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-   -   For Sale, Airworthy EE Lightnings x3.. Buccaneers x3.. Hunters x4 (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/459788-sale-airworthy-ee-lightnings-x3-buccaneers-x3-hunters-x4.html)

Ewan Whosearmy 9th Aug 2011 14:20

Thanks, Nutloose.

millerscourt 9th Aug 2011 20:02

One can always rely on pr00ne to spew his left wing views at every opportunity.

He claims to be a Barrister yet makes a comment that the only people shooting people in cars are the Met Police.
One does not have to be shot at first before shooting back and as a loaded gun was found in the car one has to assume that the police were threatened and rightly responded.

pr00ne 9th Aug 2011 20:23


You have very conveniently forgotten that I used the words 'seems' and 'initial reports."

Of COURSE I spew my left wing views at every opportunity, my politics is to the left and I therefore have left wing views, is that so hard to understand?

Yes, I do CLAIM to be a Barrister, and there are a good few of us who have some rather disturbing experiences with the 'assumptions' that armed police sometimes make, do you recall one certain Brazilian on the way to the Tube?

Assumptions where deadly force are involved are extremely dangerous.

foldingwings 9th Aug 2011 20:43


the 'assumptions' that armed police sometimes make

Glad you included 'sometimes' as preconceived ideas amongst defence lawyers and barristers are often the curse of the court room!

JP of this parish!

jamesdevice 9th Aug 2011 20:57

"one certain Brazilian on the way to the Tube?"

But as Napoleon said re Admiral Byng's execution: "pour encourager les autres

After that chap was shot there were no more bombings
Doesn't make what happened right, but it had the desired effect of scaring the the other side

Note - I am NOT suggesting in any way that he was involved in any kind of illegal activity. He was just the wrong bloke in the wrong place at the right time

hval 9th Aug 2011 22:54

Pr00ne old chap,

I sometimes get the impression that you haven't seen the nastier side of life. The problem though is that as a barrister you generally should have done.

Do you believe that good people should have to put up with the goings on of bad people? Do you believe that the rights of bad people are more important, and supersede the rights of good people? Do you believe that it is alright to break the law and drive around with a loaded weapon when not allowed to do so? Do you believe that it is okay for people to riot, destroy infrastructure, houses, shops, steal, loot, mug, threaten and kill?

I am sincerely interested in what your replies might be, as every thing that you write would point to the fact that yes you do believe that bad has more rights than good.

pr00ne 10th Aug 2011 00:12



Well, let me try and make some sense of that post.

I can barely comprehend let alone believe in that ridiculous list of my potential beliefs.

Who are you to decide what or who is good or bad? What on earth do you mean by 'put up with' the goings on of bad people? I believe very strongly in social justice and in the wealthy powerful elite being brought to account. I also happen to believe in the criminal justice system and that means everyone has a right to a defence. I believe that anyone who is caught in possession of a firearm, if they are proven guilty, should go to prison. Possession for 'self defence' is no defence in my view. The only people who I would allow to carry firearms would be the armed forces and certain specialist Police teams. There is NO need for anyone else to carry the damn things.

I also believe very strongly that every person has a right to live out their life without the risk of the Police shooting them dead because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. John Charles de Menezes death was a needless tragedy compounded by senior folk rushing out totally inaccurate statements in the immediate aftermath such as he jumped the ticket barrier, he wore a thick coat and that he ran away. The poor bastard simply got on a tube and was held down and shot seven times in the head and once in the body. Someone should have gone to prison for that death, and I do NOT mean the officers who carried out the shooting. It was a crime but it was NOT murder.

As for the nasty side of life, I split my practice between activity in the City in both London and New York, and working with asylum seekers and young adults who were abused as children who need something to do or somewhere to go when the system kicks them out at 18. I also flew Tooms with a navigator behind me in my youth, so yes, I've seen several 'nasty' sides of life.

I'm a Barrister, how on earth can I possibly believe that bad has more rights than good? People have rights, 'good' and 'bad' don't, so I have to confess to not really knowing what the hell you are blathering on about.

I also respect the rule of law, the one true distinction of a genuine democracy. When your Government or ruling party or family is above the law, then you have NO democracy, which is one of many, but probably the most important, reasons why I am a Republican.

L J R 10th Aug 2011 04:57

...so what is the asking price of those jets again..?

hval 10th Aug 2011 06:43


My post must have been clear as you have answered it perfectly.

