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-   -   Ross Kemp in Afghanistan (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/309299-ross-kemp-afghanistan.html)

Polikarpov 13th Feb 2008 04:30

They're getting good these torrenters, no.4 also available in 720p Hi-Def. Nice to see it getting so much attention! (warning: 720p = 1.1Gb)

RobinXe 13th Feb 2008 10:30

Is this music or a film?

artyhug 13th Feb 2008 16:18

Well now AIDU you could be right, however....

Not living in the UK I pretty much ignore most laws, plus of course hijacking a neighbours wireless network allows me to do what I want with impunity....:E

harrogate 14th Feb 2008 23:41

Naughty naughty Artyhug. I bet you will be on the list to recieve an email
Please Google Dictionary :ugh:

Tigs2 15th Feb 2008 00:32

yes it is sorry to say!!!

Double Zero 16th Feb 2008 08:42

I have great respect for Ross Kemp - AND HIS CREW - they put themsleves in harms' way while most reporters reckon a sharp pencil a bit dodgy...

One slight thing, which I am sure was an editing cock-up, the footage of F-15E's was declared as " F-16's in for strafing attacks " - as I say I'm sure this was just editing,.

I think Mr. Kemp has plenty of technical knowledge - and he's honest enough to say that while having acted the SAS bit, in reality he was sh**t scared !

I would think an award is on it's way - to be shared with the Vikings.

Tigs2 16th Feb 2008 09:49

I noticed the F-15/F-16 bit, but 95 % of the population would never have picked it up.

mutleyfour 16th Feb 2008 10:15

I didnt notice but then I was watching for the fall of shot! :)

Khaosai 16th Feb 2008 17:09


mentioned this thread to my mate who is getting close to 22 years in the British marines. He and his buddies are glad that Mr Kemp is getting the message across.

He also extends an offer to niknak to join us all for a few beers in Plymouth, beginning of Aug this year, to mark his time spent serving his country. I expect a fairly quiet affair !!.


roll_over 16th Feb 2008 17:16

You can get Ross Kemp in HD off rapidshare, usually much better than a torrent as you can max out your internet connection.

I wish the BBC 6 o'clock news would set aside 10 mins once a week to some headcam clips, would make even more people aware of what is going on!

Auctionman 16th Feb 2008 17:34

Great Series

Al R 16th Feb 2008 21:14

Good tv.

These links are for the first 3 episodes if anyone's interested. The final one shows Private Chris Gray's death in contact, which was also broadcast from a different perspective in the Chinook prog a few months back.


















November4 16th Feb 2008 21:25

Check #159 for Part 4 YouTube links (#123 for Parts 1 - 3)

splitbrain 18th Feb 2008 20:40

On the soldiers of 1 Royal Anglian (and every other I would presume) Ross kemp stated...

"They aren't paid enough or appreciated enough"

Found myself spontaneously applauding the TV in my own front room...:D

Spam_UK 18th Feb 2008 21:00


Thought that was a brilliant series, very well presented, and incredibly moving. Ross Kemp did a fantastic job, reporting on a difficult subject, and getting the message across as strongly as he did, and of course praise to the guys on the ground doing a great job, day in, day out.

This should be broadcast on normal tv, and to the house of commons!!

Once again, well done to all (especially the poor bloke running with the camera)


Pure Pursuit 18th Feb 2008 21:05

The final episode has just blown me away, absolute respect to each and every soldier on the ground out there.

Ross, a fantastic job out there, the public have seen it up close and personal. I just hope that the BBC get hold of the series sooner rather than later. :D

It may sound corny however, I'm due out in theatre soon & the Ross Kemp series has provided me with a great insight into what the Army are doing out there, more than enough motivation to make sure I do my best with my small part.

Tiger_mate 18th Feb 2008 21:21

The really sad thing is that the series is preaching to the converted. Most viewers would have had respect for the guys n galls in field conditions anyway. The shocker was that it is almost WWI combat with bayonets and trenches rather then hi-tech. Award winning documentary and a shame that the MOD could not present Ross and his support crew with the appropriate medal for IMHO they deserve it.

