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NutLoose 10th Apr 2013 18:17

Totally agree, it's deplorable and one cannot understand why people can get so angry about something they haven't a clue about.

For a Lady not for turning, she'd be turning in her grave if she could see the dross that is being written and spouted about her after her passing.... No wonder her Children have no plans to move back to the UK.


ricardian 10th Apr 2013 18:34


Dak Man 10th Apr 2013 18:35

Higher rates 83% reduced to 40%
Basic Rated 33% to 25%

43% reduction for high earners vs 8% reduction for the every day working man/woman.

Factor in inflation 21.9% in 1980 and it looks like the wealthy - poor gap considerably widened.

The %age of people below the median income (a measure of poverty) increased from 13.4% to 22.2%.

Teh inequality score raised from 0.253 to 0.339 under Thatcher's term as PM.

People talk about today's squeezed middle classes, the working classes have been being squeezed for decades. Their voice (for better or worse) was the Unions - which she crushed.

hoodie 10th Apr 2013 18:46

Originally Posted by Dak Man
the median income (a measure of poverty)


The median is the numerical value separating the higher half of a data sample from the lower half. You find the median of a list of numbers by arranging them all from lowest to highest, and picking the middle one.

That's not a measure of poverty, that's a measure of income distribution.

It would work on billionaires.

MG23 10th Apr 2013 18:50

Originally Posted by Dak Man (Post 7786949)
Teh inequality score raised from 0.253 to 0.339 under Thatcher's term as PM.

As she said herself, the left don't mind the poor being poor so long as the rich are poor too.

Stuffy 10th Apr 2013 18:52

It would appear that quite a few Brixton party goers were not born when PM Thatcher was pushed out of office.

Margaret Thatcher death parties: The Left's sick 'celebration' on Brixton's streets | Mail Online

1.3VStall 10th Apr 2013 19:38

Dak Man,

Please go and find a soapbox on another website. Not only are your posts invariably inaccurate, but they are extremely tiresome.

I'm sure you can find some better synergy for your views elsewhere than on this page, where most of us are simply trying to remember with respect a great leader.

Dak Man 10th Apr 2013 19:45

Please point out the perceived inaccuracies above and I will happily convey them to the ONS.

They don't like it up 'em, do they now.

Courtney Mil 10th Apr 2013 20:29

Once again, using the sad death of a national leader to make pointless political points. Disrespectful and petty. Just leave it, if you please. Feel free to take your political ranting and point scoring elsewhere. There are plenty of sites that will welcome your militant lack of sense of occasion. As was said today, there's something unattractive about it.

Have some sense of decency.

Hangar6 10th Apr 2013 20:44

baroness RIP
Deus Vult, she is with her kith and kin in hell........

London Eye 10th Apr 2013 20:45

The reaction of those actively celebrating her death is abhorrent. Whatever one thinks of her politics or persona such behaviour says more about the 'protester' then anything else. I did like one comment I read earlier that said Maggie herself would probably be pleased to see such reaction as it must mean that she made a difference (or 'won' as the article somewhat provocatively put it). As she is said to have commented herself "I would be remembered as someone who did something in politics rather than someone who was somebody in politics" I am not sure all of our current crop (any party) would pass that test...

Ewan Whosearmy 10th Apr 2013 20:57

Interesting that the armed forces role link states:

"In accordance with Lady Thatcher’s wishes, a flypast will not take place."

Alber Ratman 10th Apr 2013 21:12

BBC News - Test-tube baby pioneer Sir Robert Edwards dies

This man is more blessed than Margret Thatcher ever will be to the general population of this country.. He deserves a state funeral IMHO..:ok:

Easy Street 10th Apr 2013 21:34

Interesting that the armed forces role link states:

"In accordance with Lady Thatcher’s wishes, a flypast will not take place."
Reportedly, she didn't want the expense of a flypast to be lavished on her funeral.

