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smacker1900 7th Apr 2007 02:39

Mountain Air
Anyone on Pprune work for these guys, or have in the recent past? or know someone.
What is the company really like? They must be good, they have been around for a while and seem to do a crap load of work.

kiwi_hockey_guy 7th Apr 2007 04:02

I know of people working for them out of Auckland, from what ive heard, it's a typical GA op, High workload, low pay...... but its all part of paying you dues i guess....

Bongo Bus Driver 7th Apr 2007 05:03

The work is hard. The pay is low and the shrinks says the nightmares should stop soon. If you do your two years and don't step on any toes then the experience is well worth it.

Split Flap 7th Apr 2007 20:43

I never want to go to that island again.......... I brake out in a cold sweat just thinking about it..........:{

ARPs 8th Apr 2007 00:26

I knew a guy who owned a dog and he worked for them. When I was speaking to him he had been there for 18 months of his 2 year contract and was still based down at the Chateau. He had got his C206 rating and done 0.6 hours in the Islander.

I would hope that if you had been there that long and were bonded for $8,000 for your first year and $5,000 for your second year that you had a bit more than 0.6 hrs in a Islander to show for it.

But hey thats NZ GA for you!!!!!

I hear the AA base is worth your while though. Plenty of flying but still crap pay. Your life is THEIRS for two years!!!


Bongo Bus Driver 8th Apr 2007 02:48

Yes ARP there are some out there that get the short end of the stick. But some of them do seal their own fate by doing dumb things, not being straight up with the boss or basicly sitting on their butt and waiting to be handed an airline interview.

On the other hand I know of some who did 20 months at the mountain, went to AA and got interveiws with stuff all multi with the link operators. It all comes down to your work ethic.

ARPs 8th Apr 2007 03:24

Agreed Bongo Bus Driver!!!

I have heard of guys who did their time at the Auckland base then got straight into Mt Cook. Now you couldn't turn your nose up at something like that!

Split Flap 8th Apr 2007 23:00

You roll your dice and you takes your chances, just a pity they take your soul while working there and only give half it back when you leave :p

smacker1900 9th Apr 2007 08:45

Work Ethic
From what I hear, just to have worked there means you have a pretty good work ethic. They just can't be lazy because they get their arse's worked off regardless. I've watched them from the comfort of my 'office'.

Yes I had heard the McKenzies were the nicest people in GA to work for.:ouch:

Cloud Cutter 9th Apr 2007 08:56

There are certainly a top bunch of guys who work or have worked there (bar the occasional one).

pakeha-boy 9th Apr 2007 09:01

(bar the occasional one).

...that wouldnt be you?,...would it cloud...:} :p

Split Flap 9th Apr 2007 20:18

I suppose I had better offer up some infofor the original poster....

They are not to bad, I certainly think there are worse companies in NZ GA to do your time with, they have their good points and some bad points.

You can do your own reseacrh on Aircraft, bases, etc by looking at their website so I wont repeat it here.
The pay is 23,000pa and they make sure they get their moneys worth outta you, in the auckland base you will do approx 600 multi p.a. so its only a year or so till your'e a gone burger. The flying is mainly out to the Barrier and a freight run to whangarei, with the odd charter thrown in, and of course the scenic flying down at the mountain (which is a great job but unfortunatly lacks the multi). The boss seems to have developed a bit of a relationshiop with Air Nsn over the last little while, and if he puts your name forward then it looks like your a shoe in for the job, if your on the wrong side of him, then things might be a little tougher, like I said before, you rolls your dice and you takes your chances.
The bond is another contentious issue however you are given a chance to look at the contract before you sign it, and for most people its a no brainer.... till you get the call up and youre inside your two years... ouch.
The money is difficult to live on in Auckland, and you will go backwards financially in the time that you spend there(unless you have a girlfriend with a good job :) ).
The job can be difficult at times and loading heavy bags in the rain is no fun for anyone. I think it is called character building, personally I think you can have too much character.
They have had a LOT of employment issues in the past, however, all the good b@stards seem to be able just to get on with the job, do their time and get a turbo job in no time, funny how that happens.
If you like an ale or fifteen you should have no troubles getting on with the boss, and he never has any problems with dishing out the company supplied stuff to the troops when the boys have had a long day:ok: .

