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-   -   The reaction of the British captives to the Iranians (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/270824-reaction-british-captives-iranians.html)

MungoP 8th Apr 2007 14:03

I think from the point of view of many, especially non-brits, it's looking something along the lines of; IRAN 15 : RN 0

Pontius Navigator 8th Apr 2007 14:53

MungoP, on that part of the game I would agree 15-0 however on a body count I rather like the no score draw.

knowitall 8th Apr 2007 15:00

If anyone else is unfortunate enough to be captured by the Iranians i hope to god they haven't read this thread

they may as well sell their country out if its populated by whingeing armchair commando's like you lot

poorwanderingwun 8th Apr 2007 16:12

Looking at the mungo posts ..as he said earlier... he's not in an armchair

Pontius Navigator 8th Apr 2007 21:20

poorwanderingwun, I think we credit MungoP with being at the sharp end. I suspect he does actually have an armchair even if he is in Afg.

Hey MungoP they are not making you fly enough in Kabul these days seems you like to post a lot, will have to talk to your CD. Is that GJ by chance??

Now on the issue of salaries I have to say that yes they pay you very little, you come out on the field, find people making more, but hey if it was not for Air Serv Intl a lot of people in North America would not even know what contracts are all about.


Location: Afghanistan
You're right... not too much flying right now plus it's a different crowd from last winter... we don't get up to the same sort of mischief... seems to be raining/snowing most days... mud mud mud, beginning to understand what trench life was like for the poor b*ggers during WW1. I seem to be spending half the day defending asi on pprune.. maybe I should become their PR man.....so... between orders for Tacos maybe you can slip me a clue as to who the fried frog is .
As you see, hot but not that hot.

B:mad: r search engines aren't they.

forget 8th Apr 2007 23:30

MungoP said -

I think from the point of view of many, especially non-brits, it's looking something along the lines of; IRAN 15 : RN 0
MungoP 0. Pontius Nav .......... how do spell infintee? :D :D

MungoP 9th Apr 2007 02:18

Pontius etc...

“Hot But Not That Hot...”

A fair comment...

Normally I would try not to become involved in a pointless back and forth debate but the somewhat sneering aspect of your response deserves a reply.

True we don’t draw index linked pensions and have battle honours hanging in the mess.. personally I have an enormous respect for those that do and especially for those that did and are no longer with us.

When we lost an aircraft and pilot to Taliban small arms fire it was not a ‘shot heard around the world ‘... Almost nobody outside of our small group would know of it.. the Herc that was lost a short time ago to a land mine buried on the runway at Lash Kar-Gah landed 3 minutes after one of our aircraft took off from that same runway.. yes we still operate to there and many other similar strips and I’ll be leaving here in one hour to start another days work..we operate unprotected and unarmed and as far as I know none of us even use our flack jackets even to sit on.. just too uncomfortable on a long day.

In my time operating in the Congo some of our people came under attack by rebels using that ubiquitous friend of the 3rd world the AK47. ...fortunately only one was seriously hurt ... on another occasion a pilot was badly beaten by rebels.. on several occasions I’ve been hauled out and threatened by AK toting ‘soldiers’ speaking no English or French...just Lingala.. my own reaction is alway first to smile and then laugh... this confuses them and so far they’ve always let me move on after a small ruffing up... Operating for another outfit recently I was evacuating army wounded ( Another African state) while the fighting continued... their military aircraft had been fired upon when attempting the evacuation so the theory was to send in a civilian aircraft in the hope it wouldn’t come under attack.. fortunately for myself and the pilot of another a/c the theory proved correct..Being part of an Humanitarian organisation we don’t get big bucks such as those flying fro Blackwater and Dyncorp... yes..if I could I would but I’m not a US citizen so don’t qualify...believe me, I get paid a lot less than you whatever that is and with no ‘benefits’ other than medical insurance...but the flyings the thing and I’d rather do what I do than go back to the airlines and do another ten years of schedules.

Hot but not Too Hot about sums it up... but it’s a fair way from an armchair while we’re working.

I don’t see the world divided into heroes and whimps... Rambos and Pansies... and the military and security personnel I come into contact with here and elsewhere invariably impress me as as professional guys just doing what they’re trained to do...