Why, in the United Kingdom do criminals have more rights than those who don't commit crimes? Why does crime pay in the United Kingdom? Why is there positive discrimination? I feel that the left have totally and utterly lost the plot. Everything points to the fact that the general, law abiding populous have less rights than those that commit crimes. Looking after the rights of criminals has gone too far; way too far.

Take the rioting. Why aren't the police able to stop them? Because the left have tied the arms of the police behind their backs. Have you ever tried to stop a riot? You can't do it without using physical force of some sort. Yet the police are told of for kettling even!

What I am about to write is a generalisation.

I am one of a dwindling number of working middle class. We, are the ones who pay the most to society. We pay more than the rich on tax , we pay to keep the unemployed and the immigrants in comfort. I don't mind paying benefits to the unemployed, but when long term unepmployed are able to afford holidays when I can't, when the unemployed can afford to go out and I can't, there is something seriously wrong. We pay to keep the unacceptably huge public sector in a job where they get to retire on nice pensions at a younger age than I, whilst having worked less hours than I and for having done very little. Don't tell me that the Public Secttor get paid less; they don't. That has been a fallacy for a number of years. We are paying for the mistakes of a completely corrupt labour govermnement that was previously in power, that along with a amoral banking sector have bankrupted this nation. Mind you, the Conservatives do not seem to be any better. Why are amoral politicians allowed to run ths country and we can't get rid of them? Why do we have such a large legal sector, where criminals nearly always come out on top? Why does my money go to pay for criminals to have holidays, or days out at Alton Towers?

Pr00ne, just as you believe that the House of Windsor are above the law, I would sat that most politicains, irrespective of country, are also above the law. You look at the US political system. It appears to me that the person with the most money wins, not the person who is going to do the best for the nation.

As for bankers... Don't get me started. May we shoot them all? I could go on, and feel we could have an interesting discussion for many, many hours. Did you know that the gap between the rich and the poor is now worse than during the Victorian era. At least the Victorian wealthy generally gave to society (libraries, parks, swimming pools, big buildings, villages, towns etc). It is very rare for any of todays extremely wealthy to do similar (there are exceptions; e.g. Bill gates, Hunter etc).

A2QFI 10th Aug 2011 06:51

To continue the thread drift - I did not know that we have a Labour government. I also note that a group of residents in London who had assembled to protect their property and possessions were dispersed by the police in case they contributed to disorder!

Wander00 10th Aug 2011 07:28

Do the last few posts (but one) qualify as the most illogical thread drift ever on pprune?

Sand4Gold 10th Aug 2011 09:36


Totally sympathise - I come on to this Thread to see if there is any further news on why the Thunder City Aircraft Company collapsed - particularly interested to see what will happen to the Buccaneers?

What I get is, once again, pr00ne climbing on his soap box and calling people racist etc. What has all this to do with the origin of this particular thread?

For those who wish to engage with pr00ne, let me quote William G. McAdoo,

'It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument'


The guys who set this site up anticipated people like you - take your dribble off to Jet Blast.

Again, you are a foolish person.


hval 10th Aug 2011 10:08


I did not know that we have a Labour government
Totally and utterly correct. I wrote something else, edited it and it came out totally incorrect. Thank you for pointing it out, I shall go correct it, along with the spelling errors I noticed.

foldingwings 10th Aug 2011 13:15


So, is the sale a direct result of the sad loss a year or so back? Did the company have their license taken away, or has it simply lapsed?

It did not help, brought up the spectre on no manual reversion, which is what the UK CAA has been preaching for many a year. Top that off with the recession and the writing was sadly on the wall.
I am in routine contact with one of the Thunder City team and have it from the horse's mouth that the costs (Millions of Rand) of implementing the recommendations of the inquiry into the Lightning accident were so prohibitive that they had no option but to stop flying passengers. They did continue to fly the jets for themselves but it seems now that that is no longer an option.


foldingwings 10th Aug 2011 13:19


I also flew Tooms with a navigator behind me in my youth, so yes, I've seen several 'nasty' sides of life.
Forgive me but I do not get the connection!

Was it flying with a navigator?

Was it flying Tooms?

Was it being in Germany (I seem to recall that from a previous rant)?

It couldn't have been as a Recce puke!

And the Toom didn't have the legs to get across the IGB (had you needed to) so it wasn't because you might have had to fly over enemy territory!

Please enlighten us!



pr00ne 10th Aug 2011 14:15


simple, I had to listen to him.


