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HectorusRex 23rd Jul 2003 13:41

Is Geoff Hoon finished?
Blair puts Hoon on spot with Kelly denial

Geoff Hoon was left politically isolated last night after Tony Blair refused to accept personal responsibility for naming David Kelly, the Government scientist who was found dead last week.:ok:

albert_arkwright 23rd Jul 2003 18:00

What has this got to do with aviation?

The Gorilla 23rd Jul 2003 18:19

OOOOHH Piccky piccky!!

In case it has escaped your attention, half the threads on here are not aviation related!! Variety is the spice of life and it stops the anoraks from taking over!!

You wouldn't be a senior officer at the MOD would you??
Or perhaps just a misguided Hoon fan??


attackattackattack 23rd Jul 2003 20:30

Or perhaps the fact that Hoon is in the chain of command for the military - perhaps that makes it relevant?

To answer the thread's question - yup.

I think a small sweepstake is in order. Which of Cambell or Hoon will go first?

My bet is GH. He hasn't got a book ready for publication.

newswatcher 23rd Jul 2003 20:37

...and he is making the most of his perks. Following the GP at Silverstone, he was at the palace yesterday for the garden party. And no, he wasn't the streaker!

At least he wasn't singing Beatles songs in China! :yuk:

Lost_luggage34 23rd Jul 2003 21:08

singing Beatles songs
I think that should read destroying Beatles songs

Jack The Kipper 23rd Jul 2003 21:11

Let's just hope they don't replace him with Prescott :ooh:

sprucemoose 23rd Jul 2003 22:01

Or Blunkett!


newswatcher 23rd Jul 2003 22:05

I am sure you will be pleased to hear that Geoff visited Dr Kelly's family this afternoon.

Well that makes it all right then!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

brabazon 23rd Jul 2003 22:30


It does seem to me highly insensitive at this time for Hoon to be visiting the family - unless he is confessing all and will resign later today.

Who knows what the next twist in this tale will be....

Kiting for Boys 23rd Jul 2003 23:13

At least John Reid will get the job he always wanted
(six ministerial jobs in twelve months or something).

brabazon 23rd Jul 2003 23:25

I've just found out that Mrs Kelly requested the meeting - so I take back my first comments about Hoon.

spud 24th Jul 2003 01:05

Hopefully it won't be too long before he's replaced (along with the rest) by a conservative.

opso 24th Jul 2003 01:42

Ah yes Spud, after all, Portaloo was such a great SofS. :\ He was the b*$t4rd that did the deal over quarters and screwed us royally just to try to buy the election. I really don't hold Buff in any more contempt than any of the previous SofS of the last 15 years and less than some of them.

The Gorilla 24th Jul 2003 03:10

Yes and although it is reported Mrs Kelly requested the visit, HE
took along a civil servant note taker!!

The last sad actions of a deluded politician I HOPE!! :8

Yeller_Gait 24th Jul 2003 07:24

For what it is worth, I think that Campbell will take the rap because the blame for leaking the name has to stop somewhere near No.10.

Don't forget ... you heard it here first.

HectorusRex 24th Jul 2003 13:10

In response to "albert_arkwright" the link is MoD obstinacy in the Chinook affair, and even though Hoon was not directly involved initially, he refuses to accept any blame via MoD.
Perhaps his demise will go some slight way to opening the door to MoD becoming amenable to accepting that there is doubt as to the absolute guilt they insist exists in this sad affair.

Hoon is shaken by visit to Kelly widow :ok:

newswatcher 24th Jul 2003 16:14

It may or not be true that Mrs Kelly "requested" the visit. However, I find it extraordinary that the MOD should insist that such a visit is no more than would be provided for bereaved families of military personnel. Apart from his appearance(s) at Brize, when the coffins were brought back, does anyone know of any personal visit Hoon has made to any other bereaved family?

hanger35 24th Jul 2003 18:59

When I go on this AVIATION website I do not expect to read The Daily Fail/Torygraph ranters opinions. Whoever replaces Hoon it will not be from the shower of S.... that ran this country in to the ground during the 80's. Lets not forget you are not going fix in six years what it took 18 years to break!

ducksoup 24th Jul 2003 19:45

Take a reality check, Hanger 35! You cannot REALLY saying that things were rosy 24 years ago? If you are, then you probably aren't old enough to remember how extreme inflation ruined the retirement of a complete generation.

What the present incumbents of No 10/11 have done is to hang on to the reasonable economic position bequeathed to them 6 years ago. What else they have acheived is b*gg*r all except to devalue even further the low regard most people hold politicians in.

This present, awful crisis will, hopefully, become the last gasp of some of the most unspeakably dreadful people to infest public life in my lifetime.

RIP Dr Kelly.

stanley37uk 24th Jul 2003 21:59

Is Geoff Hoon finished ??
I think Cherie Blair authorised the name leak . She is " not a minister " ( LOL ) and therefore Tony is protected and she cannot be made to resign . Typical devious New Labour

maninblack 24th Jul 2003 23:15

Hoon can't be finished because as a minister he cannot possibly make a mistake.

