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Basil 26th May 2013 13:45

the facists and xenophobes
You mean the facists and xenophobes who flew into the WTC, bombed the London Underground and murdered Drummer Rigby?

El Grifo 26th May 2013 13:46

Hey crab. you remind me of La Grifa.

I might say somthing like, "hey getting a bit carried away with you love of wine", she will reply in an indignant tone. "OK I will stop as from this moment"

Middle ground crab, middle ground !!

VinRouge 26th May 2013 13:48

The easiest way would to stop treating terrorism as a police matter and make it a military one. We are at war with AlQ and UK citizens going abroad for terrorist training are legitimate targets.

The UK government needs to state that as such, if you are detected abroad and taking part in terrorist training, using any available intelligence, state protection ends, you wont face the criminal courts, you wont be given legal aid, you are fair game to be removed with extreme prejudice.

We have the means, those means should be used for their primary purpose, the protection of UK citizens.

[email protected] 26th May 2013 15:19

Basil and Vin Rouge - so the answer is to kill them all before they kill all us beyond-reproach white folks??

Killing your own countrymen is hardly much of an answer VR - where do you stop once you take that path and how many innocents who just seem suspicious will you kill just to get one proper bad guy?

This is clearly a very emotive issue but a knee-jerk revenge policy hasn't worked hundreds of times in the past, all around the world, and it won't work here and now.

Pure Pursuit 26th May 2013 15:26

I completely disagree crab. ANYBODY found to be active in any sort of terrorist training regime is a legitimate target.

Their nationality is irrelevant. It is their motive and intent that matter and if they point towards potential events in the UK, we should be able to nip it in the bud.

LXXIV 26th May 2013 16:19

"Captain Lee Eddison of the SAS"
As this thread is about Woolwich, has anyone spotted the photograph on Page 5 of the Sunday Telegraph showing "Captain Lee Eddison of the SAS" placing a floral tribute at the barracks? Perhaps I am out of date, but the combination of uniform styles made me wonder.

NutLoose 26th May 2013 17:19

And now the same is happening in France

BBC News - Knife attack on soldier in Paris treated as terrorism


Old-Duffer 26th May 2013 18:24


Post 215 refers!

Old Duffer

Bunker Mentality 26th May 2013 18:30

'Capt' Eddison
If that man is a captain in the SAS, my cock's a kipper!

VinRouge 26th May 2013 18:31

Crab,I too disagree. It's worked bl00dy well actually over the years from what I have seen.

It would help that when this scum tell their mates where they are going, then they never come back. No grave, no tomb stone, just gone. If you get on a flight and then are found inside a terrorist camp, receiving training, you should be put in the ground using all available means, it's that simple.

They aren't my country men either. I wouldn't p@ss on them if they were on fire.

5 Forward 6 Back 26th May 2013 18:35

Regarding the "SAS Captain," Arrse are all over it as always.


smujsmith 26th May 2013 18:47

It's all (this thread) getting a bit "deep and diffuse" for me, I feel deeply regretful that people, from whatever part of the planet, can come here, make use of all the "facilities (benefits, NHS, etc etc), and then commit heinous crime, as witnessed in Woolwich. I can not begin to understand what Lee Rigby's parents and family must feel, I do know that the people who did this did it in the name of Islam. Now, if these scum had shouted "onward Christian soldiers" as they did their "work" I, would be ashamed and demanding that all like minded people be arrested and sorted out. What I do hear is an awful lot of people trying to lecture us that "not all Muslims are terrorists", well fine, but not all Englishman are bigoted and anti Muslim, but why let that get in the way of a good bit of "Brit bashing". I suspect that this thread is reaching the end of the road. It seems that as many people who believe that we must fight the Muslim terrorist, are balanced by the, the more the merrier brigade. I just hope that all of you have a happy life and don't forget that the "Raison d'Etre" of this thread is Drummer Lee Rigby RIP.

Rosevidney1 26th May 2013 19:01

Parking Tickets Issued on Wrecks while Stockholm Burns - Fria Tider

In Sweden too, but there the government are adding insult to injury.

flash8 26th May 2013 19:17

What distresses me, and should distress every right minded Asian, is how many reports from our favourite broadcaster and in the media blame Asians for certain crimes when Indians, Thais, Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos, Chinese, Sri Lankans etc are wholly innocent. For too long we have avoided calling a spade a spade.
Cultural 'sensitivities' mate. Can't go offending our 'friends' can we? My Sikh mate though is highly pissed off I can tell you.

WE Branch Fanatic 26th May 2013 19:42

Also from ARRSE: Talking Too Much Sense for BBC Coverage?

Can't seem to find the URL for the video, so I have posted the link to the thread.

This common sense view from an Iman (and comments based on the teachings of Islam) should be a counter to many of the less sensible views here. I am appalled that so many accept the murderer's claims of doing in in the name of his religon at face value.

Why should Muslims have to hold marches and protests to show their disapproval? Did you you go on a march last time a white guy murdered somebody on the basis of race or religon?

Remember, the perpetrators want race war.

5 Forward 6 Back 26th May 2013 19:44


It's all (this thread) getting a bit "deep and diffuse" for me, I feel deeply regretful that people, from whatever part of the planet, can come here, make use of all the "facilities (benefits, NHS, etc etc), and then commit heinous crime, as witnessed in Woolwich.
Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were born in London and have lived here their whole lives.

Their families, by all accounts, were typical, pleasant, Christian families of African descent, of which there are hundreds of law-abiding examples all around the country.

This isn't a case of "foreigners" coming here, using the NHS, and then committing crimes.

Herod 26th May 2013 19:51

Just out of interest, how many "foreign troops" were there in Iraq and Afghanistan, "carrying out murder", prior to 9/11?

I'm sure the figures are out there somewhere, but many, many more Iraqi and Afghani Muslims have been killed by other Muslims than by foreign troops. Once religion (any religion) is twisted by those with another agenda, horrible things happen.

Basil 26th May 2013 19:52

This isn't a case of "foreigners" coming here, using the NHS, and then committing crimes.
Well, if his family hadn't come here, Rigby would be alive today.
FACT is that 2nd and 3rd generation kids are turning against us.

Basil 26th May 2013 19:55

In Sweden too, but there the government are adding insult to injury.
So, the Scandinavian Socialist, be nice to immigrants model doesn't work?
Could have told you that 30 years ago.

Basil 26th May 2013 20:05

Did you you go on a march last time a white guy murdered somebody on the basis of race or religon?
No, but one particular Afro kid was murdered years ago and we've never heard the end of it.
If it was the other way round it would be long forgotten.
I, for one, have had ENOUGH of being treated like a second class citizen in MY country. Moslem fanatics, living off of OUR taxes can go out and threaten to kill us, damn our way of life and demand to take over our country but if a Brit says "Boo!" he's hauled up for racist incitement.
If those people don't like us, then eff off! I don't care if you are a 2nd or 3rd generation immigrant. Your have self excluded by your attitude.

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