At the risk of contributing to the understandable unhappiness at enormous thread drift, criminals do NOT have more rights than their victims. Until they are convicted they are NOT criminals.
If you think that convicted criminals have afar better time than their victims can I suggest that you go next door, rape your neighbours wife, torch his car and THEN se who is better off after the subsequent court case, you or him.

ex-fast-jets 10th Aug 2011 14:35

Close This Thread
What started as a thread which might be of interest to some of those who are supposed to be members of this forum - "professionals who fly military machines, or backroom folk who assist" - (please excuse the precis) - it has become a thread which has drifted beyond the bounds of reason, and does little to enhance the credibility of this forum.

Please shut it down.

fetcheveryone 10th Aug 2011 15:20

I totally agree :D

jindabyne 10th Aug 2011 15:21


Ewan Whosearmy 10th Aug 2011 16:26

Better than shut it down, why not send the people who cannot remain on-topic to the naughty corner? Don't see why those of us who do want to discuss it can't do so because of the actions of others...

Ewan Whosearmy 10th Aug 2011 16:28

Thanks, Foldie.

ex-fast-jets 10th Aug 2011 16:33

No argument with Ewan - but if a naughty corner is available, then it should have been used a while ago.

So, shut this down, or inflict a worthwhile penalty on those who have drifted way off course!

hval 10th Aug 2011 18:45

Naughty Corner
Use a naughty corner for those that go of thread and there will be no one left.


I haven't read the report, do you know what the recommendations are? Out of interest where have Thunder City been obtaining spares from?

If I could afford them I would have them all.

What reasons are given for not being allowed to fly aircraft such as the Lightning and Buccaneer in the UK?

foldingwings 10th Aug 2011 19:29


I regret no, I have not seen the report but I am in regular contact with the pilot who owns Buccaneer XX896, he flew me in it in 2008 when I was last in Cape Town. It was he who gave me the gist of the company's response to it. It would, I believe, have left even these multi-millionaires in a sticky position with their bank managers if they had tried to incorporate the 'mandatories' even with out touching the 'desirables'. So it was a fait a complis!

Sad, eh!

As for spares, they were part owned/sponsored by Shell who I believe were underwriting the procurement of spares. When I was there, they had enough spares to keep them going but they were more 'ginger' with their Bucc landings than we ever were in the RAF (it was designed to be flown into the runway/deck without any flare), in order to conserve tyres for example! They had a sizeable hangar with a 'spares shop' and more than one engine available on the shelf for each type, which also included Pumas!

Certainly, they were a very professional outfit and operated as if they were a small squadron - they even had Friday Happy Hour to which they invited 120 Buccaneer aircrew who were in RSA for our 50th Anniversary reunion with our sister SAAF Bucc Sqn guys in 2008!

Latest from my mate on Facebook abt TC =

New toy. To supplement the infrequent jet flying, this Extra 300L is our new toy at Thunder City. What a great little machine.

Suggests that they might still be flying the jets!


hval 10th Aug 2011 20:19


Thank you for your reply.

I always intended to get a few flights in with Thunder city, but never got around to it. I never had the time when ever in Cape Town. I feel really sad about that.

I always had the impression that they were very professional, whilst at the same time allowing fun to happen. Unfortunately, these days I would require two buccaneers glued together for me to fit in.

Shame Shell were unwilling to "shell out". Oh dear. That was dreadful. I apologise.

PFR 11th Aug 2011 21:38

For all you Lightning officianados.......

old-timer 13th Aug 2011 03:10

That looks fun - I'll buy 2 please :D

Henry09 13th Aug 2011 14:22

So what is the price on these little beauties?

Above The Clouds 29th Sep 2012 20:02

Did the Capetown lightnings and other aircraft ever get sold ?

NutLoose 29th Sep 2012 20:15

One Bucc is flying again in SA, do not know if the others sold, sorry.

Look for the Lightning crash thread on here... It's an eye opener.


Above The Clouds 29th Sep 2012 20:34


Read the final report in amazement, was wondering what happened to the remaining lightnings, hopefully not cut up.

NutLoose 29th Sep 2012 21:23

View topic - What's happened to the Thunder City jets?

777fly 15th Mar 2014 18:45

I saw a beautiful black Buccaneer flying eastbound along the coastline of False Bay, West Cape, South Africa yesterday (14/03/2014) at 12.00 hours UTC. Someone, somehow, is keeping some of the Thunder City jets airborne...

NutLoose 15th Mar 2014 18:58

Cool, the Lightnings has been flying again too... It's about time we get a Bucc flying in the UK

Wander00 16th Mar 2014 14:50

Keep them flying - will be there in 3 weeks. Hope to get some photos

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