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13Beast 28th Sep 2017 00:42

Originally Posted by hansfalkenhagen (Post 9905684)
Have you received one of these letters yet? My enlistment coordinator said I should have received one last week but I still haven't heard anything.

I haven't received any letters either, and I have to say, at least you have an enlistment coordinator who contacts you! I haven't heard boo from mine in months. Can't say I am all too happy with DFR at present, they seem to have gone well off the boil a bit. FYI, I am also in the mix for an Aero Eng role with the Army, and they were all hot to trot to put me through for the soonest upcoming board a while back in order to have me in by Jan next year and now...the silence is deafening :P Not that its a bad thing though, one positive is I get to see how my pilot's application pans out in the meanwhile.

avnx88 1st Oct 2017 21:32

Hey Guys, First time post here but have been following this forum for a little while. Seems like i'm in the same boat as most of you - currently waiting for progression to what was flight screening.. Thought I'd mention that I have received an email with a letter attached mid last week confirming what we already know. Flight Screening is now done and all current and future candidates will be moved to the new Aviation Screening Program at East Sale. Letter specifically states that you need to get in touch with your Enlistment Coordinator to confirm intention to move to the new program. Interestingly, it also says that candidates who have attended flight screening previously and were unsuccessful are eligible to attend the new screening program with no waiting period (unless specified by your OSB). Should be pretty busy when it all kicks off.

avnx88 2nd Oct 2017 05:13

Originally Posted by hansfalkenhagen (Post 9910689)
Hey mate, how long ago did you recieve this email?

I got it sent to me last Monday morning. It's just a generic letter with a couple of pages of detail with a few FAQ's at the end.

Isaiah98 5th Oct 2017 01:56

ADFA Flight Screening Candidates
Hi there guys , i was just wondering if anyone has received any invitations for the FSP sessions in November for ADFA candidates?
Also a general question are all FSP invitations sent out a month before the session or does it vary?

blakeyhawk 14th Oct 2017 12:10

Air 5428 system detail

Originally Posted by avnx88 (Post 9910402)
Interestingly, it also says that candidates who have attended flight screening previously and were unsuccessful are eligible to attend the new screening program with no waiting period (unless specified by your OSB). Should be pretty busy when it all kicks off.

Thanks avnx88,

How many attempts would we have at this ASP simulation before we are knocked back for good? I'm turning 20 next year, and realise this is still quite young for DEO application - (I was not recommended earlier this year at flight screening due to my "life experience" and flying scores.) Just wondering if it is worth it to apply again early, or if I should finish my engineering/science degree for 3 more years?

Also, it was raised a little while ago, but not addressed - does anyone know if there is a compulsory service period as part of the aviation selection under the new system - ie. if one was to be offered ATC, but not pilot after their initial training would they be able to decline the offer?

13Beast 15th Oct 2017 06:01

Originally Posted by blakeyhawk (Post 9924849)
Thanks avnx88,

How many attempts would we have at this ASP simulation before we are knocked back for good? I'm turning 20 next year, and realise this is still quite young for DEO application - (I was not recommended earlier this year at flight screening due to my "life experience" and flying scores.) Just wondering if it is worth it to apply again early, or if I should finish my engineering/science degree for 3 more years?

Also, it was raised a little while ago, but not addressed - does anyone know if there is a compulsory service period as part of the aviation selection under the new system - ie. if one was to be offered ATC, but not pilot after their initial training would they be able to decline the offer?

Perhaps the system will just stay the same with regards to being in the two year grace period prior to getting your wings/graduating, that you will be able to pull out at any time before graduation. You'd think they'd keep it that same way given how people will get streamed into entirely different careers from what they may have initially intended.

Then again, maybe they'll take a note from the Brits and the Yanks and once you're in, you're in...so help you God. Had an officer mate of mine in the USN, get accepted into pilot training. Was all good at low altitudes, until they went to the second tier of training which involved higher altitude flying. Turns out he had a severe inner ear issue; and had the instructor take the controls from him as he became so disoriented in the cockpit. Was immediately checked out by the doc, grounded permanently and reassigned to a general officer job elsewhere in the USN. Spent the next 6 years or so hating life until he could get out!

sab2304 16th Oct 2017 06:27

Originally Posted by 13Beast (Post 9896315)
Another update on FSP. Was on the phone this morning to BAE Systems, and apparently all DEO slots have now been filled for this year's remaining FSPs. All those remaining in the pool, me included, will likely be transferred to the new system as priority candidates, and should all expect a call-up to attend a flight screening course with the new system from next year. Letters will be coming out to all those affected in the coming weeks, and will provide further updates on the situation.

