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Pontius Navigator 27th Feb 2013 13:48

Originally Posted by BEagle (Post 7717005)
"Are you calling me a liar?"

As the locum 1771 signer I was presented with two 1771s by the two sgts at the same unit.

Both journeys were to Waddo at the same time. One claimed 30 miles in 30 minutes and the other had a more realistic time and a different distance. Ostensibly they were travelling from different places.

What they didn't know was that I knew they both lived near each other in my wife's home town. :}

Had they just fired up the GPS they could have had a choice of times and distances.

langleybaston 27th Feb 2013 14:41

Quote: Dear gods the neanderthal sexism on this thread beggars bloody belief.

When I was young it was "Ye Gods" [Latin] but passing lightly by, I showed my wife the thread and of course my contribution. Well received.

Life can be sh1tty enough without a good laugh. Its called "give and take", and the fair sex can dish it out in much more subtle ways.

Beans on toast again tonight. And last night. And toast at breakfast. Can't remember lunch, its in the twilight zone between recent and ancient memory.

Something gave me wind, though.

clicker 27th Feb 2013 14:45

LB, shame you were not able to forecast that result.

langleybaston 27th Feb 2013 15:06

Clicker: forecasting? No longer in my job description.

On retirement:

RAF pass
fircone, one
seaweed, bunch
ball, crystal

all surrendered.

Pontius Navigator 27th Feb 2013 15:26

Originally Posted by SASless (Post 7716513)
. . . and chewing Tin Foil!

My eyes are still streaming. I'd just taken a mouthful of tea and you caused it to go down the wrong way.

Pontius Navigator 27th Feb 2013 15:33

Originally Posted by thing (Post 7716550)
I'm also one of those saddos that looses his car in the supermarket car park. I went to the NEC once to an exhibition (oddly enough!) and it took me over an hour to find my car when I left..

or airport?

We arrived in the dark, rain sleeting, bundled out of the car and legged it to the shuttle stop.

Two weeks later, where was the ticket with the bus stop details?

It was one of those car parks with zones A-Z and then some. Fortunately was a. Daylight and b. We had parked back to a boundary hedge.

As we were driven around the car park the bus emptied and we got into a wilderness with neery a car in sight. Mrs PN had an idea of the zone and eventually there it was in splendid isolation.

As you say, the wives may get lost when driving but they can always find the car.

500N 27th Feb 2013 15:38


"As you say, the wives may get lost when driving
but they can always find the car."

That is a very true statement, noticed it on the weekend.

BEagle 27th Feb 2013 15:38

Beans is not an occifer's vegetable!

Some gentle banter about SatNav is, of course, just banter. I'm sure that there's equally a 'macho bloke' voice which the girls could download. The sort of thing which announces "Of course it's this way", "Let's just GO!", "It'll be somewhere around here..." and that sort of thing. But it won't admit when it's lost, so follow it at your peril. Whereas at least the 'girlie' one can be re-booted by typing in "Choccie?" if it starts sulking or, for a quicker re-boot, "I'm sorry - where would you like to go for dinner, darling?".....:hmm:

Re. aptitude tests, the girls we had at the UAS didn't do those, so were either so hopelessly dreadful that they should never be trusted to command a wheelbarrow, let alone a mechanically-propelled vehicle such as a bicycle - which was very rare indeed, or they would always try to do better on the next trip. Much more fun to fly with than many of the lads - and not just because they washed their flying suits more than once a year and didn't smell of minging BO and stale beer, but also because they listened to what they'd been taught.

Pontius Navigator 27th Feb 2013 17:19

Originally Posted by BEagle (Post 7717698)
Much more fun to fly with than many of the lads - and not just because they washed their flying suits more than once a year and didn't smell of minging BO

Very true.

To cut the story short, our Co was eventually so rank that no one would sit near him and we even made him change his flying boots apparently from the smell emanating from the hole in the sole.

Eventually he discovered the leg of chicken that he had stuffed in his pocket when the QRA hooter had sounded. I think it crawled out on its own.

I hope you've had your tea. :)

Courtney Mil 27th Feb 2013 17:35

Originally Posted by PN
I hope you've had your tea.

One has tea in the morning or, sometimes, at 4 in the afternoon, maybe with a small fairy cake.

CoffmanStarter 27th Feb 2013 18:04

Battenberg cake with tea old chap ... no fairy cakes in the RAF :ok:

alisoncc 27th Feb 2013 18:20

No dear. It's a fly pie from the NAAFI van.

BEagle 27th Feb 2013 18:55

One has tea in the morning or, sometimes, at 4 in the afternoon, maybe with a small fairy cake.
Quite so - only the working class and them 'as born oop 'North' would have 'dinner' before 'tea'.

Tea in Winter- a little Earl Grey and a couple of buttered crumpets, then a slice of Victoria sponge.

Tea in Summer - a little Earl Grey and some Patum Peperium thinly spread on toast, or perhaps some cucumber sandwiches.

Memories of life in a bygone, rather more gentlemanly era, I regret to say....

500N 27th Feb 2013 19:10


What about the G&T as a refreshing drink ? :O

Though I do like your choices so far :ok:

(I haven't heard of Patum Peperium for years,
I think that was what my Grandfather had and
where I acquired the taste for it).

SASless 27th Feb 2013 19:14

Whisky and clothes-less crumpets sounds better don't you think?:uhoh:

Herod 27th Feb 2013 19:20

Get a pair of these, tell sat-nag to keep her shoes off and her feet on the dashboard.


500N 27th Feb 2013 19:28


Don't knock fluffy dice hanging from the Rear vision mirror.
A dead giveaway :O

BEagle 27th Feb 2013 19:50

What about the G&T as a refreshing drink ?
Not before 1800! Any earlier would be decidedly uncivilised, except perhaps at the weekend before Sunday luncheon.

CoffmanStarter 27th Feb 2013 20:18

500N ... Gentlemen's Relish can be obtained from those fine purveyors Waitrose ... I bought some yesterday :ok:

BEagle ... I'm sure you will agree that High Tea can only be served on fine bone china to be correct :ok:

500N 27th Feb 2013 20:27


Thanks. Being in Australia we don't have Waitrose but
just did a search on line and some places have the same
or similar.

I actually make my own from Anchovies.
I should experiment more.

"fine bone china"

Minton China :ok:

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