Airslasher 10th Apr 2007 22:08

I have heard of guys who did their time at the Auckland base then got straight into Mt Cook
Really? Not too sure about about that.

Split Flap 11th Apr 2007 04:01

There was only one, and that was a LONG time ago...

smacker1900 11th Apr 2007 05:37

Bongo Bus Driver

On the other hand I know of some who did 20 months at the mountain, went to AA and got interveiws with stuff all multi with the link operators. It all comes down to your work ethic.
And how far you can get your nose up old McKenzie's chuff, Bongo. Lets face it, they all move on. How fast just depends on whether they can stomach his crotch or not. The guys that earn the most points sitting next to me are the straight up ones not the greezy little butt kissers. I cant stand that!
Head down, work hard, do your time, don't pay them any money!

Cloud Cutter 11th Apr 2007 05:57

PB, na mate, but only cause I never worked there ;)

Barefoot Flyer 11th Apr 2007 13:50

Who and where do you go to beg for a job?

turbolager 12th Apr 2007 05:36

yeah, cause with that invisible contract that doesnt have your name on it, you owe them all your unwavering loyalty :rolleyes:

Jessies 15th Apr 2007 11:33

The Absolute
I'll tell you about them. You will work your arse off for them. You will bend over backwards to make that crappy little operation work. You will take untold amounts of abuse from insect pasengers who don't understand why you can't get there 200kgs of luggage on the plane. Then you will take some more from nice pax when they can't get their 15kgs on because your clever managers have overbooked the flight. You will be out there rain, hail or snow. You will get wet outside the plane standing in the rain. You will get wet inside the plane because they all leak. You will have the luxury of a roster that comes out two weeks in advance then watch as every shift on your roster gets changed. You will be expected to attend staff meetings in your own time, out of the goodness of your own heart. You will also be expected to come in on your one or two days off and wash aeroplanes, out of the goodness of your own heart, and not get paid. Because you like working for free, and you don't like money. You will be expected to do the office persons work for her sometimes, because she flys the planes for you sometimes. You will be expected to complete 12 hours work in 11 hours because thats all the duty your allowed to log. You will have no life outside work, cause if you get called in on your day off you can't have been at the trots on the turp the night before! You will be sometimes expected to pay for company equipment or petrol out of your own pocket because they pay you so much. They will reimburse you some months later after you have missed rent (and a few meals). You wont be able to hold down a relationship and if you are married your wife will leave you for a Kitchen Hand. You will take a 3.3% pay cut every year. Dont expect a reference when you leave because they are too busy to write one, but they will gladly write a letter to Air Nelson for you explaining how you are not available for a groundcourse because you have only been there 16 months. To them your scum, an hour Wh0re as McKenzie once put it. You will however at the end of it come out with a fantastic job flying big jets around the sky one day and getting paid to do it, there is a few of us there now. Because you will have endured the hardest flying, the most pressure, and the least amount of money in your career. That place will mould you into a Hard mother so you will be able to handle anything that comes your way. No one hands it to you, you get there yourself, you do the flying, you deal with the s*#t, you make it work. All they do is give you an opportunity, but hey, the world is full of those. I made it, and it's worth it!:sad: :eek: :oh: :ouch: :E

P.S. Could write 10 pages on the Chateau Royal. The Brotherhood.

Cyclone Bob 15th Apr 2007 20:32

Good bio. Works for a few other outfits too with minor modifications:}

Split Flap 15th Apr 2007 20:58

Yeah pretty much sums it up, like the bit about the insect pax :ok:
Dont forget the rug mucher colonies as well :ok:

Bongo Bus Driver 16th Apr 2007 00:14

Jessies don't forget the backstabbing that in more recent times has gone on.

6080ft 16th Apr 2007 00:41

Jessies post makes accurate reading.
But you know what - it will only continue with them while their staff allow them to change the roster etc. Not much can be done about the pay, and the crap aircraft. If a staff meeting falls on your day off, the answer should be sorry I can't come as i have to..... do whatever.....

Split Flap 16th Apr 2007 03:59

6080ft, true, but having your chips pissed in at the next level, makes a compelling argument for doing what they say, wouldn't you think?

