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beardy 1st Jul 2011 10:19

My goodness me, how intolerant are some people when faced with something different from their own ethos and practices. It's a bit like name calling in the playground. This is supposed to be a site for PROFESSIONAL people (see the name on the front page.)

MReyn24050 1st Jul 2011 10:31

The Thunderbirds really know how to put on a show even if we Brits find it OTT but having seen what happened in Turkey I understand why they do it and hey whats wrong with precision movements on the ground as well as in the air
Having watched that film and the way the ground crew are doing all the walk round checks in time is there not a danger something will be missed because the individual doing the check is also concentrating on not falling "out of step" with the others. When undertaking such tasks concentration should be on the aircraft not performing a drill to please the crowd.

beardy 1st Jul 2011 10:37

I am confident that being professionals they would have considered that possibility and catered for it.

MReyn24050 1st Jul 2011 10:47

I am confident that being professionals they would have considered that possibility and catered for it
I am sure you are correct.

The Oberon 1st Jul 2011 11:15

Just re-read my post about the Vulcan, what I meant to say was that everybody else was on a loser. Having said that, just had the Hunters practice over Scampton. Who needs music when they provide their own "Rhapsody in Blue"

bobward 1st Jul 2011 11:28

Like many of you, I've see both the US teams in the UK and on their home turf. Essentially they give their public the show they want, after all the US taxpayer foots the bill.

Was anyone else at the Fairford IAT the last time the 'birds performed? I've got a picture oome of the blokes in the fire section, standing at attention alongside the taxyway and saluting as Thunderbird 1 rolled out......

I still don't know if he took them seriously or not.......but he did return it!

Enjoy the show everyone, as we have so few these days, don't we?

Willard Whyte 1st Jul 2011 12:35

My goodness me, how intolerant are some people when faced with something different from their own ethos and practices. It's a bit like name calling in the playground. This is supposed to be a site for PROFESSIONAL people (see the name on the front page.)
Nothing wrong with a bit of wry cynical humour. The problem lies with those who take life too seriously.

MReyn24050 1st Jul 2011 17:56

Considering the aim for perfection shown in the video could somebody please tell me why the number on Thunderbird 5 is upside down . I am sure there must be a definite reason. :):)

Flap62 1st Jul 2011 18:10

Let us not kid ourselves that the defining ethos of display teams is always professionalism.

Anyone who has listened to the, frankly, appalling RT of teams such as the Reds knows that at times, it's all about them. Their RT discipline has nothing to do with professionalism and is instead all about "the team" - there can be no other excuse for it. If they could display their, quite frankly astounding flying skills while displaying the professionalism of the average front line pilot then I would take my hat off to them.

If they would not check in for a front line 4 ship using their comedy RT then why do they think it is acceptable for the RAF's highest profile unit?

Prop Fwd 1st Jul 2011 18:16

1200 both days in answer to original question:ok:

500N 1st Jul 2011 18:25

"Considering the aim for perfection shown in the video could somebody please tell me why the number on Thunderbird 5 is upside down . I am sure there must be a definite reason."

Because he's the aircraft that is always upside down in the performances.


High_Expect 1st Jul 2011 18:47

Flap62 did you not make the shortlist? Or are you perhaps not eligible to apply?

Mal Drop 1st Jul 2011 18:56

My goodness me, how intolerant are some people when faced with something different from their own ethos and practices.
That would be one of the primary reasons we have a military at all.

beardy 1st Jul 2011 19:17

That would be one of the primary reasons we have a military at all.
No it's definitely not. The military are there to further foreign policy they are the last gasp of diplomacy, they do not exist to propagate intolerance and jingoism.

tmobile 1st Jul 2011 19:24

Quite right beardy. An unacceptable successor stalls opposite the fascinated magazine. Jingoism alerts intolerance . The shortened consent sponsors intolerance . How does jingoism worship intolerance ? The raw quiz junks an aided astronomer. Her material funds jingoism.

Romeo Oscar Golf 1st Jul 2011 19:25

Blimey, Captain. You must be a bundle of fun to fly with.

Wizzard 1st Jul 2011 20:38

An unacceptable successor stalls opposite the fascinated magazine. Jingoism alerts intolerance . The shortened consent sponsors intolerance . How does jingoism worship intolerance ? The raw quiz junks an aided astronomer. Her material funds jingoism
I think perhaps you've got all the right words there, you just need to play with the order they're in:hmm:

taxydual 1st Jul 2011 20:44

Or else take more water with it.

AdLib 1st Jul 2011 21:01

In no particular order:

1. Christ alive! I do believe Thunderbird 5 is sitting to attention!
2. tmobile is AIDU. I claim my £5.

despegue 1st Jul 2011 21:10

Who cares about the Yankees, It will be again the Belgian F16 who will steal the show with a gracious yet extremely powerful display up to the enveloppe limits:D:ok: together with the arrows evidently.

Also the Dutch are still good of course...

And, I was impressed by the Turkish AF "Turk Solo". Well flown. very well flown. Don't know if he will do a display at Waddington though...

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