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AOPA "The Election" (merged)

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Old 2nd May 2003, 15:42
  #121 (permalink)  
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Copied from other AOPA thread

Noticed in this months magazine that AOPA are finally offering scholarships for GFPT/PPL.

About time, and if anyone cares about this industry they will push these scholarships onto anyone they can. 14 are up grabs, two for each state and one each for the territories.

Get behind it. If you know anyone that wants to learn to fly and fits the criteria get them onboard. Details are in the magazine!

Dog wishes he was 18 again.
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Old 2nd May 2003, 18:40
  #122 (permalink)  

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And I sincerely hope, that the big guy has the size heart that I think he has.
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Old 2nd May 2003, 21:03
  #123 (permalink)  

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Thanks for bringing that up, I was only talking to snarek today about these Scholarships, which are one of the best kept secrets in GA today.

I haven't seen anything promoting these outside the article in the magazine.

No publicity, no posters, no handouts not a sausage.

The magazine talks to AOPA members, most AOPA members are already pilots and if they get the magazine they are already members.

Get the picture.

I sorta thought that the whole idea of the "Scholarship" was to support new pilots into the professional side of the industry, foster the image of and gain new AOPA members and support affiliated training schools and/or encourage those who are not to be so.???

Or are they being closely held by whomever to be conferred on a grateful and already chosen few as "grace and favour" rewards.

I would like to think that there are at least three times as many candidates as there are seats and that they are hotly contested.

It would be a great and tragic disappointment if the Scholarships are run the same way as the Committee appointment has been in the past.

The closing date is the 15th May and unless I'm mistaken their are not all that many, enough anyway, candidates.

Not I suspect because there aren't a bunch out of eager youngsters out there, they just don't know, haven't been told about it, or cant find out anything out about it. Unless of course they are members of AOPA which is where I started.

ugly points out;

Another thing AOPA need to get happening is encouraging tomorrow's pilots. I work for the Air League in my spare time and its great to see the young people so keen and wanting to fly. 3 kids from my local 'Squadron' (Blacktown) went solo after Xmas at CN and should have their GFPT soon. AOPA had a crack at a 'young eagles' program similar to the USA around the time I left, however that seemed to have died quietly. They couldn't do worse that work with the AAL - we have the infrastructure and have been doing it for 69 years now, the 2 organisations could compliment each other. However a few of the leaders in AAL are amongst the disgruntled ex-members I discussed above...

I was pleased to hear that Ron Bertram is running for the board of AOPA. As well as being a working pilot (ops manager/instructor at a BK flying school) he's also a member of the Air League and gives a considerable amount of his time to work with young people who have an interest in aviation. He's also a nice bloke - most of the time ;-)

Having Ron on the board might open up an opportunity for AOPA to work with the next generation of aviators. If you haven't already voted - give a thought to giving Ron a vote
Is just one of the ways and I hope that they and kindred orgs around Oz can be got into the loop on this.

I want to know now, how many applications AOPA has received, to date and from which States and Territories.

If the numbers aren't substantial and I mean in the order of at least 8 to one, then the closing date should be moved back or suspended until a proper and vigorous marketing campaign is formulated and prosecuted.

It needn't cost more than a little money, wont take much more time and there wouldn't be a Flying School, Aero Club or any organisation remotely connected to aviation training who wouldn't promote it for free in their mag and on their notice Boards.

Properly executed and shown to be truly inclusive it would do more to immediately raise the awareness of AOPA than just abut anything else I can think of at the moment.

Can anybody tell my why this should not be so.
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Old 4th May 2003, 09:43
  #124 (permalink)  
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Stuff Up?


I gather the scholarship is another stuff up by AOPA.

Who was the director at AOPA responsible for managing the Scholarship arrangements?

Our problem is that we are all old (mostly men), there is no new blood coming through the system. AOPA and GA is doomed unless we attract new and young aviators male & female.

AOPA US do this well, we should study their example.

The decline of the membership + management of the finances must be your first priority. Can anyone tell us what the current membership is, is that a secret?


Good bye, you never contributed anything positive to the discussions.
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Old 4th May 2003, 11:03
  #125 (permalink)  

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Maybe and as I am not a Director I do not know the answer as to whom is directly responsible, I have my own ideas, but I have asked the question nonetheless.