However, we all know that the marginal cost of a flypast is pretty low, probably almost zero on a normal working day. They can almost be considered valuable training (time on target - no pressure!).

This could be rather awkward for the RAF... the public will take the 'too expensive' reports at face value, and then question why, if a flypast is a waste of money for Maggie's funeral, it's OK at things like passing-out parades, military tattoos and assorted sports events graced by RAFAT. On the other hand, if flypasts are cheap, she should have known that, and perhaps was just indifferent to the Air Force! How do you spin those possibilities?!

smujsmith 10th Apr 2013 21:59

I think that the powers that be, need to ignore issues that might conflate public opinion and just get on with it. As many say the cost of diverting a few aircraft down the Mall is minimal, when the alternative is the Mach Loop. I just hope that someone in"organising" mode has the b@lls to sort something out. As for her wishes, well maybe she was misguided as to costs.

Alber Ratman 10th Apr 2013 22:07

I'm so glad that when I served in Saudi in 91, John Major was PM.. I had so much more respect for his behaviour in the post.. IMHO.

Courtney Mil 11th Apr 2013 08:42

How encouraging to see how well our MPs conducted themselves in the debate yesterday - especially those that would ordinarily have been staunch critics of Lady Thatcher. I also take my hat off to those that didn't feel they could support the occasion and that stayed away rather than attend and make disrespectful remarks.

What a shame that some of you couldn't apply the same rules of common decency here. But I suppose there will always be some who have neither the manners nor the grace to know when to keep quiet. I don't suppose you care, but by your actions you simply make yourselves look like boorish, uneducated imbeciles. IMHO.

glojo 11th Apr 2013 09:02

How encouraging to see how well our MPs conducted themselves in the debate yesterday - especially those that would ordinarily have been staunch critics of Lady Thatcher. I also take my hat off to those that didn't feel they could support the occasion and that stayed away rather than attend and make disrespectful remarks.

What a shame that some of you couldn't apply the same rules of common decency here. But I suppose there will always be some who have neither the manners nor the grace to know when to keep quiet. I don't suppose you care, but by your actions you simply make yourselves look like boorish, uneducated imbeciles. IMHO.
I am in the corner that believes we should respect those that have recently past away and their families.

Shame on folks that think it clever to highlight what they believe are faults in this lady so quickly after she has died.

Is it clever? Are they that arrogant that they believe they have some sort of right to be this rude.

How about they keep quiet for a few weeks and then come out with some constructive criticisms?

Just me thinking aloud and I consider myself fortunate to be privy to some of her deeds that make her a FAR, far better person than these morons that insist on being so rude.


Heathrow Harry 11th Apr 2013 09:50

well... the Lady herself wasn't one to pull punches out of "respect" - she told it the way she saw it - so complaining other people are doing it to her seems a bit OTT TBH

glojo 11th Apr 2013 10:15

I was not going to come back on this but PLEASE do not judge anyone else by your standards. That woman might well have more compassion than you wrongly believe she had.


cuefaye 11th Apr 2013 10:20


Decent folk undertsand the distinction between in-life and in-death.

aviate1138 11th Apr 2013 10:35

RIP Maggie - may you rest in peace

Things Margaret Thatcher DIDN'T Do:

1) Abandon the Falkland Islands to the Argies
2) Cow down to the IRA
3) Allow 200,000-plus immigrants into the UK every year (it was between 13 and 50 thousand)
4) Institute the Human Rights Act, thus allowing murderous scum & terrorists to live here with no chance of kicking them out
5) Roll over and allow Europe to dictate what we can and can't do
6) Run up huge debts by spending money the country didn't have and getting our credit rating reduced

Roland Pulfrew 11th Apr 2013 10:37

how well our MPs conducted themselves in the debate yesterday
Obviously you missed the bit by Glenda Jackson then.

Archimedes 11th Apr 2013 10:49

It comes to something when David Beckham manages to be more bipartisan and reflective than Glenda Jackson (he was also rather more coherent, which really ought to worry her constituents)...

