fact have let the world get away from us whilst we bask in the glory of being first class. It is an embarrassment when overseas airlines visit here and have to put up with huge delays caused by traffic (we aren't even that busy) and weather (we should be able to land in 50 metres visibility but due to lack of investment we can't, even though the aircraft can!).
A United 747 departed Sydney a few years ago and the Captain said to Sydney atc "I've been flying in here for 20 years or more and am about to retire so this is my last trip. I would like to say thanks and congratulations on being the second best air traffic control in the world."
Sydney atc replied "Thanks and all the best in your retirement. Oh, by the way, who is the best?"
United replied "The rest of the world!!"

I think that just about sums it up. :ugh:

Night Flight 29th Jul 2007 18:42

Chucky! Chucky! Chucky
Another vote for Chucky from me:ok:... every pilot flying in or thought AD will agree he's a champion!:D

haughtney1 29th Jul 2007 20:18

The best controllers....hmmmmmmm yep London TMA and the final vector (director) guys/gals..they even laugh at my jokes at 3am:E
Gonzo, I had a go on the sims..and found out I couldn't write and talk at the same time..those pesky strips!!!

Oz controllers in my experience are up there, as are the NZ counterparts...

If anyone ever operates in the middle east or Africa...its always fun to ignore the first instruction (just for a second or two) and wait for the instruction to be shouted...so you can hear it better:}

AQIS Boigu 30th Jul 2007 02:04

how about the North American dude at Cairns Approach...he must be right up there... never stresses out when all the others do...:ok:


ps.: does anyone know his name???

Bedder believeit 30th Jul 2007 02:46

"And the best controller is????"...you pilots shouldn't even be allowed to get near answering this sort of question. You wouldn't have a bloody clue. The best controllers come from all sorts of places, and work in all sorts of places, and they are the ones who are calm, knowledgeable, easy to work with, are not prima donna's, are thoughtful instructors, all parts of the job that you people in aeroplanes wouldn't have a schmick about. And I reckon I should have a fair idea, having worked 21 years in Oz (SY all positions, CB all positions, Bankstown, TW TWR, BN APP and TWR, DUBAI APP & TWR, KAI TAK APP & TWR, and now Chek Lap Kok APP & TWR). I have worked with Aussies (like me), Kiwis, South Africans, Irish, Poms (from that be all and end all LHR) Yanks, Canadians, Danes, Swedes...you name it. You might think I'm singing that old Lucky Star song "I've been everywhere", but I can assure you, in my environment (at the Earth bound end of a microphone) the people I work with and see every day of my working life, are where I judge the answer to this question, and all over the place, they range from good to bad. As for you International drivers that always go on about Heathrow, and how good they are, well, I've worked with at least 20 odd people from there, and they are just the same as the rest of us...good, bad and indifferent! A thread like this is akin to letting passengers start a topic "And the best pilot is???", once again, they wouldn't have a bloody clue!

Howard Hughes 30th Jul 2007 03:59

The best controllers come from all sorts of places, and work in all sorts of places, and they are the ones who are calm, knowledgeable, easy to work with, are not prima donna's,
Yep, definately sounds like Chuck from Adelaide to me, never a calmer voice was heard over a microphone...:ok:

Oh sorry I have already voted!:O

Muffinman 30th Jul 2007 04:19

Geez after that tongue lashing, my vote now goes to Bedder believeit 'cause as a pilot "you wouldn't have a bloody clue". So let's all stop wondering what the best....... twin/single/piston/turbine/airline/headset/wine/music/movie/album/car/food/book/suburb/city/country/rugby/rules/sport/
....can someone help me continue on with the list so that we can keep bedder happy about any other dangerous transgressions into any future 'best is..' topic:{

F:mad:g sook.

Bedder believeit 30th Jul 2007 04:26

Like "muffins" Muffinman...they do say they are all the same, but it's all in the eye of the beholder!! B B

Peter Fanelli 30th Jul 2007 14:12

Come and visit BN one evening this summer when the TS roll through. And see people who actually thrive on sorting out that mess!
Oh please, thunderstorms and typical Australian capital city traffic?
Give me a break.

Try evening thunderstorms at Memphis during the Fedex rush.



Remember, those two video clips are showing ONLY Fedex traffic.

I would like to point out that I am not an Air Traffic Controller and therefore my inclusion of these links is in no way intended to suggest that I am working in Memphis or for FedEx, nor that I have a bigger dick than anyone else here.
Although I probably do, so there! :}

papi on 30th Jul 2007 16:06

Chill out!
Sometimes I read these threads and it takes me back to primary school in the sixties!
"My dad earns more than you're dad".
"No he does'nt".
"Yes he does". etc etc.
The only difference was the dad's were having a beer together at night and were not concerned about the conversation that their kids were having as they discussed life in their workplaces! Everyone was equal at the pub!
We are still carrying on with the same 6 year old 'big d*ck conversations as we get close to retirement age!

