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SaddamsLoveChild 13th Mar 2007 08:41

New Command?
Have heard a rumour that there is to be no more PTC/HQ STC from 1 Apr 07 but a new 'Air Command' with a newly created 3* appt within it. Is this jobs for the senior boys and a waste of hard pressed funding creating new letterheads, business cards and repainting parking places and signs etc etc.

Has there been a formal announcement that I have missed or a statement of the need to change what isnt broken, hasnt the Co-located HQ only just been formed? I must admit I would much rather seebenefit from some more FP/Armour/AT DAS in theatre where it counts rather than a shiney new badge and an extra seat at the Top Table in the Bucks HQ.:ugh:

spectre150 13th Mar 2007 08:59

1 Apr 07 is a long way off (at least 2 weeks), so there is loads of time to get the message out and get everyone informed of the new arrangements. Whats the rush? ;) I work at the site in question so no doubt I will be the last to know. :*

Wader2 13th Mar 2007 11:16

Who knows? Looks like the Strike pages on the Intranet are moribund. Clicking on 'latest' Cinc's bulletin pulls up one for 2005. Clicking on the bottom of the 2006 list brings up September's.

Like many internet sites it is personality driven and usually run by an enthusiastic amateur. The manager goes, the site map was not documented, and the whole thing dies.

Interesting to see if we get a new Mission Directive in the next 2 weeks. Odds anyone?

edited to add that the latest bulletin is actually Jan 07 but it depends on the route taken to find it. This is just as wonderful as it means we have at least two different hymn sheets in circulation.

spectre150 13th Mar 2007 14:07

Cr*p isnt it? Wader you are absolutely right about the enthusiastic amateur web master, IMO. I think it goes something like this - an organisation has a 'good idea' such as 'we need a web site'. 'Bloggs, go and make one'. Luckily Bloggs finds the enthusiastic amatuer who produces an interesting and, at that moment in time, up to date portal into the organisations activities. Enthusiastic amateur then realises he does not get the resources to maintain the website and loses interest and eventually moves on. In the end the organisation is made to look foolish and the message it sends out is that it cannot be bothered and/or doesnt care (at least that is how it will appear to the internet generation).

only my 2p worth :oh:

Wader2 13th Mar 2007 14:17

Spectre, I forget the actual numbers but we are to get a 'new' website with some 'funky' name and a budget in something like 5-figures. At the same symposium we were told that the Daily Telegraph was putting something like £5m into its website.

Trouble is we see these flashy website and try and emulate them on a shoestring.

Maybe if we went properly commercial and used, for instance, BFBS professionals, to run our corporate comms properly.

In my case the man who prepared my site was not even an enthusiastic amateur. When told to fix it or pull it he confessed that he no longer had access and could not do it.:bored:

spectre150 13th Mar 2007 14:40

I couldn't agree more.:ugh:

Mr C Hinecap 13th Mar 2007 15:03

Is the 3* appointment not to oversee the new Cafe One? They can't have taken some 6 months to re-fit the damned hovel to make it anything less than worthy of 3* command! Anything that will improve the conjoined HQs will be a good thing - but I could care less.

SaddamsLoveChild 13th Mar 2007 15:44

Cafe One? will the incumbent be CinC C1 or just 'Il Numero Uno', I can imagine the banter now............

CAS " what do you think numero uno?"
Il numero Uno " Harumph, Harumph.".............;)

Wader2 13th Mar 2007 15:46

And they don't give receipts either. I prefered the portakabin by the main gate: better doughnuts too.

dallas 13th Mar 2007 15:51

Have heard a rumour that there is to be no more PTC/HQ STC from 1 Apr 07 but a new 'Air Command' with a newly created 3* appt within it. Is this jobs for the senior boys and a waste of hard pressed funding creating new letterheads, business cards and repainting parking places and signs etc etc.

Has there been a formal announcement that I have missed or a statement of the need to change what isnt broken, hasnt the Co-located HQ only just been formed? I must admit I would much rather seebenefit from some more FP/Armour/AT DAS in theatre where it counts rather than a shiney new badge and an extra seat at the Top Table in the Bucks HQ.
I think you're being unfair, SLC, we haven't had a new command in months now. I also think we're missing a trick by not having a Change Command who you can CC: (get it?) all your proposed essential new renames and abbreviations. (I thought the addition of the colon in the logo would be particularly corporate and nineties).