I have made a direct personal request that the closing date be extended at least another 30 days and I understand from Marjorie, that the staff have now been instructed to contact all affiliated orgs with reminders and that there will be some action to place an Ad in an appropriate magazine beyond the AOPA.

I will give our friend Creedy a call on Mon and see if I can stir up some publicity in the Oztralian.

PPRuNe must be good for some things because as a result of my rantings here I or rather AOPA have had a direct and very generous offer from a gentleman denizen herein, I am not sure whether he wants to be named but I will if he agrees, who owns a succesful printing business, to print any flyers or posters on this subject for the cost of materials only.

How cool is that.

There is a huge amount of plane old fashioned goodwill out there, you only have to give em a good reason and ask nicely.

People treated with respect and inclusiveness will fall over themselves to help a worthy cause.

Our problem is that we are all old (mostly men), there is no new blood coming through the system. AOPA and GA is doomed unless we attract new and young aviators male & female.

AOPA US do this well, we should study their example.

Spread your arms,
Take a deep breath
And trust your cape.
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Old 5th May 2003, 06:13
  #126 (permalink)  
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Talking of goodwill, I have now been emailed, faxed, and SMSed by ASA re the Horsham Court appearance Wednesday.
No matter whether one arguesd his guilt or nay, this is a fundamental matter as it relates to CASA removing a licence sight unseen and with no recourse.

ASA got magnificent media last appearance. From memory our erstwhile Pres advised we didn't involve coz he wasn't a member. I do not follow that logic as AOPA should be pursuing CASA abuse of power independent of whether the victim is or is not an AOPA member.

It is Monday, not a sign of any AOPA communication. Gee, emails must be expensive.

And we wonder why people don't want to join or rejoin - while ASA membership increases daily.

I will not be at Horsham due to my own commitments. But it would be nice for those who could get there to at least be aware that it is on.

The new AOPA manual may be Gibbons "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"?
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Old 5th May 2003, 07:49
  #127 (permalink)  
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Angry Titanic misses the bus

Brianh, thanks for that info. think I'll go join ASA

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Old 5th May 2003, 08:43
  #128 (permalink)  
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McKeown organised the scholarships, he might have stuffed up the advertising, but give him credit for the organisation. Marjorie is now doing something about advertising after Gaunty put it to me that the scholarships were a well kept secret.

Here's a proposal for you, we advertise 'learn to fly', use an AOPA contact and pass enquiries onto participating AOPA clubs and schools. Would you guys donate $100 for that???

There was no e-mail because they mostly don't know how to do bulk e-mails and Mr mckeown has forbid me, as an ex-director, from using the AOPA e-mail list. (my own list is bigger though, but I was at Barraba)

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Old 5th May 2003, 09:31
  #129 (permalink)  

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Bart Ifonly

Assuming that you are still a member, why did you not complain LOUDLY?
The situation that we are trying to turn around, didn't just develop overnight.

Whilst I have been a member for as long as I can remember, I am now ashamed to admit that I "dropped out" some years ago, after the beginning of the Smith and Munro adventures.

I should have stayed and "fought".

By "fight" I don't mean to kick em out, but to direct or moderate their behaviour in such a way that the formidable talents they possess in some areas were directed in a more constructive way.

The membership and those two working together could have been a formidable combination.

Sadly inclusiveness, consultation and active listening were not then part of their skills suite.

That was then, this is now.

We must wait, like you and in despair, for the membership to speak before we can take the steps necessary to address our shared concerns.

From memory our erstwhile Pres advised we didn't involve coz he wasn't a member. I do not follow that logic as AOPA should be pursuing CASA abuse of power independent of whether the victim is or is not an AOPA member.
The "they are not our members, therefore not our concern" in relation to real "global" issues is just plain bullsh!t and is certainly not my view of the world.
Bali was a bit of a wake up on that as a concept eh.

I do not know any more of this case than what is published, nor do I understand the merits or no, other than the propaganda froth surrounding it.
Was the case, the subject of an AOPA Board discussion and agreement on a policy towards the issue and decided on the current "numbers" and desseminated to the members, or was the "policy" taken unilaterally by a Director.

It's good and easy publicity for ASA on what at the heart of it is a simple "motherhood" issue.

Don't get me wrong, ASA fills a necessary void, I am sure we will share views or overlap on many issues and there will be many others that we do not nor wish to. That is our respective right.
I certainly dont see them as the enemy or rivals. They are after all about safety, we'll just have to see how it all pans out.

