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Roadster280 8th Apr 2013 16:44

RIP Ma'am.

Polikarpov 8th Apr 2013 18:28

"Lady Thatcher’s wish was for the armed forces to be able to participate in the funeral – they will therefore have a key part to play."

Funeral details:

Monday 8 April 2013

Lady Thatcher will receive a Ceremonial funeral with military honours

In line with the wishes of her family and with the Queen’s consent, Lady Thatcher will receive a Ceremonial funeral with military honours. The service will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral and is expected to take place next week.

A wide and diverse range of people and groups with connections to Lady Thatcher will be invited. The service will be followed by a private cremation.

The funeral will be a mix of the public and private. The service at St Paul’s Cathedral will be televised and members of the public can watch the coffin procession from the Palace of Westminster to St Paul’s.

Lady Thatcher’s wish was for the armed forces to be able to participate in the funeral – they will therefore have a key part to play.

On the day before the funeral, the coffin will be moved to Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in the Palace of Westminster. There will be a short service following its arrival. The coffin will rest in the Chapel overnight.

On the day itself, the streets will be cleared of traffic and the coffin will travel by hearse from the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft in the Palace of Westminster to the Church of St Clement Danes, the RAF Chapel, on the Strand.

At the Church the coffin will be transferred to a gun carriage drawn by the King’s Troop Royal Artillery. The coffin will then be borne in Procession from St Clement Danes to St Paul’s Cathedral. The route will be lined by tri-service military personnel.

The coffin will be met at St Paul’s Cathedral by a guard of honour. Tri-service personnel and Pensioners of the Royal Hospital Chelsea will line the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral.

The coffin will be borne into and out of the Cathedral by a tri-service bearer party.

The guest list for St Paul’s will include family and friends of Lady Thatcher, those who worked with her over the years, including members of her Cabinets when she was Prime Minister, and representatives from a range of groups she was associated with. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will attend and the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet will be invited.

Flags will be flown at half mast at Downing Street today and tomorrow, and will be again on the day of the funeral.

Information for the public

Lady Thatcher’s family have asked that, if people wish to pay their respects, they consider making a donation to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, rather than laying flowers. Details of how to do so available on the Royal Hospital Chelsea website.

The public will be unable to attend the funeral service itself but can line the route of the funeral procession from the RAF Church in the Strand to St Paul’s Cathedral.

Further details will be made available in due course.

Finningley Boy 8th Apr 2013 18:51

R.I.P. Iron Lady,

It was my honour and privilige to serve the Bulk of my R.A.F. service during your time at No. 10. Another era comes to a close.

oldmansquipper 8th Apr 2013 18:53

A great lady and a great leader. She didn't always get it right but she DID get it done!:ok:

Shame there is no one around today with her balls!

I remember a `Senior` of my dept at HQ Strike being called in to explain to her (personally) why the VIP HS125s at Northolt had been painted in a particularly drab colour (for Gulf1). I suspect it was a one sided conversation.


Lima Juliet 8th Apr 2013 18:58

RIP Lady Thatcher.

I had the great pleasure to meet you at the Waddington Airshow in 2007 (25 years since Op BLACK BUCK) and even in your twilight years you still had the power to inspire.

I am only sad that we had to lose you to that needleneck John Major who wanted to turn us into a nation of shopkeepers - we can't go around cutting each other's hair!

You brought the country back from the 'Winter of Discontent', you started the Northern Ireland Peace Process, you got the Falklands back from a Junta (although in fairness you should never have left them defenceless), you broke the back of the idiotic Unions (apart from modern idiots like Bob Crowe), you basically delivered a modern Britain to be proud of from a 'Hospital Pass' from Callaghan and a string of other weak individuals.

Yes, you made mistakes (like Poll Tax and some of the privatisation), but they were never outweighed by the good things you did. You showed true leadership, something that David Cameron and his side-kick Nick Clegg could learn from.

God bless you, Ma'am, you are 'True Blue' and I salute you...


