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ZK-NSN 4th May 2007 23:38

Long live the CT brotherhood.
You can still hear the swampers late at night on the way back from Schnapps. eee orrr, eee orrr. That cream you boys are talking about explains some on the numerous stains of the carpet at park view.
Planning is under way for the second annual National Park swamp donkey hunt in August 2007. Fingers crossed for better weather this year after snow closed all the roads in and out of the park last year. We might even try and sneak you old boys into Tangahoe in the mighty DOV.

smacker1900 1st Oct 2007 03:01

The Hunt
How was the annual Hunt? ( Donkeys or Deer?)

Split Flap 1st Oct 2007 19:09

One of the chaps bagged himself a nice 12 pointer (deer for a change).

smacker1900 9th Dec 2007 07:28

New Rule
Yeeeer haa:D

Those owners must be finding it hard now with the new part 135 rules. Probably get your $10,000 worth out of the training now!

smacker1900 2nd Mar 2008 09:24

Those W*#kers still up to there same old tricks holding young fellas back from moving on to Air Nelson I Hear. When are they going to wake the f*ck up and smell their own Sh*t?

bushpig 2nd Mar 2008 09:46

Jessies...that post made me laugh and laugh...because it is so so true. I know nothing of the mob you are referring to but it so accurately fits so many operators and just bought back so many memories of exactly those things. Unfortunately this "pilot shortage" if it has any effect, has quite a bit of inertia. Some companies may never wake up and others only in bits and peices of improvement over periods of time. The sooner the better though.

MincePie 10th Apr 2008 10:47

Whats going on?
Whats all this I hear then Govnor?

I have heard that young KB who has completed more than 3 years with that blasted company, had an Air Nelson interview got the big YES, The McKenzies did their age old trick of ringing the White House and crying about losing pilots. KB was then told to go away and get some more experience. WHAT DA?? How much experience do you need at Mountain Air. Just one experience is uaually enough for most people! I just can't believe Air Nelson listen to those people.:ugh:

And What's the new name? can anyone confirm that for me.

I hear too that they are all jumping ship at the Mountain. What's going on?

ohhhhh, but...but... I don't understand, What do you mean???


Mr_T 10th Apr 2008 19:45

"Your just a bunch off *****" - Rmember boys its a privilage to work in clapped out old gear, and hey for your troubles here's less than minimum wage to take home. - Fly my Sky - is the new name, why the hell didnt they just go for Barrier Link.

Bongo Bus Driver 10th Apr 2008 20:45

From the rumours I have heard KB was asked to be CP cos their was no one else with the required experience. Thus a phone call was made to Air Nsn to hold him back until they could find someone to replace him.

If I were you KB resign your CP position.

RadioSaigon 10th Apr 2008 23:13

OK I've refrained from commenting in this thread long enough.

Some years ago I looked briefly at joining this outfit. At the time I had in excess of 1000hrs VFR BN-2 time of which over 900 was command. I was interested in them for the IFR time I might have added. When I spoke to this woman, she couldn't make even 30 minutes in her busy schedule to see me, despite the fact that I had driven the length of the country to get there. That night she rang me back and suggested they may be interested, but there would be a bond. When I asked 'for why?' she told me 'endorsement costs', despite the hours I had on-type and the freshly-minted SPMEIFR. I realised the grass really wasn't any greener on the other side and suggested that she smack her job where the sun don't shine.

Not a decision that I've ever had any cause to regret.

mattyj 12th Apr 2008 05:24

so now that CAA wants min 750hrs TT for single pilot IFR jobs how are the mad hatters going to get personnel?

buthowcouldthisbe 14th Apr 2008 09:22

Where? The former Soviet Union, Poland, Croaitia, Kazakstan and assh*les uzbekastan. I heard there rushing them thru before the english language test come in next month. Their smuggling themselves into the wheel wells as we speak.

Split Flap 14th Apr 2008 19:23

All the airlines in NZ are still shaking the pilot tree that they have shaken for years and lots of pilots have fallen out of it, in the last little while there are not so many pilots falling out of the tree, maybe it's because the tree hasn't been fertilised in the last 30 years.....

smacker1900 19th Feb 2011 08:58

Jezzies Post
I Just read Jezzies Post (jezzibels I assume)

1st Page. Love it! You gotta read it!

Is the Outfit Fly My Gay Sky still run by those wack Job McKenzies

And whats it like now?

ZK-NSN 20th Feb 2011 07:49

Not that much I imagine except the planes are even older.
Heard the pay improved (Because minimum wage went up) but they still have a nasty habit of taking their staff to court......and losing.

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