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Art Field 22nd Jan 2010 09:25

Appointments in the Telegraph
Why is it that there are never any Royal Air Force appointments in the Daily Telegraph. The Navy and The Army appear regularly and there are thousands of church postings. It would be nice to know how ones old mates or even old enemies are doing. Could it be that we would see how many senior officers there are holding strange jobs.

Grys Dweizelschidt 22nd Jan 2010 09:34

Perhaps the presumption is that the RAF is so small that you'd know everyone in it.:)

threeputt 22nd Jan 2010 09:54

For want of something better to do you could always go to the RAF website click on "Organisation" and then click on "Senior Appointments" and all will become clear!


HEDP 22nd Jan 2010 11:13

Maybe the Royal Navy and the Army have it by way of a tradition. Maybe when the RAF is old enough to have traditions it might do something similar. Then again, why bother, when the RAF is subsumed again then you will find it happening for you anyway!

airborne_artist 22nd Jan 2010 11:29

Maybe when the RAF is old enough to have traditions it might do something similar.
I believe the RAF is just about old enough to have developed habits. :ok:

higthepig 22nd Jan 2010 11:46

Doesn't it cost to put notices in the Torygraph and all is spent from what I gather................

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 12:22


I believe the RAF is just about old enough to have developed habits.
And most of those are bad, as someone once stated......................:ok:

Wander00 22nd Jan 2010 12:58

There certainly used to be RAF appointments in the DT and Times, down to wg cdr posts-I still have a copy of the notice of my appointment to OC Handbrake House "somewhere in Cambridgeshire" in 1990.

Python21 22nd Jan 2010 12:59


" RAF website click on "Organisation""

RAF and organisation in the same sentence, is that not close to an oxymoron?


vecvechookattack 22nd Jan 2010 13:24

I believe the RAF is just about old enough to have developed habits
Military promotions and appointments have been published since 1655.

In that vayne, the RAF have another couple of hundred years before they can develop that habit.

Maxibon 22nd Jan 2010 13:32


In the financial mess we find ourselves in, you can have an option: either Daily Telegraph announcements or the Reds, not both.


Jackonicko 22nd Jan 2010 13:42

Military promotions and appointments have been published since 1655.

In that vain, the RAF have another couple of hundred years before they can develop that habit.

In which vein?

When will shirtlifter WAFUs (as someone recently called them) learn to spell?

Melchett01 22nd Jan 2010 14:08

Maybe the Royal Navy and the Army have it by way of a tradition. Maybe when the RAF is old enough to have traditions it might do something similar.
That's a dangerous argument you are peddling there. Long standing tradition infers age. And with age comes senility, talking gibberish, permanently smelling of biscuits all shortly followed by death.

Therefore to take your line of argument to its logical conclusion, the RAF are the young upstarts, coming into their time whilst the Army and Navy are due for the old peoples' home at which point the RAF then takes it rightful place. :E

Pontius Navigator 22nd Jan 2010 14:09

Probably from the same budget that stopped producing the Air Force List and the Retired Officer List.

The latter was especially useful: it showed two things. One, that you were still alive and two, that you weren't a Walt.

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 14:28


When will shirtlifter WAFUs (as someone recently called them) learn to spell?
Never mind the spelling - post their addresses..............! We could all do with some garment altering in these difficult times.:ok:

orgASMic 22nd Jan 2010 14:31

Senior RAF appointments are published in the Times and Telegraph as and when they occur. The graduating officers from RAFC Cranwell are also listed the day after their graduation parades. The rest of us have to make do with the half yearly promotion lists in the London Gazette.
As for the Air Force List and Retired List, RAF Manning is supposed to be thrashing through the Data Protection Act issues before publishing them online on DII.

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 14:40

My Lord Melchett,

That's a dangerous argument you are peddling there. Long standing tradition infers age. And with age comes senility, talking gibberish, permanently smelling of biscuits all shortly followed by death.
That's a dangerous argument you are peddling there. Long standing tradition infers age. And with age comes experience, talking sound common sense based on that experience, permanently getting to the biscuits before the upstarts due to cunning derived from that long experience, all shortly followed by mentions in the London Gazette and a long and happy retirement tickling crabs out of their shallow rock pools where they are to be found – due to their lack of experience – looking for biscuits…………………:ok:

Melchett01 22nd Jan 2010 14:44

bast0n ..... that's what my old instructor said. As we pushed his wheelchair in to the old fogies home!

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 15:49

My Lord M

As we pushed his wheelchair in to the old fogies home!
Was he in the wheel chair - and did you damage the old fogies home?...:ok:

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 16:01

My Lord M

I knew you would not believe me about -

tickling crabs out of their shallow rock pools where they are to be found – due to their lack of experience – looking for biscuits………………
I quite understand as I forgot to add the photo...................:ok:


Happy biscuit hunting My Lord M :)

Melchett01 22nd Jan 2010 16:19

What a waste of a perfectly good biscuit!

And you Sir have all the hallmarks of being an ISS pedant / instructor. Now go hang your head in shame and talk to the other oldies about when English was taught proper and all that stuff.

grobace 22nd Jan 2010 16:27

Defenceless crab
A crab with no pincers - must be FAA or AAC, surely?

bast0n 22nd Jan 2010 17:16


A crab with no pincers - must be FAA or AAC, surely?
Crabs are awarded pincers at the end of basic flying training and an approved course in table manners.

