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AdanaKebab 3rd Jul 2010 17:24

pamac51: Ok I'll bite ... the clue is in my name! :ugh: ... who do you think says "scramble scramble scramble" .. AND that's not nearly all we do. Ask a few of our brown brethren who are happy to see an aircraft over them during a firefight in Afghanistan .. organised by .....:cool:

vecvechookattack 3rd Jul 2010 17:52

who do you think says "scramble scramble scramble

I know, I know....its the coastguard

DICKY the PIG 3rd Jul 2010 20:51

Get rid of the "Toner save mode" on the blasted printermebobs! It's meant to save toner and paper, but actually uses twice as much because nobody can read the first print because it's too bloody faint!

teeteringhead 3rd Jul 2010 21:09

Do RAF chefs/stewards still staff Chequers ......?

vecvechookattack 3rd Jul 2010 21:18

Get rid of the "Toner save mode" on the blasted printermebobs! It's meant to save toner and paper, but actually uses twice as much because nobody can read the first print because it's too bloody faint!
You can change the settings that you print.... Go to Printer settings and set it to normal.

BBC News - Departments told to draw up plans for 40% spending cuts

MOD ringfenced from drastic cuts

rock34 3rd Jul 2010 21:28

A very swift look through the thread and I've a couple of points:

1. No mention of removing flying pay :\ (that i could see!). Shocking no doubt to the master race ;), but an unnecessary expense. No doubt couldn't be done for those in now, but scrap it for those about to join. Save a packet and yes, they will still want to join to fly fast jets about the sky. I expect AFPS 10 (or similar) to come in soon, change this at the same time.

2. Scrap the ceremonial units (Guards, QCS etc)? The same ceremonial units that still do a 6 month tour in Afghanistan (and did them in Iraq too)..... Know your facts - PD's is merely part of the job, they are operational units first and foremost!!!

3. Someone mentioned scrapping PEd flts and having a 'passport' scheme signed off by a civie PTI. Can see the idea, but who signs it off when I go for a run at home? Too many holes in that idea IMHO.

Wrathmonk 3rd Jul 2010 22:17

Of course if Mr Hague is to be believed and we pull most, if not all combat troops from AFG in 2014, leaving just the trg teams behind (under the protection of the ANA), and if we grit our teeth until said date, we could disband the RAF Regt lock, stock and barrel - it's not like there is going to be any appetite for "expeditionary ops" for some considerable time. MPGS / RAFP guard the main gate and the NAAFI. Save a fortune - could even allow for an increase in flying pay to retain / recruit all those joining the re-energised civil market, with cash left over for some more Typhoons/carriers/JSF to protect the sea and air lanes around Fortress Britain :E

vecvechookattack 4th Jul 2010 08:20

Where the axe will fall
If it's broke don't fix it! | News Of The World

Big savings will also have to be found in the DEFENCE budget. The MoD is looking at one option that would see ground troop numbers cut by 20 per cent, troop formations from 98 to 80, major vessels cut from 57 to 45 and aircraft numbers from 760 to 550-600.

pumaengineer 4th Jul 2010 08:41

How about re-instating all those Shineys, Coppers and Gunners who were unjustifiably 'bumped up' to the higher pay band in recent years back to the lower pay band?

Pontius Navigator 4th Jul 2010 08:52

Unchecked, it was partly TiC.

We once, and it is a long time ago but shows it still ongoing, had someone denied the day off for tennis as he was required for duty. We were over-ridden by a 2* and had to joe someone else to fill in.

This made the subsequent chinagraph line move but was a complete waste of effore for us as it negated the team training that we should have undertaken.

Trim Stab 4th Jul 2010 09:14

Make pensions payable only from national retirement age. This has already happened in other parts of the public sector. It would also make staffing levels more flexible - people could leave and rejoin more easily.

Structure the forces so people are not obliged to move so often - encourage them to take responsibility for their own homes - thereby reducing accommodation costs and reducing the need for schools allowances.

