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-   -   What would a Helicopter designed primarily to fight other Helicopters look like? (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/616561-what-would-helicopter-designed-primarily-fight-other-helicopters-look-like.html)

Darryncosta 22nd Dec 2018 06:58

What would a Helicopter designed primarily to fight other Helicopters look like?
As far as I know, Helo vs Helo combat is pretty rare, and Helos are pretty much all designed for air-to-ground (or sea) operations of various sorts. Some Helos can carry anti-air missiles (Cobra can carry a sidewinder for example?).

What do you think a Helicopter would look like if it were designed primarily to kill other Helicopters? What sort of weapons would it employ? What sorts or rotor system would it use?

SASless 22nd Dec 2018 11:27

With some upgrades to the Radar System and adding Sidewinders or perhaps a radar guided Missile.....the AH-64 would do a fine job probably.

dogsridewith 22nd Dec 2018 15:20

Helicopter versus helicopter
It would "look like" (literally) a common non-fighting helicopter...that's not to say it would be made like same. Without the advantage of deception, why not pose the question something like: "What would be the best VTOL aircraft primarily designed to fight helicopters?" (Which could be a helicopter or something else.)

Evalu8ter 22nd Dec 2018 15:49

Lots of HvH during the Iran/Iraq war - start your studies there. AH vs AH and AH vs BH using all manner of weapons. AH1 carries AIM-9 now, plus the gun and ATGMs/Rockets (all used in Iran/Iraq war). If I wanted to kill RW I’d use an AT-6 like platform, A10 or, as the GAF did, dedicated Alfa Jet units. Another RW is not a great dedicated RW killer due to lack of speed differential. V280 et al may change the paradigm somewhat.........

SASless 22nd Dec 2018 15:53

USAF F-15's did a great job against US Army Blackhawks.....unfortunately!

PDR1 22nd Dec 2018 16:16

What would a helicopter designed to fight other helicopters look like? Probably something like this:



Melchett01 22nd Dec 2018 17:23

Maybe something like the Russian Ka-52 ALLIGATOR? Relatively high speed and maneuverability, comprehensive sensor suite and a second pair of eyes who can do the systems operation whilst the pilot is dealing with the low level environment. Added to that, a decent weapons fit with 30mm cannon, ATGM and an AA-11 fit mean it could probably engage most other helos at range, with the Vikhr laser guided ATGM having a pretty good anti-jam capability.

ShyTorque 22nd Dec 2018 20:10

British helicopter pilots in Cold War Germany (myself included) were rather worried about the Hind and the Frogfoot.
In the Falklands war crews were rather worried about meeting up with the Pucara, especially if there were two.
I agree about the KA-52, or anything else with armament; all I had easily to hand was my 9mm pistol.....

Kerosene Kraut 22nd Dec 2018 21:43

There are movies from Syria on youtube etc. where you can seen how engagements helo vs. manpads end. Looks like the game has changed.
Remember the US did not use many combat helicopters over the Balkans back then. Must have been for a reason. Probably something like an A-10 would be their biggest flying adversary.

sycamore 22nd Dec 2018 21:49

Start with a modernised AH-56.....

Evalu8ter 22nd Dec 2018 22:13

KK, MANPADS are lethal if you don’t invest in IR Suppression and countermeasure technology. With both (plus good TTPs), most threats out there can be reduced to an acceptable level. IIRC from flying around the Balkans in the late 90s, the US issue was flying at night in low ambient light, on poor maps with EO and IITs ( NVGs) optimised for the German Central Front. Ergo, they hit a lot of wires......You are correct with your assumption RE the A-10. During the J-CATCH Trials only the A-10 achieved parity. The A7, F4 and F15A all lost badly against the attack helo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-CATCH

IFMU 22nd Dec 2018 23:00

The Comanche would have been a good choice.

megan 23rd Dec 2018 00:03

All you need is a the good old Huey. :p


Well, maybe not.

NutLoose 23rd Dec 2018 00:28

Modern Comanche or a Harrier

tdracer 23rd Dec 2018 03:09

If it's going to be a helicopter (e.g. vertical takeoff/landing), it's going to look pretty much like any other helicopter. There are good reasons why most helicopters look similar (unless you go with something like the Chinook style twin-rotor or an Osprey style tilt-rotor design). I suspect the details would make it look similar to a dedicated gunship.
BTW PDR - what would make the interceptor in your drawing a 'helicopter' - I don't even see anything that would give it STOL capability, never mind vertical...