Apparently, they are still ironing out exactly how the whole transition from Tamworth to East Sale will go, so don't take my word as gospel given the state of flux, but that is what I was informed this morning.

Thanks for this info mate,
Did they happen to mention anything about ADFA slots?
And were they okay with you calling them? I'm thinking of giving them a call.

snelson2017 18th Oct 2017 23:25

Flightscreening and OSB prep
Hey Guys,

I'm off to flight screening in less than a week. Just wondering if anyone has any last minute advice?
I've done a few hours of flying and have been studying ADF, aircraft, leadership etc.

Can anyone give me an insight to what the leadership activities were like and the speeches? Also, any tricky questions in the OSB and what type of maths questions I should expect?
I understand OSB questions can be tailored to you, but every little bit of information helps!


Isaiah98 19th Oct 2017 04:31

Originally Posted by sab2304 (Post 9926401)
Thanks for this info mate,
Did they happen to mention anything about ADFA slots?
And were they okay with you calling them? I'm thinking of giving them a call.

I've attempted to call them (I'm in the ADFA stream) and i received a curt response from a person working in the flight screening department. But in regards to ADFA slots there are still two more screening invite opportunities at the remainder of Oct and start of Nov (25th and 2nd respectively). My enlistment coordinator explained that if you receive no invitation by this time you will be included in next years new Aviation Screening Program.

sab2304 19th Oct 2017 06:03

Originally Posted by Isaiah98 (Post 9929555)
I've attempted to call them (I'm in the ADFA stream) and i received a curt response from a person working in the flight screening department. But in regards to ADFA slots there are still two more screening invite opportunities at the remainder of Oct and start of Nov (25th and 2nd respectively). My enlistment coordinator explained that if you receive no invitation by this time you will be included in next years new Aviation Screening Program.

Thanks mate,
I just got off the phone with Tamworth and the guy who answered said that the last flight screening is no. 47 (25th Nov-9th Dec) and they are only thinking (its likely) about cancelling the 2-16th Dec. Hoping this is the case as I have exams during the other 2. Cheers.

avnx88 20th Oct 2017 00:56

Originally Posted by blakeyhawk (Post 9924849)
Thanks avnx88,

How many attempts would we have at this ASP simulation before we are knocked back for good? I'm turning 20 next year, and realise this is still quite young for DEO application - (I was not recommended earlier this year at flight screening due to my "life experience" and flying scores.) Just wondering if it is worth it to apply again early, or if I should finish my engineering/science degree for 3 more years?

Also, it was raised a little while ago, but not addressed - does anyone know if there is a compulsory service period as part of the aviation selection under the new system - ie. if one was to be offered ATC, but not pilot after their initial training would they be able to decline the offer?

Hi blakeyhawk,

I don't know the exact answer to your question about attempts at ASP, as the information that I've read doesn't give any info on this. My guess is that it would be beneficial for you to pursue some life experience and more flying experience over a one to two year period before going back to sit it again. Being only twenty, you definitely have time on your side. Getting a degree under your belt should go a fair way to demonstrating aptitude and commitment but I would be looking for some volunteer / leadership opportunities also.

Tenfold 22nd Oct 2017 11:26

Hey everyone. I’m going to flight screening next month and I’ve just got a few queries/worries that anyone who has been to FSP could possibly answer. First of all, I have no flying experience, is this going to be an issue? On saying that, I have worked as an aircrew member in the RAAF for the past year. Also, is it true that you’re shown a room of model aircraft, some of which are older and not military, and asked to label them. Also, do they still asked mental maths questions during th interview part.

finestkind 23rd Oct 2017 22:15


A bird in the hand etc. You say not fit for service for 12 months. Is that inclusive of ADFA where you maybe in the service but not on service etc and can continue with an issue that will be cleared before you begin "service".

You need to sought this out.

junior.VH-LFA 24th Oct 2017 02:05

Turning down a slot at FSP is only going to look one way to those assessing your application.

Balls in your court though.

13Beast 24th Oct 2017 03:58

I do not think there is an issue with turning down a spot at FSP, provided that you have a good reason...missing your high school graduation sounds like a very valid reason to me; especially given the short notice.

