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tommee_hawk 9th Aug 2010 11:32

Should the RAF be scrapped? (merged)
Today (Mon 9th Aug) Jeremy Vine (BBC Radio 2) speaks to someone who says that the RAF should be scrapped in order to save money from the public purse...

Anyone have an opinion? :confused:

Andu 9th Aug 2010 11:45

On that logic, why not the Army and the Royal Navy as well?

And the Fire Service.

And the Police.

It'll save heaps.

Grimweasel 9th Aug 2010 11:45

Well, why not? Whilst we are at it we could also scrap the NHS, the Dept for Work and Pensions, FCO etc - all to save money. Utter tripe and based on un-confounded leaks and hearsay. No decisions have been made yet; only options discussed and by that very process of discussing all the options then some hares will be set running. We still have the 4th largest spend of GDP on defence of any country so maybe we should trim back and stop trying to police the world for a few years

We should all just wait and see; what will be will be, but with Liam Fox saying last week that the amalgamation of the RAF and Navy would be too much for any Government to stomach I just see this as bored media types with airwaves and column inches to fill.

bobward 9th Aug 2010 11:46

The British Armed Forces
Dave and Nick seem to think the Canadians have answers for all questions. Since the Canucks went from their three services to Candian Armed Forces back in the 1960's, maybe we'll follow them, and the Belgians....

If we do then there are all sorts of other savings that could come about, on things like uniforms. If you mix Navy and RAF Blue, with Army green, don't you end up with a purplish hue?

Anyone out there fancy that?

If (big if) we do this, does this mean that, like our cousins, the jets have British armed forces on one side, and a bit in Welsh, Gallioc and many other languages on t'other?

Must go, those nice people in white coats just arrived with my afternoon tablets.....

500days2do 9th Aug 2010 12:22

Just listened to...
...ex-navy t$$t basically advertising his new venture with a load of bulls$$t about stuff he obviously hasn't a clue about.

Then JV is really a Dail Mail readers forum isn't he...


Chugalug2 9th Aug 2010 13:01

What goes around comes around. The RAF was formed before the end of WW1 in order that it be "an Independent Airforce", that is free to exploit airpower in the form of strategic bombing (with aircraft such as the HP 0/400). However, peace nearly put paid to it and it was only by undercutting the cost of Iraq ops as proposed by the Army that Trenchard kept his shrivelled baby alive. It was WW2 and the renewed use of strategic bombing, which this time extended post war in the guise of the V Force, that ensured its continued independence. Now that much strategic airpower has passed to the Royal Navy in the form of Trident and Tomahawk we are almost back to square one. With present incumbents weaned on a diet of "Fighter Command good, Bomber Command bad", the RAF's raison d'etre seems to be in doubt within its own ranks let alone those without. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it"!

FantomZorbin 9th Aug 2010 13:01

Isn't it about time we heard what the Foreign & Commonwealth Office has to say about its policy for the future of the UK, BEFORE any discussion on what is or is not needed?

Until such a policy is stated, not even Dr. Fox can formulate a decision on what goes or stays! (It'll not stop him though as he is a political animal and cares little for the effect of his actions!):*

ProM 9th Aug 2010 13:40

Too true FZ. We have after all been operating way outside the bounds of the last SDR for a long time.

When our chiefs get the reduced budget this time, they should have a contract against a set of scenarios we could cope with (a single village armed with sharpened guava fruit) and a contract statement that anything above and beyond that has to be separately funded

Vic777 9th Aug 2010 13:57

the RAF should be scrapped in order to save money from the public purse...
Probably a good idea ... especially since the USA won't be defending GB any more.

Blacksheep 9th Aug 2010 14:03

Per Ardua Ad Astra...
Is this where it all ends? :(


Avitor 9th Aug 2010 14:03

Someone attempting to be helpful no doubt, pity they were talking out of the methane valve outlet. :cool:

obnoxio f*ckwit 9th Aug 2010 14:24

Per Ardua ad Astra: After work, we go to the cinema?

Wyler 9th Aug 2010 14:27

Jeremy Vine provides Tabloid type current affairs programmes. What next.....scrap the RAF because a Transgender Gypsy on Jeremy Kyle said so......:rolleyes:

vecvechookattack 9th Aug 2010 14:34

14 Posts so far and nobody has argued against scrapping the RAF.

What do we need the RAF for ? What do they provide that someone else couldn't provide? AT ? Could the Army do that? SH ?.... again...the Army could do that. SAR...thats going so no snags there... Typhoon... we need the RAF for Fast Jets...Army wouldn't be interested in that and its too difficult for the RN.

barnstormer1968 9th Aug 2010 15:01

If we look at history, it tells us that to have a large and effective combat ready armed force on home soil, the easiest way is to radically cut defence spending...