Churchills Ghost 8th Apr 2013 19:07

As is often the case, the only sensible comments on the passing of our former Prime Minister are to be found here on the Mil forum.

A true leader, a truly decent human being and a true Brit!

God bless.

oxenos 8th Apr 2013 19:19

Just heard Gerry Adams on the radio saying that Mrs T " did great harm to the people on Northern Ireland "

Breathtaking hypocracy.

Wholigan 8th Apr 2013 19:24

It is actually a pleasure to read this thread rather than the one in JetBlast. Even if you guys don't agree with what she did or how she did it, at least you haven't resorted to the blatant celebrations of her death that the others have. It's just rude and disrespectful whoever you are talking about.

PeregrineW 8th Apr 2013 19:34

RIP, Mrs. T. One of the few politicians who really earned the title "Honourable", and the one true statesman (pardon the incorrect use of gender) that this country has had since Churchill.

Capetonian 8th Apr 2013 19:43

Were she, or someone of her calibre, running the UK today I would be proud to carry a British passport. It was ironic that it was during her tenure of power that I had to take a South African passport.

Corporal Clott 8th Apr 2013 19:46

Sad news for the Country, her family and me.

Shame on Gerry Adams, Neil Kinnock and Clare Short who have all had a dig today - :mad: Even I could find it within myself to recognise the contribution these churlish people have made in their own way - why can't they?


CPL Clott

barnstormer1968 8th Apr 2013 20:08

A very sad day, and the loss of someone I had huge respect for.

Growing up in a a strike filled three day candle lit week Britain, Mrs Thatcher brought true leadership and belief to Britain IMHO. Later in my army days I trusted her bulldog judgement, and knew that even Reagan valued her opinion too.........since her retirement as prime minister I have seen the UK almost always as the lap dog of the Americans.


Tashengurt 8th Apr 2013 20:45

RIP the iron lady. Her decimation of British industries hit my family hard and kept us in poverty but she was a leader of enormous stature. Modern leaders bear no comparison.

Posted from Pprune.org App for Android

Stevie B 8th Apr 2013 20:50

Baroness Thatcher
Was in Bahrain, 1990, as we worked up towards GW1, when we heard of her decision to stand down. I can confirm that we were all pretty shocked at first and then dismayed. Dare I mention that some were close to tears?

Today's politicians don't even come close.


Canadian Break 8th Apr 2013 21:01

"Sad news for the Country, her family and me.

Shame on Gerry Adams, Neil Kinnock and Clare Short who have all had a dig today - http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...s/censored.gif Even I could find it within myself to recognise the contribution these churlish people have made in their own way - why can't they?


CPL Clott"

I'll tell you why Clotty - because those snivelling lickspittles have no shred of human decency, no sense of what it is to belong to a community that's trying to "build" something. No, they are just a bunch of gainsayers who are not fit to be mentioned in the same sentence as the late Mrs T. Bloody Facebook is full of comments about "that f*****g woman" and how they want to "p**s on her grave". Let them shout, because those of us that were there, and those of us who went into harms way, and those of us who have any sort of balanced perspective understand that without her this country would have been in a way worse state than the parlous state we find ourselves in today. So, do you know what chap - let's rise abve the vile and the vitriol and just feel a quiet warmth that we experienced at first hand someone who really believed in what they were doing, not the self serving bunch of sychophants we have now - of all stripes. Mrs T - God Speed; I'm sure Dennis will have a snifter ready for you when you get there. CB.

Danny42C 8th Apr 2013 21:02

Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher (RIP)
In my long life, I have lived under nine Popes and four Monarchs - but only two true Statesmen worthy of the name: Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.

Requiem aeternam dona ea, Domine, Requiescat in Pace.


Al R 8th Apr 2013 21:05

Listening to David Cameron just now, I wonder if he pauses to consider the words written for him about her personal qualities, and reflects on them.

