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-   -   GURKHA COURAGE and LOYALTY ABUSED YET AGAIN! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/343422-gurkha-courage-loyalty-abused-yet-again.html)

Herc-u-lease 25th Apr 2009 01:20

Words Fail Me
The contempt of the Government amazes me, especially bearing in mind the potential length of conflict we can expect to endure in the sandpit(s); the impact being mainly on pre-1997 recruits is not lost on me.

Once again, an obvious, easy to target group is being singled out by the government, rather than an effective immigration policy. I can't really add anything to the words said by others - nuff said (by me at least but not on this subject!!)


cazatou 25th Apr 2009 07:22

What, one wonders, is the "Policy" regarding those Gurhkas who married and raised a family whilst based in UK? Is it Government Policy that British born children will effectively be deported to Nepal?

BEagle 25th Apr 2009 09:10

Unfortunately, House of Commons rules are such that Smith and Woolarse are only allowed to answer direct questions from their own constituents. To complain about this appalling treatment to our loyal Ghurkas, you must contact your own MP.

If you live in Oldham East & Saddleworth, Woolarse is your MP and you can e-mail him via his website at Contact Phil Woolas MP - Labour Member of Parliament for Oldham East and Saddleworth . Similarly, if you live in Redditch, Smith is your MP and can be contacted at [email protected] .

Otherwise, your first port of call MUST be through your local MP.

tonker 25th Apr 2009 09:20

It's all about filling the country up with any odd riff raff as long as they don't have any patriotic feelings towards the country, apro pro achieving an easier transition into a European super state. The less Anglos that are here to argue or resist the better. This is and always has been the plan since to 60's.

The Gurhka is everything these people are not, and is thus not just surplus to requirements but actually a threat to to their cause and ambitions. We have no say in this matter and even if we did it would quickly be reveresed(Referendums in France/Ireland, North East assembly etc)

The de Anglicification of England has begun.

PPRuNe Pop 25th Apr 2009 09:38

BEags, if you recall we did make regular 'attacks' on Liam Byrne via his email at the Home Office. It was quite effective.

Is not therefore the case that as the minister who has replaced Byrne he can be approached/contacted by anyone? Or do we go direct to expenses expert Smith?

Any other suggestions?

By the by, this is interesting and something Smith and Woolas should see.

The Gurkhas have loyally fought in nearly all of the world's major wars for 187 years and have earned Britain's highest service honors. They have won 13 Victoria Crosses, along with other important military awards, more than any other single troop in the army. No country has produced soldiers of such renown as the Gurkhas. The appellation of Gurkhas - By now the other name for Valor, courage, Steadfastness, Loyalty, Neutrality and Impartiality come from the Gorkha, a small hilly town located in west central Nepal.

airborne_artist 25th Apr 2009 16:30

In the last couple of weeks I've had a parcel delivered by a former Ghurka and the electricity meter read by another former Ghurka. They were cheerful, professional, respectful and a joy to meet. I'd happily live next door to them, have my kids go to school with theirs, and I'm sure they add to this country, not detract from it. The Governments' decision just reinforces what I already knew about Nu Labour, sadly.

Winch-control 26th Apr 2009 16:29

How sad really...They fight....they die...Nu Labour offers nothing... The population are up in arms to stop immigration, yet are determined these guys are allowed in ( and rightly so).
Why cant the nu labour see the genuine applicants when the majority out there can, and also see the hangers on that are not worthy? Yet nu labour allow them in?

Icare9 26th Apr 2009 16:35

No Double Standards

Three years continuous residence in the UK during or after service
Close family in the UK
A bravery award of level one to three
Service of 20 years or more in the Gurkha brigade
Chronic or long-term medical condition caused or aggravated by service

Gurkhas who retired before 1997 must meet at least one of these conditions

The regiment moved its main base from Hong Kong to the UK in 1997 and the government had argued that Gurkhas discharged before that date were unlikely to have strong residential ties with the UK.
That meant those who wanted to settle in the UK had to apply for British residency and could be refused and deported.
Mr Woolas outlined the eligibility criteria in a written ministerial statement. Gurkhas and their families will be allowed to stay in the UK if they meet at least one of five requirements.
These are three years of continuous residence in the UK, close family in the country, 20 or more years of service, a level one to three bravery award, and a serious medical condition caused or aggravated by service.
Alternatively, veterans can gain residency if they meet at least two of an additional set of three criteria.
These are having been awarded an MoD disability pension but no longer having a chronic condition, having been mentioned in dispatches, and 10 years' service or a campaign medal.
But Ms Lumley, whose father served with the Gurkhas, said most Gurkhas would not have been allowed to stay in the UK for three years or have gained a bravery award.
Awarded a UK MoD disability pension but no longer have a chronic medical condition
Mentioned in dispatches
Service of 10 years, or a campaign medal for active service

