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2p!ssed2drive 6th Jun 2007 05:40

knowing golden budgie, they probably don't have any superglue.


and they only probably found that out at 4am one morning, but no worries - we'll call PT from King Leo's and get him over to fix it for us :rolleyes:

Ellen White 6th Jun 2007 23:03

COT ? COT ? a Seneca 1?...its still alive ??? .. omg...:eek:
Hey Tinny, that gives you an idea of the standard of aircraft at GEA.:hmm:

Such a shame that lovely lady at the post office no longer works there.
PT6, I think she dose still work there.

tinpis 6th Jun 2007 23:49

Looks in old log....Nov.1 1975 endorsement Parafield VH-COT :yuk:

Ellen White 6th Jun 2007 23:58

Not unusual to see an old aircraft in GA I guess,

But THIS one has still got the SAME OIL IN THE SUMP as when you did your endo.

It costs far too much to change oil in leased aircraft. You can feed an Orphan for a month with the same money and it's not as if my family are passengers in it. :ugh:

pleiades 8th Jun 2007 04:24

Hey yall! :)

Yeah I have been quiet, I have been really busy.
First off, no, I am not anyone else on pprune. Bublouski can attest to this I am sure.

But, contrary to many people’s wishes, I had a great flight, met some fantastic people and learned a lot about ozzy flying. :ok:
(And no the continent is no more interesting at 7500ft than one experiences cruising over at FL350! What an amazingly flat and empty place!)

Heres a pic of the old girl for all you out there feeling nostalgic.

She was in surprisingly good nick considering the down time she's had.
All in all a great trip and I am now glad to be back enjoying the Kimberly's many fishing spots :D and fantastic weather.

Can’t wait for the next unrestrained barrage of hatred. :)

To all you "haters" out there, you can talk all the smack you like. But I just ask you this one question: How does it look to have thousands of hours and multiple "insert-piloting-achievement-here" 's under your belt and still find it necessary to talk :mad: about 250hour guys? What are you doing with your time and how damaging is that to your soul? I only hope that when I am an experienced and knowledgeable pilot (how ever long that may take) I am not obsessing about some guy 10 years behind me.:confused:

Magarnagle 8th Jun 2007 05:37

This is phenomenal, who needs Jerry Springer?

I have to say, Pleiades, good on you for sticking to your guns and standing up for what you believe despite being sledged for it. But after the overwhelming amount of criticism levelled at this operator (both here on Pprune and in real life), I don't think I'd recommend anyone I know apply with them, when by all accounts there are other more legitimate operators screaming out for pilots.

Why is it that more often than not, it's the Bible bashers who are the least likely to behave in a reasonable (some would say Christian) manner?

HyaenasPT6 8th Jun 2007 12:31

Such a shame that lovely lady at the post office no longer works there.
PT6, I think she dose still work there.


Someone needs to tell gorilla how to do his job. Even 'K Man' may now be able to work out why he is the only one in the middle of the mining boom that can't make any money.

eagle-boy 8th Jun 2007 14:56


and learned a lot about ozzy flying.
But you already knew everything. Like how to flatspot a 206 tyre on that short runway at Hedland, and how to fly it back to Derby U/S. No wonder GE lost the RFDS contract with thinkers like you at the stick

What an amazingly flat and empty place!)
Much like the space between your ears where the 'SHAME RECEPTORS' should be working:ugh:

yr right 9th Jun 2007 00:06

the chief engineer has just handed in his notice as well this week, how long has he been there not even 6 months. how long now before CASA steps up to the plate and really looks at what is going on.

Ellen White 9th Jun 2007 08:46

CASA tend to audit company that are doing the right thing so there is not too much work to do. Otherwise you end up with visit like the one a month ago. Gorilla in tears and the auditor pulling his hair out. Lets not even talk about the plagerised sections in the ops manual that were written for another company by the very same CASA staff.

Now that the RFDS contract going to Sling Air is public, I must wonder how long till the RPT gets pulled from GEA. Pitty to all those who have done time working in ops waiting for a flying job. Unlike those in the store that are still to 'Strike A Blow'.

If the people chose to donate their cash to a charity then they should be the ones going to Asia to claim the glory because it is their money. If people want to claim the glory then they should be the ones making the donations from their own money.

Sorry to all the readers for saying things twice but SOMEONE is having a little trouble getting the BIG PICTURE.

We don't go to work for the fun. We work to be paid. When we go to work and dont get paid we leave. D!CKHE@D!!!


does sat fushing overtime also = saturday surfing inet at work overtime?
Yes. The only thing that changes is he stops being Pilaties (Piladies is a constelation, represents the size of his ego and gut. Pilaties is what he needs to be doing so the passenger in COT would have been legal with half tanks) Saturday is when he adopts the overtime name of BUBBA. I think when he is not being paid at all is when he becomes an angry little boy and goes by the name of AIRCABBIE.

Just a theory :E


eagle-boy 12th Jun 2007 03:45

If a company trades insolvent are the directors assets able to be sold to pay wages and super??? :confused:

What about other higher managers inthe company like the CP??

bubbalowski 14th Jun 2007 10:41

i hate pilots
here's a theory

maybe pilades is just another poor prick working for gea

aircabbie iis just another pilot who has to have a say in everything

and the big bubbalowski is just a **** stirrer who thinks that you all take yourselves too seriously

have a nice day :)

Ellen White 14th Jun 2007 12:22


Lets not forget 'BIG BUBBA' before you make the 'BIG 'claim,,,,,

I have seen you naked :eek:......

the wizard of auz 14th Jun 2007 12:26

AAAAAAWWWW!!!!! Just when you think a thread cant get any lower, Pprune jumps up and proves itself again. :}:eek:

das Uber Soldat 14th Jun 2007 21:18

im just waiting for someone to throw a chair. :}

eagle-boy 15th Jun 2007 13:29

  • Don't know about a daughter but if he sees this, he is gunna HAVE A COW. Hahaha

landof4x 23rd Jul 2007 06:48

The pilot who got so much grief a few years back because he WASN'T prepared to bend over and accept a pineapple and because he flew better than management has somewhat opened a doorway out of gea. The company he went to seems to be sucking them dry of pilots. Partly due to the current shortage, but I'm sure that one dude is smiling quietly in the knowledge that everyone is following in his footsteps and it is hurting gea bad. As for the quality of the last guy who just transferred over...

vee tail 23rd Jul 2007 07:46


Jedi 23rd Jul 2007 10:47

With all due respect Vee Tail (My young apprentice), the Pay was the least of the problems. As for the last transfer… Ill let you sort him out! A certain term being flung around about sitting on your hands comes to mind.:rolleyes:

landof4x 25th Jul 2007 02:09

Jedi - pay definitely wasn't least of the problems slightly more recently. And did you ever do the numbers with respect to your superannuation while u were there?

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