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TowerDog 16th Feb 2008 05:35

Aye, still drunk, don't go serious Mr. An2

An2 16th Feb 2008 08:31

Me?! Serious?!

Surely,...you must be joking?:hmm:

Really TD,....you know me better than that!!:E

TowerDog 17th Feb 2008 03:53

Really TD,....you know me better than that!!
Aye mate, I thought ya were gay.
Or I am loosing my mind.
Or both.
You choose:)

All is well here in the colonies.

Stay cool and say hello to Mr. Bengt Engel and his incredible foxy wife. (Made in Sweden she is..I wish she had a sister digging mature men in Florida.;))

TowerDog 17th Feb 2008 20:50

Hmm, another sober day here at the TowerDog house.
Kind of boring, but I had to cut down on the booze. Not only does it
come in the way of working, (Pilots can't do 3-Martini power lunches)
but I was developing a healthy beer belly.
(I don;t mind, but it may turn the young chics off, can't take that risk)

Soooo, the old 'dog is on a diet. Hungry every day, and even worse, sober most of the time. Not good.

Lost 10 lbs so far. (Sounds better than 4.5 kilos.)

Quit drinking beer, instead I found some cheap wine in big bottles.
Or the occasional Cuba Libre. All good stuff, but looking forward to
my next beer, in a month or so perhaps.
I'll buy the round.

Guttn 18th Feb 2008 06:36


An2 18th Feb 2008 11:08

OK MrTD!!!

Now I understand!
You're not only delirious, but also has incredably low blood-sugar levels?!:E
Poor guy!:ouch:


Hårek den Hardbalne 18th Feb 2008 15:45

Bananas one?

Would you think a few bananas would do wonders to his blood sugar ;)

BTW, pretty pleasant in the sandpit these days. +29 and climbing :cool:

TowerDog 18th Feb 2008 20:13

I know, I know..But it is all for the good of God and for mankind.
Put the 'dog on a diet and get him ready for the next mid-life crises.

Then step back and hide yer daughters...:E

An2 18th Feb 2008 21:01

Would you think a few bananas would do wonders to his blood sugar
I know for a fact that a few bananaz would set the man straight again!!:}
...having hauled around a few B's myself, I have only good things to say about them. :ok:
There are faint memorys of consuming about 4-5 of them per sim-session...........:eek:
Poor instructor!;)

Then step back and hide yer daughters...
I'm reeeally glad I have only boys!!!:E ....and on the other side of the pond!!!;)

TowerDog 18th Feb 2008 23:09

I know for a fact that a few bananaz would set the man straight again
Hey, bananas are good..Some say the worlds best food.
For you middle-age farts out there with growing prostates: Avocados will control the growth and restore any, ahem, male problems.
(This it true and straight from the latest research, remember you saw it here first)
Say after me: An Avocdo a day keeps the doctor away.

I'm reeeally glad I have only boys!!! ....and on the other side of the pond!!!
Ya made 2 good choices there Mr. An2....:cool:

Bengt Engel 21st Feb 2008 18:04

aaaahhhhhhhh, so the slumbering thread has gone bananas when bengt was away for a few days...

glad to hear you are on the right way TD and hopefully the germans have opened so you can have an octoberfest when you get off the dry season...:}

shout out to Danny, get this server up to speed, I'm getting really tired....even bought a titel and all just to send you some money...

Smoknjoe 22nd Feb 2008 02:51

" C'm on back here so we get to slap you around a bit!!!:E "

New guy back, ready for my spanking :\

Just thinking about poor TD, Giving up beer, Is that even possible?
Not even fresh of the plane 20 yrs ago, with michelob being the best i could find ( it was terrible), did I considder giving up on the liquid bread.
And today with all the Micro ales that have popped up since i arrived Ive gone from hurtn puppy to heaven :)

Take care.

TowerDog 22nd Feb 2008 03:39

did I considder giving up on the liquid bread.
Aye, ya mean the hydraulic sandwich?

Yeah them yanks never caught on to brewing the good stuff.
I do all my beer drinking with imports..(Starting to salviate and drool now:sad:)

A cold Bitburger or Warsteiner on a hot Florida afternoon is like having oral sex, and there is 23 more cans in the case....:E

With a pack of Drum rolling tobaco it is close to extacy.

Unfortunately the good doctor told me to quit all of the above..
Which I did...:{

Now in a Philadelphia hotel room with a whoe day to kill tomorrow.
Guess I will go and say hello to Rocky Balboa, he is here in town.

Anybody else (or their daugthers) in PHL tomorrow?

Full report will follow..

(too cold to move my lazy body outside the hote tonightl, -1 C...The viking blood is pretty thin these days)

I will buy another round in the Viking Bar for you studs that still live and thrive close to the artic circle. Not for this cowboy for sure:rolleyes:

An2 22nd Feb 2008 12:31

.....and there is 23 more cans in the case....
24 hours per day.
24 cans per case.
I think not!


