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Redstone 6th Jun 2006 01:30

A.L.A.E.A. elections
A.L.A.E.A. elections are just around the corner and it is vitally important for all members to vote. If you are happy with the status quo then the encumbants are seeking another term. However if you think it is time for a change in Bexley then the Members First group may be the ones to lead the association for the next 4 years.

Think carefully and discuss with your colleagues.

Get involved, encourage the debate.

fordran 6th Jun 2006 05:47

I was going to vote for a change because the people in Bexley have delivered nothing in the last four years. But when I heard the President was going to employ Mr potato head If he got re-elected I thought "why not vote them back in", I want to see how far incompetence can be taken.

rudderless1 6th Jun 2006 23:51

Woomera, what point was there to move this topic to the GA FORUM. Particularly whent 3/4 of the association membership service RPT jets of QF mainline, Jetstar and Vigin. Any other posts involving this group have always been posted under D&G REPORTING POINTS.
The end result of this issue could severly impact on the current SAFETY of Australian aircraft and the pilots who fly them. In the interest of open and transparent debate please return this topic to where it will be found.
The timing of this change on the day ballots are sent out is very poor and reduces opportunity for members to be informed.:confused:

Woomera 7th Jun 2006 00:18

R&N is for news. The GA forum is perhaps not correctly named. Back in the easrly days, we had 4 forums: R&N, GA, Aircrew Notices, and Questions. The owners decided to consolidate to 2 forums for D&G, with the last 3 being incorporated into what it is today.

So basically this forum is for everything else but news. An election announcement is not what I would really consider "news". That's why it was moved here (not because it is considered "GA")

Woomera (Eastern States)

Silverado 7th Jun 2006 11:55

Some sites people might like to visit.

Of course the Association www.alaea.asn.au



Does the Members First group have a site? I haven't received their CD yet

BARON DRIVER 7th Jun 2006 13:36

pack your bags boys!

The masked goatrider 8th Jun 2006 02:48


The CDs were not sent to the incumbents. Thats why you didn't get one.

The masked goatrider 8th Jun 2006 02:54

Just went to the ALAEA website too. It's down again.

Just wanted to ask you something Silverado. On the your alaea website it says that the geese seeking re-election are proactive. Why did they do nothing when HM Syd was closed. I mean like they didn't run a meeting for over three weeks. Is that what you call proactive?

Brake Boy 8th Jun 2006 07:56

Merged: ALAEA Elections
Has anyone seen the 'prefered' list of candidates sent out from the ALAEA office.

Whilst I support debate and consideration of ALL candidates, I don't feel OUR money should be wasted on propaganda like this. Would consider this an abuse of members funds (not that it's happened before!!:rolleyes: ).

Any thoughts?


Redstone 8th Jun 2006 08:37

I find it interesting that on the "your alaea" site (read: the encumbants) they make a few statements about "the alternative".

Asking the question "Will an alternate elected federal executive give away our association to another organisation". ??????? No detail, what's that all about?

A jibe at the "Proven track record of bad behavior and unprofessional conduct by some seeking your vote" Spare me! If it is proven, then give us the detail.

Then there comes the "un-educated reactionary industrial actions do little more than reduce the professional immage of an organisation and adversly impact membership" I can read between the lines here(forget the sensationalist scare-mongering) and this fundamental difference (if it is a difference) seems to me to be at the root of the current executives' problems.

I am not inclined either way in terms of voting for a "party" as this seems to be a partisan campaign. But this Republican style "push polling" leaves me cold, they better come up with some real substance.

Silverado 8th Jun 2006 08:49

Sorry I'm not an incumbant, the only association I have with the alaea, is the money I keep wasting on them.
Proactive? yeah I'm a proactive margarine person myself, don't know how that helps us LAME's though.

BTW The members first team don't have a website but they do have an email address.

Mr Qantas 8th Jun 2006 09:02

Oh my god barke boy youve come out from under the rock and emerged just before an election. Surprise surprise and we all now who you are. If you think that the good members of our association will buy the rubbish stories then think again. Of course the office is supporting the prefered list they have been there for us and only just today you can read the notice sent by the President to members. He has just negotiated huge increases in our allowances for when we go oversees and that is a fact! So never you mind about your buddies and the bigger union you expect us to get taken over by it just wont hapen. The members are smarter than that.

YesTAM 8th Jun 2006 09:45

"Huge increases in allowances when we go overseas".

1. It's rare and inexpensive.

2. Its at the company's whim.

the vast majority get nothing. Go figure.

Redstone 8th Jun 2006 09:51

Mr Qantas, thought it would not be too long before we had the pleasure of your diatribe. All I will say is that we deserve the executive we vote in, and if you are endorsing the encumbants Mr Q, then that's one more thing pushing me away from them.