That's a fact that simply cannot be argued with!

It will of course be another countries force, after an invasion due to the home countries lack of credible defence.......But will be a large and effective force none the less!:E

Pontius Navigator 9th Aug 2010 15:09

Originally Posted by vecvechookattack (Post 5858423)
What do we need the RAF for ? What do they provide that someone else couldn't provide? AT ? Could the Army do that?

Rock on Tommy, if you think Gateway House is bad ..........:}

ProM 9th Aug 2010 15:12

RN would obviously argue that they can do fast jets. Indeed the argument would probably run that if you had all jets carrier capable then they could flex between force project and homeland defence when needed.

vecvechookattack 9th Aug 2010 15:15

The RN can do "Embarked Fast jets" very well but they are not very good at the Land thing.... Best leave that to the experts

Rakshasa 9th Aug 2010 15:22

Best leave that to the experts
British Airways? :}

Double Zero 9th Aug 2010 15:29

The RAF supports huge numbers of 'hangers on' and useless idiot top staff and is repeatedly ripped off by suppliers who must joke among themselves " how many zeroes shall we add on this invoice ?! "

However it seems to have saved this country, unlike the berks of all political flavours except Winston Churchill ( a rarity indeed ) what was it he said ?!

A dear friend once wrote to me in a book, " He who would wish to know what shall be, must first know what has gone before ".

Bin the politicians first, this lot in particular with their banker chums, bring on the Replublic !

( I wasn't a leftie until forced recently )


Jumping_Jack 9th Aug 2010 15:31

The argument that 'the Army could do that' works both ways. The Air Force could do the army stuff with the bods and equipment, similarly the Navy could too. Gifting the Air Force folks and equipment to the Army, does't mean they can do it...:ugh:

Double Zero 9th Aug 2010 15:37

Seek the 'Two Johns' on youtube for the discussion re. having how many Admirals related to how many major ships; I'm actually pro-Navy ( particularly FAA ) but it is a good point, with humour.

fallmonk 9th Aug 2010 15:42

Not to state the obvious BUT, assuming they decided to give the navy the option of providing UK defence from there flat tops as was mentioned on the radio.
Only the harrier out off the airforce currant aircraft can used on carriers !
So are we to up the order for F-35's??
Buy F18's as mentioned on the other thread (or buy French !!!!)

What am saying is NONE off these options are cheap so they are not going to save any cash .
And is going to cost more !

Wrathmonk 9th Aug 2010 15:50

If they canned the RAF and transferred all the equipment to the Army/RN how many personnel do you think would go with it? If individuals had wanted to 'dig in' they would have joined the Army and if they had wanted to 'give up' they would have joined the Navy.;)
.... and before anyone else says it, if they had wanted to wear RAC patrolmans uniform, nylon trousers, clothes from George at Asda and white socks then they would have joined the Air Force. Which they did!:p

NutLoose 9th Aug 2010 16:28


Ok, so that's sorted then, you Air Commodores will all transfer over to the Army in the rank of Colonel, you Sergeants will all become RSM's what ever they are and I am sorry, but there does not appear to be a position for a Royal on their manning strength, I would suggest you go along with the man in the funny hat Sir and see if the Navy can find an opening for you.....

Senior RAF and army officers (and King George VI?) planning the next mission? | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Compressorstall 9th Aug 2010 17:10

I used to enjoy reading the debates on here, but instead it just descends into someone banging on about how great the Navy is. The debate here is that while some try to come up with an affordable, cost-effective solution to the provision of Defence capability, the narrow-minded brigade just see it as an opportunity to bash the RAF. People love to rush forward and tell their stories of how an organisation screwed up, or to highlight some nobs within it. I spent some of my time today trying to reach a solution with one of my Army bretheren who refused to see that his interpretation of a situation may be wrong and instead spent his time knocking my service. Great. Jointery is inhibited by the closed minds who can't move forward and instead spend their time calling names and making fun of things they don't understand.

