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avi8r 11th Apr 2007 11:51

Golden Eagle
G'day All,
I've tried the search function with no results.
Has anyone got any information on Golden Eagle Airlines?
Working conditions, culture, job promotion policy, staff turnover or anything at all.
What is the likelihood of a 600+ hour CPL holder taking a "ground" job with the company then being put on as a pilot on the C206 if/when the vacancy comes about? Are we talking 6 months on the ground or is it just a pipedream?

GetOffMyBack 11th Apr 2007 13:05

You will have a bloody good chance in getting a gig there IF you close to God and especially if your a 7day eventer.:E

pleiades 12th Apr 2007 00:42

the scoop
if you want to work with GEA drop me PM.

Jedi 12th Apr 2007 03:14

:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :{ :E
the last guy that startd there was bonded $5000 for PA31 line training, he already had 150hrs on type...:mad:
one of their PA31s just had a gear failure in DBY, i hear maintanence played a part in it?
make up your own mind.

3RAR 12th Apr 2007 03:36

A windup?????

Working conditions, culture, job promotion policy, staff turnover or anything at all.
Caveat Emptor :{ :yuk: :(

3RAR 12th Apr 2007 03:46

busy day in the store again today????

the wizard of auz 12th Apr 2007 03:56

it is a dam good option.
Not for the money they pay it aint. I have spoken to quiet a few of their pilots, and it seems there is alot of politics involved whilst working there. I only spoke to two who were happy (Both new to the industry), and all the others I spoke to were unhappy about something. usually it was the money (although a couple were unhappy about seniority issues and a certain new lady C&T person, leapfrogging into other types)
Straight from the horses mouths. :eek:

HyaenasPT6 12th Apr 2007 05:11

The Big Picture
I have it on good authority that pays have been an issue of late. Pays being late or for the incorrect amount. We all make mistakes but guess who always seems to benefit from the incorrect figure. So have a few $$$ in reserve so if you find yourself out of work because they have joined the long list of operators that have gone under you can get to Broome, Kununurra where there are other operators.

$5000 for a bongo endorsement? Or a PA31? Look at it like a flying school you pay your cash for M E Command for three or for months, by that time the bond has decreased to around $3000 and you are looking pretty employable for an eastern states operator.

If you do go through with it Never tell them or any of your mates where you are going to work when you leave. Golden Eagle Airlines say they do not give references but they do. Like the pay ‘miscalculations’ you will not be the one who benefits. there are always a few unsolicited phone calls made by people as they throw all the toys out of the pram. So watch out.

One hot head that has not left the company for very long is still tight lipped but his story should be published. A lesson in how the bottom end of the GA HR practices can be not such a fair procedure. It will be a good read.

But they do have twins, so enjoy the Pilbra ror the Kimberly.


GetOffMyBack 12th Apr 2007 06:45

Hey pleiades, I assume your working for the Budgie, is Dave O'neill still up that way.

p.s. When did they start eating babies, was never like that when I was there!

pleiades 12th Apr 2007 06:54

ho ho ho.....
Yeah I was being facetious, sorry about that.
I just hate when people talk :mad: and make wild statements, when the answers are not yet with those closest to the issue.
Anyway... Dave is still incharge of the local bush fire bregade, hospital handyman as well as doing the odd bit of electrical work for GEA. all a bit much for an old fella if you ask me! :eek:

Jedi 12th Apr 2007 09:48

How close do you have to be to the subject?
would having half a degree help, or is it enough that I dont know how to start a C206!!!:oh:

If you know Dave, you would also know why he stopped working for GEA in the first place. The man is a legend and take nothing away from him, in fact if you really want to know wether or not ot work for GEA why not ask him im sure he'd be happy to tell you all about it.

Dont know who youve been talking to, but nearly everyone I know that has left GEA has been due to either T&C (dont read amount of pay), or maintenance issues. There have been at least 5 engine failures/shutdown in the last 3 years, and god know how many gear related problems that all seem to just gt penned off:bored:

Its not all about the coin guys!!!!

say tuned...

the wizard of auz 12th Apr 2007 11:44

who said anything about them all having left??? quite a few are still there and chatted with recently. I saw one EFATO/Shutdown this year already. saw a couple of breakdowns as well as heard some pretty sick chieftains staggering around the Kimberly. I guess that is what comes with using older types of aircraft. Your right, it's not all about the coin.....but that is a part of it. the inter company politics have also taken their toll.
Of course, this is all hearsay.......... from people within the company, but they all seem to agree on several points.