On the up side, I am now dealing with Leaving Command, so don't have to put up with this squandering of resources much longer.

SaddamsLoveChild 13th Mar 2007 16:02

CC Colon?
Dallas - Isn't a Colon also the last part of the bowel and hence full of sh*te; maybe appropriate mon brave.

Wader2 13th Mar 2007 16:05

SLC/Dallas, have you seen this? http://f2.org/humour/songs/crs.html

edwardspannerhands 15th Mar 2007 12:32

New Command?
Yep - it's official. The IBN has just hit the streets here.:ok:

TheHogwartsBEngO 15th Mar 2007 12:44

any chance of finding a public version of this BN?

Toddington Ted 15th Mar 2007 12:46

Yes, we have just received our briefing notes here too. One of the key messages is that the new Command will "remove barriers", so no more queueing at the main gate for us then!:ok:

dallas 15th Mar 2007 13:05

Removal of Barriers Command? How odd. Or are they saying their job is to replace the other 3,726 other commands, sub-sommands and new HQs that have sprung-up in alleged support of a dwindling number of aircraft?

We must have enough commands for one per aircraft now.

sedburgh 15th Mar 2007 15:42

It's announced on the public web site now: http://www.raf.mod.uk/news/index.cfm...084B5D334DC7B7

TheHogwartsBEngO 15th Mar 2007 15:49

most importantly: will there be a new crest/badge? :eek:

An Teallach 15th Mar 2007 16:03

I had a flick around the site linked above and fell upon 121 EAW.

Apparently, the objectives of re-brigading our forces into EAWs are fourfold:
  • To achieve greater operational synergy, delivering focused operational effects from the outset of a deployment.
  • To generate a more cohesive trained audience.
  • To engender more widely a greater understanding of the capability of air power.
  • To achieve a more inclusive formation identity.
Apart from the fact most of it is in mangled 'management-speak', can anyone explain to this simple soul what "To generate a more cohesive trained audience" means?

Mr C Hinecap 15th Mar 2007 16:36

the EAW concept is a bunch of cake and aerse - and there is very little cake in there. It is not linked properly with anything else and is therefore a method of giving people another badge - and not much more at all. I can't believe alleged 'grown ups' put this yard-and-a-half of contrived poop out without even trying to mask the bus-size holes in it!

Still - if we're getting over the 'conjoined HQ' thing, then it is all rosy.

I don't know anyone at STC who has recourse to speak to anyone on the PTC side of the fence - so making us one big happy family to remove barriers is pretty pointless. Still - Cafe Uno will be AWESOME when it re-opens. :D

Gainesy 15th Mar 2007 16:52

A quick glance at the bull makes me think Hot Air Command is more like it.

BEagle 16th Mar 2007 06:59

"A force for good in the world"

What world-policeman evangelical tosh. "Interfering in other people's business because Mad George tells Tony to do so" would be more accurate.

BlAir Command?

Whatever happened to defending the realm?

spectre150 16th Mar 2007 07:50

Two weeks to go and I finally see some literature on this - through Pprune. Thanks for the info and links guys! It is rather disappointing that I find out about this major change in command structure through the rumour network, particularly as I work at Buckinghamshire Bunker. Well, now I know - time to go and tell my light blue colleagues (because sure as sugar they wont know either) before our NATO colleagues start asking us about Air Command - we would look pretty stupid answering them with blank stares in the 'I havent got a scooby' line.

top_cover 16th Mar 2007 08:00

Are you trying to tell me that Strike command, Support command and RAFG no longer exist?????? I heard about these expeditionary air wings, where do they expedite to????

Pontius Navigator 16th Mar 2007 08:04

There is an exped centre at Grantown, or there was, and I believe there was an exped to the South Pole recently.

spectre150 16th Mar 2007 08:16

Are the other Services going the same way - is FLEET and 2SL combining also?

Roland Pulfrew 16th Mar 2007 08:27

Are Fleet and 2SL going through this?

Apparently they started it. According to an RN colleague they are currently going through "Transformation" now.:ugh:

An Teallach 16th Mar 2007 08:29

Apparently, the objectives of re-brigading our forces into EAWs are fourfold:
  • To achieve greater operational synergy, delivering focused operational effects from the outset of a deployment.
  • To generate a more cohesive trained audience.
  • To engender more widely a greater understanding of the capability of air power.
  • To achieve a more inclusive formation identity.

