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silverforky 19th Mar 2004 10:55

puss up
I'll try and make it too !!

Woomera 19th Mar 2004 20:57

Hmmmm. This pi$$-up may need moderating........ :confused:

GoGirl 20th Mar 2004 12:18

Only this time, the moderator should hang around to moderate :p


OzExpat 21st Mar 2004 05:34

Yeah I reckon this little do will NEEEEED moderating. Maybe we will see Ms Moderator for a bit longer this time? After all, she wasn't around last time for anywhere near long enuf to get up to any mischief... :{

KM... Bookings are made and will be ticketted this week, to make certain of it! Just make sure that Missus KM will be there eh? :E

GG... thank you soooooo much hon! Here's the details of me travel plans...

Arr BNE 1805 Friday 30 April, QF352 (the PX B767)
Dep BNE 1125 Wednesday 5 May, QF25 - to LAX.

Yep, when I leave Brisvegas, I'm off to a certain wedding in the good ol' US of A! :) :ok:

TV... I'm really really really really really hoping to see the said "coupla NT shielas" at this p!ssup! :ok:

Kaptin M 23rd Mar 2004 04:23

Things ARE looking promising......or threatening :}

It'll be great to meet some new faces, and to see some of the old :ugh: one's again - you'll probably be the second youngest, Keg....look forward to meeting you, silverforky, you sound like a man after my own heart.

I'm twisting Mrs M's arm, Ozsex - but she reckons she's not gunna miss this one, no matter how far I turn it!! You're not slippng into Singapore := on your way to LA, are you, Ozsex :=

Moderating??? If memory serves me correctly, the problem there seems to be moderation of the moderator's was under-moderated at a previous MEL Bash, leading to moderate-severe sore heads the following daze!
This one seems to be shaping up for a similar finale - so can SOMEONE remember to have the Panadol ready for the day after this time, please :ugh:

OzExpat 23rd Mar 2004 07:23

Nah mate, Singas is a bit out of the way - besides, I spent long enuf there last year... :ok: :E

Animalclub 24th Mar 2004 02:10

Will a non-flying ex airline, fairly new prune, guy be welcome?

Kaptin M 24th Mar 2004 03:33

More than Animal - in fact your nom de plume make it seem that your attendance should be COMPULSORY, in view of some of the other attendees' past performances!! :ok:

And just a refresher for page 2, to save anyone else who's interested from scrolling back

Date:- Sunday, May 2
Time:- Approx. 1400 on
Place:- NORMAN HOTEL, Wooloongabba.
102 Ipswich Rd Woolloongabba

Tel:-(07) 3391 5022
(the pub's not mine)

For non-Brisbanites, Ipswich Road is the main road heading southbound off the Story Bridge - the Norman would be less than 10 minutes from the city centre, and is on the lhs as you drive towards The Gabba.

High Altitude 24th Mar 2004 03:42

Bugga that Alice Springs cup weekend...

Woomera 24th Mar 2004 04:53

As it's the day after me Birfday :ok: if this birthday is similar to previous birthdays, I'd have problems visiting the house next door ..... let alone being sober enough to drive to Brisbane. :{


OzExpat 24th Mar 2004 06:57

In that case... hippo birfdee for the day before, W! :O

Woomera 24th Mar 2004 11:57

Bargger from this W.

I'll be through there later in May but not then.

Might send the Princess (lives there) as a substitute, but I would need an assurance that wiz and Oz would behave, I know the Kaptin would be a perfect gennelman. :}

But could you really trust a pilot who thinks that B200 are real airplanes and another who gets altitude sickness above 50ft AGL and who calls his steed DAISY , I mean really, to what is the world coming. :uhoh:

Besides like her muvver she don't take prisoners and shoots the wounded.:{ and it wouldn't be a fair fight:ouch: :ooh: :p

That W

At least the Princess would be a lot better on the eye than her father. Just as well she gets her looks from her mother! :E

This Woomera

Zarg 24th Mar 2004 12:10

Well, I managed to drag myself to the last Brekky Creek do and survived............................ so, why not?

Count me in!:D

That is if my oh so busy social calender will permit!:D

Kaptin M 24th Mar 2004 12:18

"but I would need an assurance that wiz and Oz would behave"
howabout that the Earth is flat!! :ok:

The ONLY reason I'm going, is so that I know for sure where those 2 are during their time (and they've both done plenty of that, I'll bet!!) on terra firma in Q'ld!!
I've got 2 sets of handcuffs to keep track of "things" - my left wrist will be locked onto Ozsex, and the right securely padlocked to the Wiz - G&T's to the left o' me...J.D/B's t' the right...
Hang on...I think I saw a Wild Turkey flailing backstroke across the floor!!

All we need now is that Westralian with his cheap red wine!!

And for page 3
Date:- Sunday, May 2
Time:- Approx. 1400 on
Place:- NORMAN HOTEL, Wooloongabba.
102 Ipswich Rd Woolloongabba
Tel:-(07) 3391 5022
(the pub's #.... not mine)

Onya Zarg - after all this time. Mate, I will NEVER forget that mad race to CG airport all those years ago - only to miss ya by minutes!! :mad:

The Voice 24th Mar 2004 23:37


Someone had better chuck that turkey a bouyancy vest of some sort ..

I'll be needing some of its feathers to revive me if I get there ..

hey W the apple of your eye sounds like a girl after my own heart .. :E

I don't think she's that depraved, despite her father's influence! :}

This Woomera

Updraft 25th Mar 2004 10:32

Hey Kap. Watch out that 'non Brisbanites' don't turn up at 'The Pineapple' instead of 'The Norman' if they follow your directions!
The Norman is about a kilometre PAST the Gabba as you drive towards the PA hospital.
Will check the roster and try to be there.;)

Le Pilot 25th Mar 2004 13:18

If the Chairman releases me

:D plan to be in Brissy that first week. On the 5th but will attempt the change!
Maybe your missus could babysit for me;) ... With all the hours she's logged with kids!
Anyway have I got some war stories:}

This place serve guiness?:E

Kaptin M 25th Mar 2004 21:24

That`d be great if you can make it, LP - as for the baby-sitting, I was planning on palming my 2 off onto Ozsexpot and GoGirl :cool: I think my missus might be spending most of her time with Wirraway`s lady....if Ozsex let`s her :O

Guiness?? From memory, the Norman has an excellent range of beverages - their meals, esp. the steaks, are guaranteed to rival the best of anywhere you`ve tried.

The Voice 26th Mar 2004 03:24


Uncle Ozsex ? and Aunty Gogirl ?

oh .. sorry, didn't mean to offend :E

Whichever W Moi? Depraved? :8

I'm crushed :uhoh:

OzExpat 30th Mar 2004 07:43

By the look of it, we've already succeeded in getting all the Ws fallin over each other to NOT be there! :} Bunch of pikers! :p But that's okay guys, we know how difficult it is to get around at your age, so just send the deputy Miss W instead! :E

KM... I can think of at least ONE much better use for a set of handcuffs. :E As for me and GG doin the "Uncle and Aunt" thing... yeah, right! :}

Uncle me and Aunty Voice might be able to arrange something tho... ;)

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