I can still remember Lord Trefgarne, Minister for Defence procurement making a ludicrous statement after the High Leg Combat Boot/fatigue injury scandal saying that "we don't make mistakes" in reference to ministers at the MoD and procurement.

If they always get procurement right, then who am I to question anything else? After all, he is a peer of the realm and a former minster so he must be right and he couldn't tell a lie!

(I have a sudden urge to shout Aitkin, Archer, Profumo.........all good honest men.)

:mad: :mad:

steamchicken 24th Jul 2003 23:20

I think Cherie Blair authorised the name leak . She is " not a minister " ( LOL ) and therefore Tony is protected and she cannot be made to resign . Typical devious New Labour
Any supporting material or reason for that? Or just rightwing obsession with her, imported from the US Republicans' loathing of Hillary Clinton? Why should I LOL at the statement that she is not a minister? She never has been, has never held any government post, doesn't have and never has had any authority to do so - looks like a waste of bandwidth to me. Did you get her mixed up with Alistair Campbell?

PS, Blair and Hoon should resign.

newswatcher 24th Jul 2003 23:35

maninblack, whilst Profumo was a prat in line with the others you mention, I believe his subsequent actions in dedicating his life to charity are unlikely to be emulated by either Aitken or Archer!

Flatus Veteranus 25th Jul 2003 03:28

I thought we voted Duncan Sandys the "worst ever S of S" some weeks ago. Let us not forget that he was a Tory.

BEagle 25th Jul 2003 04:11

Profumo did at least DCO with the odd babe or two!

tony draper 25th Jul 2003 04:35

Will it make any difference to you chaps if Hoon does go?, there are probably twenty clones waiting in the wings to fill the slot.
I am old enough to remember when Ministers did resign if something went tango uniform on their watch.
Buggah me, I must be old.
I heard something interesting a few years back, dunno if its true or not,I was told ministers are entitled to a separate pension from each ministry they head, perhaps this is the reason for the political musical chairs,and the constant ministry swapping.
Anyone know if this is true?

Archimedes 25th Jul 2003 05:54

John Reid could retire now if that's correct...

I'm pretty certain that they recieve just one pension, though, no matter how many government departments they mess up.

steamchicken 25th Jul 2003 22:04

I don't think so. Possibly they'll get a ministry and a parliamentary one, but the rules are probably similar to the civil service scheme (as they're part of it)

raf4 25th Jul 2003 22:32

Why wasn't SofS for Defence Hoon at RIAT instead of Silverstone?
I would have thought that would have been much more in line
with his portfolio. Any thoughts?

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, John Reid visited RIAT when he
was Shadow SofS for defence. Watch this space...... :\

maninblack 27th Jul 2003 02:57

Newswatcher...'tis true that Profumo spent his days doing good work, in fact Aitkin is doing the same having "Got God" whilst getting a stripey suntan and has dedicated his life to good works.

It doesn't alter their Ministerial track record of lying through their teeth though.

It is interesting to see Archer continuing to be an oxygen thief though. If prison was about reform then the state has just wasted a lot of money on that little twerp when the Chinese would have sorted him out with fifteen pence worth through the cranium and saved the taxpayer a small fortune. :E

Rattus 27th Jul 2003 08:55

'ckinell maninblack - is 9mm really 3 bob per round?

I feel another procurement scandal coming on!

maninblack 28th Jul 2003 03:56

Rattus, not sure to be honest but the 1990 figure for 7.62 was 11 pence so I estimated. It would be money well spent though.


HectorusRex 3rd Aug 2003 11:06

This is how Hoon treats MoD staff:mad:!
Fury as Hoon skips Kelly funeral to take holiday

TomPierce 3rd Aug 2003 15:09

Leaves yer speechless doan it!:mad:

Buffoon is a d***head of immense proportions. How he can even consider not being at Dr. Kelly's funeral is unbelievable. But there ya go. He is a top class fool.

In answer to the original question - "is Geoff Hoon finished?"- I very much hope so. We don't need plonkers as Defence Secretaries.

Green Flash 4th Aug 2003 05:51

Geoff Who?:hmm:

chippy63 4th Aug 2003 16:59

Not to worry, John Prescott will be going to the funeral....

ORAC 4th Aug 2003 18:22

The question is, were they asked? At least one paper is reporting his widow as asking Hoon not to attend. Personally, I'd ask Prescott to stay away as well. It seems a political gesture which would seem offensive in the cirumstances. I'd also ask the press, particularly the BBC in all their guises, not to attend.

I don't blame Hoon for staying away, TP's statement would have been as accurate if the word not had been omitted. The problem is the impression given by his being on holiday at the time.

He may well have valid personal reasons, but governments and politicians live in a world of impressions and PR. If his personal reasons prevent him from acting accordingly, he shouldn't be in the post. At least one cabinet minister has gracefully resigned in the last few weeks for exactly those reasons.

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