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Farrell 3rd Feb 2015 16:12

BBC News - Jordan pilot hostage Moaz al-Kasasbeh 'burned alive'

PeregrineW 3rd Feb 2015 16:16

Scum indeed.
They have plumbed new depths of depravity today.

Heathrow Harry 3rd Feb 2015 16:16

these nutters will do ANYTHING to shock

they can expect the same amount of mercy when it's their turn

Adour 3rd Feb 2015 16:21

If this is true then my deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends. So very sad, a truly deplorable act; I have no more words.


victor tango 3rd Feb 2015 16:22

Words fail me at the depth of cruelty these people perpetrate. To call them animals is an insult to animals.

Makes me want to drag the femail that they wanted to trade, and give her the same treatment, but...............

Heathrow Harry 3rd Feb 2015 16:25

I don't think she'll be around for very long -

hanging matches rarely work but the Jordanians are going to be react very badly to this

VinRouge 3rd Feb 2015 16:38

Pictures on live leak, looks as if it's true. Absolutely despicable.

hope Jordan carry out their warning to ISIS and the coalition give Raqqa some Kobane loving....

You are with ISIS or against them.


I hope Jordan throw ROE out the window and turn Raqqa into a mass grave and a lesson to the rest of IS. Either pick up a gun and fight them or be seen as a supporter.

woptb 3rd Feb 2015 16:46

Seen some awful things,heard of many more,but this really shocked me.

MPN11 3rd Feb 2015 16:50

Originally Posted by Heathrow Harry
these nutters will do ANYTHING to shock
they can expect the same amount of mercy when it's their turn

I know your emotional reaction, but we don't do things that way, do we*. But they have self-created a World of shock and disgust [exempt some aberrant nations] that does nothing to further their 'cause' and quite probably disgusts much of the global Islamic community as well.

Containment and attrition is the only credible option, IMO. Any form of intellectual approach is a waste of time.

Let the rest of the Islamic World sort out their Islamic "brothers" ... it's their fight, not ours. Perhaps the spreading threat might make some of them get off their prayer mats and attempt to establish some sort of harmonious co-existence. We eventually managed it with the different branches of Christianity a long while back, albeit at some terrible cost.

* I think a 500b LGB is the way these days ... unless left to 'Coalition Partners', in which case we look away and pretend it didn't happen.

NutLoose 3rd Feb 2015 17:00

My sincere condolences to his family,

personally I'd rather not say what I would do.

Trouble is we just skirt around the issues and a few bombs dropped on them isn't going to result in an end game, that would need boots on the ground of troops that can match them.
Shame they didn't get Ebola instead of Africa.

MPN11 3rd Feb 2015 17:08

Shame they didn't get Ebola instead of Africa.
God moves in mysterious ways.

The Arabs get oil, the Africans get diseases, South America gets drug production, North America gets drug consumption, Europe gets the EU and China gets everything else.

Sorry, I shouldn't go whimsical on this thread, but to say what I really felt would probably breach every rule on the Forum, use of the Internet and decent standards.

RIP to the poor young gent, and sympathy to his family and friends.

Wander00 3rd Feb 2015 17:08

Words fail me. May his God go with him and his family

jayteeto 3rd Feb 2015 17:22

Sadly, this young man will only be a press statistic by next month. We should not forget the borders changed today. Murder by beheading is depraved, but this goes far beyond. It's not an execution at all, this is torturing someone to death. This must be sorted out by Muslims. We should support them, but they should lead the way. This is not a religious fight by IS, Allah will have a special welcome for these boys and girls, very special interviews without coffee and virgins.......
RIP young man, hopefully some good will come from your suffering

NutLoose 3rd Feb 2015 18:00

Jordan is going to execute all of their Al Qaeda prisoners in retaliation, shame our politicians don't have such big balls.

And they are not hanging around, they will be dead within hours


fabs 3rd Feb 2015 18:07

No words, this is beyond the pale. RIP Moaz Al-Kasasbeh and condolences to your poor family.

A lot of people who frequent this forum are mates with (or know) someone working in that AOR, I have no idea what may be going through their minds tonight. I feel for you and your families guys, all the best.


