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MAXX 11th Nov 2003 12:36


I myself have been in the game for 14 years and as you say I also have had to work hard to get where i am.(dont wear gold bars anymore or reflective raybans).

I dont know really whats happening in Kununurra anymore,only what i hear along the grape vine.I was a Chief Pilot down there for a few years myself and my earlier comments were not to be in anyway a put down on the current generals(as they now appear to be called)but mearly an opinion on the current atitudes of the millions of low time pilots looking for work in kununurra.

Wheather their attitudes are justified or not seems to be a matter for certain managers and senior pilots to consider.


Vapour Trader 11th Nov 2003 12:59

Cheers MAXX

Glad to see someone with the right attitude!
Jeez, I have seen a steady rise in commercial pilots flooding the market with there "somebody owes me everything" crap over the last few years and it's true they do head up to KNX and places like it looking for that golden seat. I only hope they keep there attitudes and daddies money with them where it belongs.

Really guy's come on, this site used to be so helpfull and we all stuck together and helped when there was something to be gained from a situation but I guess that was when you were all in nappies and glueing your fingers together hanging your best made up in the ceiling.

Let's not make up sh:mad: and also have a little respect for the ones that got off there asses in the first place to get up here and finally plonk there arse in a seat, and also wish the best of luck to the ones in the future for having the balls to drive here in the first place rather than sending piles of A4 through the mail......do Australian post a favour..............stop it.

Vapour x

MAXX 11th Nov 2003 13:28

I understand what your saying vapour,

some of the young pilots going up through KU are smart asses who think the world owes them a flying job just because mummy and daddy paid for their licence and daddy knows a check and training capt in qantas who can get him a job after 12 months in the bush.some of the guys just couldnt understand that you couldnt employ everyone.(one pilot who had been to see myself and the owner a number of times actually bailed me up infront of the supermarket after he found out he wasnt going to get work that season. HE ACTUALLY THREATENED TO KNOCK MY HEAD OFF IF HE DIDNT GET A JOB,ILL NEVER FORGET HIS NAME!!)

HOWEVER (an this is a big however)

most of the guys and girls coming through when i was there were pretty good,down to earth hard workers with their heads screwed on the right way,and most have moved on to bigger and better things having gained some good knowledge from their 2 or more years apprenticeship in the kimberely

I mostly look back on the place with fond memories,we had a really good team and the guys and girls from both major companies usually mixed very well,it would be a real shame if one of the good training groundS for pilots went to hell.

I suppose thats best left up to attitudes of all staff and managers to generate a proffessional ,effective and safe work atmosphere.


Vapour Trader 11th Nov 2003 13:53


Once again you are sooooo right. Believe me, I'm not kissing your arse here but it is good to have someone finally say something good about KNX

Cheers mate


Raingauge 11th Nov 2003 20:02

JT Generals.....the first thing I would have done was get rid of that nick name......such a crack up.

Just remember that a general in the GA army isn't even a private where the big boys play.

Now get down and GIVE ME 20!!!;)

the wizard of auz 12th Nov 2003 00:13

Yup your dead right Vapor, some people do know alot of names, thing is, when they get up there and start doing things they shouldnt, they earn the name they get.
I never went up there looking for work and still managed a bad reception (although that was saved untill after I left).
KNX aint the be all and end all of aviation............. but some seem to think it is. also some of us are quite happy being in GA (as much as a bugga of a industry it is) and dont really think the sun shines out of certain individuals bums (coz we are happily employed).
they are only little fish in the big picture, and they wanna remember that........... no better than alot of people that don't hold the high and mighty CP position. (its a mugs position anyway) some of us have more experiance than they are ever going to get and don't carry on like they do.

Have a Bonza day!!!!! ;)

airstream 12th Nov 2003 12:27

Wizard of Aus!!!!!

I work out of Jt and Perth and your name come up the other day and it seems you still owe a certain aviation company money from when you did your ( fixed wing ) commercial licence I was informed you did the old runner after you finally got your licence does this bring back any memories.