GetOffMyBack 12th Apr 2007 11:59

Why do people leave companies due C&T is Captain CC that bad? or maybe they dont like uncy Keiths ways.

HyaenasPT6 12th Apr 2007 13:10

I just hate when people talk :mad: and make wild statements, when the answers are not yet with those closest to the issue
Is this what you mean by politics???? By the look of his previous posts it seems this 200 hour 'DESK PILOT' should get used to the store job and stop trying to sleep his way to the top.

Dream on. It may work in NZ but your reputation preceeds you here.

Do the people you lectured at Ryan Air know of your vast years of experience in the aviation (spare parts) industry????

2p!ssed2drive 12th Apr 2007 22:30

i also know for a fact that the ops department barely pulls their weight.

once when I was in YPKU, a poor golden eagle pilot was left sitting on the ground for over 4 hours because ops hadn't booked him a room/accomodation. Wet Season, might I add.

When he called them to see what was going on, she told him... "Take a chill pill, we're busy over here."


drshmoo 12th Apr 2007 23:53

GEA - one hand on the bible and one fist in your @ss.
But they work a whole lot less than the poor agitator or slingding boys - well written duties may look reasonably similar but actual duty times hahahaha:}
Never worked for GEA but did work for one of the above listed sweatshops of Aviation
So if your interested in GEA, bring your bible, bring your rosary beads and bring lube:ok:

HyaenasPT6 13th Apr 2007 00:39

Our Daily Bread
Oi Wiz

I saw one EFATO/Shutdown this year already. saw a couple of breakdowns as well as heard some pretty sick chieftains staggering around the Kimberly.
These breakdowns you speak of, you speaking about the PA-31s :eek: or the Chief Pilot :{

H :*

yr right 13th Apr 2007 00:51

golden bitch
If you wont to be paid on time, if you wont to be on the cover of the next crash comic, if you wont to end up in court, or if you wont to end up in a box, then go fly with them.

If you dont wont to do any of the above then i think its quite clear what i would do dont you.

On the positive like its been said before take pently of lube cause you will screwed up the :mad: while your there and even after you leave they will do the same.

May God be with you because you will need him......

A day in the life as a golden bitch
:) :bored: :confused: :uhoh: :mad: := :* :ugh: :ooh: :{ := :* :zzz:
Then you leave

Hope ive made it bit easier for you.

disco_air 13th Apr 2007 01:11

it seems there is alot of politics
I DO hate it when politics is mixed with religion :}


turnarounds 13th Apr 2007 01:23

I DO hate it when politics is mixed with religion ........ and sex!

Jedi 13th Apr 2007 02:01

Hey Woomera, Did I see a forum for exposing the :mad: that goes on in some GA companies?
If not can one be created and led with this thread as an advisary for all the newbies and not so newbies...:ok:

GetOffMyBack 13th Apr 2007 02:37

Bit harsh on the old budgi don't u think boys. When was the last time any of us worked for a GA company that didn't ask you to lube up and take one for the team.

yr right, the only thing that has been killed so far was when Mince ran into cow in company van, funny stuff.

The only question I have: Is Mr. avi8r going to pursue a "career" with them after all this wonderful advise?

Jamair 13th Apr 2007 03:32

If you WANT to learn English........:rolleyes:

skyhog 13th Apr 2007 05:08

I would love an explanation to “when Mince ran into cow in company van” that sounds like a fascinating story. :ok:

Wanderin_dave 13th Apr 2007 05:41

No I believe Jamair posted in the forum he wanted to.

trolleydriver 13th Apr 2007 14:22

Eagle vs Eagle
"the only thing that has been killed so far was when Mince ran into cow in company van"

I beg to differ :}

Results from one eagle having a run-in with another :ouch:


planemad_bk 13th Apr 2007 14:46

Jedi, 3RAR You boys are :mad: legends, got it spot on:ok: . Pleiades shouldn't you be ordering a new nose cone for VH-:mad: and nose wheel????? Your time might be better spent trying to get behind the wheel instead of sprooooooooking on this forum trying to get people jobs.

