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tony draper 11th Apr 2003 23:00

returning F3s
Just watched three F3's return from the Gulf on Sky news, bloody dull colour scheme they got, look like they have just been delivered from the manufacturers in grey primer undercoat.
They could of least have stuck a go faster stripe on em.
Now them Yanks know how to paint a airyplane.

PS,Well done chaps.

Random UAS Stude 11th Apr 2003 23:45

Probably a darn good reason why they look like they're painted in light grey undercoat. Could paint them bright red, to match the red arrows, but that may defeat the point...

uncle peter 12th Apr 2003 01:49

should probably on gaffes thread, however...
as F3's broke into circuit - sky news woman asked "is that them showing off then?" that Tusa chap replied "who wouldnt after an 8 hr flight".

Muff Coupling 12th Apr 2003 05:26

Rumour is..we are pulling out early to avoid further casualties from US Patriot Battery's and "Blind Pew" A10 & F15E crews:mad:

Besides..Gordon Browns budget has resulted in a cash flow problem for the MOD...we cannot afford war's of more than 3 weeks duration anymore:hmm:

gr4telicmate 13th Apr 2003 02:31

Saw the 'mighty' F3 return to the UK when there is still a job to be done.

Bloody typical, they return home basked in glory when they didn't do anything towards the effort. On night one BOMBERS and TLAMs took out the Iraqi airfields and hence neutralized the threat from the Iz Air Force, after that fighters weren't needed.

People should not be under the illusion that the F3 helped in the achievement of Air Supremacy. See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2940231.stm

When did the F3 last shoot something down?

Unwell_Raptor 13th Apr 2003 02:48

Not fair, GR4 thingy.

Everyone knows the limitations of the F3. It is a classic committee-designed aircraft. But the fact remains that those crews spent many hours in a hostile environment (and even the mighty US kit has suffered some losses) where they were away from their families, and at risk from enemy air defences as well as accidents.

Good on you lads. Nobody belittles the poor brave sods who died in unsuitable machines early in WW2, and in the same way we should be proud of the F3 crews.

gr4telicmate 13th Apr 2003 03:01

Granted they did go across the border and fly some long missions. But I think you will find that they didn't actually achieve a great deal. They spent most of the time doing 'goal keeper' CAPs just north of the Saudi Border whilst the Yanks were CAPing near Baghdad.

You'll also find that the GR4 had to put up with all those things and more by flying into Missile Engagement Zones (MEZs) to employ their weapons, a much more dangerous job.

After night one they were basically oxygen stealing and getting in the way of the people who REALLY helped win the war - the Bombers.:ok:

Unwell_Raptor 13th Apr 2003 04:14

That argument is at the level of my old school playground.

They are on the same side aren't they? If it had all been Air Defence with no need for mud moving, would the AD people have been entitled to sneer at the MMS?


artyhug 13th Apr 2003 04:58

Hey Gr4 mate, have you got a spoon?

moggie 13th Apr 2003 05:01

At least the F3s didn't shoot down any allies - unlike our Allies!

Green Flash 13th Apr 2003 05:18

Er, sorry GR4; you might have been glad to have them there if the Eye Racks had got a MiG or two off a highway strip. They also serve ..... ?

Fox-1 13th Apr 2003 05:22

pointless $hit

'....When did the F3 last shoot something down?.....'

We seem to do fairly well against you lot in OTA C.

But seriously, if the level of posting here is limited to 'we're better than you', then I'll bite. The F3s in TELIC did a lot more than you're giving them credit for or even know about. The reason the Iraqi Air Force didn't come up was because if they had they'd have been overwhelmed by the coalition AD assets protecting your a$$es. In the build-up to Telic before the airfields went they had plenty of opportunity to come up but didn't. Have a guess why you pointless $hit-thrower.

I cannot fault the job the GR4 did during TELIC, because although I was there I don't know about everything you did and I therefore feel I am unable to comment. You should do the same or run the risk of letting everybody else know you're an ignorant c***.

'...On night one BOMBERS and TLAMs took out the Iraqi airfields and hence neutralized the threat from the Iz Air Force, after that fighters weren't needed...'

I think you'll find the Iraqis had aircraft capable of launching at all times and still do. Are you suggesting we should have let the GR4s go in on their own after the first night when they'd obviously hit EVERY aircraft and EVERY runway/road/taxiway and defeated the opposition Air Force single-handed?


FOX 1 2 3 13th Apr 2003 17:23


"Saw the 'mighty' F3 return to the UK when there is still a job to be done.

Bloody typical, they return home basked in glory when they didn't do anything towards the effort. On night one BOMBERS and TLAMs took out the Iraqi airfields and hence neutralized the threat from the Iz Air Force, after that fighters weren't needed.

People should not be under the illusion that the F3 helped in the achievement of Air Supremacy."

Point 1 - The F3 job finished over a week ago when it became obvious the air threat was eradicated. The first F-15s went home before the F3s.

Point 2 - On night 1 the DCA was already up there, well before the TLAMs and bombers went in - and when I say DCA, I include the F3s.

