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Windshear 18th May 2004 04:57

Talair 2005 Reunion Dates
The dates for the reunion will be - [booked] 30/04/2005 - 01/05/2005 at Rydges Oasis Resort, Caloundra Queensland. www.rydges.com/oasis

Caloundra is a comfortable 40 minutes drive north from the Brisbane CBD, probably 30 minutes from the airport. Coach transfers to and from Brisbane airport to the resort are available [not free].

Accommodation is available at the resort and next week we will attempt to negotiate some prices for package deals. Just on the face of it, their pricing is very reasonable for food and drink for functions, so I am sure a suitable arrangement can be achieved.

Start spreading the word.

Will keep you informed.

[email protected]

Follow this site for updated information regarding bookings, travel, accomodation, and general costs for the venue.

Torres 18th May 2004 06:08

That looks far too classy for the Talair mob, most of whom are accustomed to sleeping in the Port Morbid Temple of Aeros car park. :}

OzExpat 18th May 2004 07:33

Nah Torres... much too dangerous in the car park. I've seen the bar room floor in use tho! :}

Pinky the pilot 18th May 2004 10:08

From what I heard there were a few Douglas Airways pilots who did that sort of thing.:O
Not me 'though. I always managed to get back to my flat. Had to close one eye to drive home, but I got there!:=

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Torres 18th May 2004 23:53

The Temple or Aeros car park was a very dangerous place when the boss's daughter was on a bender and had her sports car parked there!!! :}

One of the benefits of the Talair Mess, Goroka was that one only needed to crawl far enough along the gutter from the Bird of Paradise and one would end up at the Mess front gate!

Torres 19th May 2004 07:14

Talair Reunion Web Site

(This web site generously funded by past cash fares! :E )

Torres 20th May 2004 02:09

If this is or was YOU..............

What is a Talair Pilot?

Between the security of second childhood and the insecurity of childhood, we find that fascinating group of humanity called Talair pilots. They come in all shapes, sizes, weights and states of drunkenness.

They can be found anywhere - in planes, in crewrooms, in love, in bars, and always in debt. Girls love them, towns tolerate them and the government supports them. A Talair pilot is laziness with a deck of cards, bravery with dark glasses, and the protector of the Earth with a copy of Playboy. He has the brains of an idiot, the energy of a sea turtle, the slyness of a fox, the stories of a sea captain, the sincerity of a liar, the aspirations of a Casanova and when he wants anything it is usually connected with leave.

Some of his interests are - gins, silver bellies (occasionally) and members of the opposite sex. No one else can cram into their pocket, a little black book, a packet of crushed cigarettes, a picture of his girl, a comb, a pack of cards, a can opener and what’s left of last months pay.

He likes to spend his money on silver bellies, some on beer, some on repairs to his car, some on cards, the rest he spends foolishly.

A Talair pilot is a magical creature; you can keep him out of your house but not out of trouble. You can chase him out of Operations on orders, but not out of the courthouse, or post office.

He is a one and only, bleary eyed good for nothing bundle of worries, but all your dreams become insignificant when he comes into your office, stands at attention in front of you with those bleary eyes and says “GO AND GET %$#^&*!”

Your attendance at the Talair reunion is compulsory!!!

Sir Shags 20th May 2004 02:13

Or you're FIRED!!! :*

Pinky the pilot 20th May 2004 10:33

Can an ex Douglas Airways pilot come too??

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Ezyflight 20th May 2004 21:42

Talair Reunion
I guess we let Douglas Pilots in, if they shout the bar!
There were so many of them!!:hmm:

Feather #3 21st May 2004 09:23

Hey, Torres, one catch with your return to the GKA Mess is that you had to cross the road!! [Or did they buy a new building since I left?:confused: ]

G'day ;)

Torres 21st May 2004 10:58

Ezyflight. Welcome to PPRuNe mate!!! Long taim mi no lukin yu! :ok:

Feather #3. Same Mess. I could see across the road from the Bird of Parasite, but from then on it was IFR, track via the gutter!!!

Except Sunday evening, when it was track via audio to the Hymn signing!!!

