PPRuNe Forums

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-   -   Oi mods ! READ THIS (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/446637-oi-mods-read.html)

lomapaseo 24th Mar 2011 02:38

One isn't sure and welcome's correction, but I don't think that all the mods are, necessarily, all mil/ex-mil...
Tha gave me a chuckle when I read it more carefuly. I had entirely missed the inference of this being a military forum and the use of the word "service" in the original post :)

WhoAreYa 24th Mar 2011 03:49

I say bring back the Tipsy & Wurz thread :ok:

moggiee 24th Mar 2011 04:28

Originally Posted by Airborne Aircrew (Post 6326868)
One isn't sure and welcome's correction, but I don't think that all the mods are, necessarily, all mil/ex-mil... :oh:

And that, I feel, is one of the problems. Perhaps they don't understand the military sense of humour.

Someone said "the owners expect it" - that doesn't mean that it's right.

Now, I don't know if moderator "EGGW" is mil or ex-mil but I have noticed lately that he/she is very quick to edit/tidy threads, ban users and close threads. There has definitely been an increase in this sort of activity lately.

(sits back and awaits the usual "it's our train set - if you don't like it, sod off" comment)

500N 24th Mar 2011 04:41

I have no problem with the "it's our train set - if you don't like it, sod off",
I adhere to it on other forums.

But I think you may be correct in saying "Perhaps they don't understand the military sense of humour".

Military people can be a weird lot sometimes, especially when letting off steam:)

Mr C Hinecap 24th Mar 2011 05:43

just what happens at Dining in Nights and "Top Table Kangaroo Courts"
Which take place behind closed doors in Messes. I don't think everything we do is 'fit for public consumption' just because someone did it or said it in front of their peers in private.

Seldomfitforpurpose 24th Mar 2011 07:36

Ah the irony, a thread about threads being removed for the misuse of bandwidth enters page 2 and appears to be on full steam ahead :p:p:p

500N 24th Mar 2011 07:52

Mr C Hinecap

Forums are a bit like the TV, if you don't like it, change the channel or in the case of a forum, don't read it.

IMHO, nothing that was on the forum threads was really that bad that it couldn't be viewed in / by the public.

SirPeterHardingsLovechild 24th Mar 2011 08:17

We were limited to 20 mins on our speeches, Wurzel said he had enough stories on me to write a book.

I said 'Get with the times, Little Breeches, we should do it online'

Then country calls, a late cancellation, made the PPRuNe request, and orf we went.

I thought it was going okay.

Would the Mods please reconsider, move it to Jetblast?

I promise not to do the Tenerife story

crippen 24th Mar 2011 09:52

Quote SFP _

Ah the irony, a thread about threads being removed for the misuse of bandwidth enters page 2 and appears to be on full steam ahead .

Possibly to prevent a thread about a thread about threads being removed for the.................!!:bored::bored::bored::bored:

PotentialPilot 24th Mar 2011 10:27

This thread is banter.. Soon to be deleted :p

Postman Plod 24th Mar 2011 10:30

Mil Aircrew has always been very hands off when it comes to moderating, and the expectation was that we'd be able to self moderate, however that clearly wasn't possible, and it get to the point where perhaps going too far was the norm.

New management took over, and it appears that now Mil Aircrew is becoming more actively modded. Personally, I've not got a problem with that - it needs it! However, I think it would perhaps have been a good idea to advise us that this was going to be the case (and in fact if it is the case, its still worth letting us know!), and perhaps it would have been worth recruiting a Mil Aircrew regular or 2 as Mil Aircrew specific mods.

The other point I'd have is that if you are modding Mil Aircrew, then perhaps you need to do it more actively by stepping in an guiding threads and trimming posts rather than snip entire threads. There are always posts asking where such and such thread went - perhaps this would be reduced if we get some warning that a thread is going off course... I know it happens on some occasions, but a little consistency, guidance and prodding for the membership would be helpful. I know each mod has their own personal attitude and philosophy to modding, so one mod will snip whilst another will ignore and another warn. So is it possible to allocate mods to certain forums so we know who to go to?