It's just dawned on me where I've seen such mangled English before. It's Birtspeak! "To generate a more cohesive trained audience" must just be a straight lift from some 90's BBC management paper. For the life of me, I can think of no other explanation as to why the RAF would want a trained or cohesive audience.

Pontius Navigator 16th Mar 2007 08:35

Roland, there is a certain synergy with LAND with the Navy having been SEA for much of the previous century and before?

SEA will continue to LORD is over air and land.

nigegilb 16th Mar 2007 08:55

To engender more widely a greater understanding of the capability of air power.

Shouldn't it be ..."to engender a greater understanding......"

rather than...."to engender more widely a greater understanding.......".

Because that implies there is already a greater understanding but it just needs to be engendered more widely, whereas if "more widely" is taken out then the new command will simply engender an understanding of air power.

Err, if you see what I mean.........

Pontius Navigator 16th Mar 2007 09:27

To widely engender where no engender has been widely understood a greater understanding of the capability of air power

Strictly Jungly 16th Mar 2007 09:51

I know where this is heading.................................we will have the R.F.C. back by Christmas!!!!!!

dallas 16th Mar 2007 10:10

Originally Posted by nigegilb
To engender more widely a greater understanding of the capability of air power.

I think the implication is they already think some people know (or care) what they're on about and I'm sure those who want to get on reinforce this by nodding intelligently in briefings. Unfortunately for normal people day-to-day problems managing that capability normally keep us busy enough: we do it, not write drivel about it.

If we stopped trying to be so smug we would do a lot better. :hmm:

nigegilb 16th Mar 2007 10:29

Gotcha, it's just that engender means to bring into existence, so I was trying to figure out how you bring something into existence more widely. Hate to think that the trained audience might be confused by the new mission aims, or that they just sit there nodding.

An Teallach 16th Mar 2007 10:34

I have visions of a team of RAF Regt Drill Pigs being sent out to sandy places, drilling the natives and forming them up in 3 ranks and standing them to attention so that they may provide a more cohesive trained audience while they watch their houses being bombed back into the stone age.

GOLF_BRAVO_ZULU 16th Mar 2007 10:52

So the single remaining Command in the Air Force will have the title "Air". So it has come to Air Command, Royal Air Force; and what else could it be but Air. Genius.

For some time, C in C Fleet's Organisation has been referred to as Fleet Command. Similarly, since the late '90s, the Army became a single Arm known as Land Command. So is Air Command the last piece in the British Armed Forces jigsaw puzzle? Perhaps we will all be wearing DPM as normal working rig next. If only the Canadians had done that, the experiment would have worked.

Wader2 16th Mar 2007 11:04

Down the local market yesterday they were selling a comprehnsive and natty line in DPMs etc. I rather fancied the English Oak Woodland patter meself.

Teamed up with a pair of desert boots, I was torn between US and British they would look good although the German Army black boots would look good too.

Would anyone from Land, Sea or Air even notice?

'course the next step will be to merge all 3 commands into one. Now what shall we call such an organisation?

How about SEALS?

Flame Out 16th Mar 2007 11:07

it's consultants speak of the highest order. Bullsh** to you and me. if anyone out there was involved in the sessions to craft such words could you let us know what manner and rank was involved and how long it actually took.

i hang my head in shame, as in a previous life i was the person leading such sessions.

I'm in the corner, over there if anyone wants me.:sad:

An Teallach 16th Mar 2007 11:27

re-brigading achieve synergy delivering focused generate cohesive audience engender inclusive identity

I don't know what the current rate is, but I imagine that little lot made someone a handsome little wad in "Bulls*t Bingo"

However, our bulsh*tting toerag can't be a real master of the art. Otherwise he would have opened with the masterful line:

"The overarching objectives of re-brigading our forces into EAWs are fourfold:"

Wader2 16th Mar 2007 11:28

every time I heard the phrase 'business case' I shudder. I am not in business. I am in the position of operational training to kill people. I can make a training case, an operational case, but not a business case.

I hate 'line management', I am not running a production line. I am trying to lead people to the results I require.

And the latest? Apparently business leaders are adopting the tenets of Sun Tzu - more agressive.

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