Not bad for a guy who claims he has a good name in aviation
Maybe you can confirm or deny

PS: Feel free to contact the certain aviation company Im sure he would love to talk to you.

the wizard of auz 12th Nov 2003 14:41

Mate, you are absolutely correct!. I didnt do a runner though, I caught him trying to rip me off (along with all the others he tried to do the same to) and decided to take the legal path (coz thats what he kept threatening me with( or rather his hench man)).
I am still waiting............ He knows who I am, where I am and when I am in YPJT. we even share the same maintanance facility.
he has seen me on several occasions, even spoken to me on several occasions, but never mentioned anything about it.
Go figure!!!
I left the ball in their court ;)
Can't see what this has to do with anything though ????
I certainly aint embarresed about it, If that was you aim........ strewth mate, I quite often get applauded for sticking to my guns by most of the people that know this particular operator. very astute business man with few people skills, but hey, it takes all sorts to make a world.
(I might just add, it was a quite insignificate amount and nowhere close to the amount he tells every one it was. it was a principle thing really).
you can ask about if you wan't (seeing as though your so interested in my business) I dont have any other dramas on the whole field where, I might add, I do spend significant amounts of time/money.
Oh, I already had my licences, just added the com bit to it.

Balls in your court airstream. :\

Have a Bonza day!!! ;)

drshmoo 13th Nov 2003 08:57

Mr Airstream,
Have you an alias given to you by lord Jandy General himself as the "regs man"? If so congrats on new job. Didnt see you before we both left town.

Europilot~ too many logged hours in the tav bottleshop hey? A funny man such as I remember you, will have no worries eventually getting a job as you claim to have got (well done).
Ease Up on Wayno. He's preoccupied by restricting his circuits to 7nm radii when doin his beloved circuits.

To the KNX faithfull Shmoo will be in town for farewell drinks next week. See you in both hangers for a few beers

Dr Shmoo

OpsNormal 13th Nov 2003 09:08

Yo shmooman, where ya heading? Long time no speak!

oldrecruit210 15th Nov 2003 08:15

may not be long
Things have taken a turn for the worse. The pressure is apparently getting too much for Lord Gen JT.

After a few drinks at the local, he got wound up at a local pilot not under his reign and threatened to "take things out side". Some of his "yes men" defused the situation and seemed quite humble for the rest of the evening.

Rumour has it that then events of the past year are taking there toll of Lord Gen JT and it may not be long before he follows the course of his operations manager and takes stress leave and possibly even medication.

This raises the question as to whether or not he is still a "fit and proper" person to hold the position of CP as required by the authority.

Assault of a fellow pilot over "phantom" work related issue would suggest "NO".

It is becoming hard to be proud to work for an organisation that is being brought into such shame.

Checkerboard 17th Nov 2003 09:07

Having been up in the Kimberly's myself earlier this year and experienced it all first hand and having read all these posts I thought I might put in my 2 cents worth.

To all the guys and gals that went up to KNX looking for work this year I take my hat off to you. It takes a fair bit of courage to venture out of the comfort of the city and drive 3,000 kms to look for your first job and not being to sure what you are getting yourself into. To those that having not got a job and still choose to stay there, got a job at the pub or servo and wait it out I also take my hat off to you.

To the 11 guys I meet living in the converted coldroom paying $100 each a week to live in what was nothing short of 3rd world accommodation I understand where alot of the frustration comes from.

But a few points need to be made

i) The "general" as you want to call him was in a tuff position himself earlier this year. He was also just starting the job, feeling his feet etc. With so many guys all knocking on the door looking for work how can he distinguish between 40 of you all with 200 hours? He has to make some decisions and there is no way he could spend time with all of you. Dont hold it against him for that, he also had alot of other tasks to complete.

ii) It has been said here before, KNX is really not a good place to look for work if you only have 200 hrs. You all end up looking like a flock of sheep and your chance of standing out and getting hired amounst all the others is very slim. Your better off going to the smaller towns where there are a couple of operators and NO pilots waiting for a job. That way the companies WILL get to know you and when a position comes up you will be the only one there so you will be it!

iii) While all of you sat in KNX waiting by your phones there was a couple of jobs going only 100k's down the road but no one ever came to see us apart from the 2 people that made the effort to leave KNX and come and say hello, they both got the jobs!

Think outside the square and dont give Wayno such a hard time,he has a tough job.

airstream 17th Nov 2003 11:17


How true your words are, I think with a company like Slingair and how big the operation is the general!!! has alot on his mind. Like you said considering how he was chucked in the deep end at the beginning of the season and how he has created alot of new changes people don't realize this takes time.

Give him a chance :ok:

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