.....had one of those plastic signs with the above quote on it, on our refrigerator, when I lived in DAB.
Just to remind us not to get de-hydrated!:E

TowerDog 25th Mar 2008 10:35

Aye boys, we have been on the wagon for a month?

Quiet in the bar for sure.
Lets stir up some dust, perhaps even smoke out Flaps 40.

Let's start with a Blonde Joke:

A state trooper pulls a car over on a lonely back road and approaches the blonde lady driver. "Ma'am, is there a reason that you're weaving all over the road?"

The woman replied, "Oh officer, thank goodness you're here!! I almost had an accident! I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!"

Reaching through the side window to the rear view mirror, the officer replied, "Ma'am... that's your air freshener."

A guy is having a drink in a very dark bar. He leans over to the big woman next to him and says, "Do you wanna hear a funny blonde joke?" The big woman replies, "Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm blonde, six feet tall, 210 lb., and I'm a professional triathlete and bodybuilder. The blonde woman sitting next to me is 6'2", weighs 220 lb., and she's an ex-professional wrestler. Next to her is a blonde who's 6'5", weighs 250 lb., and she's a current professional kick boxer. Now, do you still want to tell that blonde joke?"

The guy thinks about it a second and says, "No, not if I'm going to have to explain it three times."


Guttn 25th Mar 2008 14:02


But I don`t think Flaps40 has been around this corner in awhile :rolleyes:. Or?

Survived Easter yet again, after a bit of :ugh::{:yuk::yuk::mad::zzz::oh::yuk::yuk::yuk::bored::\:mad: but it was all good fun for all involved. Names have been changed to protect the guilty, as Bon Scott once said :E

But out flying Mr. TD? Chasing Easterbunnies below the equator perhaps?

TowerDog 26th Mar 2008 02:18

But I don`t think Flaps40 has been around this corner in awhile . Or?

Nah, she is missing in action..Poor woman, she don't know what she is missing..:E

But out flying Mr. TD? Chasing Easterbunnies below the equator perhaps?
Aye, the last few trips have been all domestic US. Had a red-eye special from Miami to Las Vegas, 24hrs lay-over, then back at night again.
Easy flying for sure, like stealing candy from kids...Not that I uh, know how, but heard it is easy.
Lots of tourists and hookers in Vegas for sure. Did not try my luck at the tables but my co-worker went to town with $400.00 and returned with $95.00 or so. He is also Norwegian, on PPrUne now and then, and quite profitable for the casino's and bars in Vegas...Come on Bjørn A, fezz up and say hello to the boys in Scandiland..:cool:

The next trip was also inland US, this time to Los Angeles, but daytime.
Another easy ride, like shooting fish in a barrel. Radar contact all the way, fully automatic aeromachine (B757), no squaks, no problems, no un-ruly pax, no lisping gay flight attendants, no bad weather, no nothing to put a finger on. (Or in, that was the problem perhaps.:E)

In other words, all is well in the colonies.
Had 4 days off now with lots of good food and drink in the dog, then tomorrow an easy afternoon flight to Venezuela (MAR) for short lay-over, then MAR-MIA, MIA-PUJ, PUJ-MIA on Thursday. Not a party trip with only 10:30 in MAR, but short-time is also ok...:)

Say hello to the Easter bunnies in Norway from the Big Dog..:cool:

empati 26th Mar 2008 09:39

Odin and Thor! Skygods!
Hmm, did I get you right, TD? Was that a fully loaded norwegian AA cockpit on MIA-LAS? God save us! :D

Used to be a member of the AMR Scandi Mafia! Also member of the AMR Dobble Scandi Crew! Those where the days! :O:oh:


Smoknjoe 26th Mar 2008 14:23

Howdy TD and ALL.
"MIA-PUJ, PUJ-MIA on Thursday"
What'the ETA for you're bounces? I havent looked yet but think im scheduled for my ride down that washboard around 1000ish local.:bored:
Should be GETAWAY 900 something.
If not PUJ its CUN, Then PUJ on friday..
Anyone else down range those days feel free to hollar a God morgen @ me :)
Take care.

TowerDog 26th Mar 2008 14:44

Hmm, did I get you right, TD? Was that a fully loaded norwegian AA cockpit on MIA-LAS? God save us!

Used to be a member of the AMR Scandi Mafia! Also member of the AMR Dobble Scandi Crew! Those where the days!

Yeah, fully loaded with Norsk. Tromsø and Trondheim.
So you quit AMR? Heard about one guy that did....