It should be shown on terrestrial TV on a night when the other 4 stations has a power cut. Compulsive viewing.

"What do you remember about the (blue on blue) incident"

"I fell asleep in Afghanistan and woke up in Birmingham; and it looked the same"


Chugalug2 18th Feb 2008 21:25

Outstanding final episode to an outstanding series, dedicated to ALL members of the Armed Forces, "Ordinary people doing an extraordinary job", to which one can only say, Here Here!
They cannot afford self delusion, young as they are. "This is Northern Ireland again, tour after tour. We lost nine on this one, so after six you have to be lucky to come home without a scratch". Kemp calls for far more helicopters, especially for Casevac, more pay especially for the lower ranks, and condemns the need for the guys to buy insurance not provided for them by the MOD, to which one can only say, Here Here!
Well done Vikings you make us proud, and well done Ross and team for putting yourselves in harms way to such a degree. Thank you one and all, well done!
PS. Ross speaks about the series at:

Wee Jock 18th Feb 2008 22:11

I haven't read all the previous posts but my friend's 22 year old son was killed in Afghanistan Feb 2007. Marine Ben Reddy RIP - a young life ended too soon.

GPMG 19th Feb 2008 09:15

Excellent series, Ross and his team have managed something that many have not been able to do. They have given an accurate insight into what is going on in Afganistan.

I would hope that Ross Kemp and his team will be welcome in Mess's around the UK for many years to come.

KiloB 19th Feb 2008 09:34

A tremendous final programme which said things which needed saying and showed things which needed seeing. To the Anglians, Ross & Crew - Respect.

It is about 30 years since I was involved in a similar Campaign and times change, but two things truck me very strongly about the events seen during the Series.

1 The accuracy of the 'fast air' bombing. We could only dream, but technology has moved on.

2 The total lack of any helicopter tactical support. (Trooping & Casavac doesn't count). Most of the last Programme concerned a preplanned action against an enemy in a known position. I would have expected Apache 'Top Cover' and the use of 'choppers' to place 'Stop Groups' etc, but nothing like this was seen.

Ross did make comment in his summary that more helicopters were needed, but you were left with the impression that he was talking faster Casavac times and easier inter-base movement. In terms of resources this is a long way off the coordinated 'Air Cavalry' concept you would expect of a modern army fighting this type of campaign.

Perhaps the threat environment is judged too risky for this concept, but I suspect the truth is that the British Goverment has left the Forces even further off the pace (in terms of resources) than is generally realised!

AHQHI656SQN 19th Feb 2008 10:06


Nuff Said!

sapper 19th Feb 2008 13:36

Brilliant viewing and great credit to all.:D

Makes my time in the Oman & NI a teddy bears picnic in comparison.


tonker 19th Feb 2008 15:57

Although a fictional charachter i get the impression after watching the Ross Kemp programme that "Sharpe" and his men would fit straight in, and wonder in amazement that being an infantryman hasn't chaged one jot.

There isn't much fighting in the vale of York, but there is never a shortage of helicopters flying around here!:(

Roland Pulfrew 19th Feb 2008 16:09

Anyone out there know if Sky are going to release this on DVD? Or if it is going to be shown on one of the terrestrial channels? I can't be bothered to remain online for days trying to download the programmes via uTorrent etc.

I do like the idea of one of the main 5 channels showing it and the other 4 suffering a temporary power black out or all of them showing it at the same time; that would be great:) But then I can't see the BBC supporting the Armed Forces in this manner.:(

RETDPI 19th Feb 2008 16:32

Same as above -any chance of a DVD coming out?
Now OOC permanently (largely thanks to B.liar and his ilk) and not keen on watching pap, so no Sat: but this sounds different.

Fire 'n' Forget 19th Feb 2008 20:11

Well done Ross Kemp and the soldiers of the 1st Anglian. :D

I believe that this series should be available to all, so this is a link to all 5 episodes.


Thx to oddball71 (youtube username) for the effort of uploading this.

He has also uploaded- Above Enemy Lines about 27sqn wokka's.