Redstone 8th Jun 2006 09:55

Woomera, you allowed the thread that Brake Boy started on this very topic to stay in d&g reporting points, how bout merging this one over there to that one.:)

aneedapo 8th Jun 2006 09:57

OS Allowances
Huge Allowances for o/s trips. Thats great for those in the pineapple club, but worth sweet FA to the majority of us out there.
Time for change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

REALITY 8th Jun 2006 09:59

Here we go again...
It is always amusing to see the pat on the back one gives one's self for negotiating a deal that takes care of the minority.
Typical isn't it :D !
Congrats to the president!
Your next overseas posting, (similar to the one after negotiating our last great EBA) will be even better for you.
It is time to look after ALL members, the majority who work hard in hangars & tarmacs all over THIS country.

Mr Qantas 8th Jun 2006 10:44

Thats right brake boy or can we call you the snake oil salesman just get some sht stiring mates to get in there to back you up I can just imagine the phones running hot in the sess pit tonight. You see its like this. Qantas rewards those who do the hard yards for our airline the one that pays our wages and if that entitles us to some rewards then so be it. Its just the vocal minority that arent happy when they dont get there own way or miss out on trips because of there bad behaviors. Your game is up brake boy we now that the plans are to get us in with another union because you dont have the experience to run a stable, sensable union so get out now or should I say the members will get you out. Good rittens:D

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 12:09

Silverado, thanks for the links. Although, My personal opinion is that the voxengineer IS the new team...no need for their website, they have been out there for quite some time trying to deface a very hard working union with untruths and misconstruded facts. They have fallen into the hands of a union that wants to see the ALAEA silenced because the ALAEA refuses to be associcated with the likes of the AWU. They have been setting this up for ages. They have been trying to disassemble the alaea for the duration of their term. They are being backed by a much bigger and most importantly, disassociated union and all I can say to that is ......et tu brutas??? For candidates of a union election to be getting funds from a competitive union is the utmost deception that I could ever imagine. It is so obvious after I have receieved numersous mail outs from them...as most of you have....that there is no way they could afford such a campaign without a backing of a union looking to overtake another union that has worked very hard to make sure our specialization is protected. All I can say is "How dare you!" I'm just assuming..so call me paranoid. But as far as this election goes...I'm going for the guys who are doing it under their own money..so beit that they fall short sometimes...at least they are not going to sell us short!!! Again, I say shame on SP and His "Members First" idiotic campaign. Members first, my arse....he is selling us off!

Redstone 8th Jun 2006 12:23

Originally Posted by A Voice
that there is no way they could afford such a campaign without a backing of a union looking to overtake another union that has worked very hard to make sure our specialization is protected. All I can say is "How dare you!" I'm just assuming..so call me paranoid. But as far as this election goes...I'm going for the guys who are doing it under their own money..so beit that they fall short sometimes...at least they are not going to sell us short!!! Again, I say shame on SP and His "Members First" idiotic campaign. Members first, my arse....he is selling us off!

Who is trying to get their claws into our huge and powerfull association, and for what purpose?

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 12:46

Can't read, Redstone?
Your post DOES NOT deserve more clarification on my part. Read between the lines.....in fact, it's not even that difficult! In fact, I wouldn't put it past you to already know.

Redstone 8th Jun 2006 13:04

White man speak with forked tongue!

You obviously know nothing (no surprise) so I will have to ask the question elsewhere. It was a genuine question Voice Man.

Btw, it should be "Et tu, Brute?"

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 13:18

no forked tongue here
I speak what I feel. It's just one voice against those who say they are speaking MY voice. THE VOICE is propaganda...speaking only what serves them best. Reader beware! (which most of us educated individuals already know!)

REALITY 8th Jun 2006 13:53

well spoken Mr Qantas, perhaps it is back to school for you

Brake Boy 8th Jun 2006 14:57

Mr Qantas

Whilst the current Office bearers may have preferences in the next Executive election (surprise, surprise...its themselves :eek:), what makes you think they deserve to use members funds to educate us on how to vote?

Surely a union executive that is completely transparent would want what is best and honest for its members. Present the hard facts on what has been accomplished individually by each of the current members and what their vision is for our future. Those coming in can give an insight as to who they are and what they stand for.

If alliances are to be formed then so be it. But dont waste members money printing and mailing out infomation to serve your own good.

I would have thought that any appropriate election paperwork to come out of bexley would have had comment from ALL the nominated persons, giving them an opportunity to introduce themselves and have their views on the future expressed. Not the biased piece of paper we received today.

I simply hope this expense is in the best interests of the members they represent.

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 15:09


Originally Posted by Brake Boy
Mr Qantas

Whilst the current Office bearers may have preferences in the next Executive election (surprise, surprise...its themselves :eek:), what makes you think they deserve to use members funds to educate us on how to vote?