And at the front gate: "Haus kuk, kisim sam pella moa bia bilong mi!!!" :} :}

Them waz the days - when shiney bums ruled........!!! :ok: :ok:

Chimbu chuckles 22nd May 2004 07:31

Hmmm....Torres I don't actually think lazy is an adjective I'd use to describe those of us blessed with the opportunity to fly 2500-3000 sectors a year for uncle Dennis.;)

The permanently horny and hungover part is not far from the truth though:}

I well remember the Peace girl I was rooting for a while telling me about the 'Talair pilot brief' they were all given before leaving the contigous 48 states for somewhat warmer climes:E

It's gonna be one helluva bash....wouldn't dream of missing it!!!!!

Douglas pilots??? Wouldn't that lower the tone of the party somewhat???:ok:


Cashfares...wot cashfares Muddy???

Animalclub 22nd May 2004 15:11

AAAAAHHH Chimbu - I see you're a gambler too!!!

tinpis 24th May 2004 03:43


Crickey Im in trouble I was based in Goroka for a while and I cant remember there being a TAL mess in town.

Torres 24th May 2004 05:03

tinpis. There wasn't a staff mess in Goroka in your day. The Mess (originally built as a small two story motel) was bought around 1980 I guess, by the then Administration Manager (or some such title - anyone heard of him since his Honiara days?).

It was in Elizabeth Street, around 600 meters east of the Head Office.

Sharpie 24th May 2004 05:49

By golly! With Chimbu Chuckles definately attending, I will have to be there myself. Who else will be there from 1965-1970? Alkie Malky, The Slob, Big Dick and brother Ken, Harry Gonner, Daphne, Fingers, Doctor Largo, Slapsie, McCook, and many many more, I'll have to have a looksie through a few old logbooks and see what names come up.

Any one thought of compiling a 'Roll Of Honour" for folded wings?


tinpis 24th May 2004 06:48

Har har Dr Lago the worlds greatest abortionist :}

Theres Bernie, Miles .D. , Don Sink, Graham the Hump,Toohey,the Galliots, The Prawn,Trev,Trader,Sypho ??crikey if we got a 1% salary contribution off the quaintarse cadets we could all have a week in sheer luxury.

Oop..how could we forget Scotty Adams :p

Taildragger 24th May 2004 23:34

Jeeeeeeeez ....
I do believe that there will be a copious amount of demon grog
consumed and multiple lies told and retold at this suspicious occasion...trutok.?? I sapos SP Spakwarra Ltd., are in full overtime mode and a freighter standing by to ship the pish in.!
Guy should push the boat out here with a bit of seed money. Gawd knows...I think you have all earned it.

Pinky the pilot 25th May 2004 10:58

Unless there are any strong objections this former Douglas Pilot will request permission to attend this distinguished reunion.
Although I never worked for Talair I counted several of their pilots as friends, mates and in one particular circumstance as a lifesaver.
In my so far 49 years on this Earth I count the all too short time I spent as a PNG Bush pilot (18 months) as the best time of my life!:ok:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Torres 25th May 2004 23:57

Pinky - you persistant bugga - I'll move a Motion we allow you into the p1$$up - errrr - Reunion as an "Associate Member".

Any Full Members willing to second the Motion??? :p

Ah, yes, Scotty Adams. Last seen a few years ago propping up the bar at the Caboolture Aero Club.

Where's Bernie? Still in Port Morbid?

Tuohy is still listed in the phone book - PM me if anyone wants the contact number.

SP Spakwata in overtime mode Taildragger? Last I heard they were in damage mode after being fined K1 mill for producing their own electricity....... What a joke! :{

Sharpie 27th May 2004 06:25

Eric "Scotty" Adam: ex Glen Murray Syndicate, ex Ansett-MAL, ex TAL; I saw him last year pushing a 'Tiger' around at the Caboolture Air Show, (not flying) and heard that his eyesight was failing.

Bernie as far as I know is still in POM with CAA(or is it DOT) in the Air Accident Investigation Branch.

tinpis 2nd Jun 2004 06:30

Go TAL...

Some of the jet route standards must have been bloody rough...