If I was you, I'd contact DFR and explain to them over the phone as to how you genuinely want to attend and it's been a difficult decision, but due to clashing with your year 12 graduation it is something you had to choose over FSP. Impress upon them that you are most certainly keen to attend another FSP in the new year asap, and insist they make a note on your record as to the reasons why (high school graduation...if you say anything about how you're miffed with them for mucking you about, or that its pointless as you have to wait a year due to your arm - you'd be signing your own death warrant to your ADF application). Just my two cents.

finestkind 25th Oct 2017 02:15

A YR 12 graduation is a significant event………………………….at this time. When you look back on it years down track, yes it will have some relevance but not as much as it has now. You are looking at starting your career and not just at a car wash. Number of things to consider, from are you happy to delay you application 12 months, are you able to accept foregoing the grad but not be successful at FSP??

There are applicants that miss their grad, do not do schoolies to attend FSP. Only you can make the decision.

titanpilot 25th Oct 2017 09:49

Originally Posted by Tenfold (Post 9932927)
Hey everyone. I’m going to flight screening next month and I’ve just got a few queries/worries that anyone who has been to FSP could possibly answer. First of all, I have no flying experience, is this going to be an issue? On saying that, I have worked as an aircrew member in the RAAF for the past year. Also, is it true that you’re shown a room of model aircraft, some of which are older and not military, and asked to label them. Also, do they still asked mental maths questions during th interview part.

I highly recommend getting some flight training if you can. Preferably one of the courses designed to get you through FSP. The people who got high recs in my group either had recent flying training or had more hours than everyone else.

Don't stress about knowing every plane in the room. It's not the kind of thing that they would ask you unless they doubted your interest. Don't even stress about knowing the answer to every question. If you don't know just say "I'm sorry Sir but I don't know the answer to that". Research everything about the job you want to apply for.

I wanted navy pilot. I could tell you everything that was in the DFR website on navy pilot. I could also tell you a lot about navy life, the types of ships I could be posted to, the aircraft, the training, service period, everything. I could name the ranks. I could name the organisational structure from the fleet air command all the way up, including all the names of the officers up to chief of defense force. All, the ministers in charge, up to the gov gen. All operations the navy is involved in and what the purpose of those operation are.

If you study all of that then you don't really need to worry. They will realise straight away that you are keen and will drop those kind of questions.

There will be personal questions. If you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, kids, etc expect to be asked about how you and they will cope.

None of this should be new information to you and I will not give specifics as to what happens since they asked me not to.

There will be maths questions. Nothing too complicated. It's not too hard to figure out what type of questions they will be. I recommend keeping your brain active with a maths app or something at least a day or two before you have your interview.

Finally, relax. By the time you get to the OSB part they will pretty much have decided on whether they want you or not based on your flying potential. They aren't ogres. They are actually really nice people. They want to see confidence and the only way you can give them that is if you think of them as just normal people. Treat them with respect though.

Brando12 28th Oct 2017 23:18

Flying sick
If Im sick at the time of the flight screening. (Vomiting, chest pain etc). Will they still allow me to go to Tamworth and fly??

josephfeatherweight 29th Oct 2017 01:52

If you tell them you have "chest pain" you will probably not have to go to Flight Screening. Ever... :E

Seriously, what on earth are you asking?

If you're sick with

(Vomiting, chest pain etc)
do you really want to be "allowed" to go to Tamworth and have your one shot of getting in, when you're feeling like that?

Or do you mean "will they still expect me to attend Flight Screening if I'm suffering from an illness?" - if that's the case, I'm sure they won't "make" you attend, though it may be a wait until the next opportunity comes up.

Come on, prospective military aviators, show some common dog!!

Slezy9 31st Oct 2017 20:40

Originally Posted by Brando12 (Post 9939677)
If Im sick at the time of the flight screening. (Vomiting, chest pain etc). Will they still allow me to go to Tamworth and fly??

Who has chest pain? Ever? Unless you've just run a marathon or are dying??

Either way, I would not tell the ADF in anyway shape of form that you have chest pain, ever!!

Just say you have a cold and can't clear your ears! The military AVMED people like to jump straight to the worst and work back... So chest pain will immediately be a heart problem, which will at best delay your application or at worst disqualify you forever!

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