Easy job here, too lazy to quit, but I got furloughed 4 years ago and had to go out in the real world and work for a living..Not good :sad:

What'the ETA for you're bounces? I havent looked yet but think im scheduled for my ride down that washboard around 1000ish local.
Well, 1200 l/t dept MIA arr PUJ 1415 for 1:10 on the ground, then back to MIA.
Ya with AA as well?

empati 28th Mar 2008 21:37

Well, AE actually... used to be a AA Wannabe. :{

Now flying out of Valhalla, also to lazy to quit! :zzz: Life's good, can't complain!

Miss Vinland though... Without 9/11, who knows, I might have been sailing with you?! :ok:


Smoknjoe 29th Mar 2008 00:38

Nei. Im with USA3000, callsign GATAWAY. Since im based in PIT my flt #'s are 900 series, so say hallo i luken if yall hear me down range. Was in PUJ thur morning, CUN today and a PUJ PM trip tmw. Sat nite is nuts down there, Hordes of european heavy iron and long waits for a parking spot.

Glad there is new life in this thread ;)

TD you still on the wagon? :(
Take care for now.

TowerDog 29th Mar 2008 19:57

TD you still on the wagon?
Nah, not really on the wagon. Did stay off beer for a while and drank wine.
Back to beer now as I got bad hang-overs from the cheap wine I was drinking.:sad:

Will look for ya next time in Punte Cana, but that could be a while.
Tonight I am aviating deep south to Santiago. Nice place it is, good food, good wine and lusty maidens, all in all the town is made for me..:ok:

Now flying out of Valhalla, also to lazy to quit!
Aye Valhalla. That is where I expect to go when I uh, go.
Ya got there early? Are all the stories true? :E

empati 30th Mar 2008 13:28

Faith, TD, faith! SkyGod faith!;)

Faith = The good feeling you get after a couple of beer.:}


Guttn 30th Mar 2008 16:22

Not to be confused by SKILLS ;) something you sometimes think you have after a couple of beers. That has more to do with LUCK :ok:

TowerDog 2nd Apr 2008 04:48

Not to be confused by SKILLS something you sometimes think you have after a couple of beers. That has more to do with LUCK
I'll take luck over skill any day and every day.

Skill is all cool and good, but once in a while ya are jet-lagged and tired and uh, un-skilled..Now what?
You gonne crash or hope for luck or adrenaline?

(Secret answer....Adrenaline builds up starting @ 20 NM final, it will keep ya awake and get ya down in one piece every time.)

empati 2nd Apr 2008 17:08

Where does the MIA base 757/767 flights go? Domestic, South and Central America + Caribbean of course. How about Europe and Hawaii? Just curious!:hmm:
By the way! Do you know how they do the pregnancy check in Finland? First they stick a Finlandia vodka bottle up her "yeeha hole". After a short while, they pull it out. If the bottle is empty, yes, then she is pregnant!:}

Cheers! Empati!:O

TowerDog 3rd Apr 2008 01:01

By the way! Do you know how they do the pregnancy check in Finland? First they stick a Finlandia vodka bottle up her "yeeha hole". After a short while, they pull it out. If the bottle is empty, yes, then she is pregnant!
Hmm, that seems like an excellent idea: Interestingly enough, I bought a bottle of Finlandia in San Salvador today, $9.00. Now that I am prepared I can travel around offering pregnancy testing.:cool:

Where does the MIA base 757/767 flights go? Domestic, South and Central America + Caribbean of course. How about Europe and Hawaii? Just curious!
All of the above, except Hawaii.
Plenty of domestic stuff, which I shy away from this time of the year. One could end up in Boston, Chicago, New York or other cold places. (It is known to God and to Mankind that the old dog does not perform well in cold climes. He does it best between palmtrees and in sunshine)

Plenty of South America including "Deep South", Santiago, Sao Paulo, Rio, etc. Also Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and such.
What goes on down there, during the lay-overs and between the sheets would make a sailor blush, trust you me....:eek:

(Hint, 1 hour with Miss Brazil can be had for 120 roses..:E)

So, uh back on subject, where does the twin-Boings fly out of MIA...?

Many fun places.
Also expensive European towns, Paris and Madrid, been to both recently, but with the US dollar in the toilet one can barely afford a ham and cheese sandwich and not at all dinner and drinks in town...:sad:

Hint to frozen Scandimen: Take yer next vacation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and don't bring the old lady. (Ya will thank me for the tips, but no need to send money, just drop a case of beer on my doorstep and don't spread the word, that place is pristine and so is the local wildlife..;))

empati 3rd Apr 2008 16:21


I knew it!! The vikings traveled farther south than New Foundland. I saw evidence of tall blond men with beard in Cancun, dated before Colombus.:8

But now I might find evidence in South America, of recent activities, not unlike the vikings, of modern norsemen. From your testemony it seems like we are greeted with open arms, whererever we go!:E

Forget Amundsen and Heyerdahl, TD got more experience of old cultures than both of them put together.:ok:

Talked to a Continental Airlines jockey on a OSL lay-over. He brought boxes of tuna to avoid extremely expensive norwegian dinner.:D
I fully understand! $:eek:

Case of beer in the mail!

