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The Enema Bandit 30th Mar 2005 09:31

I bet their yields aren't worth pissing on.

HGW 30th Mar 2005 09:35

As others have said before on this subject, PB are not always the cheapest which bodes well for hanging around.
As I have said before the oncarriage is worth a fortune to VB and PB. There is even rumours of bigger planes.

COP 30th Mar 2005 21:29

Do you guys (who seem to know more about what is going on with Pac Blue) think that it would be a good idea to leave a job and go to Pac Blue? It seems from this forum in the last day that the loads are good but the yields??? I often see the Pac Blue aircraft at the airport in Melbourne and the people waiting to get on board fill the gate lounge. But is this an indication of what it is usually like or what it is like sometimes. I have read in an article in the Australian yesterday that Godfery wants to keep Pac Blue open and that speculation that it will be shut down is incorrect. But in today's corporate day and age where peoples lives are or seem to be in constant turmoil (pilots - other than with mainline airlines) is it worth the risk? I guess it is the age old question do you leave one job for another and risk the possibility of it not working out. Therefore you are down 30 grand or so and then have to find another job if it all falls over. Speculation is rife in this industry and no doubt it always will be that way. No one ever thought Ansett would go but..........
So......Pac Blue is it the way to go. Food needs to go on the table for more than one consecutive year!

Pete Conrad 30th Mar 2005 23:27

When are you guys going to stop equating big loads with success and profitability? QF consistently carry great loads out of all three ports in NZ both with the mainline operation and the Jetconnect lower cost base operation, that does not mean that all is rosy. No one, I repeat, no one is making money on the Tasman.

I wouldn't go as far to assume that as Freedom are cutting back that that bodes well for PB. The Freedom operations are being absorbed into the AirNZ network with I doubt, minimal net reduction in services overall. Though I am willing to be corrected on this.

Don't forget that PB will still have to compete with an emerging Jetstar operation on the Tasman.

Both QF and AirNZ have publicly stated there will be no retreating on the Tasman in the face of increased competition so it remains to see who has the deeper pockets. Also you have Emirates with an increased presence between Melbourne,Sydney,Christchurch and Auckland with an expanding freight/Skycargo network complimenting the operation.

Just my 2 cents, but if Corrigan wants to keep PB going, I would be concentrating on reducing PB flights on the heavily serviced MEL,SYD,BNE network and concentrate more on the leisure ports, IF he wants to keep it going.

HGW, there may be bigger aircraft on the Tasman soon, but not from the Virgin camp. Wait and see.

COP, you can only do what you think is the best thing at the time based on the current information you have. If I was you, I'd be looking more at AirNZ or Jetconnect if you are looking for a more "relaxed" for want of a better word, tenure. I've learnt in the past that it pays to be on the side of the 600lb Gorilla.

I reiterate, PB has the threat of a looming Jetstar operation on the Tasman. Do not forget this and the damage Jetstar has done to Virgin in Australia

COP 31st Mar 2005 01:14

Thanks for the info Pete Conrad.
These decisions are hard to make because they tend to make or break you so to speak.
If anyone else has any info feel free. Cheers:ok:

Z Force 31st Mar 2005 03:04

Personally I wouldn't risk leaving a job for PB. Why not enquire with Jetconnect? It would certainly offer more stability, not that there is a lot of stability in aviation these days.

burty 31st Mar 2005 03:17

When are you guys going to stop equating big loads with success and profitability? QF consistently carry great loads out of all three ports in NZ both with the mainline operation and the Jetconnect lower cost base operation, that does not mean that all is rosy. No one, I repeat, no one is making money on the Tasman.
Pete Conrad.

No kidding. The point was made in regards to a previous comment regarding loads, not profitiability. It's common knowledge that the Tasman is hard work.


Haven't been told of any future plans other than whats already been announced.

No worries mate 31st Mar 2005 03:48

Here's what I think will happen.

Patrick will scale back Pac Blue and then give it 6 months to improve. If it doesn't improve he will close it.

There will be no more growth at Virgin Blue for at least 2 years. The aircraft on order will replace the older leased aircraft and some of the aircraft on order will be deferred.

Patrick will pull Virgin Blue of the lower yield routes such as BNA, CFS and a few more that routes that are marginal.

There will be no Regional Jets for Virgin Blue. Patrick will instead make use of airlines such as Skywest and Alliance with their F100's (Just like the old Ansett days). These airlines will replace Virgin Blue on the low yield routes. Patrick already deals with Alliance!