Gurkhas who retired before 1997 must meet at least two of these conditions

She added that only officers would have achieved 20 years of service, and that it would be near-impossible for troops who served in the 1950s and 1960s to prove that their medical conditions were caused by their time in the forces.
"They've given five bullet points that virtually cannot be met by the ordinary Gurkha soldier," she said.
"It is so obvious that the treatment of the Gurkhas has been a huge injustice," she said.
"To treat them like this is despicable
If this is felt by our Government as an acceptable basis for people to come into our Country, then it should be applied to ALL who apply for entry, not just Gurkhas, whose sole "crime" is loyally fighting FOR this Country and not expecting those who live here to accept their ways, screaming out the Race card at every opportunity, while raking in benefits under assumed names and variations for as much as they can get. No one dares to fly a St Georges Day flagfor fear of being labelled "Racist", but it's OK to fly every other Nations!!
Like previous posters here, I am proud that this Country has such friends as them, and am appalled that our Government has treated them so shabbily.
We had a tradition of securing the loyalty of some of our fiercest enemies by incorporating them into the British Army (Scots, Sikhs, etcetera) and like the Romans, such soldiers should automatically have the right to citizenship (should they be so foolish as to want to now).
It is yet another tribute to the loyalty of these soldiers that they still serve the Queen, when many others would have turned from us in disgust.
We need more with their spirit, not turn them away.

Winch-control 26th Apr 2009 17:13

If this is felt by our Government as an acceptable basis for people to come into our Country, then it should be applied to ALL who apply for entry, not just Gurkhas, whose sole "crime" is loyally fighting FOR this Country and not expecting those who live here to accept their ways, screaming out the Race card at every opportunity, while raking in benefits under assumed names and variations for as much as they can get. No one dares to fly a St Georges Day flagfor fear of being labelled "Racist", but it's OK to fly every other Nations!!
Like previous posters here, I am proud that this Country has such friends as them, and am appalled that our Government has treated them so shabbily.
We had a tradition of securing the loyalty of some of our fiercest enemies by incorporating them into the British Army (Scots, Sikhs, etcetera) and like the Romans, such soldiers should automatically have the right to citizenship (should they be so foolish as to want to now).
It is yet another tribute to the loyalty of these soldiers that they still serve the Queen, when many others would have turned from us in disgust.
We need more with their spirit, not turn them away.

here here! I agree ...Most strongly

sycamore 26th Apr 2009 18:09

French Foreign Legionnaires are allowed to apply for French citizenship and residence after completing 3 years satisfactory Service,whatever their original nationality.

Tankertrashnav 26th Apr 2009 21:46

No more please. Stick to the 'job' in hand and as RP says, let us go after Woolas and Smith.
I think in the interest of balance we ought to have a few words of support for the immigration minister. This man has just displayed gallantry of an order rarely seen, even among the Gurkhas. After all he has stood up and publicly spouted his party's line in the full knowledge that his words will bring universal contempt on himself. That no self-respecting person will ever give this man the time of day ever again is pretty certain, but still he pressed on. So come on chaps, lets hear it for our brave minister. Any suggestions for a suitable gallantry award?

cazatou 27th Apr 2009 07:29


As this site's name is descended from Plt Off Percy Prune of Tee Emm fame in WW2, may I suggest that there is only one suitable award:


The Most Highly Derogatory Order of the Irremovable Finger

PPRuNe Pop 27th Apr 2009 10:08

The whole issue is to be debated on Wednesday in the HoC.

BBC report:

A government decision to limit the number of Gurkha veterans allowed to settle in the UK faces a parliamentary challenge from the Liberal Democrats. They have secured a debate on the issue in the House of Commons on Wednesday.
Campaigners claim fewer than 100 of the Nepalese soldiers will benefit from the Home Office's offer of UK residency to Gurkhas who meet certain conditions.
The government insisted that changes to residency rules would allow an extra 4,300 former Gurkhas to settle.
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg held talks with actress Joanna Lumley, who has spoken out on behalf of 36,000 Gurkhas denied residency because they served in the British Army before 1997.
And this:

Mr Clegg said the debate meant that a minister would have to "come and explain the government's insulting decision to turn their back on these brave soldiers".
"This is our best chance to force Gordon Brown to back down, even at this late stage," he said.
"People who are prepared to fight and die for this country should be entitled to live here.
"Yet even this basic principle is broken by a government desperate to cover its back and wriggle out of its commitments."
Maybe this will result in a re-think, then again............................

capewrath 27th Apr 2009 15:53

Petition here:-

Gurkha Justice Campaign

Almost 175,000 signatures so far and that's 5,000 added since I signed this morning.