Bernard Law Montgomery, also know as 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein once said:

"Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset, its flexibility. "

minigundiplomat 9th Aug 2010 17:17

Bernard Law Montgomery, also know as 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein once said:

"Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset, its flexibility. "
What would he know? He never spent his life making comments and dispensing opinions on Pprune from the comfort of his armchair....

changeitnot 9th Aug 2010 17:32

The Army Must Go!
An island nation needs a Navy and an Airforce to defend the homeland. It needs an Army to occupy lands that belong to others. It's about time we stopped pretending we are a major player.

gijoe 9th Aug 2010 18:35

'The Air Force could do the army stuff with the bods and equipment, similarly the Navy could too.'

Given the state of many an airman and officer that I have seen recently I very much doubt that. At the same time, the IQ of the average infantry soldier would exclude them from piloting a fast jet.

They are different jobs for different people.

The funniest point I heard on the JV show was from a lady that said her son was a RAF Chef...and soldier first.

I don't think so...:}

Anyway, roll on the end of Oct.


Dan Gerous 9th Aug 2010 20:08


was a RAF Chef...and solider first
Don't know what goes on in the RAF/Navy/Army nowadays, but back in the 70/80s, although we in the Airforce all had trades that were effectively our day jobs, we were also a source of manpower with a rifle. Try getting the civvy painters or the JPA terminal, to man a checkpoint or sanger.

Seldomfitforpurpose 9th Aug 2010 20:15

An RAF Chef would never have been live armed, you had to have successfully completed your trade training before that could happen.

As the RAF Catering course is obviously the hardest course ever invented, must be as no one has ever passed it, cant see how an RAF Chef would ever be trusted with a rifle.

NutLoose 9th Aug 2010 20:25

An RAF Chef would never have been live armed, you had to have successfully completed your trade training before that could happen.

As the RAF Catering course is obviously the hardest course ever invented, must be as no one has ever passed it, cant see how an RAF Chef would ever be trusted with a rifle.
Actually Chef is a misnomer, if you look at their actual job title, they are

"Fitters and Turners"

They take perfectly good food, fit it into cooking containers and turn it into sh*t.. :p

Pontius Navigator 9th Aug 2010 20:31

Originally Posted by NutLoose (Post 5859095)
Actually Chef is a misnomer, if you look at their actual job title, they are

"Fitters and Turners"

They take perfectly good food, fit it into cooking containers and turn it into sh*t.. :p

And potentially able to kill more people without any ammunition :}

Garn, must be time for some PTI bashing, leave the food bashers alone :)

TheWizard 9th Aug 2010 20:42

Originally Posted by minigundiplomat (Post 5858725)

What would he know? He never spent his life making comments and dispensing opinions on Pprune from the comfort of his armchair....

Indeed. Perhaps such 'experts' could form a new unit with new badges something like these?


Pontius Navigator 9th Aug 2010 21:13

Where can I get one of those for my Desking Suit?

gijoe 9th Aug 2010 21:17

Dan Gerous make a good point about being an armed guarding force during the 70/80s...but that is not being a soldier. They are very different things.

Being an infantry soldier today is a very complex game that involves some sophisticated bits of kit - it is not a case of pick up gun, run towards hill shooting and shouting - and this reinforces my point some posts ago about the RAF not being able to do the Army's job and vice versa. The average burden of 70kg is another issue.

You may ask how does the average Joe do this given his lack of schooling? By doing it again and again, and again, and relying on his mates, and this is his main job - not a part time activity inbetween engine changes, photography details, cooking lunch for the station or counting aircrew gloves in the stores. There are many parts of the Army that kid themselves that they could do the infantry job but this is far from the reality.

I look forward to Oct again


TBM-Legend 9th Aug 2010 22:14

I've got a good idea. Cancel the RAF and create something called the Royal Flying Corps as part of the Army. Those who like fishing boats could re=form the RNAS!

Al R 9th Aug 2010 22:19

Vine wine whine shwein
I don't know about the RAF - but can we scrap the malodorous Jeremy please? A more pointless and incipid broadcaster you'd be hard pressed to find.

minigundiplomat 9th Aug 2010 22:23

Good use of the word 'incipid'. I prefer le deguster d' coque [apologies to all french speaking forum members for murdering your language].

Al R 9th Aug 2010 22:24

leave the food bashers alone
I had Beef Wellington in London recently, and it wasn't a patch on the 1996 MCSU dish that I still remember with salivating chops.

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