Corporal Clott 8th Apr 2013 21:05

CB, well said my friend :D:D:D:D

CPL Clott

air pig 8th Apr 2013 21:08

RiP, one of my political hero's, after Churchill but above Mikial Gorbachov, visionaries are always decried at the time, lionised in the telling of history. She achieved the impossible at the time from 1979 onwards, dragging the UK forward, away from the path it was set on.

She and Ronald Reagan slowly but surely helped to bring down the 'Iron Curtain' freeing the people of Eastern Europe, just look at the eulogies paid to her, even the Russians admire her.

4ROCK 8th Apr 2013 21:18

I remember (with honour and great pride!) carrying her very own 'bathroom facilities' into the middle of a German field (don't ask...!)
..... but shall always be indebted to her for introducing me to the delights of one of our far flung colonies via a cruise on another great British icon sadly also departed - the QE2.


GalleyTeapot 8th Apr 2013 21:34

Im surprised any current military would want to be involved in the "military funeral"!

NutLoose 8th Apr 2013 21:34

I only ever kept two magazines of my time in the RAF, both of which are the RAF Brize Norton Gateway Magazine, one is the November 1988 edition when Maggie Honoured 10 Sqn and the other is the January 1988 edition that was the Gorbachev visit special, again featuring Maggie.

Of all the leaders this Country has produced I hold her up there with Winston Churchill, some are destined to lead, but few do it well.
She seemed to exude a quality of leadership that was both decisive and inspired belief in her and the path she was leading the Country down, something those that have followed lack in spades.

RIP Maggie, you leave this world having truly stamped your mark on it and a better place because of that.

Flugplatz 8th Apr 2013 21:57

A very sad day. Mrs T did us all proud and saved this country from terminal decline. Despite some of the revisionist rubbish that you hear these days - often from scrotes that were too young to know anything about it and would run screaming if they were exposed to even a fraction of the pre-Thatcher era (they simply wouldn't be able to comprehend those times or the 'loser' attitudes!). The Eighties were a good time to be young and to be filled with hope; she made a fundamental positive difference to my life and to this country. Proved Britain could still breed true world-class leaders and she did genuinely break down social mobility barriers (much reversed now after 11 years of labour and fellow-travellers' noses in the trough!)

A true Brit, in every sense of the word!
RIP Maggie

Case One 8th Apr 2013 22:15

No one's perfect, but thank you very much for the good that you did do.


The B Word 8th Apr 2013 22:48

Margaret Thatcher dead: George Galloway leads chorus of 'celebration' from the left | Mail Online

Now this sort of thing really makes my blood boil. Let's make them do something useful with their lives - round them all up, ship them to Helmand and give them a trowel to clear up the land mines and IEDs!

Disrepectful oxygen thieves, the lot of them...:=

The B Word

Union Jack 8th Apr 2013 23:20

Modestly proud to discover that I have been banned from the concurrent Jet Blast thread for a week for "abuse", my first ever banning.:eek:

What awful sin did I commit? I merely said that:

"I'm sorry to say that I am extremely disappointed at the postings made by some members whose contributions I have always previously admired - you know who you are and, no, I'm not a Conservative."

Interesting to see how long this post lasts, not least since some of the very same contributors I was referring to seem to have got away with much worse on this thread!:confused:


Rhino power 8th Apr 2013 23:25

I can't tell you how pleasing it is to continue reading the comments in this section of the PPRuNe forums, regardless of what your political beliefs are, every single post has shown respect. Some of the forums i've visited tonight have made me cringe with the comments posted therein...


Torque Tonight 8th Apr 2013 23:30

Predictable to see various old commies, champagne socialist and bandwagon riding dimwits showing their true colours, not forgetting a few ageing terrorists as well.

Always fascinating to get Comrade Galloway's gems of wisdom.

Surplus 9th Apr 2013 00:05

We all got an invite to her funeral, ^^^^^^^ this idiot didn't.

500N 9th Apr 2013 00:11

The fact that "Comrade Galloway's" let himself be photographed
in that get up doing what he is doing sums him up for me.

