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effortless 28th Mar 2007 11:32

Too Fat to Fight!
So which of you buggers has been looking up my service record? :eek:

Wader2 28th Mar 2007 12:14

Found it buried in their website:

The aims of the OPTS is to engage all personnel on Stn in 3 hrs physical trg per week and to raise the fitness levels of all personnel on the Stn.
The system is rum on a 2 weekly format to allow personnel a choice of programme and is expected to be carried out during both work and personal time.

The Helpful Stacker 28th Mar 2007 12:28


Can anyone tell me what Odiham have up and running regards to compulsory PT? I've heard rumors and stories but wanted to hear it from someone who's actually doing it. If they have a set up running, it would be interesting to hear if it would be practical at the other bases we serve at.


I believe at Odious the decision on compulsory PT has been delegated to squadron commanders, hence the reason RMS (Supply Sqn for those who remember the proper RAF) has sent out a memo informing all of compulsory PT starting next Wednesday, but curiously it quotes 'QR1051' (look it up) as the authority for enforcing this move.:ooh:

I believe QR430(b) is the QR 'those in charge' should have been quoting.:rolleyes:

South Bound 28th Mar 2007 12:53

Can't believe people think they need QRs to back up an instruction to do something......:ugh:

Chicken Leg 28th Mar 2007 17:33


You silly silly boy. If you're going to get involved in a debate, don't make yourself out to be an ill informed idiot. If you had stated 2 years ago that the Apache was a shiny waste of money that did nothing but sit in hangars gathering dust, you might have got some broad agreement; even from us Pongo's.

But, I can only assume that you have had your head in the sand for the last 12 - 18 months as the Apache has been very successfully deployed and as has been pointed out by some of your better educated colleagues, it has been an absolute life saver. Well, for our boys and girls anyway :E

Oh, and by the way. The Technicians and crews all do PT too.

I'm sure that those same Technicians would love to show you how basic and untechnical the Apache is too. :rolleyes:

cornish-stormrider 29th Mar 2007 07:46

Yep, two years in cornwall will do that to a person, I'm so far out of touch now I wouldn't recognise an apache if it fell on me. I'm very glad to hear that the damn thing works though..........

Neither am I disputing the fitness of those involved, the only point I am trying to make is that .................

Oh Bolox to it, I'm off for a pasty and several beers. I don't have to worry about some poxy beep test anyway, If you ever get this far west try the local beer. As to the comment about an ill informed idiot, yeah I'd go along with that..

AonP 3rd Nov 2007 20:50

US Forces Fitness Standards
Interesting article in Stars and Stripes recently which includes the fitness test standards for all 4 US Services. The USAF ones seem to be comparable to he new RAF ones.


Op_Twenty 3rd Nov 2007 22:52

Flew 54 fast jet hours last month. Not OOA, but home here. I promise I will get to the gym at some point, I try to hit the gym when I can, normally at weekends, but I'm lucky as I do have weekends, unlike our bros out on ops. (BTW - I didn't choose to do those hours, I was tasked, it just makes getting to the gym harder 'cos generally 'I is tired') Lame excuse I know, and I don't mind doing the new fitness tests but you can't ask people to improve their fitness and then not give them the chance to get themselves fitter. Starting to rant, apologies.

Reactionary air force as always...

vecvechookattack 4th Nov 2007 09:02

You could always go to the Gym before work...or after work...or inbetween Day and Night flying....or you could run to work...or cycle to work...or even walk to work

VinRouge 4th Nov 2007 09:16

And end up like this dude?


cornish-stormrider 4th Nov 2007 16:20

Oh this thread is back. Here's a lesson. No-one gets out of life alive. Do the best you can. Make your choices and live by them (or die by them).

Next sunday after church I am going to have a drink or few in memory (and thanks) of all my friends, colleagues, and troops I never met. It kind of sorts out ones priorities..........

Stay safe out there and keep a wary eye for the fun police.

Griz 4th Nov 2007 16:47

Why are people complaining? It's not as if the levels are difficult. If an overweight 40 somat like me stops at level 10 simply coz he's playing football later that evening then it can't be very demanding to make 8.3 or whatever. If you pass the test then I'm sure most Stn Cdr's won't give a toss if you've done 2 hrs or whatever a week!
If the wife wants time with you then make sure it's horizontal gymnastics and don't be the lazy one! ;)

SRENNAPS 4th Nov 2007 17:45


Overweight, over 40, certainly over 8.3 and probably over 10, plays football (poofs game compared to rugby) and still plays horizontal games with the wife.

You’re the man!!!!!

How’s the mirror doing cause I’ll bet you wear that out too.

GreenWings 4th Nov 2007 18:30

Interesting stats for the USAF Males, 25-29. And they only test once per year.

45 to 47 push-ups in one minute.
42 to 43 sit-ups in one minute.

These are above the new RAF requirements

Maximum 35-inch abdominal circumference. <= Not explicitly measured for the RAF, though I understand that BMI measurements are taken at Fitness Test time by PEd staffs.

1.5-mile run in 12:55 to 13:36.

Not sure how the run times compare to the bleep test in terms of effort.

buoy15 4th Nov 2007 22:03

Having lost 5 associates trying to keep fit at lunch time to achieve the fitness test, perhaps a few posters in the gym
"Are you dying to keep fit?" or "A personal fitness programme you could die for" - just ask your personal trainer / life coach / w@nker / expert :p

blogger 5th Nov 2007 16:23

How can they say YOU WILL DO PT in personal time. Sorry 2 fingers is my reply to that.

I live off base I commute in every day. Working time directive if I am tried and crash my car then I will sue the pants off the RAF.


And don't say working time directive does not apply..

Once it was no gay folks in the forces.......they sued
no pregnant females.........they sued

Al R 5th Nov 2007 17:33

Bouy said something about: 'associates'

Al R 5th Nov 2007 17:35

Once it was no gay folks in the forces.......they sued
no pregnant females.........they sued
big girl's blouses........ they sued
whining mummy's boys ....... they sued

blogger 5th Nov 2007 18:28

Al R

What are you trying to reply with?

Gays and pregnant women should not be in the forces? Come on spit it out!

Al R 5th Nov 2007 18:50

Don't assume you're worthy of being bracketed with homosexuals, lesbians and pregnant mothers. They fought hard for the right to get where they are by arguing that had as much to offer 'us' as the next person. By contrast, you're fighting for the right to do less.

You need to realise that sure.. you have human rights, but being part of a disciplined military organisation means you have responsibilities too. You knew what the craic was when you joined up. So why drag everyone else down to your apathetic level by a ridiculous implied threat to sue and undermine even further, what you clearly aren't prepared to fight and work hard for.

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