SASless 23rd Dec 2018 12:45

The S-67 Blackhawk would be a very good anti-helicopter helicopter.

Perhaps we can get Brother Dixson to extol its virtues for us.


Evalu8ter 23rd Dec 2018 16:01

Indeed SASLess - I had a long chat with JD, and the S-67 is an aircraft I’d like to learn more about....

ShyTorque 23rd Dec 2018 18:16

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 10342559)
Modern Comanche or a Harrier

We used to carry out "fighter evasion" training against Harriers and other jets. Much of the time we had to direct the pilot onto us, rather than evade him (possibly why they later renamed the exercise fighter "affiliation"). A faster, jet aircraft isn't necessarily the most effective against a helicopter. Most jet pilots I spoke to said that if we had offensive weapons they wouldn't even try to take on a well flown helicopter.

Haraka 24th Dec 2018 06:27

I do recall a German CH-53 being bought down accidentally by a fixed wing fast pass over the top .

BEagle 24th Dec 2018 07:27

Indeed, Haraka. Fast and low over the top of the wretched things was something we were advised. Preferably supersonic.

As for

What would a Helicopter designed primarily to fight other Helicopters look like?
The answer to that is blindingly obvious - as hideously ugly as any other helicopter!

Evalu8ter 24th Dec 2018 08:57

"Fast and low over the top of the wretched things was something we were advised.." - Easy to say, very difficult to effect if the helo crew has even a half decent SA/lookout/RWR (and assuming you can even see the helo visually or on radar….). But, please, feel free to try to fly straight at my M134 and see what 3000rpm looks like coming back at you as a non-manoeuvring target….

ShyTorque - last time I taught it, "affil" was titled "Evasion Training - Helo v Fighter" - ET (HvF) or ET (HvH) if having a knife fight in a phone box with another helo. Little has changed - you still spend most of the sortie calling on the jet. Spent a very frustrating instructional trip against a pair of Typhoons trying to make myself as obvious as I could and still called them on 9 times out of 10…..Of all the many jets I played with, the Harrier/Alfa Jet were the hardest non-radar opponents and a well-flown pair of OEU F3s were probably the hardest AI-jet to counter (especially once they got ASRAAM….). Would have loved to have fought the A10 though…….

orca 24th Dec 2018 09:01

I seem to recall most helo affil being guns only - the brief usually included some helo mate trotting out the same old nonsense that we wouldn’t waste an AMRAAM on them. Like there are enough kills per generation to pass one up based on cost of the weapon.
They always looked crest fallen when you reminded them that weaponry didn’t go on your mess bill and you would sure as hell use the slammer given a nano percent of a chance.

Evalu8ter 24th Dec 2018 11:24

Indeed - but how I laughed when a F3 OEU crew put a slammer into the Kings Cross express…...

orca 24th Dec 2018 12:08

An F-3 crew with low SA? Are you sure?😉

unmanned_droid 24th Dec 2018 12:44

Originally Posted by Evalu8ter (Post 10343546)
"Fast and low over the top of the wretched things was something we were advised.." - Easy to say, very difficult to effect if the helo crew has even a half decent SA/lookout/RWR (and assuming you can even see the helo visually or on radar….). But, please, feel free to try to fly straight at my M134 and see what 3000rpm looks like coming back at you as a non-manoeuvring target….

ShyTorque - last time I taught it, "affil" was titled "Evasion Training - Helo v Fighter" - ET (HvF) or ET (HvH) if having a knife fight in a phone box with another helo. Little has changed - you still spend most of the sortie calling on the jet. Spent a very frustrating instructional trip against a pair of Typhoons trying to make myself as obvious as I could and still called them on 9 times out of 10…..Of all the many jets I played with, the Harrier/Alfa Jet were the hardest non-radar opponents and a well-flown pair of OEU F3s were probably the hardest AI-jet to counter (especially once they got ASRAAM….). Would have loved to have fought the A10 though…….

Were they just a particularly good pair of fighter crews or did they get to play by different rules/experiment because they were OEU?

SASless 24th Dec 2018 13:47

As a long time Helicopter pilot....I would NEVER want to be confronted by an A-10 seeking to kill me.....as the odds would be very much in the A-10's favor I would think.