Chuck sounds great but he may be in a situation where he has the upper hand (i.e. staffing) and knows he can leave when the time suits him and therefore do as he pleases. If a 30 year old with a couple of kids did the same they may be asked in for tea and bikkies!

I guess what I am trying to say is let's all try to take it easy with critisism of each others roles as we all need to work together. Somedays you win and others you lose. Every workplace will have gifted employees and plodders. Do a survey of customers and one may put you in one classification and another may put you in the opposite. What you deliver will never satisfy everyone.

Most on this forum are workers. We have no control over the modern business environment that see's us as a cost rather than an asset. The best thing that we can do is to band together in an attempt to wait for the day where work ethic and common sense prevails although my optimism is waning at a rapid rate.

Maybe a good stock market crash will be the solution and we can move out of this superannuation fuelled economy that we live in and return to a common sense environment.

In the meantime all of us, Cabin Crew, Engineers, Pilots, ATC and everyone one else are all in the same boat so let's all work together to bring on 'the revolution'.

Sorry about the rant but the red is now finished so I can go to bed!


Peter Fanelli 30th Jul 2007 17:59

Sometimes I read these threads and it takes me back to primary school in the sixties!
"My dad earns more than you're dad".
Papi On you must have gone to one of them fancy posh schools if you bragged about money. When I went to primary school in the 60's it was more about my dad's Holden being better than your dad's Simca.

Capt Claret 30th Jul 2007 23:48

Oi, Peter, your dad's Holden might have been better than his dad's Simca, but it wasn't better than my dad's Woolsley! ;)

Peter Fanelli 31st Jul 2007 00:29

A Wolseley......geez my Uncle had one of those. I remember the illuminated Wolseley emblem in the grille.

OK how many here have actually driven the famous Nissan Cedric? :cool:

papi on 31st Jul 2007 00:44

Papi On you must have gone to one of them fancy posh schools if you bragged about money. When I went to primary school in the 60's it was more about my dad's Holden being better than your dad's Simca.
Nah public and we didnt have any money we just pretended we did like everyone else!

Mum did have one of those Morris Minors that had the indicators on arms between the front and rear doors and pull down holland blinds in the back! (Til I broke them!).

Bedder believeit 31st Jul 2007 01:01

My Dad had a '50 Humber Super Snipe (swinging turn indicators etc), but then I shouldn't mention that here, I might be accused of being elitist, or has that happened already? Anyway Peter, you must be home sick (like me), an expat sounding off on principally an Oz discussion. By the way, great reply Papi on....Tasmania eh!!!!

papi on 31st Jul 2007 14:54

Tasmania eh!!!!
Nah. Long way from Tassie. They are getting the Morris Minor released there next year apparently!

Just waiting for the angry response from Scurvy who is dying to upgrade from his Zephyr!!!

Gonzo 5th Aug 2007 05:16

ATCOs' opinion on who is 'the best'.....


My contribution on that thread......


The worst controllers are those who feel they know it all and even if they don't, are afraid to look stupid by asking for help or advice.

The best are the opposite, they know they will never know everything about their job, they know there will always be someone with a little more experience and knowledge than themselves, and they are willing to ask for help or advice, knowing and yet not caring that it might make them look stupid.<<

divingduck 5th Aug 2007 11:06

tsk tsk Gonzo
Gonzo, WTF are you thinking of? This is an Ozzie forum, thoughtful, non insulting contributions from you foreigners have no place here:ugh:
Anyway...back to topic, my dad had an FC holden, and it was better than anyone else's dads Ford!:eek:

PS Hautney1...fly in UAE or Dubai's airspace and ignore calls....I dare you:E

duke of duchess 5th Aug 2007 15:09

A few years back darwin was good, then they had to go and get rid of the guys/girls that new what they were doing and get some more trainees in :(

Singapore has been very good, very busy but very organised, even vectored us around sells.

perth are terrible, it is amazing the way they can give you 20min holding for traffic, when no traffic holding is required and you have come from the other side of the continent with 100+kt headwinds.

however Noumea takes the cake when they put us in a holding pattern for 20min, so they could get an aircalin flight ahead that had been 10 min behind us the entire way across, The Fact we were MED1 meant nothing, but the real annoying part was that it was a clear day and they wouldnt let us leave the pattern till after the aircalin plane had left the runway. It was CAVOK too, so we even offered to track direct to the field at max spead.

Home nation advantage.

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