If we had had a functional AOPA insofar as CASA was concerned, perhaps their approach and our response may have been different.

We must be careful that the two separate issues are not conflated.
One is the prosecution of existing regulations.
The Magistrate, by definition can only have reference to the black letter law and its proper administration.
He will not have any option but to apply it on the evidence presented.
The other issue "constitutional and powers" i.e. whether the law or regulation "is right" are IMHO, technically and practically beyond his reach.

I doubt very much that the "sensation" created and surrounding the case will have any influence on his decision.

Neither is it the place to have a confrontational "constitutional and powers" debate.
The Magistrate, who has limited disgression, may feel a little pressured to get it more right than he might in the normal course of events. This would have the potential to cause even more damage whichever way it goes.

Bunker mode kicks in and both sides retreat to chucking grenades at each other.

It's births, what is called, an 'egocentric predicament'.
Our world is awash with this most unpredictable and sometimes ferocious wild animal, they are the most difficult of all to hunt or kill or domesticate.

One of my missions in life is to send them to a "wildlife reserve" for rehabilitation and a peaceful life savaging each other hopefully to extinction.
The most useful approach is of course contraception.


It is a long while since I trudged through it but the salutary lessons it contains never leave you.

The phoney war is past, The Battle of AOPA seems to have closed, we now wait frustrated and for the moment impotent, to see the results which direction we shall be required to march and whether we can stand down from high alert.
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Old 5th May 2003, 10:05
  #130 (permalink)  
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Well spoken, I know you will get in and have hope for the future.

AOPA better hope the media don't screen the slogan on the ASA Battle Bus - "ASA, Representing Those We Claim to Represent". A little too poignant at present, sometimes the truth can be a hurt.

I wouldn't agree that the publicity has no effect on the Court. I know the magistrate will remain impartial etc but CASA are like a traffic cop in court - sacrosanct and always right. The publicity at the previous hearing, the appearance of key figures, etc are all motivators to his honour to gang warily rather than agree out of hand "off with his head".

A foot in both camps is well placed! I am proud of my ASA membership and hope to soon again be proud of my AOPA. The difference is that AOPA is more $ intensive and at the moment that is questionable. The proposed changes to the ASA framework make it more democratic and AOPA would be well advised to look and learn.
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Old 5th May 2003, 10:50
  #131 (permalink)  
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It should be remembered that I have resigned from the board of AOPA and my views are my own. Boyd Munro does an excellent job on those things with which he chooses to get involved, but AOPA is still left to confront hundreds of other brushfire wars on hundreds of different fronts with less and less resources. If Boyd believes that he can stop the mess of regulations that are pouring out, in Parliament, without bothering to be involved in the process I wish him well but don't like his chances. I am somewhat puzzled by the vehemence of the anti-AOPA hate mail. I know that CASA has plants here, and of course there is the odd regional pilot who becomes inflamed when AOPA won't agree that a Tiger Moth in Coonamble needs radios and transponder et al, but does this explain it? Perhaps some believe that AOPA is irrelevant, but "the lady doth protest too much". AOPA apathy I understand, "You guys aren't doing enough for me while I sit around bleating" I understand, but why the antagonism? What is the real agenda here?
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Old 5th May 2003, 11:15
  #132 (permalink)  
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Assuming that you are still a member, why did you not complain LOUDLY?
Yes, I am amember and will remain one. I overlooked the Horsham fiasco or I would have complained loudly. Sorry, I'll try not to let it happen again.
In the past I have asked questions of the AOPA board only to be fobbed off.
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Old 5th May 2003, 12:57
  #133 (permalink)  
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Bill Pike.

How interesting that you grace us with your presence here but when legitimate questions were put to you on the AOPA forum you failed to respond just as, for the most part, you failed to keep members informed by using your presidents page on the AOPA site. Oh yes, but you had better thing to do then .......

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Old 5th May 2003, 13:34
  #134 (permalink)  
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posted 5th May 2003 04:57

"Bill Pike.

How interesting that you grace us with your presence here ..."