NutLoose 4th Jul 2010 09:32

Make No1's a two colour uniform as the Germans and some of the US have, the jacket remaining the same but the trousers say go black, that way replacing a uniform becomes simply a part change issue, if you standardised on say black then you could have them as standard for both RAF and Army :p

but first get rid of the Scottish and Welsh assemblies......... money pits, that were previously done by Parliament

Rigger1 4th Jul 2010 09:37

Not that long ago I worked with a guy who had held the same rank & seniority as me and who was never at work, 1 day a week at college, doing what I was doing in my own time, one afternoon a week for rugby (and that was if it was a home match, otherwise it would be a day or more off), a few more hours for rugby training, and rugby club meetings , and then came the regular AT.

We both passed our identical higher qualifications at the same time but guess who got promoted first , and guess who knew bugger all about their primary role and the aircraft. These plebs must be cut, yes I can see the value of AT and sports but there are, or certainly were a great many of these people around. What is their primary role .... not bloody rugby, oh and occasionally, and this is true, he was allowed in late because the after game piss up was part of the sport and he couldn’t work on the jet with a hangover according to our Sqn Ldr, who was hardly there because of .. you guessed it Rugby!!!!! Once you’ve got rid of the ‘Sport Billys’ you could cut some PTI’s

Wyler 4th Jul 2010 09:53

A request for 2 days travel (own car) and subsistence for a visit to another station to attend a meeting, that would directly affect trg, was turned down due to cost: £210.00.

Fg Off from same office put in receipts totalling £4500.00 for his AT: Surfing in California.

Ok Ok, different budgets etc but it does beggar belief sometimes.

vecvechookattack 4th Jul 2010 09:58

Why is it that the only people moaning and dripping about TA, Sport and having to complete the annual Fitness test are RAF chaps...You fellas will be moaning about having to wear a uniform next

Wyler 4th Jul 2010 10:03

Because we are far better educated than the other two?:E

Biggus 4th Jul 2010 10:09

We have all come across things during our time in the military that we consider a waste of money, resources, etc, no doubt coloured by our individual perspectives. Getting rid of each of these may only save a small amount of money, but in an organization that is trying to reduce any remaining fat, ever little helps - an more importantly it also sets a tone, both internally and externally.

I offer the following as some examples for savings, but admit I may well not be in possession of all the facts:

I believe that CAS used to have a personal chef. If that is true, and still the case, why? The head of TESCO doesn't have a personal chef, and is in charge of more personnel, assets, etc....

The RAF has its own polo association! RAF Polo Association - Homepage

The RAF has a lawn tennis association with some very impressive facilities. RAF Lawn tennis Association - Tennis Centre Facilities

Now I don't know whether things like the polo and lawn tennis associations are largely self funded, and provide a minimal drain on the public purse, but the idea that the RAF has an "official" polo association at a time when we are about to cut front line manpower to me sends all the wrong messages.......

But that is merely my opinion, and as you may have guessed, I don't play lawn tennis or polo!;)

Pontius Navigator 4th Jul 2010 10:10

VV, fitness test, pray tell what the dark blue have to do?

As for green, it is their job although I have seen plenty dressed for comfort and not for speed.

Biggus 4th Jul 2010 10:16


Because we are more critical of waste in our service than the RN and Army perhaps....?

Polo : Sports and Adventure Training : RN Life : Training and People : Royal Navy

Tennis : Sports and Adventure Training : RN Life : Training and People : Royal Navy

Roland Pulfrew 4th Jul 2010 10:59

I believe that CAS used to have a personal chef. If that is true, and still the case, why? The head of TESCO doesn't have a personal chef, and is in charge of more personnel, assets, etc....
Something to do with hosting visiting chiefs of air staffs, VIPs and dignitaries perhaps? What do you expect him to do, cook for himself and his guests whilst hosting visiting VIPs?

And do you actually know that the head of Tesco doesn't have a personnel chef? I'm sort of guessing (as you are) that the head of Tesco, or for that matter any large scale business, will do its entertaining through corporate hospitality, probably in some Michelin stared restaurant!!

And according to today's Sunday Express (I know not entirely the most reliable source) and the Scottish version to boot:

A SCOTTISH RAF base is facing closure and up to 20,000 jobs will be put at risk as the first concrete details emerge of Britain’s biggest defence shake-up in years.