Courtney Mil 11th Apr 2013 11:02

I saw it, Roland. Fortunately I understand this will be her final term, otherwise I'd be tempted to suggest that she was trying to endear herself to her voters to see if she could improve on her 42 vote win last time. Still, shameful behavior from someone who should know better.

airborne_artist 11th Apr 2013 11:07

It comes to something when David Beckham manages to be more bipartisan and reflective than Glenda Jackson (he was also rather more coherent, which really ought to worry her constituents)...
That does not surprise me at all. Glenda Jackson has generally gushed complete twaddle when talking politics. David Beckham has stuck to what he is good at ;)

Genstabler 11th Apr 2013 11:12

If it is now a hate crime to upset gays, vegetarians and Druids, why isn't what these bar stewards doing a hate crime?

Thelma Viaduct 11th Apr 2013 11:28

I wonder if the grave digger will personally deliver her to Satan???

Good riddance to bad rubbish, ding dong.

500N 11th Apr 2013 11:37

Glenda Jackson. What a ****, always has been, always will be.
I put her in the same class as Germaine Greer.

phil9560 11th Apr 2013 11:37

Facebilge and others of that ilk aren't my cup of tea-I think they're a tool of the devil.But I can't help being intrigued by their ability to unite people into groups.

What really disappoints me are the things that don't motivate people to unite and,more pointedly,the things that do

For example buying a certain record to push it to number 1.

Yet another of those more frequent occasions I am embarrassed to be English.

airborne_artist 11th Apr 2013 11:42

Pious Pilot - you assume that the principal task of a Government is to pass more laws.

I'd argue that it's often the reverse that is the task ;)

Courtney Mil 11th Apr 2013 11:45

State funeral??? Have the plans changed? Wouldn't that require the approval of Parliament? Or maybe someone's got their facts wrong.

airborne_artist 11th Apr 2013 11:47

CM - it's about 75% of a state funeral.

I genuinely wonder if that's what the Baroness really wanted though.

1.3VStall 11th Apr 2013 11:48


By using the word "assume" you are crediting Pious Pilot with the ability to use his brain. His post is merely an unthinking, inappropriate addition to this thread, which shows him to be a complete c**t!

CoffmanStarter 11th Apr 2013 11:50

Public day of mourning on Falklands

The Falkland Islands will hold a public day of mourning next Wednesday as a mark of respect on the day of Baroness Thatcher's funeral, according to the Falkland Islands Government.
Public day of mourning on Falklands | British Forces News

Very appropriate ... well done the Falklands :D


Thelma Viaduct 11th Apr 2013 12:00

"Pious Pilot - you assume that the principal task of a Government is to pass more laws.

I'd argue that it's often the reverse that is the task"

I'd argue it's to improve life, not ruin it for millions.

She didn't build, she destroyed.

Satan is waiting for the Tory **** 1.3Vstall, just as it will for Tony Blair when his time arrives.

sled dog 11th Apr 2013 12:09

Pious, i assume that you are not much of a Thatcher fan , then ?

dat581 11th Apr 2013 12:14

The BBC has stated that the current Argentine president will not be invited to the funeral. Best statement to come out of the BBC for years.

Archimedes 11th Apr 2013 12:23

Odd that the material in PP's link doesn't mention (say) the Attlee government's gross mishandling of the 1947 fuel crisis or the 1949 devaluation which came about from allowing Dalton and to a lesser extent Cripps control the Treasury.

It also shows a gross misunderstanding - probably wilful - of the way in which primary legislation is enacted and amended. It's propaganda that... that... I'm trying not to invoke Godwin's law here... that.. ah, I know... clearly emanates from those for whom dissembling and misrepresentation is seen as a good thing, so long as it is for their own political ends and not challenged.

Canadian Break 11th Apr 2013 12:49

And you are clearly not very good at spelling - amongst other things- like putting forward a balanced argument with the FULL FACTS of both sides!:ugh:

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