Karma is a :mad: and unfortunately due to the high turn over of drivers, there are a lot of unhappy ex-employees willing to voice there views.

planemad_bk 13th Apr 2007 15:10

pleiades Can you get me job???
pleiades, I've got 3500tt 2000 Multi 5 renewals I've got 2 crew experiance....I'm told that'l help alot:ok: ....But I only have 800 turbo-prop command, 50 jet.

I'm looking to get back onto the trusty Ol PA31......can u Pm me:O I haven't done any bush time before....and looking to do the " Had Yards"

Is 80K to much to expect for a PA31 job? I'm happy to relocate to Brisbane. Does GEA have a base there?:p

aircabbie 13th Apr 2007 23:34

3RAR legends Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sorry just never heard a bigger load of **** in all my life .

sorry back to the thread....


wrongwayaround 14th Apr 2007 17:00

.. coming from a Christians point of view all I can say is I'm disappointed in the blatant disregard this company has on actual Christian ethos.

a strong sense of hypocrisy I can smell - when they use a religion to sugar coat their operation.. shame :hmm:

the wizard of auz 15th Apr 2007 00:59

Actually, thats one thing I didn't see them doing. Although I spoke to their staff all over the Kimberly and daily, I never heard one word that could have been construed as religious.
(Although I did bump into an angel that works for them, a couple of times. :} :E )

Dances With Dingoes 15th Apr 2007 12:09

There are several Christians at different levels of the company. Not all of them have been the type of people who many of these posts are targeting. There actually are some respectable churchgoing people there that don't judge the rest of the world, they actually appreciate it. because they have different views. Good examples of religious tollerence.

Not all christians are bad. Not all white men are racist. Not all women are bad drivers. Its just the ones that are tend to taint the rest.

The focus seems to be clouded by religion. Don't target them because they go to church or the problems will never be solved.


GetOffMyBack 16th Apr 2007 00:37

Hows this...

One New Years Day a few years ago was asked to come into work not to fly but to work in the hanger and clean aircraft. Very hungover and reluctant to work on my religious holiday the chief pilot spent 2 hours with me preaching the lords word and explaining why I lived in sin all in 40+ heat.

DD your right not all religious people are nuts this one is

bubbalowski 17th Apr 2007 03:35

It sounds like jedi is a little disgruntled... maybe if he performed better whilst employed with gea then he would be flying a jumbo by now.

think about it dude gea doesn't just go around giving references as bad as the one you got for no reason

Bula 17th Apr 2007 03:43

ouch................. but its looks like Jedi isn't the only one dude..

bugsmasher210 17th Apr 2007 10:50

Seems to me like PPrune is full of ex GEA jocks pissed off with their time at the company.

Fellas get over it. GEA is a good company with good management. I see no reason to be bagging them out.

What kind of reference do you expect to get when you bitch about your company???

GetOffMyBack 18th Apr 2007 08:33

GEA is a good company with good management. I see no reason to be bagging them out.
obviously haven't worked them!

vee tail 18th Apr 2007 10:07

Dont ya love all these new posts that have memberships since apr 2007.
Jedi how are ya mate, and yes you did have them try and derail your job a couple of times:mad: . seems like employers from certain companies in Perth will not take any reference from GEA seriously any more, I also hear the chief pilot has application with a company who he has bagged several of their pilots which are ex GEA.
I think you are stuck with pistons:= := :=

bubbalowski 18th Apr 2007 11:50

look all i can say is gea are a company that gives a lot of pilots a good first go and a really good grounding in ga. you guys probably don't appreciate that but then again you sound like the sorts that think your pretty good anyway ( even having never achieved anything)

so enjoy the rest of your not flying for qantas careers :)

Ellen White 23rd Apr 2007 09:00

More resignations?
I hear that the GM is the latest to resign with the ****s. Any one know if that is true?

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