Surely a union executive that is completely transparent would want what is best and honest for its members. Present the hard facts on what has been accomplished individually by each of the current members and what their vision is for our future. Those coming in can give an insight as to who they are and what they stand for.

If alliances are to be formed, don't waste our money printing and mailing infomation to serve your their purposes.

I would have thought that any appropriate election paperwork to come out of bexley would have had comment from ALL the nominated persons, giving them an opportunity to introduce themselves and have their views on the future expressed. Not the biased piece of paper we received today.

I simply hope this expense is in the best interests of the members they represent.

Where are you coming from??? You must be from "The Voice". Yet another post of propaganda to say they are using our funds. As most educated people know, they are not using "our monies" on printing and mailing! One can tell by the quality and distribution...old school campaigning....which I personally like. But then...who's money are the "members first" using?? HHHMMM?????? CD's???? Glossy mail outs???? Who's funding who here?? And as we all know, there is no paperwork coming from bexley proper. Only from the candidates.

Brake boy, you need to pull your head in!

Brake Boy 8th Jun 2006 15:28

The letter I received came in an ALAEA envelope! :rolleyes:

Go figure.

Where are the other guys getting their money from? I don't know! But if they are using members funds to produce and deliver their message, the executive should still have to explain why we are funding election campaigns.

I really don't care who gets in. That decision will be made by the ALAEA members. Just don't waste our money securing the result for yourself.

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 15:38


Originally Posted by Brake Boy
The letter I received came in an ALAEA envelope! :rolleyes:

Go figure.

Where are the other guys getting their money from? I don't know! But if they are using members funds to produce and deliver their message, the executive should still have to explain why we are funding election campaigns.

I really don't care who gets in. That decision will be made by the ALAEA members. Just don't waste our money securing the result for yourself.

The letters I usually get from the ALAEA have the postmark of the ALAEA. This one DID NOT! AND the return address wasn't Bexley office. I made a point of looking at it. So, I suggest YOU look again.

The "members first" however, are striking a campaign of slander and over zealous ways of getting some kind of word out that they are the new frontier! HA. Besides, there is an email out on the work tables that says they have financial backers. Who are THEY???

A Voice 8th Jun 2006 15:49

And you don't care who gets in??? So, I take it you are not voting? So be it. If you don't vote, you should not voice your opinion one way or the other, I suppose. Especially after it is all said and done. Although, I have noticed that you usually have a very strong opinion to one side. I suggest you vote, let your opinion matter!

rudderless1 9th Jun 2006 00:49

And you don't care who gets in???
I certainly do, that's why I want someone more professional. The five minutes "yourteam" invested in their election indicates to me why the ALAEA is so weak.:(

The "members first" however, are striking a campaign of slander and over zealous ways of getting some kind of word out that they are the new frontier! HA. Besides, there is an email out on the work tables that says they have financial backers. Who are THEY???
Sorry I thought that was a couple of the senior incumbents, one was seen distributing the vitriol, and the other has put it to paper. "Snake oil" rings any bells, it’s in his election spiel and on the shyt sheet.:=

I swear the person behind MR Qantas is just **** stirring. No one could possibly spell that badly unless they were trying.
No, I think he is the media man for youralaea :ouch:

Who is backing youralaea; it seems very timely token win for O'rance with the Overseas Allowance Notice put out yesterday? Nice try, but I think there is very few that will benefit and will cost the company bugger all. I am sure the members will see through it!:suspect:

Brake Boy 9th Jun 2006 00:56

Why did the envelope I received have the ALAEA stamp on it?

I did not say I wouldn't vote. At the end of the day I will vote for the people I feel will best represent us in the new industrial environment. Ultimately though, the elected people will have been voted in by the members, so either way I'm not going to get emotional about it.

Surely you will acknowlege the fact that I have NOT demonstrated an allegiance to any one persn or any one group.

All I have questioned is the use of members money to fund election campaigns.

I have noted the ALAEA mark on the envelope I received leading me to these concerns.

Now I ask you....other than 'assuming' (as you yourself has admitted doing), what evidence is there that ANY election candidate is being funded by another union?

Redstone 9th Jun 2006 05:52

Originally Posted by A Voice
The "members first" however, are striking a campaign of slander and over zealous ways of getting some kind of word out that they are the new frontier! HA. Besides, there is an email out on the work tables that says they have financial backers. Who are THEY???

Are you serious? As Rudderless points out Mr Voice there is only one "faction" spreading unsubstantiated gossip, and that is the encumbants who are probably scared that the gravy train is about to terminate with no connection. The very fact that THEY have chosen to drag what should be an honest and open debate down into the mire leaves me cold, and quite frankly, the will have to work pretty damn hard to win back my respect.

