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beardy 1st Jul 2011 21:26


I think Tmobile is possibly confusing Nostrodamus with Clausewitz. Only one of which was (possibly) confused and possibly relevant. As is one of me.

E-Spy 1st Jul 2011 21:34

@Flap62 (and possibly off thread, apologies)

Could you please explain what is so 'appalling' and without 'professionalism' about the Reds and their RT? I've done a couple of pax trips with them and found them totally professional, and although their RT may sound a little extreme at times, it was certainly functional, necessary and not in any way 'appalling'.

Slate them at your leisure, but only when you provide examples to back up your provocations.

Waddo Plumber 1st Jul 2011 22:04

1975, or 76 - I forget - was the best Waddo show. Straight after RCDS. Joe Le'Strange doing the Vulcan display. The rest was the warn-up.

Mind you, the best station show was Coningsby 1986. Lots of ES heavy metal and Major Day in the Mk 19 Spit and a F3 doing an asymmetric pairs, but finished by a Frightning,impressing the F4/F3 fraternity doing a vertical climb out until he disappeared in the wide blue yonder. Probably had enough altitude to glide back to Binbrook

Big Sy 1st Jul 2011 22:32

Remember B1B's at Waddo !!:D

Willard Whyte 1st Jul 2011 23:11

8 Down:

Quite right beardy. An unacceptable successor stalls opposite the fascinated magazine. Jingoism alerts intolerance . The shortened consent sponsors intolerance . How does jingoism worship intolerance ? The raw quiz junks an aided astronomer. Her material funds jingoism.

Wokkafans 1st Jul 2011 23:19


Not quite, tmobile is Really Annoyed

RA's last post 19:11 on 25/6
tmobile joined 25/6 and first posted at 19:24

Coincidence, I think not :ok:

I look forward to him juggling his two alter egos to try to prove me wrong :D


BEagle 2nd Jul 2011 08:06

Could you please explain what is so 'appalling' and without 'professionalism' about the Reds and their RT?
At an airshow once, we planned to mix RT with background music, commentary etc. This all went fine with most display participants, but when the Arrows started that daft shouting and squealing which they do on their air-to-air frequency, we quickly had to fade it out, it was so cringingly embarassing.

Flap62 2nd Jul 2011 08:11


Had the very great pleasure of flying with them a few times too. Know lots of them socially. Very nice blokes in the whole but if you just listen to them check in you will see my point. It's not the RT they would use or be allowed to use on a front line Sqn so they've changed it - they're putting it on just because "it's the reds". That is not professional - it's an affectation and sounds cheap.

TheWizard 2nd Jul 2011 09:26

Er, what do the Red Arrows do again? Oh that's right- entertain the public.

How does the old saying go again?

"You have to be good to be gash"- point in case.

If it works for them then so what. Do you think they really care if a few 'other' aircrew don't like what they do? I highly doubt it.

Jeez, there are some serious soapbox warriors around these days :rolleyes:

Clockwork Mouse 2nd Jul 2011 10:23

Appalling squeals and grunts? It must be difficult to pass a radio message in clear and well modulated tones when you're pulling 6G. I'd have thought, in my ignorant pongo fashion, that the important thing here (as demonstrated almost tragically in Crete) is to be timely and unambiguous. That seems pretty professional to me.

BEagle 2nd Jul 2011 11:41

Clockwork Mouse, you clearly haven't heard them! It isn't when they're 'pulling 6G', it's even when they're simply turning final to land...... Or checking in on start.

A bit like Americans. Individually quite nice people; it's when they get into groups of about 9 that things change....:uhoh:

Flap62 has it right.

tmobile 2nd Jul 2011 11:49

tmobile .... if you are going to insult someone, then have the sprit to do it under your old PPRuNe name and don't register a new one just for the purpose. We know!

Clockwork Mouse 2nd Jul 2011 11:54

I've heard them many times Beagle, and hope to in the future. Yes, they do sound different and somewhat wierd, and it is probably not wise to broadcast their frequency on the tannoy during a show! However, it works in their very special world and unprofessional they are certainly not.

BEagle 2nd Jul 2011 12:31

Wokafans, I think you've hit the nail on the head.....:rolleyes:

Clockwork Mouse, perhaps. But I really don't see the point of their 'individual' RT style. We were expecting the clipped "Smoke on...Go!" type of RT of the Black Arrows, Blue Diamonds et al, not the shouting and squealing the Reds use....

Is there a reason for it? Or is it just 'tradition'...??

Clockwork Mouse 2nd Jul 2011 12:35

Wokafans, I'll second that!

foldingwings 2nd Jul 2011 17:24

Christ alive! I do believe Thunderbird 5 is sitting to attention!
Can't be, you lie down to fly these things!


Wensleydale 3rd Jul 2011 20:16

Even the Thunderbirds commentator got it wrong at the Airshow on Sunday. She stated that a Lt Col Cunningham was the pilot in Thunderbird one when everyone knows it is Scott Tracey (with Virgil in Thunderbird 2)!!:ouch:

stumpey 3rd Jul 2011 23:53

The Blades on Saturday, crackin display. You shouldn't be able to do that with any aircraft and walk away, but to do it as a syncro pair! :ok:

Now if only we could get four Vulcans doing that, with the note of the Hunter and the smoke of the Frecci?:ooh: (I like green)!

Thanks Waddo, like days of old. Vulcan, Hunters, Bronco, Vampires. Cars parked along the rope line with picnickers in between. No grandstands or corporate enclosures blocking the view. No annoying Tannoy were we where and no security search to get in!

Thunderbirds? Everybody knows the Angels were best - Harmony, Rhapsody, Destiny..........;)

NURSE 4th Jul 2011 06:48

Was interesting day the flight line aircaft Dutch KDC10 was nice, but far to many cessna's with a very nice harvard tucked in. The Jet Provosts line up was really nice. Air wise Loved the Bronco, Vampire/Venom and the Hunters, Military aircraft Apache, Black Cats and Chinook. The station flypast looked a bit pathetic. Its getting more and more like a country fair with aircraft.

Finningley Boy 4th Jul 2011 08:47

I suppose all the laughs and pee takes about the TBs has been covered, but I'd just like to mention their show commentator this year, who apart from sounding quite nice, really lived up to the American Airshow guest commentary tradition, and then some. That young lady was excruciating in her delivery, I almost expected her to cackle like the Wicked Witch of the North at the end of some sentences.:E

PS Thought the Vulcan was best on the Saturday, the GR4 role demo was also better this year!:ok:

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