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Pope Mobile 21st Feb 2003 03:10

Best looking a/c ever
Well we've had every other list; best at LL; fastest; blah blah
But what about the best looking? Simple rules; The Hunter does not qualify in any way since it is UGLY. Old gits, get this into your port addled brains; it is not the last of the sports cars! It is the last of the dull, boring models. The decider is; What would you like to strap on right now for 1 hr of GH, based solely on it's looks?
Typhoon? Very sexy
F3 - Nah
F18 resembles a pig
Harrier - squat, tiny, zzz
GR4 ha ha
Jaguar - pretty nice actually
Lightning - Cool
F4 muscular freak
Buc - bent (obviously)
F15 - maybe
F14 - YES! until the wings are fwd
Spit - of course!

Overall, my vote goes to the Typhoon. Very Sophisticated. Really nice looking jet.

And the daftest? JPmk3. Like a pregnant sow, only slower, and significantly louder.

Big Green Arrow 21st Feb 2003 07:24

For my money it's a split decision between the Spit Mk5/9 and the P 51D...If I had the moolah either would do!

solotk 21st Feb 2003 08:05

Spitfire XIX

Everything else is just pugs......

BlueWolf 21st Feb 2003 08:37

The Spit was a honey, no two ways about that. So was the twin engined Supermarine racing thing which came out before the war....anyone know what it was called?

Actually I have something of a fondness for twins.... the Mosquito, the P-38, various Beechcraft, even the ME262.

But best looking of all? Hell, that's a hard one.

Mirage V?
Jag...yeah, good call

But my money goes on the Viggen. What a sexy beast.....

maninblack 21st Feb 2003 08:38

DH Mossie!

Style, speed, birch ply! Just; like a flying drumkit.

Jackonicko 21st Feb 2003 09:27

Mossie? Nice try, but then they made it really pretty and produced the Hornet.

The Hunter was nice looking, but the P1081 (basically a swept Sea Hawk with Hunter-type back end) looked nicer, and the Sea Hawk nicer still.

Viggen? If you think that's good looking I'd hate to see your Mrs! The Swedes don't do good looking, they do purposeful. The Gripen's not bad, I suppose, though.

The Jag looks nice from some angles, but not others.

Talk Split 21st Feb 2003 12:04

Not that i'm a great lover of the French, but it has to be the Rafael. Poetry in motion.

Wycombe 21st Feb 2003 14:12

I know it's not pointy, but my vote goes for the Vickers Funbus.

Also for the noise (almost a note) it makes at idle, and the full-on noisy crackle on a cold morning in Oxon (actually miss being woken up by it).

Genghis the Punk 21st Feb 2003 14:26

What about the Frogfoot or Warthog? Not what you'd call conventionally attractive but both have a certain something about them. Thinking bigger, how about the Valkyrie or Lancer

soddim 21st Feb 2003 14:33

The Mk 2 Spit has got to have the best lines and the best pedigree.

Of all the jets the banned Hunter is without doubt the best looking fighter but if it is disqualified then the F86 is next.

If it looks right it always does the job well - does anyone think the Typhoon looks right?

Jackonicko 21st Feb 2003 14:42

Nicest Spits: Mk VIII with pinty tail, Mk XI, and Mk XVIII with bubble canopy.

Nicest Hawker pistons: Fury (obviously, though the Gauntlet was prettier) and the Sea Fury.

Nicest twins: Canberra, Hornet, Whirlwind

West Coast 21st Feb 2003 14:47

F4u Corsair..and on the civ side the Beech Staggerwing

Jackonicko 21st Feb 2003 14:58

F4U? Westy! You are on drugs.....

SALAD DODGER 21st Feb 2003 14:58

Come on guys, its got to be the B1 Lancer. Its impossible to resist watching if theres one in the air, sexy sleek body, packs a punch, roars like a lion and goes like the clappers.

Shes like those Women that your mother always warned you about...

Chalkstripe 21st Feb 2003 15:05

I always had an admiration for the Supermarine S6b, the one that won the Schneider trophy for the 3rd and final time.


Not necessarily pretty, but truly classic lines, and what a pedigree!

I'm with Genghis on the Valkyrie, probably the most extraordinary looking aircraft, certainly for it's time.


all this and M3.1 at FL730 - wow:eek:

rivetjoint 21st Feb 2003 16:13

B-1, wings in either position, lovely aircraft whether at 500 knots or 15 taxying.

BEagle 21st Feb 2003 16:58

DH 88 Comet
DH Hornet
Super VC10
Spitfire XIX
Dart 15

............and, bo££eaux to you all, Hawker Hunter F Mk 6!!

tony draper 21st Feb 2003 17:10

Mig 21-----very sexy.

Woff1965 21st Feb 2003 17:17

What about the Vulcan?