As I have said before, any allegations of EITHER team need the detail spelled out for all members to see. It is imperative. This inuendo does no one any good. If any one is going to make statements then give us detail, we need FACTS by which to make an educated decision........ not rumour and gossip.

masterstroke 9th Jun 2006 13:57

I have always maintained that one must be educated before one can make an educated decision!!!!!!!!!!:=

rudderless1 10th Jun 2006 22:26

Where's "a voice" the potential of this debate is surely yet to reach its climax, or did masterstroke have the money shot.:bored:

Turbo 5B 11th Jun 2006 09:47

I think that "A Voice" has made it too obvious that he one of the worst of the mob trying to get re elected to come back and have a reply.
As an internet commentator he managed to have the ALAEA talkback site permanently shutdown, maybe he has been called off this site as well.

webber1 11th Jun 2006 13:15

Why is this thread hidden here?
Is there an ALAEA encumbent on the woomera team.

The masked goatrider 11th Jun 2006 21:23

I'd like to thank the big bloke with the tool belt for the assistance he has given the takeover group in winning the election. Diverting attention from his lack lustre performance over 4 years has just highlighted to SYdney members the source of all the ALAEA troubles. It suites the airline to have infighting on the Executive, it also suits the airline to support turkeys who don't know what it means to be a representative. It surprises me that they would make it so obvious by allowing an increase in allowances one day before the election. Too late, the damage was done over 4 years, you can't undo it in one day.

BB. The encumants didn't use the ALAEA letterhead. If you look closely they have changed the words in it. They have used the ALAEA symbol and use of ALAEA resources (its registered symbol) is against the law and a $100,000 fine. Refer workplace relations act RAO sched 190.

190 Organisation or branch must not assist one candidate over another
An organisation or branch commits an offence if it uses, or allows to be used, its property or resources to help a candidate against another candidate in an election under this Part for an office or other position.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.

As for the crap about getting swallowed up by a bigger union what a joke. You can't do that without a ballot run by the AEC and I know the members first guys aren't even interested in it.

The good news is that the Federal Sec will lose his airline job if he isn't re-elected. The Supervisors are going at SIT. The ones who altered the structure have scored jobs elsewhere because they are good engineers. For the Federal Sec, there is nothing. No union, no job and no more selling out ALAEA members.

For their little boys attempting to be elected behind the encumbants? Back to the tools boys. Those little secondments are about to end. The company will have no need for you when you are out of favour with the union. :D

The masked goatrider 11th Jun 2006 21:36

Might be an idea for the ALAEA Industrial Manager to start looking for work. I hear he won't be there by the end of July and that is about 12 years too long. Not a good move asking for apoligies he doesn't deserve. :=

And to the former Fed Sec. Thanks for the letter of support for the encumbants. I needed a fire starter. Better put your house in your wives name, the investigation begins on the 1st of July. Standard ALAEA policies will be applied. The standards set by him of course.

Turbo 5B 12th Jun 2006 00:08

Originally Posted by The masked goatrider
Refer workplace relations act RAO sched 190.
190 Organisation or branch must not assist one candidate over another
An organisation or branch commits an offence if it uses, or allows to be used, its property or resources to help a candidate against another candidate in an election under this Part for an office or other position.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units.

Does that include free articles in the "Hard Torque" publication for people on their ticket?

fordran 12th Jun 2006 00:15

I received this today on the Qantas email system

Hi Gents
> you may remember me, I am Bruce Deahm I was a Qantas manager and former Federal Secretary and Director of
> the ALAEA.
> Please take a moment to read the following and then please review the
> attached website as the future of the ALAEA is at stake at this
> Election.
> Now more than ever I believe the association is at the crossroads,
> members have a stark choice between a team of committed unionists who
> will
> to see that the ALAEA still serves its members interests and continues
> to uphold ALAEA's members as aviation professionals. Or to pick the
> alternative which in my opinion will take the ALAEA in a direction
> that is NOT in the interests of the membership.
> The ALAEA has become strong by sound & wise leadership that has not
> only protected jobs in Australia, it has made the association
> financially
> and independent from the meddling of the metal unions.
> Please consider the names on the attached website when casting your
> vote,
> have worked with these current officials and I can personnally
> recommend them to you as being the right group to continue to look
> after your interests and to lead the ALAEA into the future.
> Regards Bruce
> http://www.youralaea.com
> I personally know and have worked with and I recommend these
> guys
> your voting consideration for the current election of the senior
> positions on the ALAEA Federal Executive..
> Mr Tim Heywood for Federal Secretary
> Mr Michael ORance for Federal President
> Mr Shane Kenny for Senior Vice President
> Mr Steven Fenech for Assistant Federal Secretary
> Mr Tizian Zavarise For Vice President
> Mr George Herdzik For Trustee
> Mr Fergus Haines For Trustee

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