Senior coalition Government sources confirmed a number of bases across the UK will be considered for the axe, including both Lossiemouth and Kinloss, on the Moray Firth.

Lossiemouth is the most likely to close, in a blow that would devastate the economy across the north of Scotland. Kinloss has the upper hand as it would make a suitable base for the new Joint Strike Fighter.

A £5billion project to build two new aircraft carriers in Fife and on the Clyde is also being targeted in the Strategic Defence Review (SDR) as ministers try to balance the books.

The Sunday Express has learned that one option will be to delay the second ship by several years, putting thousands of jobs on hold.

The news confirms months of speculation about the possible extent of the defence cutbacks north of the Border.
MoD officials are facing a £36billion budget shortfall and have been ordered to cut costs by Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who will ultimately decide where the axe should fall.

But a Whitehall source confirmed that the MoD “was thinking the unthinkable” and considering reducing the number of RAF bases. Officials have agreed that to lose at least one in Scotland “would make sense” with RAF Lossiemouth understood to be at the head of a preliminary list.

Close to 3,000 military and civilian personnel would be directly affected by the closure but the impact would also be felt in the local community.

A recent study showed the two Moray Firth bases supported more than 7,000 jobs and generated £76million for the local economy every year.

SNP Westminster leader and defence spokesman Angus Robertson MP insisted that any planned closures would be “fought tooth and nail”.

He said: “That huge cuts are being planned is deeply alarming, not least because our forces already feel overstretched and under resourced. These cuts would seriously diminish operational capabilities as well as hurt communities like Moray.

“The fact is that the UK Government is already responsible for a £4.3billion defence underspend in Scotland between 2002 and 2007, and 9,500 defence jobs were lost in Scotland when Labour were in power.

“Downing Street keeps making the wrong choices on cuts – whether it is cutting vital manpower, aircraft and bases while blowing billions on a new generation of Trident nuclear weapons. These underline just how out of touch London can be.”

Officials are also considering delaying the second of two giant CVF carriers to be built at a number of shipyards, including the BAE Systems at Scotstoun, in Glasgow, and assembled at Rosyth Royal Dockyard, on the Forth.

A senior industry source said: “I think the SDR is kicking around several alternatives. “One is to fit the second ship with a catapult so you don’t need to buy short take-off and landing Joint Strike Fighters but conventional aircraft.

“The plan would also be accompanied by slipping the second ship considerably to the right [delaying it] by a few years. You could also make the carrier a helicopter carrier replacing HMS Ocean.”

Work began last year on the HMS Queen Elizabeth, the first of the 65,000-ton aircraft carriers, which are to be the flagships of Britain’s future naval strike force.

But as well as facing delays in construction, the second – HMS Prince of Wales – could even be shared with the French Navy under one proposal.

But John Park, Labour MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, said the contracts must not be altered as they are “vital” in terms of employment. He added: “The contracts are worth up to £3billion to the Scottish economy.

“You are looking at upwards of 6,000 people working over the course of the contract. But the opportunities are not just for people directly involved. The numbers multiply to the wider economy with companies in the supply chain supplying goods and services.

“Between 10,000 and 15,000 jobs could go as a result. But the impact would be felt not just in Rosyth or Glasgow but all around Scotland.”

Mr Park, a former Rosyth dockyard employee, claimed it would not come as a surprise if the coalition decided to swing the axe hard north of the Border. He said: “We have had these Conservative cuts in the past and in Fife in particular.

“A couple of hundred million pounds were to be spent on the Trident refit contract in 1993 but the Conservatives decided to cut that so it wouldn’t surprise us if anything was going to happen that was going to have a negative impact on Scotland in terms of the SDR.”

Defence experts are sceptical whether the plans will achieve the desired savings, but agreed some of the plans are well thought out.

Peter Felstead, editor of Jane’s Defence Weekly, said: “The option to have the second CVF as a helicopter platform does make more sense.

“And RAF base rationalisation also makes sense.”
Have they perhaps got their Kin-Loss-iemouths confused???

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