Animalclub 2nd Jun 2004 07:24

They were at Kiunga and Tabubil!

TwoDogs 2nd Jun 2004 17:54

Since when did being "blind" ever keep Scottie on the ground?:O

Windshear, any chance I could drop in for a coldie if I happen to be in town ? I promise I wont stay long.

Ezyflight 4th Jun 2004 02:08

'Roll Of Honour" for folded wings.
It would be appreciated if you took on the job of organising a 'Roll Of Honour" for folded wings, given your 'vast' seniority! Would you do it?

Torres, second the motion on Douglas Pilots. :ok:

mainwheel 7th Jun 2004 00:14

Sir Shaggs.

Still on the lao?

Hows the little champion going these days.



Sharpie 7th Jun 2004 03:59


'Roll of Honour' basically complete in respect to pilots killed in PNG accidents. I will try and compile an accurate document for all staff with folded wings and call upon all staffers to pass on the information to me.

I realise that I should have included Black Jack Walker within 'brackets' along with the other three pilots. My error.

Sir Shags 7th Jun 2004 05:01

You called, Mainwheel? :p

tinpis 7th Jun 2004 06:24

Just for the record ,how many times did you sack me Sir Shags?

Ezyflight 7th Jun 2004 09:30

"Roll of Honor"

Thanks for that, appreciated.
Would we want to read the names out or have them as a displayed list?

I have been contacted from some, on your notes, like D&K B, BG, and I know AM is aware of the pi!!up. AC, previous CAA/Transport Exam., also has made contact. ;)

Sharpie 8th Jun 2004 03:12


May I suggest that we endeavour to compile a list of all departed ex TAL staffers, not only aircrew and towards this end, I am happy to be the 'mail box' and help out if readers can forward names to me. The list will be made available to all attendees at the reunion.

I envisage that immediately before the turps flow, having the occassion 'blessed' by a clergy with few kind words for Absent Friends.

Comments welcome.

Peter Sharpe aka, Louie the Leprechuan, Looie The Lip.

Ezyflight 8th Jun 2004 09:53

Roll of Honor

Clergy ..mmmm... pity Rev.Doug McCraw (now theres a name to start the list) is still not with us.

Will follow the comments re 'blessing' with interest. I know where there is a loud booming Welsh voice, Tony Frogsh!! past PNG ATC.

Do you want the names through this forum? If not email me through the reunion web site and I will set it up. :cool:

Best thru the web site I think, mate. There may still be some upset family and friends out there... and the intent is not to open old wounds.


Pinky the pilot 8th Jun 2004 11:05

Torres and Ezyflight; Thank you Gentlemen. You shall both have more than one drink on me on the day!:ok:

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Eurocap 13th Jun 2004 09:43

For those of you that may not have heard, Don Sinclair is in the ICU at Middlemore Hospital in AKL after a bad car crash. Accident happened a couple of weeks ago. Not sure of his condition at the moment.

Torres 14th Jun 2004 04:41

Eurocap. That's sad to hear. If you get the chance will you please pass on my very best wishes to Biggles and family.

Would appreciate any update and an address by PM if possible.

Bob Fulton

Sharpie 14th Jun 2004 05:17

Please pass on to Biggles my best wishes for a speedy recovery and that he doesnot spend too much time in hospital.

Peter Sharpe.

Eurocap 15th Jun 2004 05:12

From what I've heard he has broken bones, damaged eye, teeth missing and because he wasn't found for 14 hours the toxins built up in his body causing his kidneys to fail and so he is on dialysis. Only family are allowed to visit but there is an e-mail address one can send messages to. I don't have it at the moment but will endeavour to post it once I get it.

Eurocap 17th Jun 2004 03:59

Don Sinclair is improving.

He has been transferred from ICU to Ortopedic Ward 17 at Middlemore. His kidneys are functioning again.
Messages can be sent to either:

[email protected]


c/- Airfreight
PO Box 73 088


c/- Ward 17
Middlemore Hospital

:ok: :ok:

Torres 30th Jun 2004 23:26

Now here's an interesting picture. Was this the beginning of the end?


For those who know the "personalities" in the above photo, they may find this amusing:


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