Now if I were in a MD-500 and there was a Coal Mine to hide inside.....perhaps.

tdracer 24th Dec 2018 20:34

Originally Posted by SASless (Post 10343749)
As a long time Helicopter pilot....I would NEVER want to be confronted by an A-10 seeking to kill me.....as the odds would be very much in the A-10's favor I would think.

I seem to recall reports of A-10s taking out Iraqi helos using their cannon during the Gulf War (not sure which one). In fact, if the mission was to take out helicopters via air-to-air, I'd be hard pressed to come up with a better platform than the A-10 - with the advantage of being able to (relatively quickly) get the hell out of Dodge if the odds turned against..
But the A-10 is not a helo...

Spunk 24th Dec 2018 21:07

BO 105 is all you need

chopper2004 25th Dec 2018 09:35

Happy Xmas All
In Christy Campbell’s Airland Battle 2000, in the conclusion of the book he mentions the Phalanx Dragon


As potential for anti WarPac Mil-24


chopper2004 25th Dec 2018 10:07

Originally Posted by PDR1 (Post 10342320)
What would a helicopter designed to fight other helicopters look like? Probably something like this:



British Aerospace SABA Small Agile BAttlefield Aircraft

BAE 'SABA', page 1

ShyTorque 25th Dec 2018 10:21

All that's needed is a false drone sighting report. Everyone then gets grounded.

chopper2004 25th Dec 2018 11:16

Originally Posted by ShyTorque (Post 10342430)
British helicopter pilots in Cold War Germany (myself included) were rather worried about the Hind and the Frogfoot.
In the Falklands war crews were rather worried about meeting up with the Pucara, especially if there were two.
I agree about the KA-52, or anything else with armament; all I had easily to hand was my 9mm pistol.....

In Paul Beaver’s book Army Air Corps...he talks about future projects of using Starstreak as potential air to air weapon for the Gazelle. He says there were trials of air to air Blowpipe/ Javelin but they were unsuccessful .


chopper2004 25th Dec 2018 11:42

KA-52 Le Bourget 2013

Haraka 25th Dec 2018 12:09

Designing a helicopter to fight a helicopter surely puts you under similar constraints and limitations?
Anybody else know the story from the mid 60's of the Wessex being brought down by a bow and arrow in the Far East.?
Apparently an arrow was fired through the tail rotor disc whilst in a low hover.,The arrow being attached to a length of steel wire .
I heard this story out of Westlands at the time , with other concerns then being of the development of anti - helicopter AAMs homing in on radar doppler returns from the main rotor disc.

Mogwi 27th Dec 2018 15:58

Thread drift I know but my first helo kill was "fast and low over the top", quickly followed by a guns kill and then blowing the tail off a third that had landed.

Ah, them was the days! Swing the lamp.


diginagain 27th Dec 2018 16:57

Given enough tree-cover and terrain, plus a good knowledge of your deployment area you could probably evade a singleton to the point he got bored and poked-off, but a pair of slow jets intent on taking you out might be a different proposition. Or an A-10 who would cheerfully follow you down fire-breaks in forestry blocks...

chopper2004 28th Dec 2018 17:03

Kaman UH-2C carrying AIM-7
Here is an oddity for you, in early 1970s the USN did trials with arming UH-2C Seasprite with AIM-7 Sparrow...



dagenham 28th Dec 2018 17:08

I seem to remember the stinger was intially developed for the apache for air to air

Vendee 28th Dec 2018 19:37

Originally Posted by Haraka (Post 10344257)
Anybody else know the story from the mid 60's of the Wessex being brought down by a bow and arrow in the Far East.?
Apparently an arrow was fired through the tail rotor disc whilst in a low hover.,The arrow being attached to a length of steel wire .

I know that arrows have been shot with fishing line attached to them (Between the twin towers to facilitate the rigging of a full size cable for the "Man on a wire" spectacle) but I find it hard to believe that an arrow could carry a steel wire thick enough to stop a tail rotor assembly.

dogsridewith 29th Dec 2018 01:11

Winds the whole length of wire between stationary and rotating parts of the tail rotor hub? (Like a length of blue plastic baler twine picked up by a rotary lawnmower.)

Considering the formula/rules of the made-for-entertainment contest between Battlebots: They joust and saw and crash and flip and hammer and shoot fire and push eachother into grinding hazards. (Maybe more...only watched a couple episodes a few years back.) Entanglement is not allowed.

There's a lot of mechanism to snag and jam in the rotor hubs of that KA-52. (Thanks for great photos.)

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