Point 3 - Coalition DCA (F-15s, F-3s and F-18s) achieved Air SUPERIORITY a few days before the first strikes went in - Air Supremacy came later.

Point 4 - At no time has the F3 manned a 'goal keeper' CAP on the border (there was no such thing) - the F3s CAP'd where the Eagles did, and I know for a fact that an F3 escorted a GR4 directly over Baghdad. Check the ACO and any ATO you like if you don't believe me.

So please get your facts right - you strike me as being (perhaps understandably) bitter and twisted about still being stuck in Ali Al while others have been sent home. However, your flatulant diatribe against fellow RAF aircrew (many who HAVE spent plenty of time in the SuperMEZ ID'ing what turned out to be friendlies) is a disgrace. Unlike Fox-1, I don't regard you as a 'disgrace to the intelligence of the rest of your fleet' - I suspect the rest of the GR4 fleet consider you a pathetic little c**t just as we do. I look forward to meeting you in OTA C, or preferably in a bar somewhere so I can punch your lights out. I respect your buddies - you, I hold in contempt.

Nonetheless, fly safe you ignorant ****.

SphereSpredda 13th Apr 2003 17:55

GR4telicmate - I am neither an F3 nor a GR4 mate, but I have been a single-seat fast-jet mate for several decades. Apart from fun banter in the bar, I have never heard such blatant ****e from someone who should know better. I agree with all of the other posters giving you a hard time and you should be ashamed of your pi$$-poor attitude to colleagues who do and have done a fine job. Try to remember that everyone has a place and a job to do in the RAF and we are all on the same side --- except perhaps you!!! Now grow up!

PS: - if this is a wind up then I bit! And I always will when faced by such utter claptrap!

saudipc-9 13th Apr 2003 20:39

FOX 1 2 3,
PM me, I'm just up the road in RIY. If they let you off the base I can arrange for a nights refreshments:ok:

stillin1 13th Apr 2003 22:20

GR4 T'mate.

How can one with such little knowlwdge, such a big mouth and so little grace have the nerve to share oxygen with the rest of us?Having spent dozens of hours over Iraq, never on goalie cap and always prepared to go "high risk" for your mates, our collegues and in all probability YOU I can only say that I would do it again, any time.
However if I ever meet you in the bar I will happily drop you. You are a disgrace to your service. I am ashamed to serve with you.

Jackonicko 14th Apr 2003 10:24

Dunno if they actually needed to do it during Telic, but weren't the F3s standing by to contribute to another, more frightening (or at least more alarming) role? ;)

stillin1 14th Apr 2003 13:47

Nice fishing!:cool:

Jackonicko 14th Apr 2003 17:37

I don't know what you mean. Or what I mean. Plus ca change.....

Surly Bondslipper 14th Apr 2003 20:19

This entire fracas must be blamed on Tony Draper, typical, ring the doorbell and run like hell...;)

gr4telicmate 14th Apr 2003 23:09

Hornets Nest
Obvioulsy touched a raw nerve there! :D

If I'd spent numerous hours patrolling sausage side without a huge amout to do I'd be pretty annoyed! :E

As for carrying ALARMS.....I'm afraid it was a case of too little to late. Besides your if performance in Resinate was anything to go by (Jettisioning all your stores and trying to OLF in southern Iraq for 20 minutes ring any bells?) I wouldn't trust you to carry them! I'm assured they were good fun to poop off though! :ok:

As I cast my line into the water waiting for a nibble............

Sideshow Bob 14th Apr 2003 23:34

Lets face it F3 boys, your boss did you no favours with that self important, supremist attitude e-mail that he sent to the rest of the det here at secret air base no1. If you didn't spend most of your time looking down your nose at the rest of the aircrew, you wouldn't get so much stick.

Woff1965 14th Apr 2003 23:57

"self important, supremist attitude e-mail "
Anyone want to place a copy of said e-mail in the public domain?

Just in the interests of historical accuracy.

Flatus Veteranus 15th Apr 2003 02:30

This all very entertaning and redolent of the flak flying around between the Vs and the fighters after Musketeer (Suez). At least all the FJs semed to get into theatre OK - to contradict the idiot journo in the Torygraph who said that they were stuck in Cyprus and could not get overflight clearance to make it to Kuwait. That was seized on, of course, by sundry retired FAA codgers who wrote letters demanding a fleet of bloody great carriers and the takeover of the RAF by the RN. In fact I seem to remember a predictable thread along those lines appearing in this hallowed forum. :O

Paddy Don't Surf 15th Apr 2003 04:14

I heard they had to come home cos they need all the 5 star hotels in that part of the world for retired Iraqi generals.

Mind you, must have been hell, heard that some of them asked for the air con to be turned down cos it got too cold.


FJC 15th Apr 2003 04:20

Impartial Observer
As an impartial observer I think the whole thread is degeneating into a 'my-plane's-better-than-yours' argument.

The GR4 is obviously the queen of the skies with the best aircrew the RAF has to offer (who weren't good enough to go AD and have a huge chip on their shoulder to show for it!) - or is that just the GR4telicmate ****?

