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exmexican 4th Nov 2003 20:24

Keep battling Druggie! We don't, however, believe everything that comes from CNN anymore. Read some Hunter S Thompson, PJ O'Rourke, and Micheal Moore.
The US has aggressively guarded it's agricultural markets for many moons. Basic incompetence and inefficiency are rewarded by massive subsidies,while the Aussies forge ahead in all areas of agricultural finesse. There's not a farmer in the US that would survive open competition for more than a few years.
As for WMD, the US would know exactly how much **** is scattered around over there. After all, the reciepts are in the top drawer of the desk in the oval office.
Sow the wind, reap the hurricane.

druglord 4th Nov 2003 21:16

exmex, hey dude...sorry i tried to email ya, but I can't get through on bigpond. Have ya got a hotmail addy or something like that? You the last of the mohicans up there with raingauge? Yeah i realize america muscles people around with the trade thingie, but I just get sick of the america-bashing that goes on especially in this forum when everyone loves aussies over here. Hey i got new job, hopefully be driving RJ's next month. drop me another line..Ciao

the wizard of auz 5th Nov 2003 09:58

BWAAAHAHAHA, ozex, French. :p
Just got to have my little dig......... all those places that were quoted as receiving US aid, were I believe blown to the ****house by the US prior to the aid being supplied. Lets face it, you yanks won't do anything unless its good for the yanks.
you have to spend money on a place after you blow it up.... Its much more comfortable to occupy and control then. ;)

Boney 5th Nov 2003 11:43

Now that it would appear that the whole 'Weapons of Mass Destraction' thing was a scam, what I would like to know is when is the United Nations going to charge Bush, Blair and HoWARd as War Criminals?

Oh, that's right - I have forgotten the Golden Rule.

He with the gold makes the rules.

Thank God Bush didn't visit The Great Barrier reef while here the other week. As many would know, under the reef is a huge oil supply and thanks to global warming and The Crown of Thorns Starfish, large areas of the reef are dying. If Bush had been made aware of this, once back home, he may have started one of his propaganda speeches with .....

"Australia, give up your weapons of Mass Destraction"

the wizard of auz 5th Nov 2003 18:01

And I would give it up too! :}

DIVINE WIND 6th Nov 2003 04:06

Hey Druglord
I just moved to NY. I can say with confidence that the king-pins of Aussie GA & our good friends at CASA could learn a thing or two if they came over here for a peek. One thing that they have to sort out here is the gambling laws. Gone are my saturday arvo's at the local having a punt.
Back in your box Boney

Boney 6th Nov 2003 05:32

Devine Wind, yes change gambling laws but keep your head in the sand as our world leaders take us a step closer to another World War every month - good to see you have your priorities right.

Sheep Guts 6th Nov 2003 05:45

Heres an interesting spin on this. The US has a FTA ( Free Trade Agreement)with Canada. Many Canadian Pilots get NAFTA ( North American Free Trade) Visas to work in the US. I dont know if this is still true post 9/11. Wonder of that could be arranged across the Pacific.

Anyone have moreinfo on this would be interresting indeed.


druglord 6th Nov 2003 23:16

Thanks divine, yes oz is a great place, but the aviation industry is totallly different. you looking for airline work? Gotta green card? Keep in touch and I might be able to walk a resume in for ya.
Sheep guts, unfortunately it's very difficult to get especially airline work for non-citizens/green card holders, and l'm not sure what sorta arrangements they have with canada, but talking to a roomie who's been up there flying the past couple weeks he said he's talking to guys with 10,000 hours that can't get out of Twotters, so i think they'd love to try to score work here, but it's somewhat prohibitive legally.

DIVINE WIND 7th Nov 2003 21:59

Hey Druglord,
Check your PM's
DW :cool:

Winstun 8th Nov 2003 04:14

Unfortunately this may well mean that the Australian Film and Television Industry will suffer.
...boo hoo..:{ I am certain the Aussie taxpayer is over getting screwed in yet another area...besides still forking out millions for a white elephant (ABC), subsidising third rate acting wannabees is not on.

while the Aussies forge ahead in all areas of agricultural finesse
...:hmm: yeah, like finessefully raping the earth to imminent extinction..:rolleyes:

OzExpat 8th Nov 2003 22:20

Bwahahaha, onya Winstun! I always get a real belly laugh out of your posts! Keep up the good work!

All of us get a bit bitter and twisted if we miss out on getting laid once in a while. I guess you miss out all the time huh?

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