Basil 3rd Feb 2015 18:20

There are times when I hope I'm wrong in my lack of belief. This is one of them.
Allah will not be pleased by this.

Tashengurt 3rd Feb 2015 19:07

Horrible news. Astonishing depravity that seems to make little sense.
It appeared that IS were managing to divide opinion in Jordan by holding this poor lad. I'd imagine that the public's resolve would strengthen somewhat now?

tonker 3rd Feb 2015 19:38

There is a video, and I'm guilty of watching it.

On one hand I plead with you not to see it, and on the other demand that you and every free thinking person, should witness what the whole world is up against.

Know you enemy....and then destroy the bastards wherever they lie.

RAFEngO74to09 3rd Feb 2015 19:39

US TV now reporting that Jordanian sources believe the pilot was killed on Jan 3. The video has been described in detail and was extensively edited / produced by ISIS showing, inter alia, the King of Jordan asking for volunteers to fight ISIS, a joint statement by President Obama & the King of Jordan, the captured pilot's description of his mission which included details of coalition assets from other Muslim countries, before showing the actual act and aftermath which I won't describe here. Just horrific beyond words. Jordanian authorities have confirmed that execution of prisoners they hold will commence tomorrow.

Melchett01 3rd Feb 2015 20:09

I've seen most of the videos and stills from the various executions over the past few months in my current job, and this is another one that will stay with me for a very long time.

There is only one crumb of comfort that can be taken from this. Lt Kassassbeh died standing tall, on his feet, completely unbowed by the savagery being inflicted on him. And I hope the savages that did this to him noted that small point. That act of defiance right to the very end. A powerful statement by a brave young man that ISIL should note: You may hurt us, but you will never ever beat us.

Lt Kassassbeh I salute you Sir.

RileyDove 3rd Feb 2015 20:21

I think maybe now is the time that the Coalition should decide to deploy over welming force. We are fighting an enemy that has weapons and money - the idea of ground forces engaging in Iraq and Syria might start alarm bells but
we know that IS are here to the death - the time is now for the coalition to deploy some 'shock and awe' -whether thats Apache's -MBT's -B-52's or a combination -tragic as it might seem but Raqqa needs leveling!

ValMORNA 3rd Feb 2015 20:22

It may not be universally palatable, but in my opinion the female who Jordan had been holding should be released in accordance with IS wishes - after infecting her with some nasty disease. Ebola springs to mind.

junior.VH-LFA 3rd Feb 2015 20:25

I have very limited words to describe this.

A level of evil I didn't know still existed in 2015.

Finnpog 3rd Feb 2015 20:29

It seems to me that IS are picking a fight to try and get 'crusader' forces on the ground in order to take more life and also try to create a jihad against the Great Satan (other terms are available).

Jordan called 'bull****' on them by demanding a proof that Lt al-Kasabeh was still alive.

The $200M demand for the Japanese hostages was also so large that it was clearly just a 'come on'.

They are not warriors.
Just depraved, criminal thugs - seeking to cause mayhem and make themselves legends in their own warped minds.
As they are being beaten on the battlefield, they need to try and gain some 'kudos' from another 'spectacular'.

There is no way that on their day of judgement that their Maker will ever determine that they have been righteous.

Time to send them the love - thermobarically speaking.

Melchett01 3rd Feb 2015 20:32

In their minds the $200M was a proportionate amount to ask for - it was the exact same amount Japan had pledged in funding support a few days earlier. They were simply toying with the Jordanian and Japanese governments.

Lima Juliet 3rd Feb 2015 20:43

Enough is enough, ROE should be reduced and its time to get "medieval on their arse"...

ShotOne 3rd Feb 2015 20:58

They've burned someone therefore we've got to burn a load of people?

The B Word 3rd Feb 2015 21:00

Someone speak to these bozos: Drone Wars UK | Information and comment on use of drones

The horrific act subjected on the poor Lt could have been avoided if we all used more of General Atomics' finest in the real-time armed-ISTAR role...