Patrick will also make greater use of the other independant regionals such as REX, once again just like the Ansett days.

Pete Conrad 31st Mar 2005 03:55

burty, your point is? My point was for the interest of COP. No need to get defensive. Think if you go back I aint the only one to mention load versus profit.

COP, Z force is correct, if it's some semblance of stability you want, stay clear of PB and go for Jetconnect and AirNZ.

BankAngle50 1st Apr 2005 01:57

Funny how things seem to go full circle. So when do VB aircraft get the Star Alliance logo painted on the nose?

Dehavillanddriver 1st Apr 2005 05:36

I don't know about BNA, but I believe that the yields on Coffs are pretty good.

The loads are pretty good as well.

It has performed well since day 1....

Beer Can Dreaming 1st Apr 2005 05:54

FACT - if PB doesnt perform well over the next 6-12 months and shows no signs of improvements then in true Corrigan form its Hasta Le Vista............baby !!

Kickatinalong 2nd Apr 2005 21:26

Price fixing a thing of the past.
how much are you paying for mogas at the moment?
A thing of the past, CRAP!!
ACCC has a big name but no balls.
Sorry to disagree, but.

COP 4th Apr 2005 23:21

So now what does all this mean for Pacific Blue, with 62% being owned by Corrigan. When will he make his move regarding the future of Pac Blue? No one is a mind reader, but what are the general thoughts now that Corrigan is effectively running the show???????

Fred Basset 5th Apr 2005 12:04

FACT - if PB doesnt perform well over the next 6-12 months and shows no signs of improvements then in true Corrigan form its Hasta Le Vista............baby !!

Well what was said before hasn't really changed.

Maybe some smaller ports might go, and if Pacific Blue isn't profitable then its got 12 months to get it self profitable.

With BG owning a few shares maybe he won't be kicked out just yet, but like most politicians when they say more than 3 times that they aren't leaving they probably are. I wonder if BG sold Patricks some of his shares to get Patricks above the 50% mark in return for staying on a bit longer.

Well if Pacific Blue gets shut down I hope we get some warning so I can get a seat on the final flight.

MrApproach 6th Apr 2005 09:10

The counry is crying out for a competitor to QANTAS. One airline with a monopoly over business travel surely can't sit comfortably with big business and Corrigan would know that. The growth area for Virgin is now at the font of the jet. Whether that is full-blown business class or seats for suits I imagine will be the subject of many a meeting in VB now that Patrick is in charge. As for Star Alliance, they have been able to throw ANZ or Alliance airlines into the mix since Ansett was gutted, and they've done neither. Star recently quoted the two holes in their network as being India and China so I assume Australia and it's 20 million really don't matter that much. Interesting to see how it all works out.

tinpis 7th Apr 2005 05:58

Seats that suit anyone other than a dwarf would be step forward.

jetblues 7th Apr 2005 10:52

Re regional ports every Ballina or Coffs I have flown have been bursting at the seams. It's all about aircraft utilisation and yield.

Re the seat pitch comment my understanding, and experience shows Virgin and Qantas B737NG seat pitch to be very similar, someone will have the exact figures I'm sure. Don't beleive all the hype as it's closer than you think.

I hear whispers PB's days may be numbered whilst there are still so many gaps in the VB network.

Eastwest Loco 7th Apr 2005 11:43

With no fear or favour shown, as I have abolutely no problems selling Pacific Blue, locally there is zero call for them from the general public.

This may be due to low local advertising impact, but I feel that it is most likely due to the extremely low fares on the pacific available through the traditional, and full service new operators.

Through QF NZ and EK, New Zealand fares are at close to an all time low, not to mention BI GA and TG.

There are so many carriers on the Tasman alone, that something has to give - and soon.


COP 12th Apr 2005 04:59

Does anyone out there think that PB has a chance of staying around for the long term? What is happening there at the moment in terms of profits? The loads, what are they like? Does anyone think that there will be a merging of PB and VB? The fact that Corrigan has control, who thinks that the freight business for PB and VB will be here and will assist in supporting PB. If PB is not making money in the future, what will happen to the pilots who spent the dollars getting the rating? Will VB take them on? Is it worth applying or going to PB if you already have another job, considering that both are contract and not being a New Zealander?
Any info greatly appreciated.

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