It’s normal to think that our military personnel are able not only to do their jobs efficiently but also that they’re conscious of being minor ambassadors for their countries... which is maybe why some of us without being too harsh were not entirely at ease with some of the statements made by these captives... remember I said some of the statements..

Stay safe.

Pontius Navigator 9th Apr 2007 07:17

MungoP, thank you but my repsonse was not intended as a sneer. Also you did not tell me you do not have an armchair back at base when not working.

My post was to help identify you as a non-combatant and differentiate you from [B]the[B] Mungo Parkes who created a fantastic video of the Show me the way to Amarillo while serving in Iraq.

I think everything is now clear. Sorry if I apparently offended.

MungoP 9th Apr 2007 11:38

Thanks Pontius.. and none taken..

I read an interesting statistic a while back concerning US army personnel in Vietnam... the exact numbers I don't have but it seems that something like 92% of americans in Vietnam were there to support the 8% combatants... a sobering thought... so not everyone wearing their countries' colours gets to face some angry b*stard out to kill them...

This morning I learned while in Herat that 7 people operating for one of the organisations we work with were killed yesterday in a Taliban attack... More body bags to move (Suprisingly difficult to load and unload them with dignity I always find...having only a small turbo-prop.. )... Another of the contractors we work with has lost 93 personnel in the last 3 years.

So not everyone in a uniform is in the front line... and not everyone out of uniform is safe in an armchair... My second tour here is coming to en end and I can assure you that I AM looking forward to being in an armchair... or at least up to my waist in a cold river while trying to annoy the trout.

nigegilb 9th Apr 2007 12:00

Mungo p, we only sat on the flak jackets on approach and take off, it wasn't so uncomfortable and it made you feel a lot better. Mind you, if you are done having kids I don't think it matters so much.

Stay safe, sorry to hear your news.


Pontius Navigator 9th Apr 2007 12:03


More body bags to move (Suprisingly difficult to load and unload them with dignity I always find...having only a small turbo-prop.. )...
You may be interested to know that today's Daily Telegraph carried a news item regarding body bags in the US. Apparently they were shipped as commercial freight once Stateside. Following an outcry they will now be accorded full military honours.

Commiserations. I expect that your colleagues would not get that honour.

WE Branch Fanatic 9th Apr 2007 16:05

See this article by a US commentator who does not think they should have commited suicide.

Richard Littlebrain, Max Hustings and the other esteemed experts of 1st armchair brigade probably disagree.

Pontius Navigator 9th Apr 2007 16:30

WEBF your link is broken = http://zenhuber.*************/

wokkameister 9th Apr 2007 18:49

I don't particularly think the RN came out of the affair particularly well, but I think you are a TW#T Mr Leith.
Please bugger off back to wherever you came from. You add nothing and the air would be fresher.

BenThere 9th Apr 2007 19:09


You are doing noble work. I hold gratitude for you and all who take on some significant risk to do a job that needs done for good causes.

I lament that politics have caused the workers for KB&R (Haliburton), and many others, to be maligned as greedy profiteers as they drive the trucks through minefields, work in the tents to serve meals, provide security, and lay the sewer pipe and build the power plants, etc., to try to make things better in the war zone. Many of these people have lost their lives along with the GIs.

They don't get the glory of the combat troops in uniform, but they face the same challenges and fears. My hat's off to you.


StopStart 9th Apr 2007 20:11



nice castle 9th Apr 2007 20:17

Good basically.

c130jbloke 9th Apr 2007 20:31

Oh dear !!!

Back again Jimmy ? Thought you would have got the message as to what happens when you post utter bo&&ocks from your last thread...

(question to moderators to the unaware - a right ripping read. Not !)
:( :(

StopStart 9th Apr 2007 20:39

Knew I wouldn't be let down :ok:

cornish-stormrider 9th Apr 2007 20:51

:E Mr Leite has surfaced. Is there any way we could rig up some sort of alarm when he types his drivel. I know its a free forum and freedom of speech etc, and I also accept you kind people put up with pasty eating feckwits like myself......

Still it does give me some amusement to see someone who IMHO is infinitely thicker than me......

I've worked out who the course ****** is as well......... Do I win a prize:E

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