Note - your name and address etc will be accepted even if you don't want to add your phone number.

Tankertrashnav 27th Apr 2009 16:18


Yep, Cazatou - very appropriate. Wonder if some artistic PPruner will do him a bestowal document for his award and send it to him. Go nicely with his CBE or whatever the standard issue to junior ministers is these days for slavishly adhering to the party line.

bombedup6 27th Apr 2009 17:32

This comes from a thread in ARRSE from Gerald Howarth, MP for Aldershot, which has quite a lot of ex-Gurkhas and their families in his constituency. Howarth has, shall we say, strong views about immigration, and appears to be closer to Nu Labour on the Gurkha issue than his own party.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:02 am

Received a reply from my MP:

Dear VB

Thanks for your email. The Conservative Party's position was set out in
a brief statement by Shadow Immigration Minister, Damian Green,

"The Government is trying to evade the effects of a very clear court
judgement. This is an insult to the Gurkhas. We have said all along that
the Government should not try to challenge the courts and they would
have done better to listen."

Having been out of London on defence visits all day yesterday I'm not
able to tell you more. As regards the Leader raising the matter at PM's
questions next week, the issues he raises are determined on the day,
depending on the political agenda prevailing then.

There are, of course, substantial implications for residents of the
Aldershot constituency where there is already a very large Nepalese
community running into several thousand. In advance of the Govt
announcement (which the Gurkhas expected to reflect their understanding
of the High Court ruling) the spokesman for the British Gurkha Welfare
Society, based in Farnborough, told the local paper that he expected
'almost 1,000 people' to come to Rushmoor immediately, made up of about
250 ex-Gurkhas plus their dependents. In my discussions with the BGWS I have established that if all former Gurkhas were granted right of
settlement in the UK that would entitle some 34,000 to come here - plus
dependents. Given that the Nepalese community is heavily represented in
places like Rushmoor and Folkestone that order of migration could have a
massive effect.

Clearly, such a potential influx would require careful planning and I
regret I have seen no evidence that anyone has given any consideration
to the challenges which could arise.

Thank you for writing.

Best wishes

Gerald Howarth MP
Member of Parliament for Aldershot & Shadow Defence Minister
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Posts: 6964
Joined: Jul 13, 2003
Location: Northern Ireland

cockney steve 27th Apr 2009 20:44

just E-mailed to Woolas, tried to bypass his aparatchniks but not a lot of hope that the arrogant man will actually read it.

I am appalled that you should support this government's brazen disregard of ghurka's rights.
to align yourself with such a craven, duplicitous,inhuman and vindictive policy against veterans who have rendered loyal service to the Crown, makes you unfit to represent the people of this area.
You show scant regard for morality, decency and ethics.
I would suggest, sir, your government's energies would be better directed against the immigrants, legal and otherwise, who would undermine the fabric of this country.
You have put party politics before honour and integrity. I suggest you take a lead from these Nepalese to whom you do such a grave injustice.
your disaffected constituent.
signed with my real name.

I hope Mr woolas realises the gravy train may hit the buffers over this affair.

FrustratedFormerFlie 27th Apr 2009 21:12

Sadly, this government are the unfortunates having to carry the can for the decades of abuse by governements of both parties. And I have no doubt tha the current opposition would cheerfully chalk up any Gurkhas admitted to their allegations of open-door immigration policies'- never miss an opportunity to blame the unravelling of something you were at least a 50% contributor to to your opponent, that's polics after oall. Not POLICY - that's not what governement is about - just politics, the bad-mouthing of oponnents who get stuck with the problem on their watch.

Their is an honourablle answer to this one, as we all know. There's just not a political answer any party can afford to sign up to

nunquamparatus 28th Apr 2009 06:28

Low Flying route?
Can't we just find where these two MPs live and stick a LF route over the top of their houses until they get the message? A couple of fat alberts and chinooks over their gaffs at 0200 every day for a week should get their attention.

Feel free to have the dump switches made at the same time.

Makes me ashamed to be British - do these cretins not read history books or are they so far up their own arses that they have lost any semblance of humanity?

cazatou 28th Apr 2009 09:25


HMG did NOT deport in 1945 the Poles and others who had fought with British Forces in World War 2. They were allowed to remain, if they so wished, in the Country for which they had fought.

The precedent was set then and should be adhered to today.

To put it in context, a total of 57 Allied Squadrons fought as part of the RAF in World War 2:

27 French
13 Polish
4 Czechoslovakian
4 Norwegian
3 Dutch
3 Greek
2 Belgian
1 Yugoslavian

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