What I'm saying really is, if you're now going to mod Mil Aircrew rather than let us self mod, then commit to it and let us know. :ok:

Wholigan 24th Mar 2011 12:30

So is it possible to allocate mods to certain forums so we know who to go to?

What I'm saying really is, if you're now going to mod Mil Aircrew rather than let us self mod, then commit to it and let us know.
I have posted the following information a few times in here already, but it does no harm to repeat it especially for those who may have missed it for whatever reason.

The Mil Forum has always been very good at self-moderating but, like the rest of life, it is never perfect.

Whatever anyone may think, the Mil Forum has ALWAYS been moderated, even if there was originally no formal mod notified. Some time ago, it was decided that I would be the public face of moderating in this forum, and my name was put in the "Moderators" box in the bottom right hand corner of the page. So - for whatever reason - I have become the "front man" in here. The one who will take the majority of the flak from the punters because I am in the limelight. I am old enough and have broad enough shoulders and a thick enough skin to be able to take it and not end up sitting in the corner chewing my hankie and crying.

However, I am NOT the ONLY moderator in here, although I do spend a lot of time checking the forum every day (ENFORCED retirement has some advantages). PPRuNe Pop is another who spends a lot of time reading this forum and acting as necessary. In addition, there are others (from both sides of the pond) who moderate in here pretty frequently, as well as the two senior hierarchy members of PPRuNe who look in occasionally and do what they consider necessary. Actions thus taken by these people are - therefore, of necessity - varying in the manner in which matters are dealt with. As a matter of common courtesy, none of the people that moderate this forum would publicly disagree with the actions or style of the others. However, we do frequently discuss things and if the general feeling is that an error may have been made, the action in question will be reversed.

As has been stated in here, everyone sees things differently and so it is that all moderators in here may act in slightly different ways, but they will always act in the best interests of PPRuNe, not necessarily in the best interests of the punters. Quite frequently - of course - these two requirements overlap and everybody is happy.

As far as I know, the vast majority of those who moderate this forum have some form of military background and experience. For me 46 years of non-stop service, the last 9 years of which were full time reserve.

You may not see it because the posts that have been removed are not visible to you, but "trimming posts rather than snipping entire threads" is something that we spend a lot of time doing.

As far as the -

then commit to it and let us know.
- part of your sentence is concerned, I admit to being somewhat insulted by this. I do not think you will find anyone more committed to what I do, even if some people don't always like exactly what I do.

Personally, I try to call on things that I have seen or done in my past RAF career and in my private life to decide if posts are good, bad or indifferent, and tend only to remove stuff that is really stupid, insulting, attacking of others, or could possibly damage PPRuNe. The prime role of moderators is to defend PPRuNe from people who wittingly or unwittingly post stuff that could reduce the reputation of the board or bring it into conflict with the legal world. I try to use common sense to achieve these aims.

I realise that I will not always get it right and I don't believe that you should expect me to. I do expect a bit of common courtesy though if you disagree with what I do, and - if you are unhappy - PM me and, as you have seen before, I am always open to suggestions and I am not above admitting that I got it wrong.

Furthermore, I have never "hidden" my identity since the day I first joined PPRuNe, as a very large number of people know who "Wholigan" is for real.

So basically I will try my best to get it right and if you have a problem with what I do, PM me. People do that and I'm happy to respond.

NutLoose 24th Mar 2011 12:41

Well put sir.

c130jbloke 24th Mar 2011 14:40

Furthermore, I have never "hidden" my identity since the day I first joined PPRuNe, as a very large number of people know who "Wholigan" is for real.
I can confirm that :D

FWIW, the man has (did ) have his wings patch with Wholigan on it when I met him ca 2003.

If nothing else, it must get a little bit boring having to read all the threads :ugh:

Postman Plod 24th Mar 2011 17:19

As far as the -

then commit to it and let us know.

- part of your sentence is concerned, I admit to being somewhat insulted by this. I do not think you will find anyone more committed to what I do, even if some people don't always like exactly what I do.
No slight intended Wholigan - not calling into question anyones commitment to PPRuNe or moderating - what I meant was make it explicit rather than implicit, although I think the rest of your post have covered that off completely!

Thanks! :)

Wholigan 24th Mar 2011 17:32

No worries mate. :ok:

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