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-   -   When do you know you've made it? (light-hearted humour.) (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/141621-when-do-you-know-youve-made-light-hearted-humour.html)

maxgrad 24th Aug 2004 01:22

When the "bding" switch goes bdoeoeng and you are given a choice of nescafe, international roast or perculated.
when there are more switches than there are dials.
when you look back at those days in a c152 and actually smile.

cunningham 24th Aug 2004 10:37

1. When you turn up at your daughters birthday party and you here her ask your wife " mummy who is that man?"

disco_air 24th Aug 2004 11:38

...when the night before isnt taken up by:

Drawing up tracks on your WAC
Working out tracks & distances
Calculating LSALT's
Writing down all the frequencies you'll be on
Reading the ERSA to figure out how you'll join the circuit

Still doin' that!


incidentreport 24th Aug 2004 18:55

You know you've made it when you get woken up from a good sleep and asked if we should go right or left around the big CB's ahead.

Lodown 24th Aug 2004 20:01

When you can talk about all the 'heroic' things you've done in the past without having to worry about being caught doing the same stupid things in the future.

nzmarty 25th Aug 2004 07:10

* when your preflight consists of "yup, 18 wheels, 4 big round thingies that make lots of noise, a big stickie uppie thing at the back, 150 tonnes of fuel...."


* when someone ELSE does your preflight....

Howard Hughes 25th Aug 2004 08:14

Of course its when mission control says:

"Mr Hughes stand by for re-entry burn in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

Cheeers, HH.

Bevan666 25th Aug 2004 23:09


You could have done better than that

'HH stand by for Trans Lunar Injection burn'

Now I'd give my left nut to do that!


Counter-rotation 26th Aug 2004 00:17

I'll be happy when...
1) Nothing about my day at work involves the "s" word - SCENIC!

2) Don't have to work another casual job to pay the bills!


Keep riding the emotional rollercoaster!


(top thread btw!)

maxgrad 26th Aug 2004 08:23

When you are challenged almost every flight.
When you are happy to stay with the job for however long
Then again it's that coffee thing too!

VRB03KT CAVOK 26th Aug 2004 09:26

You check the 'D & G Reporting Point' instead of the 'D & G General Aviation' Forum to find out what's happening at work...

Pinky the pilot 26th Aug 2004 11:16

When you can say to the 'blockie' for whom you've been picking oranges, pruning/desuckering trees, vines etc on a casual basis for the last (insert a number more than four) years......
"take this job and shove it, I 'aint workin' here no more.." *
and go back to flying, even if it's in light twins!!!
"The grass is always greener" etc

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

* With apologies to the C@W singer Johnny Paycheck

Hudson 28th Aug 2004 14:35

You know you've got it made (I think....) when a mincing apparition appears at the flight deck door and says Hi Cappie - I'm Jamie - All doors closed and POB 150".

Jamair 29th Aug 2004 10:48

When Messrs Beech, Piper, Cessna, Embraer, Dehavilland, Boeing and Airbus are ringing me to see which way my company is headed over the next 5 years......:ok:

boofta 29th Aug 2004 20:43

You have really made it when you read Flight International from
the front to the back without checking the jobs at the back FIRST!

The Bullwinkle 29th Aug 2004 23:24

When your passengers smell better than you do !!!!!

When other pilots who never even acknowledged you before start calling you "mate".

When you no longer have to put the covers on the aircraft at night.

When just the thought of having to do an NDB approach fills you with dread.

When an extra 10kgs of baggage is of no consequence.

When you no longer have to contemplate ditching if you lose one engine on take-off.

When you don't have to consult with your passengers regarding the exact location of the airstrip.

White Wagon 30th Aug 2004 07:45

When your plane breaks and the company charters a citation to fly an engineer 2500km to sign off the fault

FEW VB 1700 30th Aug 2004 09:44

- When fellow colleagues on your flight deck use the term "bugsmasha" to describe a 737.
- When you have to justify why you want to do your upgrade on a two engine jet

The Monst. 3rd Sep 2004 12:05

...when you are able to buy an air compressor and wood work combination machine for your home workshop.

Ultralights 3rd Sep 2004 12:48

Why do I get the impression that Airline Driver is the be all and end all for most of the posters here.....
I was thinking the exact same thing!!

With a sweat-stained shirt covered in oil, dirt under your fingernails, sunburnt neck and tatty old thongs, you close the cowl on the aircraft you paid for yourself, built yourself, and fix yourself... point it into wind at an aerodrome with no known name in the middle of nowhere, and go wherever the hell you want, at whatever speed you want....

I know i have made it in Aviation when i

a- Enjoy dragging MY aircraft out of the hangar

b- Admire looking at a perfectly smooth composite wing as i climb over it into My cockpit and note the G-meter pegged at +4 from my last act of aviation.

c- I can open my wallet and see My aircrafts Rego certificate behind my aircrew licence!

d- when on a long flight, you can practice your 8 point hesitation rolls and not upset anyone!

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