Yes, they're obviously very very brave and will bore you with tales of daring-do should you have the misfortune to speak to one in the bar - or is that just the GR4telicmate ****?

Yes, their $hit-throwing operations are the pride of the RAF - or is that just the GR4telicmate ****?

Yes, their grammar and punctuation is second-to-none and an obvious example of somebody who's been on the jet for one Det and think they're the bees knees because they've dropped on a static target WITHOUT AN AIR THREAT- or is that just the GR4telicmate ****?

Just a question.

artyhug 15th Apr 2003 17:21

Dude does the phrase glass houses ring any bells? Perhaps you should speak to some of your alledged compadres about accidently jettisoning Aim 9's when going for the tanks or deciding not to react too vigorously to a spike in case you spill your coffee only to watch two Goa's sail not so serenely past......

gr4telicmate 15th Apr 2003 23:38

Good banter chaps, however..........

Are you just jealous that we fired off the first AIM-9L in Iraq? Correct me if I'm wrong but the Tornado F3 has never fired a weapon at anyone in anger at anytime!:}

If I spent my entire career flogging around the skies "playing pretend" and had nothing to show for it I'd be off to the airlines.

Did anyone mention the fact that one of the returning jets to Leuchars ran out of fuel and diverted into Marham? (Can't wait for a response to that one!)

At the end of the day it's just a laugh and anyone that has taken this banter to heart needs to have a serious word with themselves!!! :ok:

See you in OTA C when we bring the Swing Winged Messenger of Death home.

Fox-1 16th Apr 2003 05:05

What's your point?
GR4telicc*nt wrote

'...Did anyone mention the fact that one of the returning jets to Leuchars ran out of fuel and diverted into Marham?...'

SHOCK HORROR, HOLD THE FRONT PAGE. Tornado F3 burns more gas with flap failure from Akrotiri and needs more gas. What would you have done then? Continued till you flamed out then ejected? Get the facts straight before you sling $hit or you'll look like a complete **** (it might be too late already!)

Anyway, let's not forget you started this rant because the GR4 wasn't getting enough publicity and the F3 got some good press. Good to see Tony Blair up at Leuchars today meeting the brave AD boys who helped keep Saddam's fighters off your sorry a$$es. Much as I wouldn't like to see you guys get to meet one for real, I'd like to see your best gameplan against a Mirage F1 or Mig21 when it mattered. How would a fully laden underpowered 'Swing Winged Messenger of Death' rate against a Mig29? :{ . Meat on the street!

ftrplt 16th Apr 2003 06:03

Fox 1, would luv to see how an F3 would rate against a MIG-29:O

MarkD 16th Apr 2003 08:58

What was the 9L aimed at?

Wholigan 16th Apr 2003 12:09

Hmmmm - "Swing-Winged Messenger of Death" ............ thinks ....... guess he must mean the F14 then! ;) :E

Fox-1 16th Apr 2003 20:02


you're right about the F3, but I think a Mig29 would be fairly easy to defeat BVR with its poor radar, the point is the GR4 doesn't have a BVR capability. :{


I think the 9L was fired at the mystical 'SWITCH PIGS' that seem to haunt the GR1s/4s over the desert!!! :ok:

The Cook 17th Apr 2003 05:42

Please accept an apology on behalf of the GR4 fleet in situ. I think all players did a fine job, especially the CJ that shot back at a Patriot. However, the sooner they fit RAPTOR to the F3 the better!:cool:

gr4telicmate 17th Apr 2003 05:55

Sure the GR4 doesn't have a BVR capability (it's a BOMBER) but the F3 one is hardly credible! The Yanks would certainly wouldn't let it be used in Iraq because it lacks the necessary interrogation equipment. And why would they use the F3 with it's Sky SLUG or an AMRAAM with only a limited capability?

As for performance, I think that a GR4 in the same configuration as an F3 would be fairly even. Granted it does have slightly less thrust but it weighs less.

You boys do a good job making a fighter out of a bomber when history has shown that it only works the other way round e.g. F1-11, F-4, F-15. Who are you going to beat in ACM when the Italians retire the Starfighter?

soddim 17th Apr 2003 06:56

gr4telicmate - maybe the F3 is not the world's greatest fighter but I have no doubt that you would not take it on live armed in your bomber. If you cannot walk the walk I suggest you stop the talk.

TC27 17th Apr 2003 07:46

Roll on the Typhoon.

soddim 17th Apr 2003 17:19

I agree TC27. In the meantime no doubt the F3 crews will continue to do an outstanding job with the kit they have - kit that is by no means outstanding but enables well trained professionals to hold their own in most scenarios. It would be nice to have the benefit of better engine and airframe performance but until Typhoon arrives in service the F3 crews will have to rely on their ability.

Mongul Flier 22nd Apr 2003 23:41

GR4telic-chimp - My god your ignorance continues ....... the F3 hasn't had AMRAAM for years. You are a c*ck aren't you?

tony draper 23rd Apr 2003 00:00

The French are very upset, the Poles are buying F16s with the money they got from the EU.

tee hee, tee hee,:rolleyes:

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