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teeteringhead 9th Nov 2006 18:36

Not sure who said this but .......

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest.

...... it seems apposite to this debate.

jimgriff 9th Nov 2006 18:49

I may be wrong (I usually am) but I tought that the white poppy was to remember the innocent (non military) casualties of war and that the red poppy was a fundraiser for the Earl Haig fund to help ex servicemen and women. If some fluffy peacemonger has hijacked the white poppy as a symbol of anti warism, then he has it wrong.
I have even heard that there are purple poppies out this year to raise funds fr animals killedin conflict!:uhoh:

lancs 9th Nov 2006 19:02

I knew nothing of this White Poppy thing until today, so:


"The White Poppy is used as a symbol of peace, worn as an alternative to the red poppy for Remembrance Day. It is worn to remember all victims of war."

Apparently been going since 1933, although invented in 1926, and is now distributed / used as a fund raiser for Peace Pledge Union (http://www.whitepoppy.org/ and http://www.ppu.org.uk/).

Their pledge :yuk:: "War is a crime against humanity. I renounce war, and am therefore determined not to support any kind of war. I am also determined to work for the removal of all causes of war."

The BBC news site suggests that people be offered the white poppy as an alternative to the proper one... I wonder how many people realise WTF their money goes towards with one of those, instead of supporting the RBL.

It sickens me. Glad I'm not in the country, or I might get caught out being nasty to anybody I see with one of these stupid things. Why do some people have to f*ck with any kind of tradition / respect we used to have....

Grr... </rant>

Tartan Giant 9th Nov 2006 19:32

I am with Fg Off Max Stout and his idea where white poppies should end up!:D
RED POPPIES and for those wanting a white one - have a white feather too.

A Red Poppy to remember the fallen and support charity is a terrific idea, when people start linking it to defending freedom and democracy then I have a real problem with it. The vast majority of those folk the Poppy remembers were NOT defending anyone’s freedom!
I hope you choke on your "real problem" then mate! You have one hell of a :mad: mentality.
Peter Thompson, chairman of the Ipswich branch of the Royal British Legion and the Poppy Appeal organiser for Ipswich and district, said: “The red poppy doesn't promote war in any way. It's red for blood and has a black centre for grief." :D
Explained Mr Barrow:“However, the language and imagery about ‘fighting for freedom’ and ‘the glorious dead’ which often accompanies war remembrance reinforces a belief that violence is redemptive. We think that is a dangerous idea, that it contradicts the central Christian message, and that it is the root of a lot of our problems in today’s violent world.”
Ekklesia says that the white poppy has a universalism:yuk: [ so "world war" ONE and TWO did not represent this universalism crap ] which the red one lacks for some people – it is not used in Germany, [ now I wonder WHY that is then - couldn't be because they LOST both wars?] and it is not understood by many Muslims, [then they need educating] for example.
Wear the RED POPPY.
We WILL Remember them.

henry crun 9th Nov 2006 20:03

All these years I have believed that the red poppy was chosen because it grew profusely in Flanders during the war when the ground was churned up, thus exposing all the dormant seeds to light so they could germinate.

I do not remember reading anything about white poppies being associated with WW1.

jindabyne 9th Nov 2006 20:41


The Red Poppy was inspired by the First World War. A War that had NOTHING to do with defending freedom, democracy or free speech ------
A Red Poppy to remember the fallen and support charity is a terrific idea, when people start linking it to defending freedom and democracy then I have a real problem with it. The vast majority of those folk the Poppy remembers were NOT defending anyone’s freedom!
What appallingly insensitive words - and, coming from someone with your background, to me they have an even greater distasteful ring. I trust you will heed the contributions of roghead, Flatus and GBZ and others. Words fail.

The Helpful Stacker 9th Nov 2006 20:58

Originally Posted by jindabyne (Post 2955427)
What appallingly insensitive words - and, coming from someone with your background, to me they have an even greater distasteful ring. I trust you will heed the contributions of roghead, Flatus and GBZ and others. Words fail.

I have to agree.

Pr00ne - I must say although I'm not surprised at your comments, which may just be the usual trolling that you seem to take pleasure in, I do feel they are very poorly though out even for you.

Sod it, I don't usually resort to such words but you may be the most despicable and disingenuous person I've ever encountered on an internet forum and I am ashamed that someone with such skewed views and seemingly disrespectful opinions on the beliefs of those who have fallen before could ever have worn the uniform of this country.

pr00ne 9th Nov 2006 22:11

"but you may be the most despicable and disingenuous person I've ever encountered on an internet forum"

Then you lead a very VERY sheltered existence!

eagle 86 9th Nov 2006 22:16

Those such as pr(G)00ne can never get a grip on reality - they are usually single issue beings who are so obsessed with their limited, passionate beliefs that they are blind to the real world.
I note he is supposed to be ex-RAF FJ - probably realised early that he would not have the courage to meet the call when it came. The fact that he now claims to be a lawyer does not surprise me in the least.
We can take comfort in the fact that he and his ilk are in a very small minority.

pr00ne 9th Nov 2006 22:24

I think you'll find that it's the majority old chap!

Oh, and it's a Barrister NOT a lawyer...............................

Yes, I flew in the days of the Cold War, held nuclear QRA and never deployed anywhere apart from Deci, Valley and Luqa.

As to not having the courage to meet the call, care to step outside?

eagle 86 9th Nov 2006 22:31

My, my super sensitve aren't we - your public profile shows that you are a LAWYER!
A word of advice OLD chap - in this modern world it is very dangerous to ask a complete stranger to step outside - you might find a shiv between your ribs!!

Skeleton 9th Nov 2006 22:35

Sickens me.. care to step outside... your hard, hiding behind a internet forum.

We WILL remember them, and we will be weraing our medals and a red poppy.

How many you got? Do we care?

Lets just show respect to our fallen friends.

Whirlygig 9th Nov 2006 22:47

Ah well, that's the thing about the internet; for all we know he could be a blonde mother-of-two!



cynicalint 9th Nov 2006 22:58

As to not having the courage to meet the call, care to step outside?
The last refuge of a boundar sah!
The values of his clients seem to have rubbed off and he has apparently lost those fine qualities imbued in him by per ardua ad astra!

doubledolphins 9th Nov 2006 23:14

In England and Wales the centre has said Poppy Fund for a while now. In Scotland it still says Haig Fund.(At least it did last year. Not been north of the border this year.) Scottish poppies also have four petals as opposed to the normal two. All the money goes to the same place, the RBL.

The white poppy money just goes to making more white poppies.

The current Earl Haig is a poppy seller ,"some where in England" and has no objection to the name change.

Brian Abraham 9th Nov 2006 23:18

Barrister or lawyer - not something I'd brag about or broadcast to the world. Thats where we get our ill deserved politicians from. Best to keep the gene pool as small as possible. I'd drain the pool if I could find the plug. :E

eagle 86 10th Nov 2006 00:16

C'mon g00ne you're not running deep and silent are you - don't disappoint us - just when I thought you may have a smidgen of courage!!
Got to agree with BA though!

GANNET FAN 10th Nov 2006 09:33

Poppy wearing
On a slightly different thread, my hat is off to John Snow who refuses to wear a poppy on TV because he was told to. But wears it with pride off screen.

John Purdey 10th Nov 2006 09:50

White Poppy
Am I not right in thinking that it is from the White Poppy that opium is derived (especially in Afghanistan)

Kitbag 10th Nov 2006 09:57

White Poppy
Sorry JP, papaver somniferum (the sleep inducing poppy?) comes in several colours inc white & redhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...x-Koeh-102.jpg

image taken from wikipedia

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