Compass Call 21st Feb 2003 17:33

Strikemaster -- Constant speed, variable noise.

BAC 1-11 -- Variable speed, variable noise.:)

Noah Zark. 21st Feb 2003 17:44

F.104 Starfighter, Mirage F1, Blackbird (Uniquely pretty. Or should that be pretty unique?) Even the Javelin was good looking from most angles.

What about a nice shiney Bristol 188, anyone?

Rhino power 21st Feb 2003 18:08

F-4J, nice clean 'hard wing', chin pod free radome, long 'burner cans, loved the RAF ones in the wrongly applied blueish green camo, didn't look so good in the correct RAF scheme, although only a couple were sprayed up in the right colours.

And close but no cigar..... F-106A/B, F-104, SU-22

Regards, RP

P.S. Was there ever a definitive reason why the F-4J(UK) was sprayed up in the wrong colours, I've heard it was the zinc chromate primer showing through, FS codes instead of BS codes, and so on, anyone know?

DB6 21st Feb 2003 18:23

Spitfire Mk XIV or XVIII with teardrop canopy.
Sacrilege: any Spit with clipped wings and 'Me109s' with Merlins :yuk:

bootscooter 21st Feb 2003 18:36

To choose a Spitfire would be such a cliche, and I avoid them like the plague.....so it's between the B1, Vulcan and TSR2.

wub 21st Feb 2003 19:14

TSR 2 for sure - hell, it even looks good on the back of a truck:cool: http://www.pbase.com/image/11532330

Twin Mustang
Convair Hustler
Boeing 747-400 (especially when I'm just about to board to go somewhere nice ;) )

nevsmiff 21st Feb 2003 20:39

What about any Antanov?

denachtenmai 21st Feb 2003 21:06

After Concorde, which gets my vote, try the Douglas D558-11, sexy looker or what! http://www.edwards.af.mil/gallery/ht...iscaircra1.htm
regards Denachtenmai.

KPax 21st Feb 2003 22:37

TSR2, any ac cancelled by a Government must have had something good going for it. I also like the U2 (don't laugh)

Magic Mushroom 21st Feb 2003 22:52

1. Hawker Fury 1.
2. Albatross DV.
3. Tiger Moth.

'Classic' Monoplanes:
1. de Havilland Mosquito PR variants.
2. de Havilland Hornet.
3. Supermarine Spitfire Griffin PR variants.

Post War stuff:
1. Hawker Hunter.
2. Boeing B-47.
3. Mirage 2000.

1. mmm...I'm sure that somebody must love them!


BeauMan 21st Feb 2003 23:07

Gotta be a Beaufighter. Not the prettiest, but she's one tough old bird with some pretty quirky tendencies. Just how I like 'em. ;)

DummyRun 21st Feb 2003 23:31

Albert, 'A face only a mother could love' or somthing like that, if anyone remembers the ad.

Shutting up now Sir.

Mystic Greg 22nd Feb 2003 16:55

I see nobody has yet mentioned the E-3. Okay, I'll get my coat.............

(But the original B707 does get my vote).

LOMCEVAK 22nd Feb 2003 19:27

Anyone who starts off by banning the Hunter obviously is well balanced; a tree trunk on each shoulder! Must have wanted to fly one but never did!!!

But apart from the Hunter:

Pistons; Spitfire V, DH Hornet

Jets; SR-71, Concorde, YF-23

And if anyone starts a thread on the ugliest - no contest; X32!!!!

flygunz 22nd Feb 2003 19:59

Mig 15
Beautiful in an ugly sort of way, kicked ass for a time too.

Noah Zark. 22nd Feb 2003 20:42

The Canadian Avro Arrow.

garp 22nd Feb 2003 21:02

F100 Super Sabre, that nose...
Also the Voodoo and Delta Dart, they've always fascinated me.

SASless 23rd Feb 2003 04:37

My vote is a Stearman done up in US Army colours.....or....the Herc.....now there is function and form! Leave Heathrow...and land in Africa on a dirt road.....cruise on two....back into the parking slot.

Random UAS Stude 23rd Feb 2003 13:33

1. DH Comet (Either variety)
2. Percival Mew Gull
3. Miles Hawk Speed Six
4. Gloster Gladiator (in silver of course)
5. Westland Lysander
6. (Any thing else with a Bristol Mercury....)
7. Hurricane G-AMAU (in blue and gold...)
8. Hunters, Spitfires, etc.......

In no particular order...


ShyTorque 23rd Feb 2003 15:20

I agree with F-100 Super Sabre.

Also the first jet able to go Mach 1 whilst Straight & Level as I remember.

John (Gary) Cooper 23rd Feb 2003 15:27

First Choice: Speedbird Comet 4
Second Choice: Speedbird Comet 4
Third Choice: Speedbird Comet 4

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