Cheers, Empati!

Bengt Engel 4th Apr 2008 09:47

Talked to a Continental Airlines jockey on a OSL lay-over. He brought boxes of tuna to avoid extremely expensive norwegian dinner.
I fully understand!
thats what we all do when staying over night in norway....:E

An2 4th Apr 2008 13:14

....hate tuna, soooo...

I usually bring a bag of MRP (Meal Re-Placement).
Usually "Fresh Chocolate".
Usually mixed with some milk bought at one of the Statoil's at OSL.
(At 17 NKr / liter!!! Who said petrol is expensive?!!?)

Noggie prices drive me nuts!!

73 NKr for a ½liter of Guiness!!!:{ I neeeed Guiness, so being without it is not an option!:E
On the other hand, they (Sir Winston) offered free WLAN, so I was a pretty happy camper anyway!:ok:

I won't be in OSL this weekend, so the mini-mini-bash will have to wait!!:(

TowerDog 5th Apr 2008 00:02

Aye, a box of tuna: that would be cat-food, not for human consumption...:eek:

Now in Paris, did not go out wining and dining today, instead went to the local frogmarket and picked up some ham and cheese, n'bread and stuff.
Dinner in the crew lounge with the aging beauties we call F/As...:oh:
(Aye the good old days are over, but perhaps I have mentioned that before?)

As for a blond influence in the deep south: As should be, spread the good seeds and let Vikingpower rule. Surely the offspring will be handsome, strong and witty just like the masterdonor...:cool:

From your testemony it seems like we are greeted with open arms, wherever we go
Aye, better than that son, much better...:E

Guttn 5th Apr 2008 15:05

An2, gotcha! Too bad, but we had a minibash anyways :ok:. Had a couple of colleagues who weren`t exactly negative to a meet and greet, but no worries. There is always a bash somewhere:E:}

An2 5th Apr 2008 19:48


Good to hear, you didn't have to suffer "single-drinking" then!;)

I did have, although be it very very briefly, bad feelings about leaving you stranded at OSL without a drinking buddy!:}

Next time maybe?!:ok:

Guttn 6th Apr 2008 08:00

An2, you`re never without a drinking buddy or three if you stroll down to the hotel bar around 11p.m. :ok:

Next time around for sure :E

TD, you need to get your folks at AA to start flying to OSL. The only airline flying between the US (EWR) and the homeland of the vikings :E is Continental with a 757-200 (or is it a 300...?): Personally I think it`s cr@p to have to go somewhere in Europe for a connecting flight to the US (with the exemption of said airline of course :})

TowerDog 6th Apr 2008 18:33

I am all for AA flying to OSL, especially from MIA, but don't see it happen anytime soon. Them beancounters look at yield only and if an airframe can make more dough flying from Kansas City to Disneyland, that is where the flight go.

Not many Yanks wanne go on vacation to Norway, and those who do look for the lowest fare rather than non-stop. and in many cases Air Frog or KLM will sell the cheap ticket with a stop in their hub.

My butt is in Dallas right now, headed to Frog Town this afternoon. Anybody else laying over there tomorrow? If so take contact and we shall go to town:cool:

(Flaps 40, perhaps ya need a break from hubby and would like to explore new things in Paris? If so, I may be of warm and willing assistance..:E)

Guttn 6th Apr 2008 21:15

Here in Norway it seems that vacationing in the US is back in business and growing. Didn`t Towerair fly to OSL (GEN back in the day) from MIA with a 74? We`ll see what the future brings, but I hope someone will fly OSL to Florida before long :D

Frog Town huh.... me thinks they`re all a bunch of tadpoles :};)

TowerDog 7th Apr 2008 19:30

Now in Frogland trying to escape the cold...:sad:

Yeah, Tower Air flew to Norway, Finland and Sweden for a while but before my time. I started with that firm in 94 and ended 2000.
Did the flights to Tel Aviv and Athens and other places. (But did not do it Greek style.:ooh:)

So, uh yeah service is surely needed to Florida and it would be a good deal for Scandinavians with the dollar now in the toilet.
In fact you boys ought to come over here and buy property...Half plice special for you my fliend, today only...:rolleyes:

Seriously, a buyers market it is.

Guttn 7th Apr 2008 20:21

I know... I`ve taken a peek at it, and if I could, I would...:ugh:

But for the time being I`ll have to make do with vacationtime in the sun. Haven`t decided yet, but MIA may be unsafe in May:ok:

TowerDog 8th Apr 2008 05:05

MIA in May?

but MIA may be unsafe in May
Hmm, that is the horny-season for the bikini girls at South Beach...:E

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