Please do try and keep up!

My Lord M - what is an ISS pedant?:)

Pontius Navigator 22nd Jan 2010 18:58

Originally Posted by orgASMic (Post 5462407)
As for the Air Force List and Retired List, RAF Manning is supposed to be thrashing through the Data Protection Act issues before publishing them online on DII.

I believe (believed) the AFL was published online 3 years ago.. Certainly the retired list, and some RAFR, were not published as the source was then the infamous JPA.

Roland Pulfrew 22nd Jan 2010 20:24

ISTR that appointment lists in the DT & Times (with the exception of promotion lists) were taken as a savings measure, along with The Air Force List and "blue letters", when Innsworth moved to HW. :uhoh: So much for ethos and heritage.

Melchett01 22nd Jan 2010 22:46

Roland - this is the same RAF that let Bentley Priory, our spritual home and the the heart of the defence of the country when all else in Europe was falling to the Nazis, go at the stroke of a pen.

If our illustrious leadership can get rid of that sort of ethos and history at the stroke of a pen, do you really think they are going to bat an eyelid about the promotion of a few minions being mentioned in the press being cut?

FWIW, having held at BP and knowing the story behind its deminse, I doubt I will ever forgive the hierachy for that one.

Grys Dweizelschidt 23rd Jan 2010 03:55

Originally Posted by Melchett01
FWIW, having held at BP and knowing the story behind its deminse, I doubt I will ever forgive the hierachy for that one.

I'm intrigued. What's a deminse?

SL Hardly-Worthitt 23rd Jan 2010 06:00

or indeed

I doubt I will ever forgive the hierachy for that one.
...really MELCHETT...do better, or lose the argument along with the title!!!!!



bast0n 23rd Jan 2010 08:47

Sir Hardly - Doneby

I thought that you would like to see My Lord Meltchitt doing his weekend homework........................:ok:


Melchett01 23rd Jan 2010 11:54

Yes yes yes, very funny. Two typos in how many posts?! And in my defence, I was dealing with some very stroppy fitters who had upset Mrs M, so I think I can be excused.

However, if bast0n et al demand it, I will instigate suitable measures to ensure it never happens again and go and beat my servants and get them to read the dictionary on my behalf. Incidentally bast0n, I think you'll find the encouraged / approved dictionary is the latest version of the COD rather than Collins!

bast0n 23rd Jan 2010 13:39

My Lord

Incidentally bast0n, I think you'll find the encouraged / approved dictionary is the latest version of the COD rather than Collins!
I thought it best if yu stated on the esay virsion....................:ok:

grobace 23rd Jan 2010 14:03

Claws (or should it be clause)
How do you encourage a dictionary? To do what? Perhaps a copy of Fowler or Roget would serve Melchett better.
But there's a crab that clearly passed both the eating and the flying course!

Two-Tone-Blue 24th Jan 2010 17:37

Gentlemen, please. We are brothers in arms, regardless of capbadge.

I had the privilege and vague pleasure of reading the then CAS's comments about the closure of Upavon, the Founding Font of Crab-dom, and likewise the demise of that historic building, wherein sat ACM Dowding, at Bentley Priory.

Personally, I would opine that Aldershot should be bulldozed for the safety of the local populace [although they merit little recognition]. Portsmouth is beyond the pale already, and deserves no further comment.

ShyTorque 24th Jan 2010 20:10

Crabs are awarded pincers at the end of basic flying training and an approved course in table manners.
Please do try and keep up!
Really? Since when? :confused:

bast0n 24th Jan 2010 21:11



ShyTorque 24th Jan 2010 21:26

In that case, in your own words: "Do keep up". :p

Sir Douglas Bader presented the last sets of post BFTS wings to 15 course at RAF Linton on Ouse in 1976. Since that date, RAF wings have not been presented until after AFTS.

minigundiplomat 24th Jan 2010 21:37

The RN are only jealous. They have to live with the fact that most of their 'appointments' are printed in the classified section of the Gay News.

Easy Street 24th Jan 2010 22:44


Unfortunately for you, bast0n is right - some of us do get our wings at the end of basic flying training! Since about 2002, the flying badge has been awarded to students graduating from Basic Fast Jet Training at Linton-on-Ouse. The studes who had already gone on to the Advanced course at Valley were all presented with their wings at a big "super grad". I don't know why it changed; it seems a bit premature to me, given the cumulative chop rate over the 2 halves of Valley.

ShyTorque 24th Jan 2010 22:55

ES, Thanks, That's why I asked the question; I did think it might have changed back again but Baston said it never had changed. I was a few courses behind number 15 and we were very disappointed to be told we now had to wait until after AFTS. I eventually gained my flying badge in 1979 (and kept it).

Guess why the system was all changed in 1976? Too many students were being subsequently chopped at Valley! What goes around, etc.

But what fast jet training is now done at Linton?

bast0n 25th Jan 2010 09:49


I think I know now why you make posts like this refering to the RN:-

They have to live with the fact that most of their 'appointments' are printed in the classified section of the Gay News.
I think you should "ComeOut" as I think I have found an old photo of you:ok:

This is not meant to be a history lesson - but a bit of banter...................:)

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