Lt Moaz al-Kasasbeh will be remembered for his bravery and I am saddened to see a fellow Fast Jet brother go out this way.

The B Word

Lima Juliet 3rd Feb 2015 21:05

They've burned someone therefore we've got to burn a load of people?
No, but plenty of the bad people and their sympathasizers should be 'open season' - or would you rather we leave them to continue to hack more people's heads off, crucify people and burn people in cages? :ugh:


Ivor Fynn 3rd Feb 2015 22:04

As an ex FJ mate to another's family and friends I am truly disgusted by the inhumane way IS has taken this forward. I'm sorry but it's about time some politicians grew a set and played by the same rules. The phrase 'bomb them back to the Stone Age' comes to mind. I am struggling to contain my anger at the barbaric behaviour of the scum that have done this.


mr snow 3rd Feb 2015 22:14

Quote of the day.
A retired Jordanian General on Newsnight put it nicely: 'You cannot be civilised with uncivilised people'.

air pig 3rd Feb 2015 22:25

Ivor Fynn:

I'm sorry but it's about time some politicians grew a set and played by the same rules. The phrase 'bomb them back to the Stone Age' comes to mind.
They are already there, that is the problem.

My previous comment earlier this evening has been quietly modded out.

Interested Passenger 3rd Feb 2015 23:24

Anyone who says if we drop something big and explosive on these thugs, we are no better than them, would they say the same thing about the lads who dropped bombs on Nazi Germany in WWII? Sometimes good men have to do bad things to stop bad people. Wars are like that.

Setting up a creche so youngsters in the UK don't want to join the thousands already there isn't going to fix the problem.

Every day we worry about collateral damage and international opinion rather than act, these thugs are killing thousands. We get very worked up by the few very public murders they carry out, and quite rightly so, but entire towns and villages are being eradicated.

Unlike Nazi Germany there isn't a head of state and leadership we can identify. No real tactical bases, no airfields, ports, munitions factories, just flies and sand.

We do have weapons that can do that sort of job. They have been used before. Those bombs dropped on Japan were horrific, no one can deny that, but they ended the war, and saved lives in the end.

They sure aren't gonna stop of their own free will. They have to be stopped.

The Sultan 3rd Feb 2015 23:24

Maybe this will cause Turkey to stop supporting IS and start helping the Kurds while tightening their borders, disappearing IS supporters within and along thier borders, and opening up a lot of tarmac space. No one needs their ground troops, as their is no place for Eunuchs in this fight.

The Sultan

VinRouge 4th Feb 2015 06:05

Jordan has carried out the threat to hang their Isis inmates. I hope the rest ofthe Arab world follows suit with a suitably short rope.

rh200 4th Feb 2015 06:15

Jordan has carried out the threat to hang their Isis inmates. I hope the rest ofthe Arab world follows suit with a suitably short rope.
And whats that going to do, nothing, ISIS won't give a sh!t, just more fallen comrades dying in the course of duty.

Frankly I'm all for it, less scum to feed and pay for, but using it as punishment in this case is a waste of time.

AGS Man 4th Feb 2015 06:21

I have to agree with most of the posts but Melchett 01 said it all.
Incidentaly, beheading is an acceptable form of execution (murder in the case of IS) in the middle east but burning to death is definitely not. IS may just have lost a lot of support.

VinRouge 4th Feb 2015 06:24

Rh200 better give them the general Pershing treatment then.

Skeleton 4th Feb 2015 08:03

Words fail me, this is barbarism on a new scale, I just hope this loses IS support. No negotiation now, you do not talk to a cockroach before you squash it, i see no reason to afford these animals any other treatment.

jayteeto 4th Feb 2015 08:26

Just remember...... they WANT this reaction. Read deeper, this was a professional grade video.


They want the infidel to invade their lands and kill Muslims.
When Saddam was executed, my foreign students from "friendly" states were outraged. They said the USA should not be involved in killing Muslims. Remember this, one was a Kuwaiti who had fought against Saddam. Condemning....... US!!
You have to get into the mind of your enemy, there are people way cleverer than I, who could fight them better than we do now. Get the gloves off, but be a ninja not a hammer.

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