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ex-knuck 8th Mar 2003 13:17

My 2 cents worth, the F104 Starfighter, looks like it's going super even on the ground.
P.S. The Mirage 111 is not far behind.

FireAxe 8th Mar 2003 17:37

It's got to be the TSR 2, saw it at Cosford. WOW!!!

It just yearns to fly.

MajorMadMax 3rd Jun 2003 02:10

Sorry, I breezed through this thread...did anyone mention the Fulcrum? Even though it is a maintenance hog, the thing is beautiful in flight. Check out the vids at the GAF 1 Sqn, 73 Fighter Wing site www.fabulousfulcrums.de and you will have to admit this bird looks good in flight. I particularly love the Slovak two-seater tiger-striped paint job ...


Cheers! M2

YellowBelly 3rd Jun 2003 02:55

Best looking - but what about the noise?!
All very well talking about the best-looking aircraft, but we shouldn't ignore another important aspect - the noise!

For jets, the Vulcan has (had) to be tops (and as my girlfriend said at one airshow "Oh! Doesn't it make your chest throb?" - needless to say, I married her). The rest of the jets just sound alike, apart from the distinctive 'whistling' of the F104 perhaps.

But its the piston props that get my vote everytime - who can ignore the unmistakable sound of a Merlin (or preferably 4 flying in close formation). Also, most aircraft with a radial engine make the ears prick up in appreciation....

Is this a personal perversion, or are there any other aircraft 'noise spotters' out there?!

bighedsmallface 3rd Jun 2003 04:44

The F8F Bearcat and the Sea Fury take the Prop honours in my book for sheer 'engine with wings' loveliness. And for the jets the Lightning (seems to be a theme developing here - 1:1 trouser to mouth).

"Santa is always happy because he knows where all the bad girls live":)

RatherBeFlying 3rd Jun 2003 09:30

Make mine a tigercat

solotk 3rd Jun 2003 22:52

How much more beautiful do you want it?

and one of Gary Parsons excellent studies , from the F4 Website


Soulman 4th Jun 2003 20:38

So much for best looking a/c - how about the ugliest?!?
Sure there are some sexy ones out there, but if we were voting for the "Most Abnormal Beast", my 2 votes would go to :

1st. Shorts Skyvan - Makes me laugh every time I see a pic of one!

Check her out at: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/324766/M/ & http://www.airliners.net/open.file/341033/M/


2nd. XB-70 Valkyrie - It's like a super-quick girraffe.

Check her out at: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/322713/M/

I know it's completely irrelavant to the topic - just had to chuck in some humour. :p



Before I sign out for the evening,

The mighty F-111 (Yeah, I'm an Aussie!) still looks darn' awesome to me.

Swing wings, Mach 2.5, 30 years old and still capable of movin' a hell-of-a-lotta mud. :D

Call me old fashioned if you will, but the Pig has to be one of the meanest, sexiest and sleekest looking craft around today. Sure the B-1 lovers will back me up... The Pig and the Bone are almost like brothers!

Sure this will convince a few - http://www.airliners.net/open.file/347536/M/



P.S - Think she is one of very few around capable of LEGALLY releasing a 90ft candle from her backside too! :p

Pope Mobile 5th Jun 2003 09:40

Good stuff

I already brought up the topic of ugliest, but will reiterate my vote for the Jet Provost Mk3. Uglier than a dockyard oyster. Louder than a Lightning. Less nimble than a pregnant duck.

And, since this thread has been viewed by > 5,000, what does it need to get greater than a 1 star vote? Just interested :O

MajorMadMax 5th Jun 2003 11:33


Concur on the 'Vark, used to watch them do this at dusk in Idaho when I was at Mountain Home AFB. By the way, the Aussie 1st Sqn came by to visit when I was there in the mid-80s.

Cheers! M2

Yeller_Gait 5th Jun 2003 14:19

Talking of the ugliest, perhaps not too many people have seen the roll-out pictures of the Nimrod MRA4 yet, but it makes the Nimrod AEW look beautiful.

You have been warned .... when a picture of the MRA4 is posted here.

Spur Lash 6th Jun 2003 05:06

Spit Mk.XII
Sea Fury
Tempest II
Mossie (all marks)

and loads of others!!!!!

BikerMark 6th Jun 2003 18:37

1st place - the Victor, especially a clean mk2 in anti-flash white with the pale roundels. My personal favourite is SR2 XL161 (cos I visited that one in 1972)

2nd place - the Valiant, a very clean & tidy aircraft. Shame about the wing spars...

3rd - the Vulcan, totally impressive presence, but not really a truly aesthetic aircraft.

Hornet Moth 10th Feb 2004 04:27

The most beautiful aeroplanes
D.H. 87B Hornet Moth
D.H. 82A Tiger Moth
D.H. ? Mossie
Spitfire Mk. I
Spitfire Mk. XIV Tear - drop canopy, and clipped wings
Republik P-47D Thunderbolt
Colditz P.O.W. escape glider

The least favourite: Bf- 109E and The Maule

Arclite01 10th Feb 2004 04:55

Hawker Tempest
Hawker Hurricane
Hawker Fury
Gloster Gladiator
Avro 504
Me 262

Ugliest - Bachem Natter (which reminds me of a girl I once went out with :) )


MOSTAFA 10th Feb 2004 05:45


The one that takes you home.

BEagle 11th Feb 2004 21:27

Ugliest - Southbound TriStar at 2300 when you've got a few weeks in the South Atlantic winter to look forward to.

Prettiest - Northbound TriStar at any time when you've just escaped from the Islas Malvinas back to Blighty!

But now it's by A330. As Britmiddishlandnationalbmi or whatever their stupid yoof-speak new title is proudly advertises being a member of the Star Allaince, are their lucky Malvinas-bound punters claiming Miles-and-More points? If not, why not. Discuss...

Uh-oh. That grunt will accuse me of thread creep again...

Airbedane 11th Feb 2004 21:45

Call me old fashioned if you like, but most beautiful ever has to be the Spitfire, probably the PRXIX, especially in blue.

If it's limited to jets, then in spite of the first post, Hunter F6.

WW1 - Albatros DVa in lozenge camo.

Edwardian - Blackburn 1912

Modern Military- Rafale

Modern Civil - Concorde, with the B757 a close second

BEagle 11th Feb 2004 21:51

I concur - PR XIX it is!

Or Hunter F6.

Best noises:

Bristol Fighter at a fair speed
Hunter F6 blue note
F-104 "Ah -HOOOOOOOOO-waaaaaaah" weird afterburner noise
Vulcan on 2-eng overshoot using more power than the QFIs liked. Described by my old captain as the 'rutting dinosaur' sound.

But none have the Merlin magic! The best there is.

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