I do no such thing, you do not own this site any more or less than I do. This "us" is pomposity. It is not the jabbering few that I am concerned about, "they have their minds made up and aren't about to be moved by a few facts" but I am occasionally concerned that unrebutted rubbish begins to look like fact to the lurkers.
The posts that you refer to on the AOPA site showed the same pomposity, the same belief that "posters" have some imperious rights not granted ordinary mortals, and yes I treated them with the same disdain. I put in a large number of hours per week as President, and my priorities as to how those hours might be best spent for the general good weren't changed by posts such as
"I demand that the President...", and no I do not choose to join those of you who live for this sort of thing for an hour or so every night. I have a personal email address and phone number published for those who wish to contact me thanks, and while you guys clearly take yourselves very seriously, hope you aren't too offended if many of us don't.

Last edited by Bill Pike; 5th May 2003 at 13:50.
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Old 5th May 2003, 13:51
  #135 (permalink)  
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Bill Pike.
Your reply sums up your attitude to perfection. Sadly it also applied to genuine questions posted on the forum.

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Old 5th May 2003, 16:41
  #136 (permalink)  
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I am so angry with you I could spit. It has been so rare for this God to descend to address we mere mortals and now you have offended him and he may never return.

He is anti the “anti-AOPA” comments of any pagans who raise concerns about AOPA and you must learn to live with this. It is conversely OK for his team – remembering that he is standing for immortality again - to savagely denigrate individuals for the past month or so, but you must realise that we mere mortals must live by different rules to those in the Officers Mess.

If it is any help to you and I and those who thought the AOPA Forum was a good spot to exchange thoughts – limited only by the refusal of the Gods to participate – we do have an opinion in our favour, from none other than John Milton who died over 300 years ago. And he was a bloody pom, yet wiser!
“Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making”.

I value your opinions Bart, but please remember your place in society. Back to your beer and skittles mate, leave Thor, Zeus, and Bill to pontificate.

I have voted for neither Team A nor Team B and certainly not for the sniper. What absolute arrogance his posting carries, I'm glad he wasn't at my back when I carried a rifle - perfect candidate to send us mere cannon fodder into that famous valley without remorse!

To be fair, Bill has put in significant effort but I always felt the job of a President was a tad different to what occurred, although accepting that he did not want the second run. Nevertheless, I do expect a Board with some people skills.
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Old 5th May 2003, 19:04
  #137 (permalink)  
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Brianh, thank you for your comments. A quick look at the presidents page on the AOPA site says it all. Ah, the contempt for us mere mortals...

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Old 6th May 2003, 06:04
  #138 (permalink)  
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They turned me into an officer once, I got better

I know I will attract flak for defending Pike, and jeeezez he has had his fair share of goes at me. But, like I think I said before, face to face you can't help but like him, he is a gentleman and a statesman (just not good at this new fangled e-technology and the lack of face-to-face feedback he is used to). He did work frikken hard for AOPA and I firmly believe it was his sense of 'mateship' for Hamilton that was his eventual undoing. I believe Hamilton so severely abused that trust that Pike is genuinely hurt.

I honestly hope this time we get a workable Board.

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Old 6th May 2003, 10:31
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Oright, I'll bend a little because I do value your opinion.

However, keep in mind that Bill P has been absent from this Forum until the vote is virtually closed then jumps in for his two penneth worth, with some absolutely unnecessary antagonistic comment about the AOPA Forum members - who were there with the interests of AOPA and GA at heart and certainly do not deserve nasty labels as Bill P put on them.

If he is a member of the elected team I suggest that: -
1. He learns to value individual opinions and not denigrate others.
2. He makes the quantum leap to embracing e-technology (I'll guarantee he doesn't refuse GPS technology or mobile phones).
3. As he goes his own way doing what he considers the vital things (wasn't Bill H criticised for allegedly doing the same?) he doesn't ram it down the members throats and make them feel their input is trivial and unnecessary.

AOPA is also about people - its members particularly, but also those with whom AOPA negotiates - and while I value your people skills (you silvertongue you) I find Bill P's somewhat akin to a renegade bulldozer. Why should someone of what you claim to be high caliber undo the good work by attitude?

Some interesting attendees at Horsham. Must watch the TV news tonight.
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Old 7th May 2003, 13:21
  #140 (permalink)  
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"However, keep in mind that Bill P has been absent from this Forum until the vote is virtually closed "

Cmon, damned if I do, damned if I don't. I couldn't care less about "being elected", if my "attitude" is popular I will, if it isn't I happily won't.
However, I believe that I do listen to people. I do not, definitely do not, respond to the squeakiest wheel. Nor do I believe that those who post the most are necessarily representative of popular opinion, the reverse in fact.
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