Thud_and_Blunder 19th Feb 2008 20:44

Returning a favour I owe from the previous week:


...is the torrent link for the 353Mb final episode (I hope - mine hasn't started yet)

Tigs2 20th Feb 2008 01:21

You dont have to spend hours with torrents. Just go to you tube and watch every single episode instantly in 8 min clips, by 'oddball' it is great , please do it!!

lurkio 20th Feb 2008 09:48

RETDPI and anyone wanting the DVD, it is available for pre-order from Amazon. Release date 7th April '08.
I for one will be getting it.

RETDPI 20th Feb 2008 10:22

Many thanks for the tip lurkio , I'll be ordering.

Fortyodd2 20th Feb 2008 10:57

Thanks for the heads up, I will also be ordering.
Many thanks also to Ross Kemp who, it appears, has done more for the Armed Forces in the last 5 weeks than the Government has in the last 10 years - especially in raising the awareness of the general public. It would be good to see this documentary, Mr Kemp and his camera/sound team pick up some prizes at the next TV awards shindig. :D

Chugalug2 20th Feb 2008 11:57

T&B thanks for the link, Part 5 now downloaded and saved with the others, a BIT of a struggle but a TORRENT of thanks for all the advice and guidance to all who gave it. File sharing is added to all the rest of the mountain of education garnered by me from PPRuNe! An excellent series that I shall view often! Perhaps a question in the House of the SoS as to whether he too has viewed the series is called for, and to commend it to all Members.

africa man 20th Feb 2008 11:59

As far as the DVD goes, you can also pre-order now on PLAY.COM

brit bus driver 1st Mar 2008 00:09

Having been away on hols, have just watched the last two episodes of this quite brilliant series. This is doubtlessly echoed elsewhere in this thread but I doff my proverbial cap to Ross Kemp and his team for their insight, sensitivity with the families and sheer bloody balls for getting stuck in. As one shortly to depart the services this series has filled me with a great deal of pride in the job our young soldiers are doing - I just wish there was a way to make it comulsory viewing!

Chugalug2 2nd Feb 2009 21:25

The inestimable Mr Kemp is back for the second series "Return to Afghanistan". For those who missed it there are packeted bundles available to view on youtube, as with the first series. Episode 1 (broadcast on Sky1) can be viewed in packets 1-5. Links to them are at:
YouTube - Ross Kemp Return to Afghanistan
If this episode is anything to go by, the second series promises to surpass the first if that is possible. Aviation content? How about the blast wave of a 500lb bomb momentarily stirring his calm? Respect to him, his film crew and above all his hosts!
Edited to add that the repeat is on tonight, Tuesday 02 Feb at 2300 hours on Sky 2 for those, like me, who keep Mr Murdoch in the style to which he is accustomed!

November4 2nd Feb 2009 21:55

Or as a Torrent

LEE BRITT 3rd Feb 2009 02:29

Lee Britt
Well said Sir :D

Chugalug2 8th Feb 2009 22:51

Return to Afghanistan
Just watched another awe-inspiring Episode (2/5) tonight, Sunday, at 2200 on Sky1, presumably again to be repeated on Tuesday at 2300 on Sky2. No doubt youtube and torrent will come through for those tied to our National Broadcaster that chooses not to show the sharp end of a struggle as alien to its sensibilities as Carole Thatcher or Jeremy Clarkson. The obvious respect and empathy that Kemp has for these young men, so old beyond their years, is I hope reciprocated. I suspect that it is, I only know that this old BOF is so proud of our Armed Forces. So professional and so decent. Could I say the same about the rest of our society? Not really.

KeepItTidy 9th Feb 2009 00:50

I just watch this program everytime with awe and amazement not only for Ross Kemp and his team doing there best to show us all whats its like there but to show the lads of the Army and the rest of the forces, what fantastic work they do , its not for the PM or politicians I just feel its for the good of being human and doing the right thing. I feel so proud and humble what they do and In this many years of sad losses in the British military there is shining light on the good they doing even though most of us dont agree. When i do my time out in the desert I always have respected the Grunts on Ground ,but this hammers home the whole team effort we all provide for them guys out there in ****sville getting paid crap wages.

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