Bongo Bus Driver 16th Apr 2007 04:25

And it is the reference from the boss that could get you a foot in the door at interview time. Which brings me back to work ethic. If you start at Mtn Air know that it is two years of hard grind. Think of it as a tour of duty in some war zone. Suck it up, keep your head down and watch your back. Do what you need to do to survive just don't crap on your mates.

mattyj 16th Apr 2007 06:58

I know a guy who just did an interview,
Panel of four versus you..oral exam, personality test and group exercise followed by an ATPL law exam "borrowed" from ASL.
A little under 1 day. Starting position is blue quadbike driver and office boy/girl.

Good news..pay is now 25K per annum and the cracks in two of the islanders have been sealed up with new paint!!

Split Flap 16th Apr 2007 07:11

Panel of four?!?!?!? Do that many people work there??

6080ft 16th Apr 2007 09:07

Yeah the panel interview is just a joke.

Back to my earlier post - I think the powers that be at eag and nsn would have a fair idea of what the Mckenzies are like!
It is difficult I realise - keeping them happy at your own expense vs ****ting in your own nest. :ugh:

pressed_on 16th Apr 2007 20:47

"Starting position is blue quadbike driver..."

Shouldn't that be blue quad bike mechanic and sometimes driver?:E

"pay is now 25K per annum" :D

The pay hasn't changed in around 10 years at that place (apart from going down at CPI) so what's changed all of a sudden? last time the chaps and chapesses tried to do something about the contract the S@#t truly hit the fan and management had a mental breakdown.

And a I wouldn't count on that 'law exam' coming from ASL and being on ATPL law. That just sounds silly, even for these guys. It is a Part 135 operation remember and there are some laws you do need to know. I would imagine at most if not all interviews you would be asked on your knowledge of the applicable laws.


smacker1900 17th Apr 2007 10:14

25k B B B Bullsh*t, speaking to one of those sloggers yesterday.

Lineboy4life 19th Apr 2007 02:51

Mountain air -

arn't they the outfit that had a door pop in a dodgy ol aztruck whylst ferring NZ's prime minister around?

I do believe they are also assisting (taking over) Island air charters in there death throws?

I love GA!!!!!

sir.pratt 19th Apr 2007 03:28

I think they've pulled out of Island Air and left Paul to fend for himself.

Split Flap 19th Apr 2007 06:56

P.S. Could write 10 pages on the Chateau Royal. The Brotherhood.
The brotherhood, I like it! Nothing like a couple of Tangahoe runs in the morning to get you going eh? :ok:

Jessies 19th Apr 2007 11:15

I knew a guy who owned a dog and he worked for them. When I was speaking to him he had been there for 18 months of his 2 year contract and was still based down at the Chateau. He had got his C206 rating and done 0.6 hours in the Islander.

I would hope that if you had been there that long and were bonded for $8,000 for your first year and $5,000 for your second year that you had a bit more than 0.6 hrs in a Islander to show for it.
If thats true... THAT F#*KING BULLSH*T !!

P.S. correct bond to read $10000 in the first & $5500 in the second year unless it's changed.

ZK-NSN 20th Apr 2007 05:13

Its true, but......
He was the second lowest person ever empolyed by the company, with a new cpl. He didnt have a MEIR let alone a basic multi rating when he started and didnt get one until 17 months into his contract. 3 attempts were made to complete his type rating on the mighty bongo, all 3 of which got screwed up by the weather or aircraft availability.
And to be fair he actually has 1.5hrs on Islanders now but as far as im aware does not own a dog.

And he still hasnt given split flap that bottle of rum he owes him for getting him the job...cheap prick!:=

Split Flap 20th Apr 2007 10:10

I'll let it slide brother...

pressed_on 25th Apr 2007 08:49

who owes who the bottle here?lol

To have survived all the Tangahoe runs is a mean feat and yeap on a crisp morning doing beatups out in the sticks is second to none...oh I mean 'clearing runs'.

wrap up warm Kdog.

Swamp Donkey 26th Apr 2007 06:51

Hail the brothers that did time on the "ROCK"..........the pretty boy show ponies in AA didn't know how easy they had it............mind you they missed out on all the lovely fuller figure ladies (swampers) that are native to that remote mystical land!

Split - Have you sought a cure for that bed wetting ailment of yours yet?


Split Flap 26th Apr 2007 08:13

That cream you gave me cleared it right up swampy :ok:

NoseGear 26th Apr 2007 14:06

I thought I saw a Swamp Donkey change into a "pretty boy show ponie" once, must be that same cream Splitty.................:E

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