Lima Juliet 9th Apr 2013 00:20

The fact that Galloway was gallavanting about in a red London bus with Saddam Hussain in Baghdad whilst I was getting shot at in one Her Majesty's aircraft always got to me.

Whatever happened to treason...

500N 9th Apr 2013 00:34


I must have missed that and I read pretty widely.

If I may ask, what and when ?

Lima Juliet 9th Apr 2013 01:23

Here you go...


Use a browser and look for "galloway bus baghdad" to read more.

As I said before, traitor...

500N 9th Apr 2013 02:05

Thanks :ok:

Had a read, done some Googling as well.
He was bum chums with the Iraqis, especially Aziz.

Love the way he spins the bus ride to Iraq with the
feel good factor of naming it after the girl. Clever.

Mk 1 9th Apr 2013 03:51

Don't get me wrong - big fan of the Iron Lady's work. but there was a point raised on a TV show by that beyond-her-use-by-date Germaine Greer that stated that Mrs T was a war criminal for sinking the Belgrano.

Seemed like a fair enough shot to me - that ship did have the capability of causing quite a bit of damage had it managed to get stuck into the carriers and support vessels - probably completely jeopardising the entire operation. So even if the Belgrano was crewed by nuns and handicapped children and filled with fluffy kittens and puppies - operationally the best course of action was to have her sunk.

Why is the claim made that the sinking is a war crime?

500N 9th Apr 2013 03:53

Because it was outside the 200 mile exclusion zone and
? heading away ? (need to check that).

Either way, it was a legitimate target as it was part of a
pincer movement on the task force. Even the Capt of
the Belgrano said so himself.

Surplus 9th Apr 2013 04:51

During an interview in 2003 he (Belgrano's captain, Héctor Bonzohad) stated that the General Belgrano was only temporarily sailing to the west at the time of the attack, and his orders were to attack any British ships which came within range of cruiser's armament.

The Argentine Navy has historically held the view that the sinking was a legitimate act of war.

glojo 9th Apr 2013 05:21

What has not been mentioned yet is loyalty.

For Baroness Thatcher loyalty was a two way requirement. She showed great loyalty, protection call it what you will but she stood steadfastly behind those that did their job to the best of their ability. An iconic figure that was one of our greatest Prime Ministers.

If this lady committed such a sin in the way she dealt with the coal miners dispute then why weren't those coal mines reopened when she left office? Why were they not reopened when labour came back into power?

No one is perfect but thank God she was in the right place at the right time and made decisions that I cannot envisage any modern day British Prime Minister making.

She has earned that funeral with FULL military honours and hopefully our retired Special Forces will be invited to attend as I believe she held them in very high regard.

My thoughts are with her family at this sad time


500N 9th Apr 2013 05:36

"and hopefully our retired Special Forces will be invited to attend as I believe she held them in very high regard."

believe ????

She called them "her boys" and used them as her private little army :O
(Ref to using the SAS to break up the prison siege
where I believe a few eyebrows were raised).

Al R 9th Apr 2013 05:59

The BBC said earlier, that she specifically didn't want a 'RAF flyby'. Ok, fair enough, and you have to respect someone's wishes.

But, erm.. couldn't someone have a well, sort of.. navigation glitch at just the right moment? Maybe, lots of people with the same map issues. Maybe.. maybe, if there was a Spitfire over the South East, loitering, a Hurricane.. the Vulcan maybe too, a Herc, VC10 still kicking around, C-17, a Typhoon, Chinook Tornado etc.. all doing other really important military type stuff but if they all seemed to get lost at the wrong moment, and if they all found themselves in trail, trying to get a fix.. well, that would be absolutely dreadful and worthy of remedial training but probably not court martial stuff.

I will pass the Roberts cornmershop on the way to Coningsby tomorrow. I'm far too boring, unsentimental and English to give her a quick nod and an appreciative blast on the horn. But if I wasn't of course..

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